EP2 Stretch Goal Dissapointments

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Boris Mondragon, Jul 7, 2018.

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  1. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    @Stundorn I totally understand what you are saying. You've already put a lot of money into the game, and you're not satisfied with what has happened so far. A lot of people aren't and that is completely understandable. I do think that if you love a game then contributing to it is important, but again you have already contributed a lot and I have too, more than what I would ever dream of contributing to a game. But I also want to see this game survive, not only because I absolutely enjoy it and I make the game the way I personally like it, but also because I HAVE put a lot of money into it. I don't want it to be for nothing and I don't want it to end. I still urge people to support the game and ultimately it's their choice. And I won't sit here and condemn you for making the choice you made, so I hope you can understand I'm not trying to knock you down for it.
  2. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    I'd love to see more voices from NPC's, story telling events with the devs' in-game characters like from the Sword of Midras, and using the land more for these events. One thing I don't like is doing events on live-streams. Like when the devs do go into the game but then we watch it on a live-stream instead of being in it. It takes me completely OUT of the game, and being immersed in a game is absolutely important. I know why they do it, it's sort of a promotional thing, but I really would like to see more immersive events with the devs. Like back in UO between Lord British and Lord Blackthorn.
  3. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    @Sol Stormlin all cool.
    I wish to some degree for the same things!
    SotA shall not end , i want to hear the full story of it and i sure will play it as long as i dont need to grind and min max.
    I have a viable level 80 char, bit i dont know what was nerfed and how viable he is atm .
    And i like the Combat System in general , i just dont like this xp/hr focus and endless progression, this grind to make gear and progress further from 80.
    I dont do that, it's exhausting me.
    I'm a Singleparent man, i roleplay for over 30 years now. 33 iirc and in all aspects of gaming. So Pen and Paper, Larp and online. The way i want to create RPvX Gameplay in SotA is near to not possible or makes fun and sense.
    That's my biggest disappointment of a Rich Roleplaying Game by Richard Garriott.
  4. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    It'll get there, I have some of the same concerns. I'd love to see more roleplay with the devs.
  5. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    That's why I would like to see PvP extend down; the way the game is right now after you beat the game, it's all about grinding, which is okay for some fun periodically but I don't really enjoy it after a while, and it's necessary if you want you know, 30 GMs or whatever people think they need for PvP.

    If PvP worked across all levels, down in the 50s, 60s and 70s, by having gated tier zones, we'd have more "endgame" style content where people wouldn't need to fear being ganked the way it is now.
  6. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Yeah ask a towncrier about the Lord of the Land. There was a Quest in Aerie and the TC had no clue about the Lord.
    Things like that are disappointing. No NPC can guided you to Shop xy or PoI's

    I created Adventures for groups in other Games also in this game where i am a GM talking to Players of the group via groupchannel while we are RPing in local.
    My Char then is part of the Playergroup and helps or maybe even tries to prevent the groups success, while i GM in the Background via groupchat and whispers.
    You can create a lot if immersing fun and RP that way.
  7. Feeyo

    Feeyo Avatar

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    I agree on the mounts being pointless really, the scenes are pretty small. If they remove the scenes and create a big world with mounts then it would be awesome. But the small scenes are already problematic with performance..

    EDIT: Typo fix.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  8. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Well, my take on it is this:

    I am sick of the coconuts. It was funny once, a long time ago, but now, it's just a little bit on the sad side in a fantasy RPG we can't have horses.
    I RP a knight type character - I want him to have a horse like all knights.
    If we had mounts, we could setup real joust like tournaments. Imagine the possibilities:

    1.) Jousting Lance for knights (several varieties)
    2.) Squires
    3.) Jousting tournment decoration (Oh, just a tad cooler than a gustball field)
    4.) Armor for horses (Barding)
    5.) Jousting competitions - another way to compete in endgame not based on PvP

    I feel like the 2 main improvements would be Ships and Horses. Since we don't have a ships end goal (Perhaps that's part of Ep 2, perhaps not, but it would be welcome) Then for the one we do have, these items in the store as stretch goals would probably sell.
  9. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Well, this was the FIRST Telethon telling about Episode 2, Gentlemen :)

    May be the Dev. wanted to see our reactions on the first(!) given Stretchgoal.
    And here we are :)
    They can read our interests and see how the stretchgoal is raising until a few days and weeks.

    So I would say: be excited for the next telethon, what the second stretchgoal will be ...
  10. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    All tries to make constructive feedback honored,

    but telling a lot of community members are "brainwashed" isn't very nice. And of course not true.
    (Well, I know, you want to have your grey Shroud ;))

    There is always a fine line between feedback and insulting ...
    So, friends and communiity members, keep focus on facts, not on expectations.
    And for sure the amount of moderation should be reduced ;)

    I never was banned or such things. And you can read my threads - over 4 years - providing (I still hope: constructive) feedback.

    Yes, feedback and our opinions about game content is very important. Let's try to do it in a fair and respectful manner :)
  11. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    @Paladin Michael ; Speaking of firsts, I am sure you still remember 03 Decvember 2017 when we christened a pirate ship that belongs to @CatherineRose. This was the first large scale RP/PVP event and a classic battle between those that played the Obsidians and the rest of us that player the Pirates and defended her ship. We must have had close to 35 or more in the battle as well as some who streamed the event or were spectators. Big names were involved like @Mac2 , @Rada Torment, @Luca Xante and others whose name I cannot recall at this moment. This is what I am talking about as far as large scale PVP, RP based or not and the most fun I have had in the 2 years plus in the game. Since ships are out of the question, this is what I will try to push forward. A shame the Devs where not there to witness what we can create when we put our minds together with a common goal. R/Boris/El Pirata
  12. Lazarus Long

    Lazarus Long Avatar

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    No Jousting in this world.
    "Players will be able to ride horses around the game (including horses tamed in the game)! NOTES: There will be some kind of summon mount emote / key. When mount appears you automatically vault into the saddle. Cannot fight while mounted. If you are hit / enter combat while on horseback you are knocked from your horse. Mounts cannot be ridden indoors or underground."

    Unless something drastic changes mounts were never intended to be used in any combat.
    This has always been the case and in the descriptor .
  13. Xul Rasha

    Xul Rasha Avatar

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    Agreed - forget the mounts. The areas are far too small for it.
    Vaiden Luro, Bigg, Stundorn and 2 others like this.
  14. nonaware

    nonaware Avatar

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    would you be able to accept if boat travel was like over world map travel. and the boat fishing was like encounters you had to hunt down but not being able to sail you boat in the actual encounter.
  15. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Well, it doesn't have to be lke, full on combat, it could just be if you ride by another person on a horse, say on a property with jousting rail on it, you get knocked off, and it could be as simple as that, with it even randomized (or better, based on some calculation based on str/dex + random).

    The loser is the dismounted person. It doesn't need to involve combat at all. You could set up whole tourneys based on that and that would be an alternative event to the dance parties.

    Having said all that, I'm well aware of the real world situation right now so I don't expect we'll ever get this. It would just be a good idea that could foster a minigame in the game that is fun other than going to upper tears for hours on end to GM stuff. You could even have a jousting skill tree :)

    Also, it's because I watched the BBC's Ivanhoe series from the 90s over the weekend and there's a really cool jousting scene in it. And there are some characters in there that surely are the type of fellows posting on raw :)
  16. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Nah, I want boats to be useful like uo.

    Fish off of
    Treasure hunt off of
    Monster hunt off of
    Explore off of
    Mine off of
    Tame off of
    Pvp off of

    However they could make scenes that are for boats, like you travel to one of these spots select launch and you enter a scene on your boat.
  17. nonaware

    nonaware Avatar

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    you could still do all that stuff using a boat on the overworld sea map you would just have to enter an instance when it came time to dig up the treasure hunt monsters mine or pvp. fishing could work on the over world map easy tho.

    there is zero chance of us getting a archeage sea of thieves sailing/boat system.

    I think the best we get is force them to create a vast sea over world map with lots of encounter types bosses treasure fish to hunt down and explore for and pvp in. making us actually sail from one land mass to the other on the sea over world map rather than teleport.
  18. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    You know, the overworld map acts as a kind of lobby area at the moment. You can see other players and even party up with them.

    If we had ships on the overworld map, then when ships collided, you'd go into an instance. That could involve ship to ship PvP combat on a ship to ship type special encounter map.

    You know, even PvP should work that way, if you're running around and 2 PvP players collide, they should go into a fight instance, that might be fun. ( or not, considering the current state of PvP )

    As an homage to the OG Ultima games, players with ships could blast players on the overworld with cannonfire doing like, oh say... 400 points a hit. That would make the overworld a bit more exciting.
  19. Sargon

    Sargon Avatar

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    I completely agree. With the way the map/scenes are designed, it seems like mounts would be mostly cosmetic. Why even waste time on them? Are you going to slow non-mounted characters down to a crawl in order to justify having mounts... And how would that benefit anyone? I wasn't a fan of the Stretch Goal idea the first time, and I'm still not a fan of it now. I realize Portalarium needs the funding, but there are so many larger issues that need to be addressed.
  20. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Id be ok with the system I described it does sound like its pretty much the same.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
    Vaiden Luro and Boris Mondragon like this.
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