Is Selective Multiplayer working or will it destroy SotA?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord_Darkmoon, Dec 11, 2016.

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  1. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    You ever hear of a game called Grand Theft Auto 5? Single player game with hugely successful selective multiplayer.
  2. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I guess since its updating ill elaborate a little better since im not on mobile.
    I agree. Zones are too small to support a purely MMO game. But this IMO reinforces the opinion that resources gained in MMO mode Vs others is no where near close.

    Actually quite the opposite of what i said..

    Was actually kinda laughing about this because 2 things.
    1- I am actually against CP abuse, but i also think that it takes 8 people give or take to hold a CP for the chests to be abused which yields around 15k in loot an hour. Meaning 10 people might make 30k an hour after selling. That is a whopping 3k a piece.
    Those same players, as well as average players can average 3-10k an hour, solo depending what they are doing. This has nothing to do with the resource nodes which i was focusing on here though.
    These are also power gamers with months of game time in. Yet i can compare what they make, to what a solo player less then a week old can make.

    So while i am not a fan of CP how it is setup currently, but that argument is pretty weak, considering not only is it a known issue, its also far from even a good example when relating to the economy issues.

    And blatently here i disagree.
    By making the modes not a shared economy (even though we know this isnt going to happen) you would bypass the part of *oh this good spawn of cotton is taken, i better go to SP so i can farm it all day uncontested * Which eliminates the competition for resources, creating an abundence using a simple reach around. It really is simple math that i can go and pull nearly unlimited of any resource out of SPO or Friends only now, while having limitations in MMO mode. Im failing to see how you possibly think that unlimited resources in ANYWAY is good for an economy. Especially when its SO easy to gather them for even a starting player.

    Solves the problem? I clearly show how the current setup makes running solo much much more profitable, which leads to a flooding of resources into the economy (which we have) , followed with everyone being to self sustain so easily ( which they do ) leading to almost a complete lack of market for made goods ( which is where its at now ).
    Yes i agree if they make this change and scale it based on people, they would need to balance the spawn rates of the mobs aswell.
    If you had to leave the zone to do other things or gather in other areas, becaus the respawn isnt keeping up, thats actually a good thing. RIGHT NOW you can sit in 1 room and mine gold ore unlimited. You can sit and mine iron ore unlimited. And you can currently run a zone non stop for wood/cotton without even having to leave the instance. This in MMO mode is much less likely a your splitting with other people creating at least some sort of dwindle in the sheer amount of non stop resources. SPO mode and Friends mode how they are currently, bypasses all this and you can LITERALLY farm any resources unlimited. Im failing to see how you think this is a good thing in ANY shared economy setup. ( This is ignoring the stupidity of having 0 rare resources, and the *rarest or most valued* avalible in 1 skull areas*.

    I have no solution to the ALT problem in either scenario, but having to ADD an alt to increase spawn, is still better then having an alt standing there anyways, so you can carry back unlimited with capacity X 2, which is how it currently is now.

    What? Im not seeing your concern here.
    In MMO mode , assuming they are the only 2 people in the zone, and a high level player kills 100% of things.. a new player walks in and sees an empty zone.. and ?
    I would think thats a bit of a stretch for 2 reasons. 1 - the spawns in 1 skull areas are deliberatly spaced out with less mobs per area to prevent mass farming, so theres no advantage for a higher end player farming it. And 2 - even if they were, i agree the zones are small, but they really arnt that small. Even at 1/8 respawn time ( or is it 1/4 with 2 people in that situation ) ? I highly doubt the zone will be empty. Not only that you would have to account for teh dead animals.. as even swift skinning means spawn faster then kill (even with respawn reduced ).. So im not really seeing this as a real issue.

    Ill just bypass the very small % of people who have or actually do that first comment.
    And where are you getting that either of us were advocating the removal of SPO ? If your desire to play the game solo, then do so. But that doesnt excuse the fact that THIS MODE is easily , and currently being abused to destroy the other modes.
    Your argument about the CP i already touched on. And basically your looking at it like * Theres other issues so they shouldnt fix this one either* Yes. 2 crappy mechanics, doesnt mean they shouldnt fix 1 because they havnt fixed the other.
    * Cant spawn inst.. wait for group to quit . no resolving *
    Again, not true. They actually stated they were aware of this exact issue, and they are working on resolving it. CP abuse is a thing. Not disputed. Claiming they arnt going to adjust and fix it, is weak.

    And.. what? This goes back to my original .. .point? Which was that the mines are classifying as Single/ Friends when you enter.. and the current rate is redicoulous. (Unlimited for just about every resource). So adjusting this makes sense no?
    I even stated in previous post, that im curious on how they re going to tackle mine to mine, as they are entirely too small and they should be working on uncloning them to make mining more then sitting in 1 room for 8 hours getting absolutly max gains.

    Feel like your ignoring the actual issue of why SPO and Friendsmode, and solo zones need to be adjusted to be on Par with MMO mode.
    Avery simply was enforcing the point of all this could be bypassed, if the economies wernt shared. But because they are, the flood of uncontested resources, destroys the market.

    I don't expect to come to an agreement in this thread. And whether they isolate the economies or not ( unlikely ), Its not hard to see why they need to balance the gathering between the modes to avoid abuse or over abundence.
    ( Especially since alot of these arguments are (power gamers do this, power gamers do that) .. and its the power gamers who are going to be effected by this change, not casual players. )

    And because everytime polar makes a move to balance the game a little, a whole shitstorm stirs up between people who cant see the larger picture, its been delayed this release anyways.
    Guess everyone who pre mined couple 1000x silver can continue stock piling.
    Ill head to DR in friends mode, and get unlimited animal hides and suet now. Then ill make Top End exceptional gear, and continue flooding the market, while wondering why nothing is worth anything. ( Because me doing this doesnt hurt the economy right? )

    PS: I think he was calling for closing of thread more because it was just back and forth non productive, un related shots at each
    Kambrius likes this.
  3. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Yes, a member that really thinks that there is anything of value left to this topic :p
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  4. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    OMG please no !! I will never play a game again that has such a system....
  5. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    Well, how else can you limit the amount of resources produced without just increasing the length of the grind? How can resources maintain an economical value when they're infinitely abundant?
  6. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    The thing is in mmo's players tend to rush, grind, exploit to get to the
    end-(game), because in the past years some, not all mmo's just seem to begin if you made it to max level.
    Grind was always a timesink method.
    But developers never can find a balance between ultra hardcore powergamers and casualgamers.
    Either it's to easy or to hard or something in between and all say it's neither fish nor fowl.

    Most people play to win something. The Match, the game, the Reputation of beeing Mr. Superhero. Even at Larps and some Roleplayers tend to this.
    It's all about beeing effective, efficient, strong and not weak.

    If i play Counterstrike i play to win, if i play a RTS or Strategy Game i want to win, but Go (Weiqi, Baduk) is a little different, if you cannot control your greed to win all, you will loose, you need to find a compromise but still with the tendency to win. I win allways a Go Match when i say to me i dont want to win, but be a challenging and pleasant opponent.
    What i want to say is that a MMORPG seem to me not a game i need to rush through, to win, to achieve something, although the leed you to achieve this and that. But it's a long term goal, there's no need to get into a competetive stance and compete with others all the time.
    Expect for PvP only MMORPGs like Gloria Victis e.g.
    Even Darkfall was not only about pvp, but the audience reduced it to grind and grief.
    Other Story.
    To me MMORPGs are virtual worlds, they have more non-competetive features than every other genre like housing, crafting, possibilities to socialice etc...
    But what do a lot of people?
    Grind to Win something.
    I unterstand that development of your character is fun.
    I unterstand if someone dont want to get involved of RP and do his own thing. Alone or with others, doesnt matter.
    What i dont unterstand is where is the fun to grind a mine for 5 hours or run in circles through a scene, kill and loot again and again and again to get further, faster to the "end", to power, to might and Glory? Glory for beeing the one who first achieved a GM/ max Level , just in the first x days/ weekend etc.
    You allways hear such things.
    Rank 10000000 in this or that game in 36 hours with 5 litres Green Cow (you know, this drink you can fly away, wont advertising :p)
    Yeah great effort.
    This Virtual Worlds are not about Grind, they are made for Roleplaying on the first hand, for immersion and socializing.
    And all this f....reaking Grind and effort and haste of development of your Charakter is somewhat greedy.
    I never can imagine Mr. Richard "Lord British aka General British" Gariott intend to use or abuse his digitalized Fantasy World for stu... boring emotionless grinding, maximizing all in 5 Month, haste through everything, max all out, dominate the system and all that.
    I guess he want people having fun to immerse and roleplay, because he is a roleplayer!!!

    It's the grind and on top of that exploiting that destroy Economy and PvP and made it exklusive to powergamers.
    Nobody would buy a game to just immerse and roleplay without having to level, get geared, become rich....
    Oh wait i would, but there's nothing like that but this Dinnerparty MMO Everjane, what i dont like by setting :p

    No jokes, i want to grew and develop and become stronger and mightier, but with a story behind it that is not: I grind 3 Weeks Silver to get richer, then i grind 3 Weeks x Mob and then Makro the skills at night on a Training Dummy.
    If you want repetetive content, come and do my work while i'm going creating and playing "real" adventures.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  7. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    That's been my point all along. This game is close to the point of itself being a timesink, not a game. Who spends more time has more of everything. You cannot compete or really even play meaningfully without spending endless hours in repetition.

  8. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    yes! and bears that also double as mounts
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  9. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    I don't know if I agree with that one.
  10. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    Simple - like how every other game does - someone's time is taken to harvest, the limit is amount of time available (as in most things). Balance is achieved in the amount that can be gathered in unit time. Not a broken system.

    But as to the labour system.... (that is effectively pay to craft if labour pots can be bought for $$). To a crafter / gatherer its no different from trying to limit the number of heals a healer can cast every day with a big counter at the top of the screen, or the number of swings a tank can make with his sword etc. Its a horrible system that (amongst other things) acts as a barrier to players crafting stuff for friends as you "can't afford the labour right now".
  11. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    Then break up competing!

    "Everybody knows how usefull it is to be usefull, but nobody knows how usefull it is to be not usefull."
  12. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    Labor Potions? That's your idea. Not mine.
    You obviously want to play a game that rewards time spent more than anything and that's fine and that's what a lot of other games do. I disagree with it. I think time is another resource that should reward management and not just excess.

    Some people feel like those with the most money deserve to always be on top. Some people feel that way about spare time. I disagree with both of those. There are many games, ways and ideas to reward things other than time or money spent.

    Not everyone has the same irl time or irl money to blow on a video game. They don't necessarily need to be excluded from playing meaningfully. Some people have nothing but time or money and I guess it makes sense they'd want things to be built to their benefit.
  13. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    For the record I am limited in both - I have limited time to play and limited free cash in between a full time job and family etc - but that's what I have to play and I won't insist that everyone else's playtime be limited artificially to help me 'keep up'.

    With you 100% on the p2w :)
  14. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    I don't want to limit anyone's time either. There's plenty to do in the game, or maybe there should be more to do than gather resources for 12 hours a day.
  15. Dirk Hammerstrike

    Dirk Hammerstrike Avatar

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    I think someone already fronted the idea of limiting the resource spawn rates (regardless of MODE) based on the number of players in the instance. Then regardless of MPO / FPO the rate a given Avatar in the instance can harvest is limited. For those with stand around ALTs, make inclusion contingent on avatars away from the spawn points, having harvested or fought in the last X minutes for them to count. For those arguing that its still not "fair" to the MPO crowd, I would point to the new 10% MPO bonus for XP, and suggest that in the future, that bonus apply for both adventure and producer harvesting.
    mass likes this.
  16. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    That's pretty ambiguous for all the modes.

    Take Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (or any of the games for that matter) Once you realize how to amass endless amounts of gold the game is broken.

    No need to make OPO the superior mode.
  17. Mekong

    Mekong Avatar

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    My personal feeling is they have done, and will do everything they can to discourage SPO and FPO. For the life of me I don't get it but oh well. I've personally given up. They are gearing toward This being an MMO now with offline on the back burner. Not what I wanted but I just don't care enough anymore to fight it.
  18. Bubonic

    Bubonic Avatar

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    it doesn't matter if you or I think there's nothing left of value or not. If you don't want to read anymore, the solution is simple. Don't click on the thread.

    easy peezy.
    Sir_Hemlock likes this.
  19. Sir_Hemlock

    Sir_Hemlock Avatar

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    Agree 100%. Sick of these obnoxious 'pimples'.
    Bubonic likes this.
  20. Sir_Hemlock

    Sir_Hemlock Avatar

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    I agree with this most of all.
    Dantuin likes this.
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