2021+ Player Priorities

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sorgin Txakal, Jan 5, 2021.

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  1. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    I thought with the new year started and the flash sales done, it would be a good time to poll everyone as to help the devs understand what are the current hopes from players who aren't necessarily active on twitter and the streams or like arguing here in the forums - plus it is good to have an actual ranked list instead of past conversations to refer to.

    As such, I propose this:

    1. Please use this post to post your top 5 Wishlist items for 2021+ you would like to see in SOTA you believe are achievable and realistic in no particular order.
      1. NOTE - PLEASE: List only, no long paragraphs, no nested requests, no replying, no arguing, no disparaging comments, avoid sarcasm - this is a genuine request for constructive feedback on player's hopes - there are no wrong answers, but if you can't sum up your request in a single sentence it probably needs more thought or needs to be separated into multiple requests.
      2. Why only 5? because it forces you to prioritize what is really important to you.
    2. On Friday the 22nd, I will go through and compile everyone's responses, randomize into a poll for everyone to do a multi vote on - this poll will be open for two weeks and will be closed before the live stream on February 5th at which point it will be brought up in the live streams requesting dev feedback on the ranked priorities from the players for post patch 86.
      1. If the devs respond to or take care of any of these items before the 22nd or they are identified to be planned for R86, they will not be added to the poll.

    List your top 5 requests here, I will post a poll, and the feedback will be provided to the devs during a live stream.
    jrs99, craftymethod, Elgarion and 4 others like this.
  2. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    I'll go first :)

    Here are my top five wishes to see focused on post R86:
    • New cooking skills to make cooking more competitive with other production skills
    • Increased FPS stability to encourage large party adventures
    • More risk/reward encouraged exploration in adventure scenes
    • Deeper competition between tamed/summoned pet varieties
    • New spawn types for player dungeons
    Belladonna Rose, Wilfred and Xee like this.
  3. Dorn Slate

    Dorn Slate Bug Hunter

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    Top 5 wishes:

    1. Stability of the game
    2. Better loot from mobs
    3. Not getting a failed attempt at Masterworking/Enchanting at 95% success rate.
    4. New mob types to fight with appropriate rewards.
    5. More craftable/purchaseable items that exist in the world. (There are very nice items in game.)
    Wilfred, Xee and Sorgin Txakal like this.
  4. Pifester

    Pifester Avatar

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    Middle of No-Where Alaska
    Here are my top five wishes to see focused on post R86:
    • Crafted gear was always supposed to be the "best" - I only wish it were true, crafters don't make much anymore, they just add Masterworks and Enchants to artifacts - change that.
    • Look at PVP and see what it would take to get more interested/excited about it, factions? faction crafters?
    • Allow higher tier crafters to mentor past GM , heck - allow any skill to mentor past GM...maybe max mentoring is 15 levels below the "mentors" skill....120 could mentor to 105...140 could mentor to 125
    • Increase the strength of the effect for higher tier crafters
    • New spawn types for player dungeons - that would be nice (as well as DOORS / 1-way portals for dungeons)
    MikaOba, Wilfred and Sorgin Txakal like this.
  5. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    • bug fixes, bug fixes, bug fixes
    • better explanations in skills window (i.e. what does taming specialization actually affect)
    • more information in verbose combat log (what kind of damage is being done, how much is being resisted)
    • alternate utility bars
    • make pets actually follow commands or tell me why they didn't (show aggro numbers somewhere)
    Anpu, Wilfred, Xee and 1 other person like this.
  6. FBohler

    FBohler Avatar

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    Hey Sorgin, Ulric Hildegard here, sup!

    1. Exceptional components & consumables being actually better than regular ones;
    2. Patternable artifacts (especially bandit gear);
    3. MW being able to boost some component properties (e.g. +crit chance by MWing over yard of supple leather);
    4. Summoned elementals getting some love, especially Air which is just worthless;
    5. More rare components (e.g. rare bowstave, weapon blades, hilts, magic cloth, dragon leather, blackrock, bloodrock, etc. with different bonuses).
    Wilfred, Xee and Sorgin Txakal like this.
  7. Gadfrey Zukes

    Gadfrey Zukes Avatar

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    1. more inter-paragraph spacing between paragraphs in the chat windows. Particularly for the INK conversationalists, (ex. after each “person: response”)
    2. some minimal stylesheet options for INK text (#bold #underline #italic) would be nice.
    3. more ways for “public” players to safely interact with private properties. (more objects like public chests. maybe books, papers and flyers that could be made public - so public access players could edit and append writing to them (vs one-and-done style writing paper)
    4. personally I’d like more tier 5+ options like Tenebris Harbour or Verdantis Mines. intersting terrain, lots of fights and sellable loot
    5. less buggy items released (ex. please test that monthly reward item patterns can be applied)
    Hazard, Wilfred, Xee and 1 other person like this.
  8. that_shawn_guy

    that_shawn_guy Bug Hunter

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    earth... mostly
    - global vendor search system
    - vendor data in the API
    - full and accurate event data in the API (anonymized if player wants)
    - Conversationalists that can give/take items/gold
    - A single, fully complete systems (for the love of the Oracle at least one please)
    MikaOba, Hazard, Anpu and 6 others like this.
  9. Jack SinAssist

    Jack SinAssist Avatar

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    1) Performance
    2) Crafting system fixed and meaningful
    3) PVP
    4) LOOT!
    5) Combat with collision/knowing what you are hitting/range
    Wilfred, Sorgin Txakal and Xee like this.
  10. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    1) New Quest System with an ATTRACTIVE look
    2) Vendor UI Overhaul
    Hazard, Anpu, Wilfred and 5 others like this.
  11. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    NPC towns are dead. Their gameplay should be reinvented with a territorial control / faction control / kingship type feature (give PVP some real meaning in the game and maybe it will bring players back) or something else that makes them relevant beyond the main quest line. Most NPC towns, especially the top quest line towns, are well done and just need more purpose.
    King Robert, Hazard, FBohler and 6 others like this.
  12. dayero

    dayero Avatar

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    1) no new scenes
    2) no new features

    Fill existing scenes with more content and work on existing systems. I won't even say overhaul, because that might give the impression of some big undertaking, which it isnt. The amount of low hanging fruit this game has is just absurd.
  13. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    1) Crafting quests or order system (including from NPC) or both.
    2) New high adv. level scenes designed for solo as well as group play (the whole scene either group oriented or solo oriented).
    3) Mob specific weapon enchantment scrolls to be applied by player to weapons. Scrolls dropping as loot or made by crafters.
    4) All developer game news shared with players with out dependence on third party platforms such as Twitter.
    5) Meaningful Episode 2 content polished and delivered.
  14. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Lots of good stuff up above hope it all comes lol.

    1. Expanded NPC system to include but not limited to : Emotes, Aggression (turn red and fight you), give and take options for rewards / quests.
    2. Expanded Dungeon / finished dungeon system to go with the NPC's including more spawners
    3. Crafting system changes mentioned
    4. More reasons to visit scenes. we have so many amazing ones but nothing really in them short of harvest. expand mini quests, add mini bosses and or events in scenes maybe even a raid boss invasion?
    5. POT scripted events. see wish list in forums for details on purposed. includes NPC, pre saved mob location based on event timers and or conversations . saved so you can load up in real time pre scripted perhaps even event scheduler for towns?
  15. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    I agree with Xee, Lots of good ideas in this thread. :)

    My top 5 are:

    1. Make decorations and other in game items stackable whenever possible. (Item stacking has gotten much better this past year, but especially crafted furniture and brewing ingredients still need to stack. Thanks to Elgarion and all the other devs for the stacking improvements!)
    2. Improve the vendor buy/sell system with the ability to buy and sell partial item stacks, so players only have to list one stack when they sell bulk items like garlic.
    3. Add some sort of vendor search system, preferably a regional search with prices.
    4. Make decorated lots/basements/dungeons go to the Property Manager (instead of sending the deco to the Bank) when a lot expires and when a player gets kicked from a POT, so the player's decorating work is not destroyed.
    5. Improve the character creation system by adding more hair styles, more hair accessories with different colors, and other options for players to customize their avatars.
  16. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    1. Maps. A new player playing our game should not be asking in chat how to make the maps work, due to missing maps.
    2. A switch to 2 or 3 month release cycle. With a priority and emphasis of test and fix before going to live.
    3. A better Quest interface.
    4. A better Crafting Book interface.
    5. Better QA testing tools for quest testing. Most of the newer quest content is too high level for me to test. But if I could, I will tell you were it is bugged and why and how.
  17. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    1. A soul
    2. A vision
    3. An ambition
    4. The game knowing what it wants to be, and trying to be good at it
    I almost don't care what path they choose, as long as it's something.
  18. Sulaene Moon

    Sulaene Moon Avatar

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    1. Loot loot loot
    Sorgin Txakal likes this.
  19. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    Crafty's Five + 1
    1. Ability to place an object in the world. IE an object to function as an event marker listed on town crier as a location.
    2. Player quest Inky upgrades
    3. Voice chat plugin for Unity. (all new players have ears great way to meet people )
    4. Open quests/contracts market (like star citizen? this could be done by a web based badge system/community driven?)
    5. Text to speech so NPC conversations can be enriched or ideally Community voice talent pipeline.
    6. Ability to sail boats around in towns with water.

      1 because expands ease to find people in scenes and can lead to greater things (camping/player stories events etc even setting up a small telescope with a nice vista with an event marker there, 2 because very powerful for strong player stories, 3 because with chris's VR etc, this would be huge for Twitch streaming and organic human to human interactions between strangers, 4 because fighting isn't everything time to make civic boring life cool with non combat quests... If you read this far, i'll sneak in a 7. New game welcome screen that is inviting and gives impression of a living breathing extensive world. (People who started at that UO painting would understand)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  20. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    1 - Make tab keys work in the vendor sell/orders interface, right now it's a nightmare of switching between keyboard and mouse three times per item. (click quantity field, type quantity, click price field, type price, click sell) As far as QOL goes, this is annoying enough to be a "bitter pill" problem for me.
    2 - Remember the last sell price you used five minutes ago when listing another instance of the same item. It doesn't need to stored on the server, but it would be nice if it remembered at least the last ten or so. I just don't want to have to type quantity and price every bleeping time.
    3 - Link together all the Public Vendors, just like what was done with the bank. As it is now, they've basically become pointless, doubly so since almost nobody lives near them. Are there even public vendors in POTs? At least make the 10% premium worth something.
    4 - EVERY area should have a map unless there's a specific reason not to. Even a crappy auto-generated map is better than no map.
    5 - Better clothing and face options, reducing the cost of New You is a good start
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