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Too many questions, No answers

Discussion in 'Release 34 Feedback Forum' started by MrBlight, Oct 15, 2016.

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  1. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I dont know if its just the Dev's schedules this patch, or if there was THAT many issues. But as someone who watchs the forums each day, with numerous questions and issues posted, one thing ive noticed this release.
    An absolute missing dev presence.

    Flip through the bug / feed back forum and how many actually got some kind of real response?
    The post mortem answered some, and the following thread to answer any they missed, there was a ton of good questions inside that thread even that got ignored.

    Ive gotten more then a little frustrated trying to get an answer for the last 2 weeks on the sudden change in crit chance for ranged. No where can anyone top 13-15%, when running full crit specific gear and skills. Theres 4 threads about it, and there was 1 response saying by 1 dev, that another dev would answer it right away. Then it was never looked at agian.
    Theres a reason so many players switched to Mage, because of the unclear changes to melee, and the screwy archer nerfs. 2 weeks is entirely too long to get some kind of notice on a change that completly alterd your playstyle/build.

    I fully understand this is an alpha, and love the game. I know you guys are swimming through issues and stuff, but seriously someone needs to spend a whopping 2 hours addressing the concerns of your player base. Even if its a * Im not sure on that issue quite yet, we will put it down to be answered later* Or some kind of acknowledgement. Nothing like talking into the wind here.

    Berek at least replied to a PM of mine concerning my main issue, and basically asked if no one else had answerd yet. And that was it.

    Seriously feeling the lack of presence by you guys since this patch, and honestly before R34 you all seemed on the ball for this kinda stuff.
    Pretty much sick of waiting, and in middle of a complete re gearing build now.

    PS: Or maybe your keeping all the conversation only locked in the early/pledge locked room. In which case im sure a lot of us are feeling left in dark here.
  2. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Apologies about us not responding to as many of the posts as we can. I think we're doing about as much as we normally respond to, it's just that the game has gotten busier and more involved with the community, and that means more posts here in the forums.

    If you ever have any specific posts you need addressed, as you've already done, feel free to PM them to any of us! Using the @Berek is an excellent way to get at least attention on it. We may not be able to respond immediately, but we will do our best to reply.
  3. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Poked you once again privately, and all of you have been paged to the main crit issue. theres 4 open forums, new numbers posted in the top one for my issue.
    Theres a whole whack of questions in your announcement forum that got missed by some big backers *If you ignore all the stuff about screen shake* .

    Like i said, just feels like you guys are over swamped this patch, but stuff is blatently falling through the cracks ;)
    Thanx for the quick reply.
  4. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Short answer: We fixed a bug where crit chance mods could be stacked on multiple items via crafting to be 100% crit chance every time which put game in "easy" mode and let you kill just about anything in the game with impunity.

    @Chris is working on a longer post about it.
  5. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Also we are toning down screen shake.

    On a personal note I got major sinus surgery just recently and I am doing my best to keep up but it is challenging.
  6. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    And that was posted in the notes. I agree, thats lame and a hell of a bug.
    Doesnt change the fact that now what people read they have % chance now, are no where near it.
    For me it looks like i get my Base + Skill from Armor weak points, and thats it. no bonuses from my bow or armor. That or the bonuses from armor and bow are X ing the base. In which case base is 10%, and my 20 % in bonuses is adding 2% real total crit chance. Making it useless.

    Somethings off, Or if it isnt, and this build is completly useless, we need to know.

    Sorry to hear. As i said, love the game, i just notice a ton of stuff being missed and its causing a lot of frustration and role changes, which is entirely bad for the game.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  7. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Just tried it. First it felt like I'm doing crits all over, but overall (with my usual +17% crit bow):

    Total Attacks 1080
    Miss 46
    Miss % 0,04259259
    Crits 159
    Crit % 0,14722222


    Just did
    1114 arrows

    137 crits

    12.2 % Crits

    Shooting a practice dummy =/
    - Blight

    So you dont have to dig, theres 2 of the latest. WehTehFff has been awesome for posting numbers. Thers 3 other threads but yea, thats a far stretch from * we fixed it so its not 100% * lol. Both of those are in last 24 hours. (mine was 2 hour ago lo.
  8. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Please post this as bug in bug forums.
  9. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    2nd thread from the top. I updated the first one that was.
    Critical Attacks.
    Or.. Crit % Still broken.. 2 pages back from october 4th....
    theres other ones there..
  10. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Or - Ranged Crit attack
    Also on same issue...
  11. danjacobsmith

    danjacobsmith Avatar

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    To be honest it sounds like they really need to finish the balancing but people aren't going to like it. If you consider that taming and archery have been brought back into line with melee the only thing that isn't balanced with the rest is spells.

    If spell damage was reduced across the board by 30 percent for instance, the game would be much more balanced.

    It would also fix some content issues by making the current mobs more challenging.

    Fix the ring of fire exploit on top of that and the game would be much more in line.

    Of course lots of people would have fits because things would get harder, but it would honestly be good for the game.
  12. WehTeheFf

    WehTeheFf Avatar

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  13. Selene

    Selene Avatar

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    Serpents Watch Brewery!!
    Hope you feel better soon!
  14. Snazz

    Snazz Avatar

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    Even all the best supple bonuses and passives done 'additive' couldn't get beyond 40 or so. That's end-game, very specific type build.

    If it was somehow hitting 100, yes that is a bug, but it's not accurate now either.

    Fixing the talents was a big step to rectifying, but material bonuses + base + whatever dex is, is still very low

    One has to be very careful not to completely devalue crafting as a byproduct of the 'fixes'
  15. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    WehTeh summarized in a new bug post. And they said chris was worken on a response.
    Theres a couple other major issues that keep coming up unanswerd. I dunno if somoene wants to summarize a list or bullet form maybe we can get a good quick list of answers =)
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  16. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    @DarkStarr @Chris
    Were you guys going to be able to get to the forum post explaining the plans or about the off calculations today? Link up top is to the new bug report with most of the stuff quoted to summarize.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  17. Toadster

    Toadster Avatar

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    I'm confused cause it sounds like the Devs are saying one thing and everyone else is replying to somethings else.

    This pretty much sums up tir issue I think but I would need to really see every bonus you have in order to do the math.

    But my interpretation of this would be.... The +CRIT off weopons and armor were being added together letting you stack way over 100% CRIT chance. If they do it like everything else your base would be multiplied by your +CRIT to get your new number.
    So 10% base +20%Crit would be a new CRIT chance of 12%. So like a +17 Bow, +20 Armor. Would still only give you a 13.7% CRIT chance.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  18. Snazz

    Snazz Avatar

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    100 is impossible by the just adding up supple + innates + 5% + dex (unless this at high levels gave crazy amounts)

    80 was the number quoted by Chris, and was about a certain unnamed skill. Doubled if attacking from behind.

    The problem is, EVERYTHING physical got shafted, including hitrate somehow, and crippled all non-mage builds.

    Then like the next 4 patches were all for the one man band and crickets about the massive gameplay issue.

    It's playable now, but still broken. The devs have an easier time getting far larger sample sets + hard numbers.

    I have a feeling they will keep material bonuses as base% (1+( Mat /100)) or whatever it is, and perhaps mod the crafting bonuses a hair. No one will bother crafting crit gear after that tbough
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  19. sdbaynham

    sdbaynham Avatar

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    The reason why hit rates are lower is due to the way crit works in sota (or at least how it worked in r33, there's no way of knowing if it still works this way due to crit values being less insane). Essentially instead of 1% crit turning 1% of your hit into crit, it turned 1% of your miss into crit. If your miss was already 0, it would do nothing for a little bit, then it would start reducing your crit by 1%. Yeah.

    So there are a lot of players who prioritized crit who believed that they had a normal crit %, but they actually had such insane crit that their miss chance was essentially 0 (depending on what abilities they were using, etc. etc.) and their crit seemed reasonable. Now that crit has been dropped & their crit doesn't appear to have changed much, but they're hitting way less often.

    I can say definitively as someone who has a strength-oriented weapon skill character, this is how it has been for most melee weapon users (some sword users excluded) all along. We're glad you've caught up. Every time ya'll made snide comments in a thread complaining about melee or about how great bow has it, this is what we were talking about. Frankly, I think they should fix it for everyone else but force you to stay with for as long as we have.

    As I've said over and over and over again, the problem is that the hit chance from ability levels is half as high for auto-attacks as it is for runes and that sucks.
    Snazz and Roycestein Kaelstrom like this.
  20. Sir Cabirus

    Sir Cabirus Avatar

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    I wish you the best - recover soon.
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