Anyone ever had someone be mad at you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by majoria70, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. SmokerKGB

    SmokerKGB Avatar

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    @majoria70 Yes, I have, but they get over it eventually because I don't really care if they get mad, it's their problem after all I can't control other ppl... If they want to be mad, it's their choice... Being mad only makes you feel mad, and no one needs to feel mad, it's a personnel choice... Sometimes ppl get mad over little things like leaving the seat up on the head, why is it my fault because you didn't look before sitting... I could always put the lid down, then you would be forced to raise it everytime, why am I the bad guy... At least I lifted the seat, and didn't splash on it when I used it, don't you hate that, when you sit in someone elses mess... I try not to leave a mess when I'm finished...

    Some ppl get mad at me because I don't agree with them, well sorry if I don't, but I count too... If you want to get mad over it, go ahead, knock yourself out... It really depends on what was happening, if I smack someone in the face by accident, I'll cop to it and say "oh, geez, I didn't mean to do that, sorry", I would never do something like that intentionally... If you were a real moron and deserved it, well I don't start fights... Some ppl just like to argue and start fights... And be mad all the time...
  2. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    thanks so much Jivalax, such kind words for me I appreciate it very much. :)
  3. Gypsy Lou

    Gypsy Lou Avatar

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    Majoria, Majoria. How on earth could anyone possibly be legitimately mad at you? I say by definition they are wrong and they should apologize to you for making you feel the need for an apology. :)

    That said, I have always believed that it is best to clear the air and get things out in the open. Find a way to say you're sorry in person, it is very hard to maintain anger at a person who exposes that much vulnerability. It's utterly disarming to anyone you care about.
    Luca Xante, majoria70 and Tahru like this.
  4. Apollox Evanheart

    Apollox Evanheart Avatar

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    Look... I'm not going to say everyone's wrong on this post. But if no one suggested saying sorry with chocolate. Then all the suggestions were not right.

    P.S. Pizza & Wings will do as well.
  5. Sir_Hemlock

    Sir_Hemlock Avatar

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    Once a friend was mad at me.... So I figured, being the master of conflict resolution that I am, that I'd break the ice by telling him to stop being a sook or I'll give him something to really cry about :mad:

    As for what we need in Shroud? Warhammers. "If you wont give me your forgiveness then I'll beat it out of you..." :p
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
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  6. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    lol SmokerKGB. This helps so much plus it made me smile. Sorry if I'm smiling at some of your pain, but damn funny example, like anyone would be mad falling in the toilet and sitting on hmmm splashes lol Thanks so much really.;)
  7. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    lol well you did try Sir Hemlock. Sounds like what my father said to me when I was little. Imagine telling your little girl you'll give her something to cry about so sad. Lol if someone doesn't give you forgiveness you'll beat it out of them haha. How is that working for you?;)
  8. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Yeah hmmm I do think Pizza and wings might just work. ;) And of course chocolate is a must. :) Also letting someone know how much you care about them because I do.:)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
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  9. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    lol thanks Wanderlust and after I have lectured you so often or is it chastised you, like tsk tsk. You of all people should know I have an evil side. lol j/k and thanks so much for your wonderful words and very good advice.:)
    Wanderlust and Tahru like this.
  10. Sold and gone

    Sold and gone Avatar

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    Somewhere underground waiting to get you!
    are you any relation to @Jack Knyfe ? :p
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  11. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    lol well then I thought about it actually I have chastised Sir_ Hemlock and I think he forgave me;)
  12. ThurisazSheol

    ThurisazSheol Avatar

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    of all the people i know, those that know and respect that i subscribe to brutal honesty, also know that everything i say and do, i say and do for a reason. to some degree it has been calculated. i do not do gut reactions. - therefore there is zero chance of an apology; at some level i did mean what i said or did, and it had a purpose. if you got angry at something i did or said, you will get over it or you will not get over it - regardless, that is on you not me. it isn't that i view apologies as a sign of weakness. i don't, for the record. and i do not seek out things to say to people in a negative manner - but i will not shirk from them either.

    its just that if i toold you that you look fat in that dress, maybe you should lay off the twinkies a while before asking that kind of thing from me. - if you expected something other than brutal honesty from me, you sure as hell won't last long in my presence.

    it works for me, because i expect nothing less in return. some of the best conversations i've ever had, and the absolute most rewarding relationships i've ever had, all resulted in an outburst of brutal honesty in one direction or another.

    see, for those that know me, they know that my brutal honesty is not malicious, but it is inteded to have a point, good or bad. how sharp, is up to the recipient to decide.
    Acred and majoria70 like this.
  13. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    In my life the people I helped the most got angry at me for being too nice, or because they didn't want to make a "voluntary contribution" to compensate me.

    Which of the two is often subject to inner debate even a decade later.

    The last example I have is the brother of a friend of mine, he's a very strong guy, 6 feet 200 pounds of pure muscle and he doesn't work out or anything. Many might see this guy and be jealous because he's got the good shape soo easy but he was struggling with mental problems and was bullied as a child, he felt like he was sick and doctors kind of laughed at him so healthy he looks on the surface. They even took him to an asylum because he said he heard voices in his head telling him he was sick and needed help. (never ever do this)

    Usually doctors are supposed to prod in the dark with their hands, touch for swollen glands and stuff like that but all he got was laughed at (you look fine). So I come in with my logic and well yes it seems you are battling some kind of virus or bacteria, perhaps its your teeth, perhaps your digestive system. His neck glands were rock hard and his eyes very fade... obvious signs of infection. I tell him to consult a dentist first and foremost but he says he never had a filling in his life, never brushed his teeth and has perfect arches and gums.

    Guy drinks no alcohol, has a good will so I tell him here take this natural medicine pack (I gave him garlic oil capsules and other things, about 300$ worth to last him 3 months) and only asked him for feedback of the effectiveness so I could help other people.

    He starts the treatment, feels better enough to chat me for hours about how he's going to give me a 100$ to compensate even if I never asked once for anything. Then he realizes he's poor and too lazy (he perceives his sickness prevents him from working but his sister tells me he's got tons of energy) and then starts yelling at me for indebting him and that he would never be able to repay me and well stuff I'm going to censor out of this conversation including calling me a manipulative capitalist.

    The guy didn't even think about taking a complaint to another doctor and here he is yelling at me for trying to help him, without even giving me any feedback on the evolution of his symptoms.

    I have about a 100 examples like this, I was often threatened with receiving the beating of my life for helping people... I was lucky most of those people were living far and they never could act upon what they said. Sometimes it was even the person's spouse or companion who yelled at me for being too nice... I've lost 3 teeth, had a broken nose and once was attacked from behind by one of them and he swiped my feet and pushed my spine into the ground fracturing one of my lumbar vertebrae, he was so efficient that my nose bled from blood that rushed from inside my spine and doctors tell me its a miracle I still walk.

    Nobody has ever "forgiven" me for anything good I did... and often I did it at my own expense, being unable to eat properly and having to rely on food banks to survive, just so I could help people who were left out of the loop. Thats the worse... when you still ask forgiveness and say the help was a gift and people still cannot forgive you and talk in your back first chance they get.

    No good deed goes unpunished I know, but I'm still puzzled by how intensely those people yelled at me. I spent most of my life trying to help people and I made the most enemies and live daily in fear of being attacked.
    Acred and Tahru like this.
  14. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    Dude that sucks! Thanks for sharing.
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  15. Sir_Hemlock

    Sir_Hemlock Avatar

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    Let's just say Majoria didn't need to tell me twice :( lol
  16. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    It's alright Tahru, I'm all though because of it... I was supposed to be a normal middle class boy but instead I became this blackened sheep scapegoat. The concept comes originally from Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert with the sins of the community.

    I was sure the target of some very dark magicks, the worse cases of people attacking or fighting with me were the most mysterious, or perhaps everytime I was letting emotions/energies flow in my being. I guess I needed a "correction" to stop imagining the world with a free thinker view...

    But sometimes it was because I was doing so much good deeds that my social intelligence was threatning I guess and I could theoretically map all those into a timeline, but the truth is even if someone had knocked all the teeth off me I couldn't break because of the virtues I kept to since I was young, virtues which I've learned thanks to many in Portalarium.

    The only thing that could have broke me would have been myself, because of the anger seemingly unprovoked attacks would trigger in me. When it happens a few times, its okay, you get over with it... but when 90% of your brainpower goes into using your intuition to prevent those events then you know something is unbalanced somewhere. When the same happens to you when you play games (and I'm not talking about pvp here but a wayyy broader philosophical definition of "unprovoked attack") and it all culminates in spiritual visions and lucid dreaming of highly organised and structured sequencess you start to ask yourself questions :)

    So yes forgiveness is what saved me, every single time it has been the root of my ascension and ataining avatarhood. Because the extreme ridiculousness of the bad and horrible situations I lived were so unreal, it allowed me to see that some virtues were mind related, and some others literally only auric vibrations suspended in the field of thought. An hologram withing another that resembles itself but where the math is more important than the words. A story where the path is more important than the goal. A kingdom where emotion is more important than numbers.

    A world where I am a guardian and where I do not decide of how I exert my power because the social intelligences of all are made coherent and synergistic. Thus I can stop spending all my mental power on trying to be politically correct, I can sacrifice all my material gain and family ties and become a true kingsguard of the real throne.

    Just a little dream I once had :) I hope it will inspire

    Subtle nuance there between honor and pride...

    Aloha !
    Acred and Tahru like this.
  17. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    Hm I wanted to leave it there... but truely... since I cannot live in this game a true socially structured "unprovoked" attack... how am I going to use my forgiveness and ascend. I can't forgive someone who attacked me because I was flagged PvP, I was literally asking for it.

    Or are we starting in game already ascended and "avatared" ? If that is so... I just confused myself again.
  18. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    Just go with it. :)
    majoria70 and Ice Queen like this.
  19. Tartness

    Tartness Avatar

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    If you know the candlelight is fire... the meal was cooked a long time ago.
    ThurisazSheol and majoria70 like this.
  20. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    Hah ! That is so clever sir !

    That is my thinking too... but I fear not much attention is put into roleplaying the enactment of the kingdom. Without proper mechanics to enforce some of the more refined strategic and political moves, I will need a zen monk's imagination to roleplay my way into a proper role.

    :) You see my problem ? @Baron Drocis Fondorlatos can kill me and eat my brains and I can't do anything about it, I was flagged pvp. It dosen't mean anything, I cannot roleplay and jog my avatar meta-skills because there is nothing enforced, a knight is without a king.

    I'm not trying to SIEGE RICK PERILOUS ROLL you there, no no I aint :p

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