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The Entrance to Artifice

Discussion in 'Developer Work and Blog posts' started by Scottie, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Daxxe Diggler

    Daxxe Diggler Avatar

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    Virtue Oasis - Hidden Vale
    That might have had something to do with my cautious approach. :p
  2. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    This is a really cool design. I love it. My only question is one of practicality. Why would the ancient architects build something so wondrous yet not have foot bridges over the water to the main entrance? Did the inhabitants here always need to leap over the water, every time they traversed the area? Wow, that would have gotten old for them, no? But I makes an interesting design for adventure nonetheless. Great work.
    Ice Queen likes this.
  3. Thadeus Crook

    Thadeus Crook Avatar

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    Minneapolis, MN
    I really like this!
    Krohon likes this.
  4. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    That's correct! Great analogy!
    Krohon, Jack Knyfe, Duke Raas and 2 others like this.
  5. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Having travelled across the Elysian Plains, those lucky enough to have won the fabled lottery of Xenos will eventually discover a narrow cleft in the massive rocks that line the foothills of the northern Rumor Peaks. Through this craggy entrance, beyond a winding path overshadowed by looming rocky walls, a lonely road leads uphill toward a strange source of light in the distance. The terrain here is reminiscent of other mountain paths, with dry scrub and grasses washing over boulder-strewn hills, and dotted with tall sparse conifers and smaller pines.
    There is an arid, somewhat dry quality to the environment here, and the trails leading up to what appear to be some kind of ruins are dusty and strewn with loose rocks and pebbles. The closest trail ascends in a series of small switchbacks toward what must be the entrance to Artifice itself. As one climbs this trail, the landscape to the right begins to fall steeply away into a small scrub-choked ravine at the base of a tall stone wall above.
    Approaching the top of the trail, what had appeared to be a wall has resolved itself into an ancient dam of sorts, built long ago to contain a small yet idyllic pool that has formed at the base of a grand stone structure rising higher onto the mountain's steep face. It is here, strangely, that some subtle art has changed the very nature of the place. Dry scrub and barren pines give way, as if by magic, to lush grasses, green ivy, and sculpted topiary junipers that appear to be carefully tended. From the moment one approaches the path across the dam, flowers grace the edges of the trail, and potted plants dotted with colorful blossoms adorn the tops of columns rising on either side.
    Seen from a bird's-eye view, the opulence of this place shines through, despite that fact that some of its features have fallen into ruin. (I'm told that satyrs and fauns will eventually tend this place, speaking briefly to travelers that have come so far to sample its beauty). Multiple tiers of decorative stonework rise higher and higher to a shimmering archway above, and sumptuous growths of plants both deciduous and tropical lace the terraces on all sides. There is a quiet, powerful decadence here that seems beyond even the presence of clear mountain water and the hands of its devoted keepers to possibly maintain.
    As one climbs higher and higher, looking back across the small, hidden valley reveals a breathtaking view of the distant peaks to the west, and the rolling plains to the south stretching all the way to the River Fall and far Xenos, where the journey to this place began. A flock of birds that gladly nest in the high cliffs, so close to such verdant riches, wheel and swoop on the upper winds. Though the panorama seems peaceful enough, the valley below (assuming one explored its perimeters) has many dangers in the form of wild beasts that now wander the lower hills, likewise lured in by the abundance found here.
    Upon reaching the top, small stone footbridges lead across the swiftly-rushing waters that feed the falls below. Here a balcony hangs over the pool, where eventually will be found a satyr who's task is to formally greet those who have come to enter the magical gateway leading to the inner Halls of Artifice. He will explain that only those who have been blessed with winning entrance through the lottery will be allowed inside, while all others will be barred from entry by the powerful magic of the golden gateway itself. Of course, there is no rush, and visitors can feel free to wander the nearby overlooks.
    Yet,...the shimmering portal beckons, as do the promises of all the wonders supposedly contained inside. No amount of outer beauty, no abundance of mere flowers and crystalline falls could possibly compare to the treasures and rewards for those lucky enough to have won entrance into what certainly must be one of the most coveted destinations in the world... As anyone will tell you, "Everything's better in Artifice!"...
    Enter, and enjoy the rewards you so richly deserve...
    Scottie ^_^
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
  6. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Love the story telling mixed with the amazing art work.

    If I get lottery ticket, can I give it to someone that I tie a rope to, then pull them back if it's safe? This is a very common approach to most things in D&D, as you may know, Scottie. :)
  7. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Indeed! Hah! No guarantees it would work like the doorway in Poltergeist, though, what with the rope tied to the dad and all... So hilarious! ^_^
  8. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Will players be getting those pots? :D I want them!

    Its really nice, though... I especially like the entrance as shown in the last pic, with the waterfalls and all the foliage.

    Btw, just something that came to mind -- don't know if you considered it -- but some urns could function as good pots here, and could be made from stone, so could fit into the whole design.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Or they could just be ornamental,

    Also, another type of stone planter,

    Also, all of these decorations would be great for players! (Yay more player decoration -- don't forget about the stone benches and stools, too!) Yes, admit this post is kind of selfish.. I want more decos :D

    And an idea for polish -- if these fixtures have been here for a while, I could imagine that some of the pots , urns , planters, could have cracks, with the roots growing through and growing on the stone pedestals like vines.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    saesa, Krohon, Garja Barus and 3 others like this.
  9. Sinclair

    Sinclair Avatar

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    Beautiful, beautiful designed! Amazing! Please polish also the "older scenes" in this way! Man how great this looks like!
    Krohon, Ancev and KuBaTRiZeS like this.
  10. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Thanks everyone! Glad you're liking it!
    Yes,...Dallas mentioned how he liked the pots in the scene as well... Personally, I've always loved these kinds of "Greco-Roman" types of deco, and especially the decorative urns like the ones you shared images of... Hopefully, once we have more time to create other unique decorations I'll be given the chance to make some of these myself... And you can bet that if we do, we'll be offering them to players as home decoration of their own...

    Scottie ^_^
  11. Leostorm

    Leostorm Avatar

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    Super nice. I get a Babylonian vibe from it :)
    Krohon and KuBaTRiZeS like this.
  12. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    I remember there were some of what you could call Greco-Roman/Gothic type of deco art in Ultima IX, like the fountainheads and archways into dungeons. Those were some of the nicest touches in the game IMO :D

    Speaking of which, I should have looked up more Gothic style urns ;)
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    At any rate, I look forward to it! Thanks, Scottie ;)
    Krohon, KuBaTRiZeS and Garja Barus like this.
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