Blood River Outskirts - The Complete Quest Guide

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Dec 31, 2019.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This guide will detail the exact steps in order to fully complete all the quests within the Blood River Outskirts. You are free however to do any of these tasks in any order you wish. I am just providing one compact efficient way (in my opinion) to do all of these.

    You can run to the Blood River Outskirts at any time to begin doing the quest here at any time.

    Of note: The Blood River Outskirts is not where you start the Chapter 1 Main Quest for the Truth path. The quest item needed to start that is found at Blood River (if you are a new player, when you go to Blood River, it will be called Blood River Massacre). Finishing Blood River Massacre will give you the quest item to begin that part of the Chapter 1 Main Quest (The Bone Dagger).

    If you are a new player to Shroud of the Avatar, it is highly recommended you finish all 3 Outskirts areas because you will receive some gold as well as a decent pool of both Adventure and Crafting XP to help advance your character.

    This guide will be in 3 parts, and will be organize in the most (in my opinion) efficient way. This guide will also start as if the player has finished the Blood River Massacre area (you need to go there anyways to start the Truth part of the Chapter 1 Main Quest).

    If you are a completely new player to Shroud of the Avatar, use the and find the Blood River area. This will show you where to go and enter the Blood River Massacre scene.

    Part 1 - The Elf Camp
    After finishing Blood River Massacre you will arrive in the Blood River Outskirts. Speak to Eilliana. Click your name at the bottom. Click the job and then help keyword. Receive the Seek Alberic task from her. Click Goodbye. Follow the road and the blue marker for Alberic in the compass at the top of your screen, and head to him.

    Speak to the elf in the tent. He will immediately ask you for your name. Give him your name. Click name keyword. He will give his name as Alberic. Click Blood River then refugee keyword. Receive Aid Refugees task. Click help keyword. Receive Get Evidence for Alberic task and journal entry. Click Goodbye. Exit the tent to the camp.

    Look for an Elf by the crafting tables simply named Elf (there is also one more named the same in the immediate area). You will also note some blue Magnifying Glass makers on your compass. These icons represent a general area of where to find things needed for a quest/task. Speak to them.

    He will immediately ask you for your name. Give him your name. Click name keyword. He will give his name as Vinicius. Click the heirloom keyword. Receive Recover Heirlooms for Vinicius task. Click Goodbye.

    To the north are some tents and an Elf named Elf in grey and red trim. Speak to them. She will immediately ask you for your name. Give her your name. Click name keyword. She will give her name as Paeon. Manually type the word help and press the enter key in the dialogue window. Click the tragedies keyword. Receive Banded Forever task. Click Goodbye.

    Head South past Vinicius and toward the West is a tent with a cooking station and an Elf named Crafting Trainer. Speak to them. The will have the name Zosimus. Give them your name if you wish. Click the help and resources keyword. Receive the Resource Gathering task. Click Goodbye.

    You now have 4 tasks to finish (Resource Gathering, Banded Forever, Recover Heirlooms for Vinicius and Get Evidence for Alberic) go around the various areas of the Blood River Outskirts and kill Vigilantes, until you find the Betrothal Band, Blood River Outskirts Elven Heirloom, Vigilante Stage 1 Plan, bottle of Elven Wine and collected 3 copper ore, 2 pine wood and 2 garlic. Return to the camp when you have found all these items.

    Go to Vinicius and speak to them. Click the heirloom keyword and give them the Blood River Outskirts Elven Heirloom. Click the elven wine keyword and hand them the bottle of Elven Wine. The Aid Refugees task will clear and a new task Update Elf Leader will be given. Click Goodbye.

    Of note as you continue to kill more Vigilantes, you can still find more Blood River Outskirts Elven Heirloom's but can only have 1 of these at a time. When you are back at camp, you can turn these into Vinicius for a small reward.
    every time you find more of these.

    Go to Paeon and speak to them. A window will open and give them the Betrothal Band. Click Goodbye.

    Go to Zosimus and speak to them. Click the resource gathering keyword. Hand them the 3 copper ore, 2 pine wood and 2 garlic (you can hold down the LEFT CTRL key and drag items one at a time to give to them). Click Goodbye.

    At this point, you probably are carrying a lot of loot from all the Vigilantes you have killed. Find the Elf Blacksmith (his name will be revealed as Ferrarius) and speak to them, and sell them all your unwanted items for gold.

    Go to Alberic and speak to them. They will immediately want the Vigilante Stage 1 Plan and give that to them. Receive Get More Evidence task and journal entry. Click the refugee keyword. Click Goodbye.

    Go back outside the camp and kill more Vigilante's. Keep killing them until you find Vigilante's Plan Stage 2.

    Alberic will immediately ask for the Vigilante's Plan Stage 2. Give that to him and you will receive the Get Evidence in Camp task and journal entry. Click Goodbye.

    Part 2 - Get Evidence in Camp

    Go back out of the camp and look for a blue task on your compass marked Search Camp for Evidence. Head toward that. you should see a large log bridge over some water.


    At the end of the log bridge, you will see a person dressed like a Vigilante, but when you move your mouse over them it turns blue. This means this is an NPC you can speak to (but can't harm them). BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO HIM, run a small circle around him to kill any of the vigilantes near by him who will attack and interrupt you when you try to speak to him. When the coast is clear, speak to him.

    He will immediately ask your name. Click the name keyword. He will give his name as Marcus. Click humans attacked me, humans, reason, elf and [True] Yes. Receive Marcus Needs Written Evidence task and journal entry. Click Blood River and help. Receive Enter Camp, Speak with Phineas task and journal entry. Click Goodbye. He has also told you the password to enter the Vigilante Camp.

    At the top of your screen find the blue task Vigilante Gate Guard and head toward that. As soon as you get close to him his dialogue window will come up. Click the cleansing keyword. He will hand you the Vigilante Gate Key. Click the Key Hole by the lever by the gate and go inside the camp and find the Vigilante Commander.

    Speak to the Vigilante Commander. He will immediately ask your name. Click the name keyword. He will give his name as Phineas Drumplemouth. Click help. You will receive Scalps for the Vigilantes task. Click Goodbye.

    Double click on the Scalps for the Vigilantes task. Your journal will open up and tell you one way to find these scalps. You can then find the 3 elf scalps in 3 different ways: Kill Corrupted Elves and find them sometimes on loot. Kill the hostile Obsidian Elves. They also will occasionally drop scalps. Or speak to Alberic.

    Go back and speak to Alberic. Of note, once you tell Alberic about the elf scalps, you can ONLY turn in the fake elf scalps to Drumplemouth.

    Speak to Alberic and click on [Tell truth of scalp hunt] keyword. Click elf scalp keyword. Receive Scalps for the Vigilante - Ruse task. Speak to the Elf next to Ferrarius.

    Click the fake elf scalps keyword. Click name keyword. They will give the name Valinia. Tell them your name if you wish and click Goodbye. Head back to Phineas Drumplemouth.

    Speak to Phineas Drumplemouth and he will ask for the 3 fake elf scalps. Give them to him. Click the Stage two keyword. Receive the Venomous Extraction task.

    Head back to where the Elven Camp is, and then note the blue Venomous Extraction marker on your compass. Head in that direction.

    The Spider Lair


    Go inside and find the Wolf Spider Queen and kill and then skin her. You will then find the Wolf Queen Spider Venom Sack (2). You will now have a new task Sacks for Phineas. Go back to Phineas Drumplemouth and speak to him.

    Phineas Drumplemouth will ask for the Wolf Queen Spider Venom Sack (2). Hand them to him. Receive the Venomous Distribution task. Click the manifesto keyword. Receive the Cleansing Manifesto quest item. Receive Give Manifesto to Alberic? task and journal entry.

    Head back toward the Elven Camp. Along the way stop by Marcus and Speak to him. He will immediately ask for the Cleansing Manifesto. Give that to him and He will give you back the Cleansing Manifesto so don't worry. Now head back to the Elven Camp.

    Speak to Alberic and click the manifesto keyword. Hand him the Cleansing Manifesto (he will give you one back, don't worry). Receive the Deliver Evidence to Bearfield task and you will receive the Banner of Truth. Click the food poison keyword. Click the [Agree to poison the Vigilante food supply] keyword. Receive Turn-around is fair poison.

    VERY IMPORTANT. You are about to get exposed to a new debuff on your character from creatures called "confusion" as well as getting poisoned. You need a way to remove that. In the Life Skill Tree, make sure your Healing Touch skill is at least 10 (or keep using it until it reaches level 10). There is an Adventuring Trainer in the camp that can be found here:


    Learn the Purify skill from him and add that to your combat deck. Visit the Elf Blacksmith Ferrarius and make sure you have an adequate supply of arrows. We are now ready to proceed. (Feel free to keep clicking that spell to level it up, but even a level of 1 is sufficient).

    Head out of the camp.

    Part 3 - Monkeys and Automatons and Bearfield oh my!

    Head for these ruins that are on the way out of the Elven Camp:


    Go to this area of the ruins:


    to find a Dormant Automaton Monkey and double click on it to get it. Of note, you can find these in other locations. I am just pointing out this one location.

    Now head to this location on the map:


    At this point I would recommend you now switch to using a bow (if you aren't already) and put bow skills in your combat bar (click and drag skills from the skill window and drop them in). Put skills like Disabling shot and Aimed shot on your combat bar. Several Mushroom creatures will be around here and it is easier to just kill them from a distance. When they die, a cloud of poison will surround them. If you kill them from a distance you will be just fine. Head inside the Automaton Home and find the Peaceful Automaton. Speak to him.

    He will immediately ask you for your name. Click the name keyword. He will give his name as Gus. Click the job, something magical, BOOM, calling, except, corruption and help keyword. Receive the Destroy Boletusporis Regem task. Click the automaton monkey keyword. Click the automaton monkey keyword again and he will ask for one. Give him the Dormant Automaton Monkey. Click the truth keyword. Receive the Truth in the Hood task. Click Goodbye.

    See what time it is. The next task will require that it be daylight time (Morning to Afternoon). If it is not that time yet, feel free to run outside and kill various creatures to get more XP, loot and gold.

    Once it is Dawn head out of the area. Head to the Aerie Ranger Camp (look for the blue maker named Aerie Captain).

    Speak to the Aerie Captain. They will ask you for the Cleansing Manifesto. Hand that to them (you will get that back). Click the name keyword. They will give the name Captain Bearfield. Manually type the word help and press enter. They will hand you a WARRANT - Phineas Drumplemouth quest item. Receive the Give Phineas the Warrant task and journal entry. Click Goodbye.

    Now follow the road South from the camp (look for the Truth in the Hood blue marker on your compass and head toward that). You will eventually find a large pyramid structure. Of note, this specific area, is one of the few areas that actually HAS the Turkey animal. Feel free to kill a few and collect a few Turkey Carcass's. In case you may want to make any food that uses Turkey!

    Make your way to the West side of the Pyramid. And kill any skeletons you may happen to find.

    Click on the lever:

    And go inside. Fight the Zombies and make your way to a room with a creature named the Crypt Caretaker. Get the Hood of Truth remnant from him. Head back to the exit (click the lever by the door) and exit. Head back to Gus.

    Speak to Gus. Click the hood of truth keyword. Give him the Hood of Truth remnant. Receive the Cloth Hood of Truth +2. Click Goodbye. Head all the way back to the Vigilante Camp.

    Speak to Phineas Drumplemouth. He will ask for the WARRANT - Phineas Drumplemouth. Give that to him. In a near by tent:


    You can clearly see the Vigilante food Supply. Go near that and double click. Select the add poison keyword. Exit the camp and head to this area:


    You may want to switch to Ranged for this area. Enter the door. Kill the creatures in the scene. Look for the giant Boletusporis Regem and kill it. As soon as you do, an Anti-Druid skeleton will appear. Kill it and loot the body. You will receive the The Eye of Naturamans. Exit the area. Head all the way back to Gus.

    Speak to Gus and click the Naturamans keyword.

    You have now completed every single possible quest in this area!

    If you wish (and you are following this guide) now head to the last remaining Outskirts to finish the last of the 3 Outskirts areas (Highvale).

    There IS one more optional thing you can do (if you wish). This is not a quest and is optional.

    Go to this location here:


    This will be your first introduction to a "wave" battle. Kill all the Boletusporis Infans mushrooms. After you kill all of them several Corrupted Elves will appear. Kill them and then you will get to meet Naturamans. Kill them and retrieve the Hand of Naturamans. This is an item that can be used for decoration.

    This is one of the most incredibly well done scenes in the entire game (in my opinion). And even just following this guide, there are many many other things you can see and find in this area (not quest related, but just well done sections of this scene), that you have not even seen. If you are an explorer kind of person, please keep looking around! If not. Leave and head on to the next area you want to.

    The information in the guide was last checked and verified on: Release 90 Patch 1390.

    None reported
    *Confirmed and verified all steps and information stated in the guide with QA Build 1203 Release 90 Patch 1390.
    *Original Post posted as of Release 73 and patch 1098. The exact sequence posted above was done.
    *Corrected some typos and formatting.
    *Clarified the section about acquiring the elf scalps.
    *Clarified you can find the Automaton Monkey in other areas.
    My other guides:
    Anpu's Guides to Getting Started - The Outskirts and Beyond
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    Time Lord, Edrei, Saesa and 11 others like this.
  2. Nick

    Nick Avatar

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    oh my... another book I can publish. :D

    small request, do you happen to have coordinates for locations? Can't exactly put a map into a book.

    :p I hate the blood river outskirts, not too keen to go there to get the coordinates. Makes me nausea. I think it was this scene that sent me to the hospital. :rolleyes:
    Cordelayne, Anpu and Paladin Michael like this.
  3. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    Breaker's Landing
    Makes me want to reset my quests and journal for my secondary avatar and start all over.
  4. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I will run in there probably tomorrow (because I have the day off, and get those coordinates). Also if you are going to publish this as an in game book, please at least credit me. I only ask that.
  5. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    If you missed any of these quests (or items) you can go back there at any time and complete them. Like it’s very easy to miss Gus and his quests.
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  6. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    It's not actually necessary to poison the vigilantes -- although I'd certainly understand why some might want to, virtue is your own choice.

    The scalps can be a bit buggy -- since there's more than one way to get them, and you get the Fake Scalps task even if you already have scalps from one of the other methods, and then Phineas gets confused about which scalps to ask you for.

    There are several locations to pick up a monkey, unless the others have been removed in the past few months.

    Not sure what your definition of "quest" is, but there is an emote to be gotten from an NPC you'll only find by exploring.

    Ditto that this is a wonderful scene. I could do without the random treasure chest lying about in the open, and the tower really needs some sort of backstory to explain what those folks are doing there, and why a hermit has an alchemy shop set up underneath him, but those are minor issues. Overall, I love this huge, beautiful scene. Especially the way it really gives us (at least some of us) a good in-character reason to WANT to kill these vigilantes, instead of just assuming we're all murder hobos.
  7. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    [12/30/2019 10:57:44 PM] Ast: add poison
    [12/30/2019 10:57:44 PM] Vigilante Food Supply: -You add the venomous potion to the vigilante food supply-
    [12/30/2019 10:57:44 PM] You receive 100 gold!
    [12/30/2019 10:57:44 PM] You gained 5000 experience needed for skill development!

    I consider that a quest and it does get completed.

    The item turn in window specifically states which exact item to hand him. Although I have not tested turning in actual scalps from the Corruped Elves or the ones from Obsidian Elves. I'll go check.

    Yes. I only provided one exact location to find one for the purpose of this detailed walk through. There's several places to find them.

    Agreed. Those are some good points.
  8. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    you can choose not to.

    [9/10/2018 6:57:24 AM] Errandrunner Oop: food poison
    [9/10/2018 6:57:24 AM] Elf: Food poison potion, is it? From the venom of a queen wolf spider... hmm. Diluted enough and it would cause quite a bit of sickness to its victims without killing them, though I'm certain they'd wish for death. You know, if you're game, we could turn this against the vigilantes. Would you be interested in using this poison on the vigilantes' food supply?
    [9/10/2018 6:57:24 AM]
    [9/10/2018 6:57:27 AM] Errandrunner Oop: [Refuse to poison vigilante food supply]
    [9/10/2018 6:57:27 AM] Elf: Very well, I understand your apprehension. The sickness from this kind of poison is most debilitating and unfortunate, even for the vigilantes.
    Anpu likes this.
  9. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Damn, I missed that! Thank you!

    I would rather get the xp though..... ;)
  10. Toular

    Toular Avatar

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    I think you also get experience for not poisoning.

    [4/16/2019 10:43:52 PM] Aerie Captain: So you must be the outlander that's been working with Alberic. I take it you may have something that I might be interested in?
    [4/16/2019 10:43:52 PM]
    [4/16/2019 10:43:59 PM] You receive 400 gold!
    [4/16/2019 10:43:59 PM] You gained 12000 experience needed for skill development!
    [4/16/2019 10:43:59 PM] You gave an item (The Cleansing Manifesto) to Aerie Captain
    [4/16/2019 10:43:59 PM] You received an item (The Cleansing Manifesto) from Aerie Captain
    [4/16/2019 10:44:04 PM] Aerie Captain: Hmm, yes... Uh-huh... Got him! Yes! This is perfect! This is exactly the evidence we need to present to the Aerie magistrates to prove that Phineas Drumplemouth acted solely on his own accord to assemble a militia and effectively attack a non-hostile peoples without the direct consent of the Aerie government.

    I'm not 100% positive, but I believe you get more exp at the end of the entire quest if you don't poison. Effectively that 400 exp gets "moved" to the end of the overall quest if you choose to not poison.
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  11. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    No, you do not get any extra XP or gold doing the poison quest:

    [12/30/2019 10:12:47 PM] Aerie Captain: So you must be the outlander that's been working with Alberic. I take it you may have something that I might be interested in?
    [12/30/2019 10:12:47 PM]
    [12/30/2019 10:12:53 PM] You receive 400 gold!
    [12/30/2019 10:12:53 PM] You gained 12000 experience needed for skill development!
    [12/30/2019 10:12:53 PM] You gave an item (The Cleansing Manifesto) to Aerie Captain.
    [12/30/2019 10:12:53 PM] You received an item (The Cleansing Manifesto) from Aerie Captain.

    This is from the chat log when I was making this guide and following the exact steps posted above (including poisoning the Vigilantes). Of note you get the same exact amount of gold and xp.

    This isn't however a bug, and falls under the quest design category. And the lack of rewarding players who specifically decide to do things differently (based on the actions they choose). This also falls under the lack of actual choice and consequences for your actions, of which this game is severely lacking. But that is an entire topic that could be discussed on it's own.
  12. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Avatar

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    Bloomington, IN
    The first elf I saw upon arriving in BNO is "Ylliana". Have they changed the name?

    Also, I chose not to poison (didn't read the guide during this part and missed it and it felt "wrong"). I did get the 12k xp. I assume I am done with this Outskirt but not sure how to tell.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
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  13. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    That’s the other npc that will greet you and ask you go see the leader, if you aren’t arriving here right after the blood river massacre. I’ll mention that. The rest of the guide is the exact same.
  14. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Avatar

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    Bloomington, IN
    O I C. A question about the heirlooms and Vinicius. After I gave her the first one, I've been able to turn in 3-4 more and get xp each time I do so. I believe I just completed all tasks in this Outskirt and my remaining task is to go see Stanley in Soltown. Is there a limit on how many heirlooms you can turn in to Vinicius? Can I still come back here and turn in heirlooms for xp? Not that I'd want to. It's too easy of an area for me (a shock, I know) and I don't want to use up the over 300k hp I got from doing the Outskirts. Just curious for your amazing guide.

    Last question about all three: which rewards should I be getting for completing them? I know about the lot deed. Should there be banners, armor? If so, what specifically? I think I have a helm of love that showed up while doing the outskirts so that confused me.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  15. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Currently, you can keep turning these into him every time you find one, forever and ever, at any time. And no, this is not an efficient way to gain xp and gold. It is certainly helpful and neat for new players though.

    Per the guide "Speak to Alberic and click the manifesto keyword. Hand him the Cleansing Manifesto (he will give you one back, don't worry). Receive the Deliver Evidence to Bearfield task and you will receive the Banner of Truth"

    If you did the above part, you should have The Banner of Truth now.

    Besides the 1 time per account POT Row Lot deed, the other thing you can do is speak to Alberic and click or type the word gear. They should hand you the Love Virtue Dye Bundle, unless they already gave you that. That reward is also 1 time, per character.

    When you receive a banner for any of the 3 Outskirts areas, that is the indicator you have finished the Main Quest for the current Outskirts you are in. You can still finish any side quests in here at any time.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  16. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Avatar

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    Bloomington, IN
    Perfect. I have the banners of Truth and Courage and have finished those two main quests. I'm only lacking the banner for Love which is what I'm training for now. I got three dye bundles and basic cloaks. Interesting that I have the helm and gauntlets of love. Not sure what gave me those. These outskirts are VERY worth doing. I got over 300k xp that I very much needed.
    Numa and Anpu like this.
  17. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    the helms for each are in the outskirts. the gauntlets you would have gotten from turning in a prayer card to a pilgrim.
    Anpu likes this.
  18. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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  19. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Another "home run" guide -- great job @Anpu :)
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  20. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This has been updated as of QA Build 1203 Release 90 Patch 1390. Various quest name were changed an a few other things. This guide should now be up to date. If you see something off, just let me know!
    Elgarion and Ysold like this.
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