Community Talk about PVP - Opinions, Ideas and Suggestions (Poll inside)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Antrax Artek, Sep 17, 2018.


What i think about PVP? (3 Choices - Votes displayed publicly)

  1. I love it, i'm a full time pvp player and I think it needs love and incentives

  2. I don't like PVP but i think pvpers need space and incentives for their playstyle

  3. I like PVP and PVE, i do both and i think PVP needs some good incentives

  4. I love it, i'm a full time pvp player and i'm happy with the current state of PVP

  5. I like PVP and PVE, I would like to see collaboration between the two playstyles

  6. I like PVP and PVE, i do both and i'm happy with the current state of PVP

    0 vote(s)
  7. I don't like PVP and pvpers, i don't want others are rewarded for that

  8. As roleplayer i feel lack of emotions and immersion with the current PVP Protection system

  9. As roleplayer i'm happy to be protected all the time during my activities and rp sessions

  10. I would like the pvp to be removed from the game

  11. I would like the protection of the oracle to be removed from the game adding a Justice system

  12. I love it, i'm a full time pvper and i'm really disappointed for the low incentives of my playstyle

  13. I would like to see a Factions system that enables pvp among those who have chosen to join one

  14. I'd love to PVP but the cost for entry into PVP is too high

  15. I'd like to see PVP only releated gear and loots as reward for PVP

  16. I wish ransoms and the protection of the oracle to be removed from the game

  17. I would like the ransoms to be removed from the game

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  1. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    I will add my two cents from a non skilled in PVP perspective.

    I enjoyed the Cerus led event and participated in the PVP portion of it. Thanks to @Antrax Artek and others for letting me be part of your group even if I can’t fight my way out of a paper bag.

    Guild wars where Guildnasters can set their “Win” options to include loot/no loot etcétera will help if those guild masters decide to help with battle tactics not just raise this skill and that skill.

    Factions with RP content and prizes given to both winning factions and individual players with “X” number of kills would be a plus.

    As long as the PvP mentality from some is that “bring your best gear so we can kill you, loot you and laugh at you until you figure it out by yourself PVP will never get anywhere in this game. When PVPers decide to help others become more competitive then it might. Guild leaders, it’s up to you to step up. Put your egos aside and help the game.

    R/Boris/El Pirata
    Antrax Artek likes this.
  2. istyrl

    istyrl Avatar

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    Ozzy, playing a video game , for most people is to get away from real life....if you are back to the misery of your life in a game, you will just not stay playing, people want fun, not suffering, that is my first point
    Second, you seem to talk for the PVP community, how many people do you represent? 10 people? 20 at max? that you cant hardly find in game or only on saturday afternoon in the virtue guild? Don't you think you (we ) are a terrible minority in this game, and may put a bit of water in our wine (french quote ;) ) so that we finally can enjoy a bit more of PVP content in this game?
    i do love PVP, I try to do it when i can, my alt Berenice is perma flagged, and is hardly attacked by anybody anywhere, last time i remember was in Novia Market by crowq (nice one shot hit by the way :D)
    some pvpers completely disagree with your statement of super risk versus super reward, only based on gear, people also pvp for fun, don't you? without ransom (best example are Antrax and Dhanas among others) just for the adrenaline rush when you engage your opponent

    You are describing a PVP world where a couple of no life guys, having mastered their chars and skills, slaughter weaker player for their own fun...I am sorry, I have always called these kind of players PK (psychopath killers), and pking, in any game, always fail when it is the only pvp available...
    Rada Torment likes this.
  3. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    I speak for competition.
  4. istyrl

    istyrl Avatar

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    reading my post again I see i was a bit agressive, that was not the a nutshell....we need more pvp to finally enjoy it in this game, and we may need to put aside our hardcore tendancies for that. Sota is NOT a pvp game, it has some pvp abilities so far proven unsuccessful, lets face it, to finally get a bit of it , we need to compromise with the majority of players....
    and to tell you the truth, PVE guys that are PVP friendly , do not go pvping because of the ransom, most players complaining about a better rewards system are ...the few pvpers remaining
    so lets start with the first thing IMHO to do...remove the ransom system
    Rada Torment likes this.
  5. istyrl

    istyrl Avatar

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    one more comment, the flagging system in UO was a great idea, why not getting something based on it,
    Red : hardcore pvpers, they have ransom system implemented only when they kill other red players, red players can only steal red players. if they attack grey players, no ransom allowed
    Grey : pvp flagged, no ransom when they attack each others. if they attack red players, they flag red and therefore ransom in place, stealing abilities only towards red players and it flag them red

    blue : non pvp flagged

    blood bay could be hardcore only
    Some shards may be hardcore only
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