Recall/teleport "rune stone" for vendors

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Modu, Aug 29, 2016.

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  1. Mekong

    Mekong Avatar

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    I would prefer they eliminate teleport all together. But can understand why it's setup as it is now.
  2. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    What I want is for it to make sense. Think about teleportation. What it entails. You have to bend time and space to teleport. That is not an easy feat only the @Time Lord actually should be able to do it! I can see teleportation in special circumstances, but not for willy nilly usage. It has to make sense.
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  3. Modu

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    People have been using magic to teleport since the invention of magic!

    All kidding aside. I have no problem if the ability to mark and recall to runes is a very high level ability. It should be.

    Right now I know people don't want to place vendors in remote locations because they know nobody is going to travel out there. If they do travel out there, it won't happen very often. I find myself doing it already. I look around the local shops, because there's so many of them and usually I don't find anything and I just move on to harvesting. I have no desire to travel to those remote areas to scan for vendors, because I know most likely they aren't even there. Who wants a vendor in a remote location in SotA currently?? Nobody. You want one in the newbie areas, the Brittany's, etc, etc.

    If I have the ability to mark a vendor/location that I like, I am much more likely to explore on a regular basis in order to find those spots. Could I just record the location on a notepad or an online map? Yes, but that is fairly boring and tedious. Having an in-game system makes it fun. Again, teleporting has been around pretty much since the invention of this genre.

    I know my UO sisters and brothers had their bags of rune stones to their favorite vendors (both PC and NPC). It was a great collection you could accumulate over time and share with others (rune stones could be copied by another player if you let them borrow it). You could even sell those rune stones if they were marked to valuable locations. Vendors often had rune stones for sale that took you back to their shop. UO was just so ahead of it's time in so many ways. :)

    If you still want the "adventure" of running around the overland map - don't learn the skill or don't buy the scrolls. A lot of 7 x GMs didn't have Magery. You can still experience your version of expansiveness and we can have our teleporting.

    To be honest, I find lack of teleports just a way of producing another "time sink" in MMOs. A very artificial way of making your world feel bigger. It doesn't really fool me.
    Leelu, moko, Krohon and 5 others like this.
  4. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I think that Port should provide some kind of benefit from being part of a region. Maybe a regional buff. But it only Can be used if you live in that region. It could be used for crafting benefits that would give a regional buff to items made in it. These items would have to be carried out or wagon trained out of the region to be sold on other vendors. No teleportation. This would/might give more meaning to regional economies. People need to start rallying around towns and villages instead of thinking global vendor searching.
    Leelu and Time Lord like this.
  5. Modu

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    The only way I've seen "regions" truly work is when the distance you have to travel is so long or treacherous that it's just not worth it to move from your current area until you're really ready or really bored.

    Two games I played, EQ and Eve did this well (there's probably others). Primary reason though was because of the travel times and danger involved in going from one side of the world (or universe) to the other.

    Again, having an overland map pretty much kills that aspect of regions in this game.
    Leelu, Time Lord, Ice Queen and 2 others like this.
  6. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I think we need more ways to advertise town events. We should be able to set up town bizzars and such in which would bring people from all over to mingle and meet up. These would be community events. Shop while you are there. No need for instant transportation. Just go to the events that each town plans and support their vendors during the independently themed bizzars.
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  7. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    Agreed and the best I can tell is the plan was control points. But teleport scrolls have, at least temporarily, killed the dream.
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  8. Trent

    Trent Avatar

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    Maybe that's the solution..
    Allow the teleport/recall scroll, but have it only linked to a Guildstone (craftable maybe) so only houses/vendors could have recall locations.
    Yes I understand you could use them to travel from port to port with only loading times... but it could allow for a market on these guildstone recalls... That way we can still visit our favorite merchants to buy, or use it as a costly method of travel from city to city.
    I feel like because we do live in a world, its not that people don't want to walk, its because we don't want to waste our time walking. I just hope the undertow doesn't swallow this game hole.
    Plus how many friends did you meet while traveling to your next location...... I rarely see people wondering around looking at vendors, maybe because the limited items allows for merchants to gouge. Hence why the way-out-back vendors are so valuable. (so we can buy and resell in other markets) BUT *** Time spent walking is time spent not making $$ *** Now if only there were diminishing stats so our time spent gaining skills can be wasted too... *slaps head* oh yeah.... not salty just hate to see fast_travel out the window.
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  9. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    its a question of immersive vs min/max. All the ultima games where never about min/max. that is all.
    Leelu likes this.
  10. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I love the OP idea. Having total regional economies separates the players. Fine to have an economy, but where is the competition, the advertising, making yourself known by reputation of having the coolest items (well after we get the items and cute little bags as holders to put our cute little sets in, and when we have the ability to dye and name bags ). Who knows how the world will look, how spread out will people people be, how many players will there be? Why can't we have competitive creative player economies instead?

    I hear the battles for regional economies and I want to say how boring in a nice way that is. ;) A fun game is the aspect of UO that let players create and compete. So many limits everywhere to what we can or can't do. I don't want to have a just Wizards Rest economy or whatever Region that is. I want to draw people from near and far because I'm proud of a creative spin I've put on something. Now I am not saying throw it all out, but just consider where we are taking our game with too many limits and restrictions that make Johnny a dull boy, well in other words SOTA a dull game. So why the big rallies for NPC bulletin boards, well for the fun creative side of SOTA to live in.

    So travel would be going where we want and yes cooldowns and having to work for the ability are fine and necessary evils, and necessary to create a sense of working for the abilities we get. I am not speaking for no pain and just gain, but a balance to plan for fun. To consider all the alternatives and not be just locked into one way. I do not say I know it all, but one thing is trying to balance a game that does not have a fully functioning amount of people. The number of people aren't here yet as we know, but consider the fun factors as well, and yes I know fun to one person is not fun to another person, so that is why there is a balance aspect, the ability to get creative for what you want. @DarkStarr, @Lord British2.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  11. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I'm sorry Majoria, Regional economies are a foundation of this game. All the control points where built around them. What you suggest pretty much just breaks the game and makes it a really small world with a bunch of whales ruling over us. Convienience should come with a price. If we are to have instant transportation then it should cost a bunch, it should cost more than the time/effort spent to traverse the map.
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  12. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I did say it comes at a price and economy should not limited to one region, but to the whole Sota world. It is something to plan for in the design. We are so divided it is pitiful. There is a lighter side to this all. It is something to keep in mind. We need to have creative competition throughout SOTA not regional. I did not say not have to travel the map, even though I do like some quick travel here and there as well, but to not even know about someone else's part of the world, just feels wrong to me. If I want to go to Macs (fake name) house who lives off in another part of the world because I hear he has the most beautiful gowns and best prices, then I find the way, but I don't stay in Wizards Rest because I don't know about Macs beautiful gowns and great prices, and I for sure don't stay there because of a regional economy that says I need to stay there. When you take a player base's creative side away to be organized and well thought out perhaps that is where the balance can be. This is a thought this subject brings up. Not everything was all roses in UO and not everything will be all roses here, but we can take some of the good and make more of SOTAs own good as well. So sorry to derail OP. And welcome back to me lol ;)
    edited spelling
  13. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I understand :) no worries. Personally I think we should start thinking about regional economies in the order of towns. We should hold town events and seasonal regional events. The idea that we have to be everywhere and do everything is what I think is the downfall. Thinking locally, farmers market stuff. Not everyone needing to be everywhere in the world. By doing this we can create the professions of people transporting goods and many other jobs that instant travel just omits with prejudice.
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  14. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    And I do understand your point as well, now to combine the thoughts. ;) I will still go to Macs even if it is traveling on my wagon over the map fighting the bandits along the way because my teleport is on cooldown and that bulletin board in the town square did say the gowns were beautiful ;). Also welcome back to you, so very great to see you. :)
  15. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    thank you!! You are a blessing here also. I love your upbeat posts. Thank you!
    Krohon, Leelu and majoria70 like this.
  16. Modu

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    OK too much love going around here. let's get back to the heated debate. :)

    Overland map has to get a lot more treacherous because I doubt it's going to get any bigger. More passes, more random encounters that punish me for being -50% movement rate because I'm hauling from one city to another.

    I want to be slapped down for trying to go places I shouldn't be going yet.

    If you want regional economies, you have to force people to stay in a region for a long period of time.
    Krohon and Ravicus Domdred like this.
  17. Krohon

    Krohon Avatar

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    What would I like on teleports...

    1- A spell for short range teleports (to predefined spots), with a cold down, to move around zones (e.g. inside a POT).
    2- A "world to home" teleport scroll, with a short range, about one screen. Cost gold, e.g. 200. "Home to world" should not be possible to teleport, forcing players to walk and view vendors.
    3- A full range "world to world" recall scroll, but very expensive. Say, 3000 gp.

    4- A "heavy lifter" scroll, to carry stuff between zones... 10k gold or more?
    Ravicus Domdred likes this.
  18. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    This is very much in line with my thinking. To be able to bend time and space must have a cost. I mean if a mage has to have reags to cast a lightning bolt then surely teleportation must cost something.
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  19. Alexander

    Alexander Avatar

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    Portalarium decided to put in Teleport/Recall scrolls in game as a compromise to all those asking for Mark/Recall runes. Richard G has really pushed hard for regional economies and and the control points in the game are meant as a way of making it difficult to travel easily from one end of the map to the other. I seriously doubt that you will see them in game, no matter how many times this topic gets resurrected.
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  20. Krohon

    Krohon Avatar

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    Indeed. If teleporting is too easy, it spoils the game. Just imagine you can get all the stuff and XP of the game in just 2o minutes... what's next?! Will have to play other game. Too easy is bad.
    Ravicus Domdred and Alexander like this.
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