What about everybody's name...?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord Adz, Oct 23, 2013.

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  1. Lord Adz

    Lord Adz Avatar

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    Hi Everyone,
    Some people may have met me on the chat as Eliane. Yes now I changed my name for Aldric.
    Reason why? I wanted to think about a name that could mean something for me and everybody else in this magnificent world that will be New Britannia.

    Recently people have been thinking about Heraldry, so the topic of name came to my mind...
    I am not really good at Heraldry and Coat Of Arms, if I'm off track really sorry...

    But as the Coat Of Arms represent your family and you or the group you belong to... Is so with your name.
    Your name is everything about you or a big part of it... Maybe not for group identity... Hehe

    In this tread, I was thinking to ask people to talk about their name origin, if they have a Coat Of Arms what link both to each other. Of course if there are any link to both.

    As for me I am just working on it, but got few information about my name.

    Aldric is a French, Ancient Germanic Name. It comes from Germanic Name, derived from elements "Ald" for "old" and "ric" for "ruler,power". My character got definetly a bit of French and German to his background. As for what I plan to make him be... for sure a crafter.

    I will for sure add to it as time goes!

    If you have any information about your name and origin feel free to add up!
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  2. Lord Viator

    Lord Viator Avatar

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    New Britannia
    I'm going to do a copy and paste from my site. Obviously the story is only very rough, as it was knocked together within the first few weeks of SotA, and will likely be adjusted as SotA's story unfolds:

    Aartemis and nightshadow like this.
  3. Gabriel Nightshadow

    Gabriel Nightshadow Avatar

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    Well, I already described my character's arrival in New Britannia in RETURN OF THE AVATAR over in Fire Lotus' Tavern, but not the origin of his family name. So, here's the "short" version:


    Gabriel Dane doesn't know it yet, but his true name is Gabriel Nightshadow, last surviving member of the NIGHTSHADOW clan and last of the Dragon Lords. The NIGHTSHADOW clan was one of the nine clans which shared a psychic bond with each of the Nine Legendary Dragons of New Britannia (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Red, Black, White, Blue, and Celestial). The NIGHTSHADOW clan's name comes from its first ancestor , Christopher of Abos, who happened upon the critically injured, legendary black dragon Kuroseth, after receiving his psychic distress call. Christopher saved Kuroseth's life by using rare herbs to concoct a powerful healing potion designed specifically for dragons. In gratitude, Kuroseth gave Christopher the surname NIGHTSHADOW and he became the first Dragon Lord.

    The First Dragon Lord, Christopher Nightshadow, and Kuroseth

    In time, the Council of Dragon Lords was formed, with its base located in Castle Genar, overlooking the cliffs of Avan. The Dragon Lords were tasked by Lord British to protect New Britannia from its enemies, which they did so with honor for 150 years. Fifty-two years ago, Lord British's evil, younger, half-brother, Lord Shadowreign, sent his second-in-command, General Dar, and his elite Shadow Guard knights to attack Castle Genar and seize the Amulet of Vazur, so he could use the power of the Nine Dragons to conquer New Britannia. When they were the last two Dragon Lords left standing, Grandmaster Jero Oraci gave Lord Michael Nightshadow the Amulet and opened a portal to Earth. He told Michael to guard the Amulet with his life and bought him time to escape through the portal by engaging General Dar in mortal combat.

    Castle Genar

    Upon his arrival on Earth, Michael Nightshadow changed his name to Michael Dane. He married Elizabeth Lockhart (the nurse who accidently struck him with her car when he first emerged from the portal), became a successful novelist (author of the best-selling Red Dragon Ninja series), and fathered a son, Gabriel. When Gabriel was ten, General Dar and his men arrived from New Britannia via a lunar rift, seized the Amulet of Vazur, and decapitated his father. Gabriel was so traumatized by the event that he remained catatonic for a year and ended up blocking the memory. Now, Gabriel has been drawn to New Britannia and is about to learn his true heritage. The time has come for him to reunite with the black dragon Kuroseth , avenge all of the fallen Dragon Lords by slaying Lord Shadowreign, and bring honor to the NIGHTSHADOW family name...
    Jambo, Aartemis and Lord_Viator like this.
  4. Umbrae

    Umbrae Avatar

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    Not sure if I will use Umbrae in-game, but that is my current thread of thinking until we have more of the story and mechanics fleshed out for me to decide on my character. In either case, I took the name Umbrae when I joined the Ultima Dragons and found the name I used in Ultimas for my characters already taken.

    For the Ultima Dragons on Prodigy it was tradition to come up with a Dragon Name and Dragon Backstory when you joined. As such I picked umbrae which is an actual word meaning basically "the darkest part of a shadow". For my backstory I describe a Dragon of the deepest black that lost his sanity trans-versing a mysterious cave structure called the Caverns of Time. Umbrae Dragon liked to used the bones and flesh of humans and other humanoid creatures as a base for the pigments of his paints.

    I had a larger story, that I am not sure I ever mentioned, where Umbrae was once a human mage that was trapped on a Dark Isle within a Tower which he escaped via the Caverns of Time. This keys into a several stories I created as a teenager and a basis for many of the BBS' (any remember those?) and websites I have created for myself for fun and practice over the years. (http://www.thedarkisle.com/ - never finished always a work in progress)

    How this identity works into SOTA will remain to be seen, but that is how my forum identity works into Ultima history. Interesting enough, if it comes to pass this would be the first actual LB product line that I have used this as my character name.
  5. Fireangel

    Fireangel Avatar

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    Oklahoma (earthly realm)
    Hooded in an emerald green cloak, the small figure is still and listening with interest. A pale hand draws her hood back a little, showing red locks of hair framing her face and blue eyes. Those eyes glisten, thinking of when the name she has been called by for these sixteen years first became her moniker. It was in the first mass entry to Britannia.

    Portal beckoning, the lady had stood in the light of it all a quiver. Anticipation had overpowered the sleep deprivation she had endured to enter, and her name choice mattered much to her. Often she had been noticed by her red hair, and secondly by her vocabulary. It seemed she had always had a gift for expressing herself with a fiery passion. Her tiny frame was called cherubic by some. The embers of her temper easily smoldered, and she was always on guard against that temper, having an Irish and French heritage. Even her natural cheer was laced with sarcasm, ment all in fun, but sometimes was over-the-top.

    God was freshly burning in her heart, and a love and gratitude for the Son. Not long before this, the lady had been in a spiritual darkness, lost and ignorant of her soul, open only to what she could see and the science of it. Illuminated now, self-control and humility meshed well with The Virtues, and she was ready to try again to answer the Call from Lord British to be his Avatar.

    Molding the avatar for her Avatar into the best likeness of herself, the lady took her fiery hair color, her temper that was always with her, her high passions, her zeal for righteousness, and set 'Fire' to be the first of her name. Being now a messenger in a humble state for God, one who strove for better behavior in herself each day, a follower of The Virtues, and a student to self-control, she took 'Angel' as the second part of her name, and was satisfied. No surname ever fit for her.

    So named, the petite lady passed into Britannia, and began her great journey there. These sixteen years later, it seems that she is that name, and that name is her, and no other name is more her than that one. They are the same personage, and have parallel stories, one more capable in combat and ever preserved from the ravages of Time. The other growing older, more prone to the daily grind of Life, battling more on her knees than with a sword or magic, but in her heart parallel to the first.
    Aartemis, Umbrae, nightshadow and 3 others like this.
  6. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    If you have not heard of the seraphim you should, Isaiah ch. 6 - "the burning ones". They are "fireangels"! A lot of what you said evoked them.
    nightshadow likes this.
  7. Fireangel

    Fireangel Avatar

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    Oklahoma (earthly realm)
    *knowingly nods*
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  8. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    As i am not native english i will not even consider trying such a great story.

    Will create a short version:

    Opening my eyes i find myself in a puddle of mud and dirt. I feel a presence beside me and turning my head i am confronted with a big fat pig looking directly at me chewing something relaxed. I stare confused back feeling the need to introduce myself: Hello I am.. ??

    I am..,

    Remembering only a bright light a gate and the darkness after it i feel lost and confused.
    I start investigating the surrounding. I am in a barn. A farm house beside me and a road entering a forest in front of me.

    I notice my face is all dirty and i instinctually pull out a handmade satin tissue out of a pocket of my dress
    After cleaning my face i notice some name sewd into it: Myr.. Myrce...Myrcella! I scream , the pig running away.

    Suddenly i feel a great happiness overwhelming me and with my memory returning I scream out again:
    I am back! I am home! , laughing and throwing mud into the air!
  9. Gabriel Nightshadow

    Gabriel Nightshadow Avatar

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    Fireangel - I am always impressed by what a good storyteller you are :D Wish I could write that well...
    Jambo and Fireangel like this.
  10. Kilhwch

    Kilhwch Avatar

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    The Heraldry thread also made me wonder if there was an 'origin of the name' thread.

    Mine is an alternate spelling of Culhwch and is pronounced kind of like "kul-loch;" I found it in a book of Celtish mythology while researching a name for a character in my recent D&D 4E campaign. In that, I play an Elven Tactical Warlord who for a brief time served as the head of a mercenary company before the entire group was killed.

    The previous head was universally disliked both inside and out of the merc group, and when the group had enough my character was unanimously voted the leader. As a show of spite, the previous leader set us up for an ambush, making other merc companies think he was still the leader. When they came to kill us, he was nowhere to be found.

    The other players' adventuring group was following a lead on a lost noble's daughter who they believed had joined up with our company and intervened just before my character was about to be killed. And that was my intro into the party.
    nightshadow, Myrcella and Lord_Viator like this.
  11. stile

    stile Avatar

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    Stile ” A set or series of steps for crossing a fence or wall.”. Teckel German word most typically used when referring to a dachshund which hunts.

    Stile Teckel = Someone who crosses into other realities and that is brave, noble, loyal, and who shall hunt like no other.

    As a side note ive been using Stile as an alias for as long as Lord British has been making games. Originally as a kid as a CB handle. Then on BBS's before we had internet, in pen and paper games, and in games such as the ultima's. it was later used in MUD'S when the internet was a college thing only, and so on through the decades.

    Ive often used it as a nickname in real life, and while not in a long time there are people ive met in real life that only know me by that name. If it was called out while i was walking down a street I would react to it the same as if my birth name was used.
  12. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    I'm new to this world. Markee Dragon basically opened a Lunar Rift and told me to check it out.

    I'm using my real name for a couple of reasons. I can't think of another unique name that sounds cool to me. Also, I've sort of taken to heart that we're supposed to be playing ourselves, pulled into this new world.

    I made up my coat of arms, and am changing it as inspiration takes me. I wanted something simple, using my favorite color, grey. I matched it with black for contrast. Then fate stepped in. I found my coat of arms wasn't unique. This happened right after I made the coins, so I made a new coat of arms using the coin, and thought, that kind of looks like a moon in the night sky.

    We know the moon of New Britannia is shattered though, so I bounced the idea of using a shattered moon off of Adiun, and here we are.
  13. Lord Adz

    Lord Adz Avatar

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    Wow I didn't thought this tread will bring that much! I will need to get more story to my character :p

    Now I'm scare making a story to my character after reading all those awesome story.

    I'm not a really good storyteller ... I will try my best!

    Thank you for EVERYBODY to participate in my tread.

    And today is a big day! I just started a monthly payment toward Edelmann. This community is so awesome!
    I really feel like the Dev care about us a lot! A GIANT thank to all of you dev to give us so much opportunities to add to your magnificient project!
  14. Asclepius

    Asclepius Avatar

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    Wow. Most people here have wonderful imaginations and insights. I feel fairly boring by comparison. I have not been able to construct a "back story", and when playing the ultima games used my real name (Sir Ronald). Thrilling!

    Anyway, a reference to my life, in the form of a riddle:

    Firstly, Google "Asclepius"
    Secondly, I felt that my chosen avatar image (Maester Luwin, from Game of Thrones) was somehow appropriate
    Thirdly, when I joined the Ultima Dragons, I called myself "Gaseous"
    Fourthly, some members of my profession use gases (and vapours) as an essential part of their daily practice.

    Solve the riddle and you have discovered my day job! (Sleep on it for a while if you can't get it....)
  15. smack

    smack Avatar

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  16. Asclepius

    Asclepius Avatar

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    Perth West Australia
    Aww, too easy! (and nicely spotted!)
  17. High Baron Asguard

    High Baron Asguard Avatar

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    I always use the same 2 names

    Asguard for my male mage character and Alara for my female character (she changes depending on the game)

    Actually recently I have played Alara more often but concidering I am playing this with my other half I guess I will be Asguard again
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