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Universal vendor with price

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by simon1974, Dec 28, 2020.

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  1. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Um, could you @Sorgin Txakal please explain what you mean by that ?
  2. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    The amount of scam level pricing I see everywhere, at vendors owned by visible an known people is staggering.

    Soltown is good example of pricing from those players that have spent years supporting this game. Same thing goes on everywhere, in few selected vendors.
    Its ok to "game" the market, but being vicious and bordeline scammer with pricing..

    Search, with price, walk to vendor. Minimum.
    If player constantly finds cheap prices at some town, he/she will go there to shop around always.
    That is exactly the reason I already use mainly two towns for all my shopping needs.

    PS: Don't yell about immersion or realism. Those words have caused enought damage for this game already.
  3. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Amen @Katu - AMEN;)
  4. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    Now on Day 7, THE REPORT...
    I bring here facts discovered through my "put your money where your mouth is", fact finding mission:
    Order filled through the residence of Crafter Town...

    This task was completed. It was not provided by any crafting player who sought to gain a new customer. As hungry for business as this entire thread implies, not a single craftsman sought me out to sell me their wares, even when I highly advertised through our forum's player marketplace, nor did they through my hollering within the in-game market channel. Who did answer that call you may ask? It was answered with great patience by a very few of our ever avid top of the sota crafting world crafters (of which I count around 3 with another 12 more just under their level of skill, who I will not name because this is not as this thread heavily implies it is, "this is not about them", and you would recognizes their names immediately if I did mention them.

    :eek: I posted that 6 days ago! :confused: It took me 6 days to complete that personal shopping quest and after having publicly begged here in this thread and everywhere I could have begged all other craftsmen other than those top crafting players, it was only those of the highest, and one craftsman who happened to advertise in a shout out on our in-game channel (they sold me the weapon), who answered that call.
    I found no "less fortunate crafters" who answered any of my many pleas through every mode and platform I could beg from.

    Reasonable Pricing...
    I did not find the pricing unreasonable at all. I set out on this quest with 15,000,000gp ready to burn on a single set of armor, yet I only ended up spending just under 5,000,000gp. Only one other player other than myself knew I was ready to spend so much on a single set of armor. I did not expect to buy a weapon, but within the amount spent I was able to afford to fit one in. That other player that knew I was willing to spend so much was one of the finest craftsman in the world, who is not to be named here, because it's not about him or them!

    It's not about them...
    I did not find the greedy few that are implied in this thread to exists in our game.

    It was difficult to find armor even when I did end up buying, than that which was gifted to me by one of my "high noble" crafting friends. If you ever wish to quest to find out who that is, then you will have to wait till around Halloween when they place one of the first and largest trophy pumpkins I gave them out for display. Find that pumpkin and your curiosity will be quenched.

    SOTA Life is Feudal, "get use to it" or it will drive you mad...
    Our friends, those we have known since the beginning of Time as well as those new and fresh to us are our best and finest providers & customers. If you don't know anyone, seek out more friends, genuine friends! The Crafter & Customer relationship also falls within our sota's Feudality. I was & am so personally hurt by those here in this thread that are petitioning that they need more access to customers, when I, a person with a well publicized offer, "right here in your face"... you all seemingly did not care at all in making any of that 15,000,000gp I was willing to spend in search of a set of armor.

    "Why the f... WTF was that?" o_O...
    Was my shopping order somehow offensive, do I smell like some sort of SOTA Forum's Scratch and Sniff or what?

    My money was no good to anyone here :(...
    I sincerely do not offer that question to offend or insult in any way, but that question just baffles me to my core o_O... Here I am a "Royal Lord Martial", with weapons and armor needs for a VAST amount of characters who's skill levels span every skill level of play there is in our game, and nobody here wanted to sell me their wares o_O...

    These above facts speak for themselves...
    You can hate on me all you want for having performed such a public demonstration in shopping and revealing it's outcome, but there it is, our shared gaming reality.

    We have many very fine crafting towns full of wonderful "ready to do marketing business players".
    My suggestion still remains as a solution, "Get a Gypsy Wagon and place it in a traveling Gypsy Market Camp" or please answer the pleas from costumers when they call.

    This post is nothing but fact and did not offer any "speculation".
    Make of it what you will, "my money was no good to you" :(
    I like the suggestion in universal searches,

    "but necessary it's not!"

    From a Royal Lord Martial with Money to Burn...
    My Gold Was No Good Here!

    You passed up 15,000,000gp
    ~Time Lord~o_O
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
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  5. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Regarding the above ^^ :rolleyes: @Time Lord

    Fact is, the vast majority of players ( both longtime and new ) do not read the forums.
    So your comment - "Here I am a "Royal Lord Martial", with weapons and armor needs for a VAST amount of characters who's skill levels span every skill level of play there is in our game, and nobody here wanted to sell me their wares" - really doesn't mean all that much... sorry . :(

    Btw.... The link for buying that you shared in this thread does not work: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...s/wtb-light-armor-supertanky-full-set.168993/
    Perhaps that might explain a bit as well........

    And your comment: "I did not find the pricing unreasonable at all. I set out on this quest with 15,000,000gp ready to burn on a single set of armor, yet I only ended up spending just under 5,000,000gp."

    How many old or new players have 5 to 15 mill to spend do you suppose ?
    And don't you think that a Universal Vendor Search would be able to find other good craftsmen/women who might be able to fulfill your needs for a bit less ? ;)

    The majority of players want to be able to sell what they have and search for what they want, when they want it - and they want to do that INGAME.

    The end.........
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
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  6. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    Regardless of your views this was an actual test, not theory or speculation.
    That post was deleted because the order was filled.

    As far as what costs or amount I had available for this purchase, gold is so cheap here in SOTA we can't get enough gold sumps to dump it all in! The lack of gold sumps has always been the cause of our inflation, yet our inflation is due to our over-abundance in looting and selling loot to npc. In SOTA, there is a river of gold at and for all levels of play.

    EXP vs Gold, both are required to get a character more able to fight higher content, and the higher a player goes in content, the more gold and buying/bartering power they have to afford the arms & armor they need.

    Hate on me all you want, but the fact finding mission speaks for itself in whatever you get from it.
    It sure didn't get even a peep or hint of any offers to sell anything to me.

    Violet Ronso and necronut like this.
  7. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    You spend a week to find what you needed and spent 1/3 of your money and you are still super happy about the results. Good for you.
    There might have been a crafter somewhere, who could have done all that right away and cheaper, but that would be bad for some reason.

    Someone who spends Millions every now and then in game, might not understand the need for this kind of system, purely becouse we round numbers on bit different accuracy.
    FrostII likes this.
  8. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    I asked everyone, in all modes of communication, not just the one or two.
    If you think another could have done it for a better price, then why did they not answer?
    As far as rich shaming me, all my characters are at differing levels, from impoverished to mediocre in their finance abilities and in their bank accounts. They, "for the most part", all stand alone in that regard. "All but Sum".


    This is Sum Savage, who is explained in this thread as to who or what he is and his purpose to our game:

    Sum Savage Stats Before... (basic deco armor other than the Lord British Golden Helmet which has low basic deco stats. Looking very Thai-"Yak" Style.)

    Sum Savage Stats After...

    (That's what just under 5,000,000gp buys on today's off the shelf market. It was 600,000gp just for the weapon from a crafter that in person did answer the call, which is why I bought it from them without so much as a haggle, because that's the mark of a true crafting marketer, "marketing motivation!")

    It's difficult to make armor that can change stats as much as that, and to describe that outfit any further, would be a waist of my typing time to further explain.

    A much better counter argument for what is proposed is that the report also shows where even after begging on all media and through all means our game affords to us, whether my character rich or poor, I would not have been met with such resistance to wish to sell me anything. I could have been anonymous and shopped with universal vender check with prices. It would not have mattered a craftsman's motivation levels to make and sell something when asked, it would or would not be on their vendor, simple as that.

    It is for those reasons, that I continue to support the idea, yet dispel it's greater importance implied "as a need", instead of what it is, "which is a want".

    Think Deeper Ultima and the answer is always there!
    Universal Vender Check W/Pricing is a good idea!
    But it's not a Need!
    We're just lazy :(
    It took 6 Days!

    That's the important part...
    ~Time Lord~
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
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  9. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    First, I'd like to ask you @Time Lord to be more specific regarding exactly what you mean by "all modes of communication" ? Other than in this "Wishlist" thread...
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
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  10. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    This is the hinge pin of all there is on the universal vendor check with prices "outside the other more obvious reason of the player evolutionary investment which are our current marketing player towns" (those POTs have been large, long held and developed investments by many players who are their residence, which holds true in every largely player populated POT town to mega-metropolis), the hinge pin outside of that issue, is that a player (in this case my testing),

    • Through this post made my shopping desires known. (The failings of our forum's audience)
    • Through our forums player marketplace made my shopping desires known (The failings of our forum's audience)
    • Through universal chat (channel #1) made my shopping desires known (The failings of our online playing audience)
    • Through universal market chat (channel #2) made my shopping desires known (The failings of our online playing audience)
    • *The Weapon*, which is the exception, was found through a crafting player themselves, having shouted out on universal player chat (channel #1), that they had an exceptional weapon to sell, called out along with desired price tag amount. Deeper into their selling situation; They did have a vendor they used along with others (their guild vendor) as well as their own vendor outside their home, which were all located inside one of our largest crafting vendor market towns. So it's interesting to me that even a person situated in a supposed privileged mega-crafting town resorted to such a shout out, rather than list such a weapon on their vender, in a POT full of player venders with heavy shopping foot traffic.
    So other than actually shopping through vendor to vendor, town to town, those options failed to produce result. Many of those discoveries listed above are two sided coins on the subject, which can be interpreted in two completely different directions.

    The largest hinge pin issue I have found in universal vendor search with prices, which I mentioned in the first paragraph, is the investments that many players along with their communities have made to accommodate our current marketing shopping system, which effects more lives than X(times) 1000 than are represented here within our debating forums. We here debating and commenting are presenting this issue for debate as if we are "The Senate of SOTA Players", which we are not. Even if we take a forums vote "right now", this is such a large change that effects so many X1000 more than we, that it could effect our game in a very negative light resulting an increased rage within our Steam Critics.

    We can't accept any "end all be all" player effecting decisions which result from any vote or shout down from we few here in our debate forums.

    This Universal Shopping with Price Check Idea, must be a developers decision to implement or not based on "their" more qualified and responsible judgements, not ours here in our forums.

    If such a large scale drastic change in our marketing should negatively effect our game (reasonable or not), our SOTA could face payoffs in staff which would be a long lived crippling blow to our game.

    People get stuck in their ways and can seem unreasonable when faced with major change, which is what we see all over our real world as example of how unreasonable they/we can be as humans. Once any stampede starts, we could be even few left to lick such wounds here in our forums, still debating over reasons other players left us.

    Many times reason has nothing to do with the actions people take. I once worked for The Texas Sate House of Representatives under the Office of the Speaker and it's been my experience that people can act very irrationally when faced with a decision made based on rational changes.

    ~Time Lord~
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
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  11. necronut

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  12. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    One question to everyone on this thread...

    "Won't this be the death nail of our public vendors?"

    They're almost all but dead now. I took a tour of more than half of our game's public vendors and found them empty. 99% of them were empty, and those with something had little (2-5 items max and those were only found on only 2 public vendors. Some rusted armor someone hunted up and Owl's Head had some snacks and a few taming collars).

    So, we spent development $ on creating our public vendors, yet they will be rendered "totally obsolete" if this suggestion goes through effecting all privet vendors.

    AND, BTW almost all those NPC towns I visited were sparsely populated ghost towns, which means this suggestion maybe the only way to ever spread our populations. The Bear Tavern, a huge POT that I helped found, is almost devoid of any worthwhile vendors, and that once was a hot-spot for vending in the early days.

    I just made this suggestion:

    and while making that suggestion I found that it's connected to this alternative. The thought of linking all public vendors has been around since the very early days just after public vendors were first implemented.

    So, I'd like to hear some thoughts of what happens to our public vendors when or if this thing gets some sort of implementation.

    Whatcha Tink Happens?

    • Are public venders included or what?
    • Should there be an associated gold % tax off any profits for the universal sales service?
    With public venders there's a associated gold sump in the form of a 10% tax off any sale's profits.
    • How will the suggestion of our thread here be weighed against public vending?
    • Does public vending die because the other will be free of extra charge?
    • Should there be an added service charge for universal vending?

    ~Time Lord~
  13. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I absolutely support a global vendor search but not a universal vendor.
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  14. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    So what happens to our public vendors who were always meant to serve new players? Does that get bulldozered over by global vendor search or included? Since there's no charge for people with privet vendors in such an idea, then wouldn't that place the public vendors at a further disadvantage having to lose %10 of profits?
  15. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I think that all vendors should be included. Public vendors also need an overhaul. They should take a much lower cut, and expired items should be returned to your bank.

    [edit] Either that or public vendors should just be removed from the game.
  16. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    But I would hate to lose what we've spent development $ on if it's decided public vendors should go.


    I think they should stay and be modified as you suggest, before any other global search should happen. I say this should happen before, because our public venders could see some activity if they get global listing before the entire world gets it.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
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  17. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Sadly after watching Sunday stream with Atos attending a guild meeting for some Q&A! (07/11/21) - Twitch.

    From what ATOS has said in this meeting question time thing, we are not going to get what the major of population are asking for instead we are going something that is no different to what we have right now. So sad people I just don't understand it at all.
  18. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    There's nothing sad about this, Catnip/Portalaium made the decision made on good sound business reasoning. This is in no way a democracy. They made a decision based on good business reasoning which continues the health of our game, while preserving that which collective players have build through both their labors as well as their real world pocketbooks.

    We barbarians may have had desires to tear down these walls, "their walls, player's walls build through those players efforts".

    The largest reason of all, is that, that would be just too much data to make for good gaming and good programing. Chris explained very well that "there's allot of stuff being bought and sold in our game!"

    Again, this is not a democracy and we few here in our forums chattering do not constitute any majority of anything for the exception of being the majority posting here. There are not around 10,000 here in this discussion, which is approximately our game wide player count and we posting here are not representing any congress of elected officials even if this were a game ruled by democracy. "It's a business".

    Reasoning has nothing to do with mass human behavior.
    ~Time Lord~
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  19. necronut

    necronut Avatar

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    Painfully true.

    Common sense is a rare commodity.
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  20. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I've known a lot of people who believe in absolutely crazy crap, and use the term "common sense" to discredit those who don't share their views. I would say that rationality and critical thinking are rare commodities.
    FBohler, FrostII, necronut and 2 others like this.
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