The Black Sails Saga - Part 1

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Nov 29, 2018.

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  1. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... Meanwhile in Aerie ...

    The 'Laughing Owl Inn" tavern wasn't like the Peladjar inn, of course nothing could be, Kardan thought, but it was okay. There was a warm fire, enough to eat and to drink. So he sat here watching the coming and going of people...

    While his eyes were closed alot of times, at one point Kardan was awake, but still calm with his eyes closed. That point was the smell of death!

    Kardan knew, if somebody killed someone or was in contact with death, he or she would have a kind of unvisible fluid around for a short time, well mostly. A caretaker never could get rid of it, a reason those persons were shunned, if possible...

    Before his mind drifted away he got a few whispering words from a corner of the tavern:
    "Silent, look over there!"
    Another voice answered:
    "Watch this fat sleeping one, snorling so loud that noone hears what we are talking about..."
    So they talked alot useless things, but Kardan's ears were open wide, especially as they talked about a location, Kardan got tired, yawning and unfortunately missed the first word! He opened his eyes and faced the two ugly looking guys at the table next to him. He smiled. Maybe he didn't hear the first word, but after what they looked like there could be no other location...

    He got up, slightly bowing, saying 'Gentleman, was a pleasure to make conversation with you!' At the door he turned around: 'AND: I am not fat!'. Quickly he left the tavern, leaving two mouth opened head shaking guys behind...

    Outside he stretched, while the Sun was taking the last hour before noon...

    'Ariel will be proud of me!' Kardan shook his head. 'What did I say, be serious and truthful, Kardan! All will be proud of me!'

    Smiling he passed the southeast gate and wanted to wander straight to Dragomir Mori!

    ... Meanwhile at Aerie harbor...
    We arrived at Aerie harbor.
    "Let's visit our friend Kardan in the Tavern!", I sad, "Maybe he got some information?"

    Samael shrugged. He didn't believe so.

    The Warrior of Love answered: "That's a good idea! Let's go!"

    So we tried to enter the Tavern. Suddenly the door shut open! We stepped beside quickly.
    "What the ...", Samael started. Two guys rushed outside, looking confused and seemed to be in a hurry.
    "What's wrong with you, guys?", the warrior asked.
    One of them turned his head, but the other one took his arm and both ran in the direction of the southeast gate ...

    We shook our head and entered the tavern.
    "Ah, the day of the spirit speaker, I suppose!", Russel welcomed us.
    "Greetings Russel!", Samael said. "Indeed. We are looking for Kardan. Have you seen him today?"
    "Yes, I have. He just left the tavern a minute before those two guys rushed outside. Fortunately I haven't such guests very often ..."
    We looked each other and before we could say anything, our Warrior of Love ran outside ...
    "Well, it's not only me who can ran very fast!", I said following him immediately.
    "What's this all about?", Russel asked, "How can somebody be in such a hurry!"
    "Thank you Russel, you helped us. We'll see us soon, I suppose!", Samael answered and also left ...
    "May be a kind of new game?", Russel murmured and shook his head. "I need a drink!"

    The Warrior of Love ran very fast! I followed him and passing the south east gate we saw the two guys at that small hut right of the gate.
    And suddenly a person appeared! "What is that?", I asked. The warrior answered: "A skull clipper!"
    "A skull - what?".

    The three started to follow Kardan who wandered in a short distance.
    "Fast, we have to protect Kardan!", Samael said, who just arrived. We started to follow them as fast as we could.

    The Skull Clipper was very near to Kardan. I shouted from behind: "Kardan! Keep care!"
    The Skull Clipper turned around and also the two guys who grabbed their weapons.
    Two strikes with the sword of our warrior - and the two guys and the Skull Clipper were defeated.
    My eyes got wide. It was over before I could do anything ...

    "Good strike! my old friend. Let's see, if they carry anything useful with them!"
    Samael searched their clothes.
    I shouted again: "Kardan!". Suddenly he turned and waved at us, slowly walking in our direction ...

    "There is something!", Samael told. "A kind of black medallion! Never saw one with this coinage."
    He showed it to us. "Any idea?"
    We negated and walked on to meet Kardan.

    "My friends! How are you? Great day, isn't it?"
    "Well, that's a point of view!", Samael said in a dry voice ...
    "How are you Kardan? Have you got some trouble with two guys in the tavern?"
    "Trouble? Me? Of course not! They could get trouble, if I wasn't in such a hurry to bring the good news to Dragomir Mori!"
    We looked each other - he obvious had no idea about the fact, they tried to catch and - obvious - could have killed him ...
    He continued, smiling: "Anything of information YOU can provide?"
    "Let's talk about when we reach Dragomir Mori! Let's hurry, so we reach it in time!"
    "My words, don't stay around and chat! Important news must be delivered!", Kardan answered.

    The warrior of love shook his head, Samael rolled his eyes and I smiled ...

    [to be continued]
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
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  2. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... Back in Dragomir Mori ...

    As we got closer to our target, Kardan shouted:
    "Look! Over there, so many ships and air ships arrived! Fantastic! We could win a battle with such an army!"

    The warrior of love said: "May be we have to do exactly that ..."
    "Let's hurry and see Catherine and Boris. I have to inform them. May be we are enough - but maybe we are not at the right place!", Kardan said.
    "What do you mean?", Samael asked.
    "Patience, my friend, I tell it once - in just a minute!"

    We followed Kardan to the house, where we came together yesterday night. There the most Avatars were assembled.
    Catherine came by and also Boris.
    "So, what have you find out? We hope for good news."
    Samael closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath.
    "Listen, friends, what I can tell you: We met Davropos at Necropolis! Not one of the Captain's spirit reached Necropolis. So he supposed, someone, likely at least one Necromancer, catched their souls!"

    "Why is that?", Catherine asked, shaking her head.
    "Are you sure?", Boris asked. "What else can you tell us?"
    "Unfortunately it seems very sure. But we can't tell for what reason - yet. And we don't know, where to find the responsible ... I told, I would get more information, sorry, I couldn't get more. But I will do my best to get more ..."
    Kardan put his hand on Samael's shoulder.
    "Wait, friend, not all was told! I came from Aerie, not only to be in good company and get a good meal and wine. I came, because I got some information, which could be very helpful!"
    Samael was excited. Could it really be that Kardan found out ... why not!
    "As you know, while you sat around this great fireplace and got a wonderful meal and good talking, I sat alone in that tavern in Aerie, having a spartan meal and something they call wine, but however."
    Boris feets got nervous ... and some Avatars around smiled while Kardan told his new tale ...
    "I sat - very watchful, my eyes sharper as those of an eagle and my ears wider as those of an imp! I allowed not one moment of inattention to me! I can tell you, friends, that was a very long night and day!"
    He stopped for a few seconds, his eyes sparkling with joy. Yes, he enjoyed the attention ...
    "As I told, nothing could escape my sins!"
    Lady Catherine had a kind of smile on her face, while she was nodding very slow and the greatest patient someone could have while listening to Kardan Marbane...
    "We really appreciate this, Kardan. So what great information can you tell us - now!", she said very gentle, looking deep in his eyes.
    Kardan's smile never looked more peaceful ...
    "Milady, two drunken, bad smelling guys talked about something very disturbing. And they also smelled about death! I got the sense, so I knew, there is something wrong with them! And I pretended to sleep, so they talked without thinking too much. And they told the city, where a 'special' meeting should be with a 'special' person ..."
    He took a deep breath. Everybody around him had frayed nerves.
    "As they told the name of the meeting point, unfortunately I had to - ehm - sneeze - "
    The faces of a few Avatars were frown ...
    "But!", Kardan continued, "I got the last word - and there is, I think you will agree with me, no doubt, about the right location!"
    He stopped, smiling, looking around, with a face who waits for an answer.
    "Kardan, THE word you got - OR the location you suppose! If you want to get our agreement...", Boris said, while Catherine was taking his hand, pressing it softly ...

    Kardan laughed. "Ah, of course! Forgive me, I was so busy telling all that facts, I forget the most important!"
    "Kardan! Tell it - NOW!", Ariel said in a hard sounding voice.
    "Of course! The name was ...", he cleared his throat, "... the name I heard was H A R B O R.
    And if you had seen those two guys, you would agree with me, they talked about T E N E B R I S H A R B O R!"

    "Tenebris Harbor!", Boris said loud. "Well, it could be ..."

    "Please, friends, just take a moment to listen another important incident! We arrived a few minutes in Aerie, after Kardan left the tavern. We recognized two guys. They followed Kardan. Outside at the south east gate they met a Skull Clipper! You can imagine, what they planned to do with Kardan, after they recognized, he eavesdropped them!", Samael told them.
    Kardan's face turned into a pale color ...
    Samael continued: "Fortunately, Kardan recognized this, and let them believe, he would not. So we got the time to catch them!"
    I smiled and the warrior of love nodded. 'Good Samael!', he said silent.
    He continued: "After we defeated them, we found a black medallion with a special coinage. We don't know it. But may be, this is something, an Avatar from here could identify?
    It could be another important clue in this whole mystery!"

    Samael put the black medallion on the table. "Boris, I think, now is YOUR time. You and a few others who are familiar with tenebris harbor should visit it immediately to find out more about the 'special' meeting, thanks Kardan for this hint, and this medallion ..."

    Catherine nodded. She was happy to hear about the news. "My friends! I am so proud of you. And especially of you, Kardan! You got the most important clue, so we can do the next step to find those murderer!
    For now, let's have a seat and enjoy the great meal we prepared for you. The best Novian wine is on the table!"

    Could the smile of someone be so amazing? Kardan showed it to us, yes, it could be!
    While Boris and the other Avatars examined the medallion and talked about the next steps, we sat down and enjoyed the meal; it was a long day and we got tired and very hungry.
    Kardan used the time between drinking and eating to tell us the whole story again, more decorated, of course ...
    However, we liked him, like he was.

    I was very excited about a few things
    - where would the visit in tenebris harbor lead to?
    - what could we find out about that black medallion?
    - who, beside Boris, would go to tenebris to find out more?

    The next days would be very interesting and I assumed, the beginning of a great adventure ...

    [to be continued]
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
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  3. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris woke up with a pounding headache. The whiskey he had last night at the Brittany Fields tavern was excellent and Elijah was an excellent host. He just consumed too much of the whiskey. It was a small but lively crowd and the music was superb. One thing caught his attention as a mysterious man whom he had seen from the battle of aerie appeared and asked everyone to be at ease, he also stated he was not there to spy on anyone. He also remembered the insignia as that worn by the House of Mangar. He would follow up on this lead later.

    Razulah knew instantly that Boris was hungover and gave him a cup of a hot beverage which Boris gulped while holding his nose. This brew while effective smelled like death. He put down the cup and headed to the pier. He looked towards the Misti Sea to see if Catherine was doing well and noticed she was there with a voluptuous redhead dressed in pirate attire. He decided to leave them to their conversations as others also approached the pier.

    Arkah arrived with two wagons of supplies and a crew and he greeted him warmly. “Arkah I thank you for the supplies but we have a change of plans. Rather than working on the Dragon we need to build a barracks to house the Airmen brought over by Xee.
    We will also need another supply run for a second barrack building as we expect some warriors soon. You will have my crew and any gold needed for the job. Can I count on you brother”. The smile from Arkah told him he would and Boris led them to the construction site.

    Shortly thereafter arrived Michael Berg with a small party. Boris greeted them as Catherine approached with a smirk on her face. She could still smell the whiskey on Boris. The conversation between them led to a man called Kardan who told a story in a most annoying manner. Boris was about to brandish his sword as Catherine calmed him and he patiently listened. Tenebris Harbor was what Boris heard and then Samael gave him the black medallion found on one of the men following Kardan.

    Boris had seen this type of medallion before on a fallen Obsidian soldier during the battle of Aerie. This was a tracking device in disguise and this would have to be discussed slowly over a meal and drink. Boris looked at them with their look of expectation. “ I think we should head over to Pirate’s Cove for a meal and drink as this situation must be clarified before I head to Tenebris either alone or with others. “Lady Catherine, I will need to borrow a ship until the “Dragon” is seaworthy again.” Boris led the retinue to the Pirate’s cove and had Razulah ensure Arkah and his crew were brought over as well for food and drink.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
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  4. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    I just received a beautiful condolence message from one of my father's friends in Jade Valley and would like to share it with all you here in Dragomir Mori.

    " I'm profoundly sorry for your loss. Your father was a fine man. He would stop in the Byrd's Nest Inn and occasionally even join the singing in the Singing Bear. He was someone I know my father admired and we always enjoyed the stories he would tell of his adventures at sea. As you know my parents died in the last attack on Port Phoenix while they were collecting our order from the docks. I miss them and it is still a little raw to talk of this loss. So I just thought I'd write and offer any assistance that I, or my sister Violet Green can offer to you and to Dragomir Mori. I am sending barrels of beer with Violet as she is insisting on sailing to Dragomir Mori with the tide. I'm sure the people coming to help will need food and drink. I can't help with food but I can send some of our beer to help with the drink. Let me know if there is more I can do. With respect, Lily Byrd"

    Since my father lived here on his ship so many years he knew most of you by name. It was such a thoughtful gesture for Lily Byrd to share this about my father.
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  5. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah reached into his bag and pulled out a small sack and handed it to the wagon's crew. Boris approached and thanked him for the supplies. Arkah smiled and raised a brow quickly replying "Might be in luck then 'cause we brought a whole bunch-a wood." He peeled back a flap on the wagon to reveal large stacks unprocessed logs.

    Arkah ignored the commotion caused by Boris flashing his blade around and instructed the wagon's driver to take it over to a vacant site and secure it. He thought as he watched the wagon being secured about his scouting in the previous days, about inaccuracies in his moondails that he had finally corrected. Arkah was finally able to predict where the cabalists would strike with a good degree of accuracy by watching the movments of the stars. Seems thier attacks were not quite as chaotic as he thought.

    Razulah approached Arkah and startled him out of his thoughts "Jesus!"

    "Who's Jesus?" Razulah asked having been caught offguard by the loud interjection.

    "Nothing," Arkah replied only half payign attention, "just something I yell when I'm startled" He said turning to face Razluah.

    "Come join us for a meal. There is much to discuss" Razulah turned, Leading Arkah to meet with the others. Walking away from the beach, Arkah noticed more large galleons and even a couple of airships he had not noticed before. It was a sight to behold.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
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  6. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah walked to the drydocked "Dragon" where he found Boris smoking a pipe.

    "Hey, whatcha want me to do with all this wood for the barracks" He asked, scratching his head. Boris took him to a vacant spot beneath the galleon's prow, "Methinks here" Boris said, taking another puff of his pipe. "Lady Cathereine is looking for Captains for the ships," he paused and smiled at Arkah, "In case ye are interested."

    Arkah waved his hands and shook his head quickly, "Noooo thanks, I'd offer to help her with that but im fairly accident prone and have never captained anything." he explained, Beginning to jog in place "Its why i've grown accustomed to running everywhere."

    Boris laughed and slapped Arkah on the shoulder, "Tis good to share a laugh after what this city has been through lately."

    Arkah shrugged a bit feeling guilty, "Yea, sorry i missed the funeral. I was spying on some cultist camps and had to take the opportunity while it was available."

    Boris nodded and took a puff of his pipe. He removed a black medallion from his sash. "Well, i saw a strange man yesterday," He looked down over the medallion in his hand. "from a group that fought against us in Aerie."

    Arkah sat down on the ground and leaned back looking up as the light of a new day began slowly washing over the clouds. "The cultists or the Guildsmen?"

    Boris's pipe bobbed from his mouth as he spoke, "The guild Men, House of Mangar." He had a seriosu look, takign another puff of his pipe. "I know them well. The man came into the Tavern yesterday and assured us he was not a spy." Arkah waited for more to be said but that was apparently it. "Just said it at random with no reason." Boris continued. "I know that group well, ruthless folks."

    Arkah looked over at boris who was staring straight ahead puffing his pipe thoughtfully, "Was that the only reason he came? That IS strange." Arkah unstrapped his lute and began playing a quiet calm tune. Boris packed his pipe as he listened to Arkah's playing. "So..." Arkah closed his eyes in thought as he played, "Mangar aided the obsidian messenger. Then there are assassinations against Dragomir pirates, then mangar shows up to ensure they arent spying. Do the ebon dawn have a special interest in dragomir?"

    Boris nodded, " They needed human pirate blood for their magic ritual."

    "What kind of ritual requires Pirate blood", Arkah asked with a confused glance.

    "Tis an ancient one to bring an entity into this realm"

    Arkah jsut abotu lept up to his feet and looked Boris in the Eye, "Whoa, i dotn like ANYTHING having to do with 'entities' entering 'realms'"
    Boris met his look and shook his head, "Niether am I. Soon i will head to Tenebris Harbor after the others are briefed on my assumptions. tomorrow i may go there to check this medeallion and see if others there carry it"

    Arkah looked at the medallion as Boris asked, "Do you recognize any of these symbols?"

    Arkah shook his head, "I've dealt with a pirate there who performs magic on me that keeps me light on my feet," Arkah lifted a pant leg to reveal a faint glowing symbol, "Nope. Not the same."

    Boris glanced at the symbol on Arkahs leg and shook his head, "tomorrow i may go there to check this medeallion and see if others there carry it." He tucked it back into his sash. "if so then the Ebon Dawn have the Tenebris pirates on their side." He returned to his far away gaze for a moment, "And i worry about Cathrine. She is from a pirate lineage."

    "Well im going to ask Stu for a room in his inn so that i cna base out of Dragomir while all this is going on." Arkah informed Boris.

    Boris showed Arkah into the "Dragon" and a bed where he could rest. "You may stay here if you like."

    After a brief tour and a drink, Arkah lay down and quickly fell asleep.
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  7. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The night is sill and calm in Pirate's Cove.
    The soft sound of the lapping of the waves against the hull of The Tempest.
    When sleep does not come, I find peace up here at the helm.
    All the excitement of seeing CatherineRose after so many years has stirred up so many memories.

    What will the next days bring?
    Will CatherineRose find peace again or be haunted as I am by the death of a loved one?
    So many thoughts and so many questions that could change the lives of everyone.

    Hmm, what is that?
    I see movement on the Misti Sea, it looks like someone on the bow of the ship.
    CatherineRose is the only one supposed to be on board and that is certainly not her I see.

    Hurrying to the Tempest deck and jumping down to the dock, Trinity runs to the Misti Sea with her sword drawn.
    Jumping across to the dock then up the ladders of the Misti Sea she utters the magic words, "Quaes-Zerph-Motus".
    One of her magic skills learned many years ago and with the magic BLINK spell she is on the bow of the Misti Sea where the movement was seen.

    Trinity Shouts:


    She leg sweeps the intruder knocking him to the deck and with one movement, her sword is inches from the intruders neck.

    "State your name and why you are on The Misti Sea!"
    "It would be great to add your head to my collection!"

    The intruder is dazed by the unexpected attack.
    The noise has awakened CatherineRose who calls from her cabin.

    "What is that noise?'
    "Is someone there?"

    Trinity yells back:
    "CatherineRose, up here."
    "I have secured an intruder on the bow deck."
    "He has stated his name is Boris."
    "It seems unlikely that he would be on your ship before the sun breaks the sky."
    "No reason for alarm, once I remove his head he will be harmless"

    CatherineRose yells:
    "He is Captain Boris Mondragon."
    "Do not do him harm."
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  8. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris awoke with a thud and the tip of a sword at his neck. His immediate reaction would be to roll to one side and trip the would be attacker yet it was the voice of a woman calling out to Catherine and demanding his name.

    "I am Captain Boris Mondragon and suggest you remove the sword from my neck before you get hurt". He heard Catherine scream to leave him alone and pushed her sword out of the way as he got up from the deck. He then walked over to Catherine.

    "You need guards here at night to secure the deck and your quarters. I was able to walk onto the "Misti Sea" unchallenged and without seeing a guard. Thank you for the brazier and bear rug, that deck is cold at night. I will depart on foot tomorrow with Arkah and whomever joins my group. I would sail out from here but the "Dragon" is still undergoing repairs. I will let you know what I find in Tenebris soon. I will brief the others that arrived as well before my departure."

    Boris bowed at Catherine then took a glancing glimpse at the she wolf he had just met without any further conversation. He turned his back and walked down to the shore.

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  9. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    Without hesitation, Trinity followed closely behind Boris on the shore.
    She called out to him.
    "Captain Mondragon, WAIT!"
    Boris turned, sword drawn.
    Trinity moved nearer,hands in the air.
    "I mean you no harm"
    "I regret attacking you on the Misti Sea, I was only protecting CatherineRose"
    "I apologize"
    Trinity extended her hand.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2018
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  10. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris heard his name followed by the word "WAIT" and instinctively brought out his swords ready to behead the woman. He was angry but not at her rather at himself for allowing a woman to sneak up on him. Last time someone tried that on him he had sent the corpse back in several pieces. He was about to chew her out publicly when she said "Truce". The gall of this guard to approach him as an equal and ask for a truce. He assumed this was a new guard employed by Catherine and held back his fury.

    "You must be a new guard who fell asleep at her post and tried to make up for your ineptitude with a show of bravado, I suggest you go back to Lady Catherine and let her know you need training in recognizing superior officers. If you were under my command I would have you sleep on the top deck tied to the pillory. Consider yourself dismissed guard". He looked at her open hand and turned away leaving her standing there as he made his way towards Stu Gotz' Inn to seek out Michael and his entourage. On his way there he had a clear vision of the Dragomir Fleet setting an obsidian city on fire. This was the brutal side of the Captain few wanted to see and he was full of rage at the moment.

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  11. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Trinity, this day seems to have started not in the way I was planning. I thought we would take a walk before breaffast was served and spend the day talking about things that have taken place over these past years since we last saw each other."

    I should have told you last night before retiring that Captain Boris often sleeps on the deck of the Misti Sea. Since my father and the other captains were assassinated he is very concerned about me and the other residents here in Dragomir Mori. Since many times I sleep on the Misti Sea he knows that I could have been the one murdered instead of my father. I am sorry I caused you to almost kill Boris and I caused him to almost kill you. In both cases that would have been more tragedy in our city. Captain Boris and I have known each other since before my husband died. Greggorie and Boris were great friends and in the last great battle in Dragomir Mori. This took place several years before the Obsidians began causing much death to many around novia. We have been friends through those times and will until we die."

    "Enough of Boris and battles right now. Tell me about how you have been since your brother's head was cut off that day right before our eyes. Every time I think about it I try to understand why it happened but just can not understand.. Do you have any more information as to why it happened?"

    "Yes, My Lady, thank you for reminding me."

    "Trinity, there was a request I wanted to ask of you when you got here so asked My Lady to please remind me right after we ate the evening meal."

    "I know you love the open seas and sail all over the world. We have requested many to come and be prepared to fight with us a battle which seems to be fast approaching. We have Xee's Airship fleet here ready to fight. Many from around the cities are strengthening their bodies and making weapons and armor for the battle. Here in Pirates Cove in Port Dragomir we are doing the same and Arkah and Michael, Captain Boris, Captain Stu, Captain Paulie and Captain Monkeysmack are getting their ships ready and also helping the crews build barricks for sleeping quarters for those who arrive . I think Captain Boris, Michael and Arkah, may be others, are going to Tenebris harbor to follow some clues as to who the assassins are. My request of you is that you stay in Pirates Cove until the responsible ones are punished and the battle is over."

    "Snow, take this message to Captain Boris."

    "Although Trinity came to Dragomir Mori to offer comfort to me during this time of great sadness she has agreed to remain in port until after the battle, or maybe more are over, and there is peace once again.
    Please come to the castle at your first opportunity after your return from Tenebris Harbor so that I may introduce Captain Trinity to you and you to her."
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  12. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris felt Snow’s wings flap as she landed on his shoulder. He read the message and wrote his reply.

    “Milady, I will report to you upon return from Tenebris and will brief you on my findings.”

    He attached the note to Snow sending her back to the Duchess.

    The walk to Stu’s Inn was a short one and he found Michael, Samael and the others eating breakfast.

    “Good morning gentlemen, I am glad to see ye are well taken care of and in good spirits. Today I will head to Tenebris alone and will send a note with Marak once I determine the place is safe for us to investigate. Be safe and rest as we may have a war on our hands soon.”

    He shook their hands turned and headed to Pirate’s cove with a premonition of an ambush in his thoughts. He found Razulah and Arkah working on the barracks and greeted them.

    “Gentlemen; I will contact you with a message upon arrival at Tenebris, I have a strange feeling something is amyss there and need you both here to assist the Duchess should I be “delayed” in my return.”

    Arkah had a look of bewilderment on his face at Boris’ decision to go alone under the cover of darkness. Razulah knew Boris was heading into a trap and would not lead anyone else into it.

    As the night set in Captain Boris Mondragon disappeared in the fog.

    (OOC: This is my last post on this thread which may continue in a new Part in the future. Thanks to all that supported this effort for your contribution to this story and to you the readers. Fair Winds and Following Seas to all of you for now. R/Boris/El Pirata/Black Sails Forever.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    Xee, Adam Crow, Mandalar and 5 others like this.
  13. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "There you are Razulah, I have not heard from Boris since yesterday. He was supposed to be leaving with Arkah and Michael for Tenebris Harbor but Arkah and Michael are working over by The Dragon. I haven't seen Marak either. He is always hungry and flying around hoping to be given more food. Boris was not even seen with a woman "friend" last night. Well, not that he always is but he does enjoy their company at times along with some good rum. Have you heard any thing concerning where he may be?"

    "Razulah, I had a terrible dream again last night which has become more intense each night."

    "Boris, where are you?" My spirit is in turmoil and afraid something is about to happen. You are in a deep fog with eyes all around you piercing the dark like wolves when staving to death and they see their prey. There were large yellow teeth snarling coming out of the dark fog and tongues coming up out of the swirling sea trying to pull you into the caverns of their throats. Although sleep needs to bring rest I fear the dreams and do not want to see them again. Certainly I do not want to face what they may mean."

    "Boris, Boris!"

    " I call out but I do not hear his response."
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
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  14. Sales101

    Sales101 Avatar

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    This is truly amazing. Thank you all for the great writing. I'm awed at how well everyone has done....thank you.

    Xee, Adam Crow, Mandalar and 5 others like this.
  15. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meantime in Dragomir Mori ...

    We sat at breakfast in the hall with all the other Avatars, just looking at Boris Mondragon, leaving the room, who informed us about what he was going to do.
    "He is really courageous!", Dupre sad in a very respectful voice.
    "That's true, Dupre. He searches the true outside there in Tenebris Harbor...", Ariel added.
    I wondered and said: "But why did he chose to go allone? I know it's a dangerous place there ..."
    Fiona smiled. "Love, Paladin. The thing all of us follow deep in our heart is love!"
    I turned my head to Fiona, looking in her eyes. "What do you mean?"
    "Well, what she means,", the Warrior of Love answered, "is, that he don't want somebody else hurted. He lost too much in his life. And he knows exactly, that he -alone- can find out more than a whole army attacking Tenebris Harbor!"
    I nodded.
    "Sure!", Kardan began, "think about me! I was alone in that tavern in Aerie - no army necessary! Just opened my ears and eyes and got the clue!" He smiled.
    "Yes, Kardan", Ariel took over the word, "you're true, but unfortunately, what he is doing is much more dangerous than sitting in a tavern and watching some guys..." She smiled softly.
    "Shouldn't we do something?", I asked worried.
    "Don't worry, friend!", Ariel said, smiling.
    And Fiona added: "He isn't alone there!"
    Dupre winked at me.
    I shaked my head, smiling, "what haven't you told me, friends?"
    The warrior of love told me the lovely truth about more courageous friends:
    "Look, an old friend of us is living there. Not only pirates in Tenebris Harbor..."
    "And who is it?", I asked.
    Suddenly, Kardan jumped up and started to dance - well, a very curios dance.
    Very astonished I shrugged, looking around, while the Avatars around were laughing.
    "What is this all about?" I asked. "Would someone please tell me - it seems I am the only one who knows nothing..."
    Arkah came by, laughing.
    "This, my friend, is the old prospector dance!"
    "And?", I asked again, more confused than before.
    Samael, who was silent over the last minutes, nodded smiling, saying:
    "The dance is a favor of old prospector Zan, living in Tenebris Harbor!"
    "Ah! I got it. HE is our friend there, who has his eyes and ears opened wide?"
    They nodded, while Kardan took place on his seat, starting a second breakfast ...
    So now I knew why they kept calm, even Boris went for such a dangerous journey.
    I was happy that there was someone else who could inform us, if something went wrong ..."
    It was a good thing to know friends around.
    I was really excited, what the next time would bring ...

    [to be continued]
  16. Violet Green

    Violet Green Avatar

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    ~Meanwhile in Jade Valley~

    Just as she finished helping Aslinne Gradh re-pot the lemon tree in the small ship's garden, Captain Violet Green gazed out toward Jade Valley's Outdoor Markets and spied her other sister making her way down the dock toward the Seabyrd. Violet nodded to Aslinne, who waved at Lily then headed below to supervise the stowing of the many barrels of ale and fish they were currently loading on her ship. Violet patted the side of the sturdy freshly retro fitted ship a couple decks above the inscription in Runes on the side of the fore port deck and heard her ship groan a little. She smiled thinking that sometimes when she saw Lily Byrd approach she felt like groaning too. It usually meant work, and not often paid work either.

    "Hail Violet, Captain Green, Permission to come aboard?" Lily's deep nasal voice rang through the cacophony of the ship's crew loading barrels of beer and fish for the voyage that Violet grimly prepared for.

    "Come aboard Lily" Captain Green was a kind firm captain who maintained strict laws of her ship, even with family but she smiled when giving the order to make way for her sister on the boarding ladder. Lily climbed nimbly up the ladder and hugged her sister.

    "Tea first?" Her raised eyebrows formed the question and Violet nodded then turned and headed for the kitchen to prepare a tray then up to her quarters with each of them laden with scones and tea and jam on trays. Aslinne came and joined them after she was finished in the lower decks. After satisfying their body's thirst and hunger and their minds' desire for gossip and news the sisters were finally ready to discuss the real reason Lily had come aboard.

    "You know it might not be them right? That not every attack here in Novia is connected? You know that you may never find who attacked you, right Violet? You KNOW this? Right?" Hounding Violet might not be the most effective approach but the care showed through Lily's words and Violets eyes softened and she just simply nodded but then slowly and quietly under her breath said "But it might BE them"

    Lily thought Violet's suspicions were worrying though. After her ship was attacked and everyone on board killed or captured and the supplies stolen as well as the sails, Violet was left adrift at sea. The attackers didn't know she survived. They didn't know about the secret room and she didn't hear the torture her Neil suffered before he finally died. He didn't reveal her location. Her newly wedded husband had tossed her into the secret room minutes before the attackers found them. He had locked her in. It was sound proof. she eventually found the key that was kept in the room, left there just in case someone was accidently closed in but it took hours searching with her hands in the dark through the entire booty filled room to find the dratted key. By the time she was freed, the attackers were long gone and the horizon was clear.

    The story of her return from sea was long and brutal and Violet shook off the memories of the previous year and concentrated on eating her scone. She never knew who it was or why but this news Lily had shared last week in the Sticky Beak Newsflyer was troubling. Both these new attacks and the one on her ship had deadly and unknown attackers who gave no reason for the brutality of their attacks. They were obviously searching for someone or something though and killing anyone who got in their way. Her vow to find the killers of her newlywed husband and entire crew was not made lightly and Violet had been grimly preparing to honour her husband with the death of his killers. Just as soon as she could find them. She knew she would find them. They had taken her budding family from her, and she was driven to the depth of her despair while she patiently made her way to shore on her broken empty ship.Violet was convinced all these evils showing up in the south west of Novia like this had to be connected.

    For her ship to be attacked and broken and now to hear of other pirate Captains dead in their own ships? Not a coincidence. No way. In Dragonmir Mori they were amassing army to protect themselves from whatever was attacking the community of Pirates. Of course Lily, Aslinne, and Violet first thought of the practical needs. They had been taught by experience that armies and families fell and rose on the fullness of their stomach in times of trouble. So their first move was to start packing the ship, newly retrofitted, with things a small army would find useful. Catherine Rose was the daughter of one of the Captains who was murdered, and someone who they had heard about for years from her own father, on his trips to the Byrd's Nest Inn when he would be docked in Jade Valley over the years. They knew from their own lose how much help would be needed as she grieved his death and searched for her father's killers. Though they had only met in passing Catherine Rose had made a lasting impression on all of the sisters from the stories of her from her beloved father and from meeting her. And they were determined to help her now.

    As the women talked through the details of the coming voyage and the horrors of the attack they had so far only heard in rumors, each of them worked to help the crew stow the cargo and prepare for Violet's departure. Not only was she taking supplies to Dragonmir Mori, she was taking a shipment of rugs and tailoring items that would be sold in Aerie before entering the estuary to the ships final destination. A few volunteers had joined the crew in the last few days; mostly people who knew of or were acquainted with Catherine Rose or her father and who were going to help with whatever was needed. They were a jolly lot of people and although their mission was grim, they were in good spirits and the sailing looked clear all the way through The Twins. Tonight would be a good tide to leave on, if they managed to load all the things in time.

    "come on, put your back into it" Violet called out to the crew, "we've got a tide coming in and a wind teasing the sails. Time to get loaded"

    None of the sisters noticed the flat black medallion in the corner of the crews quarters. None of them even noticed it, or the black lettering that would occasionally glow with a faint aether colouring to it.
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  17. Morhir (IronFist Warhamm

    Morhir (IronFist Warhamm Avatar

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    After arriving safely in Kingsport, I sat watching the storm from the windows of the Hearth of Britania. The sound of the wind and rain beating against the window pains signaled that the storm was not to let off any time soon. I could see the ships at the dock tugging at their moorings as if to set themselves free and set sail without crew. For not any captain with sense would set sail in such vile weather. The whirling sound of the wind , the smell of salt and seaweed engulfed the room as the door opened and quickly shut as Innkeeper Abbott made himself back inside.

    "It will not break for anytime soon" Abbott said as he dried his face with a cloth. "Why do ye not take the lunar rift if ye be in such the hurry?"
    "The devil is the rifts" I reply, "twice I have used them..... once I ended up in a place called Lost Vale and like to never had found my way back. The second time I lay with headache for two weeks immobile. I shall wait for the the storm to pass and pay for passage."

    The next morn I awoke to the the pleasant quietness of gulls flying and squaring about the docks picking the remains of fish from the seaweed blown ashore. The sun had broken through the thickness of the scattering clouds sending rays of light which spotted the shores of Kingsport. Finally the volley of storms and winds have let go and gave way to weather suitable to make sail. I quickly gathered my belongings and headed to the docks to catch a ferry to Central Brittany. I feel a sense of urgency yet I was grateful for the tiny bit of rest I have gotten overnight. Fortune be it that a ship was to set sail within the hour to the port.

    As I sailed and listened to the stretching and yawning of the ship's planks as it made way through the sea, my thoughts drifted off to precious Lady CatherineRose. I recall her portrait that she gave me which lies tacked to my main hallway of my quarters. Her long flowing blonde hair and eyes that would make the devil smile. Her great fairness was known throughout the land, second only to her kindness. If anybody dare to harm..........

    "Land ho" shouts the ship's lookout! "Brit port off to the east."
    "Lay course to the harbour" shouted the captain.
    "Aye aye sir" responded the crew.

    The docking was not as fast as my anticipation but we did make it to port. I quickly traveled to my home in Arx Draconis and gathered a wagon of supplies and weapons. I leave message within the guild calling to those who might answer to help. Now Dragomir Mori is just a short travel away. I greatly anticipate what news I will hear when I arrive.
  18. Alpha Fishstick

    Alpha Fishstick Bug Hunter

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    New Britannia
    Alpha Fishstick begins to write on the Docks of Dragomir Mori:

    Dear CatherineRose,

    My condolences to you and the residence of Dragomir Mori during this difficult time.

    Rumor has spread to the Perennial Coast of the death of your three Sea Captains. When I heard the news, I traveled from Oracle Oasis to Dragomir Mori by foot, as my ship is in dry dock preparing for it’s next journey.

    This journey was a long and reflective one on the importance of family and friends in situations such as yours. This is a time when support is most required. I would like to offer you and your residence my support by providing you with an adequate supply of fresh fish for your journey that lies ahead.

    Please accept this gesture and don’t hesitate in asking if I could offer more to your future endeavors.

    All the best,

    Alpha Fishstick

    Alpha Fishstick folds the letter bottom to middle and then top to middle. The letter is then marked with "CR" and placed in a mailbox awaiting pickup.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
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  19. Drya

    Drya Avatar

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    South Jersey
    Arx Draconis
    T'is dark news ya bring, Ironfist. *shaking her head* Hard to believe. What fool would attack mighty Dragomir Mori!?! And Catherine Rose's own father among those slain. My poor friend! I'll join you in bringing supplies to the fine folk of Dragomir. Give me but a short time to pack up a supply of healing herbs and potions and I will join you in your journey to help our guild sister, Catherine. I'd like to bring a supply of food stuffs from my gardens as well, to prepare should that city become besieged. Is there room for more supplies in your wagon?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  20. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    Dear CatherineRose,

    forgive me for hesitating to offer my help when I got notice that you had some trouble in Dragomir Mori. We were very busy here in Kahli trying to prevent the rising of an undead Obsidian Lord who had been entombed underneath the ruins of the White Cabal. As of this day we are still suffering the consequences of our fierce battle against the creature when it escaped the tomb through the help of a few misguided outlanders. The threat is still out there, as we are seeing the once abandoned and partially ruined remnant of the Obsidian barracks and towers in Kahli coming to new life, as it seems people have moved in there and are trying to recruit more. So far they have been quiet and peaceful. But we are all worried about what they may be up to. Therefore, when Lily first told me about the happenings in Dragomir Mori, my first thought was that we have enough problems here in our own home to be bothered to help others with theirs. But now I am thinking: Would we have stood a better chance against the now unleashed Obsidian Lord if we had had you and your people by our side, to assist us in our cause? It is very likely. Just as you may stand a better chance at solving the mystery of these murders if you receive assistance from us. I cannot speak for the rest of Kahli. As you well know Kahli is but a district comprised of many independent small hamlets and outposts, and even for Helheim I cannot speak as we are free people that follow no leader. But I know some of them would follow my example if I offer my help to you. At the very least I can grant you access to the writings of my fiancé, the scholar Olthadir, who wrote treatises about the nature of death in New Britannia as well as the principles and some other topics, and published commented translations of some old Obsidian tomes we were lucky to get our hands on. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. I will travel to Dragomir Mori on one of the coming days and hope to see you there.

    May your father and the other brave fallen be feasting with the gods as I am writing this letter!

    Best wishes,
    Helvig of Nos Giliath, völva in Helheim, district of Kahli
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
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