Inventory Bag

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Undelivered, Dec 12, 2013.


Do you Like the Inventory bag?

  1. Yes, I want it in the actual game

  2. No, Id prefer something different

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  1. ImRad

    ImRad Avatar

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    Loved the old style inventory, but have to agree they were clunky. Being pre alpha, they can only get better right!!! :D
    Hempy Do`Herben likes this.
  2. Svahn

    Svahn Avatar

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    This are my opinions of the current inventory situation.

    In short I don't like the bag / inventory system as it looks now.
    I feel it needs a major overhaul or modernisation and the idea they are showcasing is way way too old school.

    Within a few minutes of playing around in the current build I felt the inventory system was very cumbersome.
    More of a hindrance to gameplay than a complement to it.

    In not so many words I am of the opinion of favoring a more Warcraft & Star Wars The Old Republic way of handling bags and inventory.
    I am not saying those two games are the best at anything - but I like their inventory handling quite a bit more than SotA's right now.

    I feel every chest, bag etc etc should have a grid representing this and that much inventory space.
    Normal "modern" stacking of items would occur, and some items would take more space than others.
    We should be able to see very fast what is in a bag or a container and it should be really easy to interact with items, not having to drag stuff manually.

    Like doubleclicking and right clicking on items in our inventory and have something meaningful happen, like equipping a helmet or splitting a stack of apples.
    It should be easier to interact with items lying on the ground as well, like above.
    It would make for a much faster, effective and pain-free gameplay inventory wise than what is in this SotA build.

    By all means let the current (in my opinion) mess of items in a bag be an option for those who like this (and let it be an option - not the default setting..).
    Vyrinor and Atlaua (MGT470) like this.
  3. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    I think there's a lot more support for the bag system than there should be because of nostalgia.

    Remember that we want a lot of people to play this game, who won't have that nostalgic feeling. A clunky interface in a critical system could be a true deterrent to attracting new players. Customization and bag graphics can be achieved with a much better and easier to use interface.
    Swanman likes this.
  4. smack

    smack Avatar

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    They've said all along that there will be a more organized inventory system in addition to the default free form bag. I mean, this is a direct quote from the Release 1 Instructions:
    • Bags and inventory are still in development and more options for sorting and visual representations will be added in a later release
    And here's a direct quote from the Release 2 feature set:
    • List Inventory: For those who prefer spreadsheets to immersion. The inventory battle royale continues!

    The best thing to do is to offer ideas on how grid, list, or whatever other type of non-free form bag you'd like to see. Because we already know we're getting the free form one. Just help them define the other method(s).

    Personally, I'd play between two styles:
    - free form, old school Ultima / UO style bags
    - Skyrim inventory modded via SkyUI

    One thing I kind of like is the Diablo-style gear comparison. Hover your mouse over an item and it will show not only the stats for that item, but also the one you're currently wearing.
  5. Sir_Hemlock

    Sir_Hemlock Avatar

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    Actually, I don't think they can do both 'free form' or 'grid'. I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure it will be one or the other.

    I really hope they can refine the freeform bag, as suggested.
  6. Skalex

    Skalex Avatar

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    More bags. = More organization.

    I love this system.

    People who complain about not finding things just need to learn to organize. Don't just pile things in your bag. Place them. (unless you're looting)
    Put bags inside of bags. sub folders..

    Also, the need to have more bags to organize clutter adds to the economy and helps the common sac maker. (Tho i guess people still need gridded sacs if that's how we go)
  7. jondavis

    jondavis Avatar

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    Some items are clearly too big, I would start by looking at the food.
    For me I would like the bags to be bigger - but then again I'm using three monitors.
    It would be nice to dbl click on items to get put into one of the bags instead of dragging.
    Resizing your bag does sound nice as long as it don't mess with things like thieving.
    Maybe include a few slots around the edges to try and please the slot fanatics.
  8. Deliverence

    Deliverence Avatar

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    I think they should include both with an option to toggle this in the option settings, it doesn't seem like a very difficult system to implement.
  9. Mugly Wumple

    Mugly Wumple Avatar

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    Scaling aside, I'm all for the freeform container, with some improvements, like multi-select, intelligent stacking with a tooltip listing, or even a mini-grid that pops out when I role over a closed container.
  10. Mugly Wumple

    Mugly Wumple Avatar

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    My Mom could never get me to clean my room, either.
  11. Hempy Do`Herben

    Hempy Do`Herben Avatar

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    But that is realistic. I actually like the bags as is. I am sick of the grids. This feels natural and messy. Like you'd imagine a bag like this to be.
    ImRad and AdamZax like this.
  12. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    It feels natural to have a 5' candlestick sitting on top of a wedge of cheese next to a painting that is smaller than the cheese (in the backpack only) all in a leather satchel? It's not any more realistic than a grid system.

    Realism would be carrying large items in your hands. Breakable items that break if you don't place them carefully in your backpack. No nested items that are larger than their container. Item interactions that scratch, squash break.

    I don't think it's fair to argue for what's more realistic. Neither are, so I default to what's more usable and allows me to enjoy the game more - and that's an organized system of whatever type. I don't play the game to organize items in a backpack.
    KernelPanic likes this.
  13. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Even if they are planning to add an option some time in testing, I'd like them to work on ways of improving the free form bag system, so it feels and works right, and so there's incentive to use it instead of turning it off. Maybe if its done well enough it will be popular. If its not done well, it will doom it as an option from the start, and won't be popular.

    Here are a few personal preferences I have that I think would make it work better:

    1. Size all items in the inventory correctly in proportion to the Avatar's paperdoll.

    Not only shouldn't a drumstick or loaf of bread be larger than a suit of armor, but items shouldn't be tinier than they are. Creating small items makes the whole inventory system seem out of place, and looking for items being a process of hunting-and-pecking. Making large items visually the same size or smaller than small items also makes things more difficult to navigate. The inventory system should make visual sense.


    2. Create visually different sized bags, so you can what sized items they can hold.

    You shouldn't be able to put a suit of armor in a chest in a small bag inside another bag, inside your backpack. It not only defeats the purpose of a semi-realistic bag system, but it also makes things more confusing. The free-form bag system allows organization, but only if it makes sense according to logical rules. If you know a small bag can't hold a suit of armor, you don't look for your suit of armor in a small bag.


    3. Show visual cues while moving items.

    For example, if items have sizes, and bags have sizes, show a grid inside the bag and outlining the item you're dragging, so a player can see quickly how well they line up. Note that this example wouldn't have to imply a tetris-style inventory system; items could possibly overlap, it would just help give you cues about how well things would fit places. Other size and weight constraints could also exist on top of this constraint.


    4. Try to apply the same rules, wherever possibly, creatively to the paperdoll free inventory space.

    Trying to apply the rules to the free inventory space on the paperdoll display could be done in any number of ways, including in ways that would accommodate items that might be larger than the size of your bags, like worktables and chairs. For example, allow it so only needs the edge of the item to hang.


    5. Give certain shortcuts to players, to make their lives easier.

    For instance, items that stack could have a little pop up item that allows you to 'Gather' every item like that one in the same bag together in a pile. So if you have a bag full of stray mandrake root, you would click one mandrake root, then 'Gather', and they would pile.

    6. Corpse versions of paperdolls.

    Make dead bodies have corpse versions of paperdolls. A body in a prone position, but with the armor and weapons showing on him just like on a live paperdoll. It would make a nicer and more unified experience.
    KernelPanic likes this.
  14. Otha Livinded

    Otha Livinded Avatar

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    The overall system for inventory is great. It does take some getting used to, and I can think of a number of improvements that would make it easier to use....but the basic system offers tremendous freedom to organize however you like.

    The secret is to grab enough little bags and set them in orderly fashion in your pack, with weapons in one, potions in another, etc.

    Some helpful improvements that would be cool to the existing system-

    1. Make the main backpack unique looking.
    2. Make a special container to hold the big stuff, and have it weigh the character down properly. It could be a tow rope you drag furniture with, maybe, or a portable wheelbarrow.
    3. Have each character's ""set up" save through dying, so you don't have to annoying reset your pack each time you die.
    4. Have potions and other potables stack in your bag, with a number showing how many you have.

    I do like the old school backpack system a lot. I hope it is kept.
  15. coder1024

    coder1024 Avatar

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    There should be the option to do it either way. They've already said a list inventory is planned for a future test (I forget which one) so its definitely coming.
    KernelPanic likes this.
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