Current healing game mechanic is encouraging antisocial behavior

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheWanderingPoet, Jul 2, 2017.

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  1. marsattacks

    marsattacks Avatar

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    I went thru and read this entire thread. It strikes me as odd that it went from "I want to be able to do these things" to now trying to peg people as anti-social if they don't want to be healed whenever people pass by and "they decide" to do it. I guess this is the way of the current society,if people don't agree about something,they get branded and labeled as if they are an outcast. Even trying to call or suggest that people must be is somehow anti-social has got to be the most silly thing ever.
    Just because people don't want to be interfered with or interacted with 24/7 does not make them or anyone anti-social. Maybe everyone needs to put their little personal attack labels away. It is not very becoming.
  2. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    Just found this thread. First of all, my understanding is that the primary reason is because PvP, and that it would be too easy to unbalanace up PvP activity if anybody was able to throw heals around. There is also a possibility that it could be used for power-leveling. Even a healbot that isn't a bot can make you able to take on larger baddies than you would otherwise.

    That being said, two things:

    - FFXI has random healing allowed by default (but most buffs are not allowed), and a "/blockaid" command to prevent them from working. Having such an option would at least handle the grumpy people who don't want to be healed.

    - I would like to be able to have random heals in FvF type areas, particularly on the mercenary NPCs in sieges (are you telling me they don't want to be healed?), and I think the block on random heals should be removed in such areas, in spite of PvP reasons. Note that there is still no mechanism to gain XP for doing so, you have to be in party with with the person who actually beats down the bad guy, but you might gain some tactical advantage or just simply feel better by throwing heals around. And it could be justified in terms of The Oracle wanting the rules changed in such areas.
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  3. Andartianna

    Andartianna Avatar

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    Love this idea could actually give you rep to love by helping other people similar to have killing stuff (or giving it back in PVP) for courage.
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  4. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    I like your idea, but it reminds me again how poor Truth still doesn't have many ways for you to raise it easily. Those of us who were kicking barrels back when they turned on virtue hits can only hope to get our Truth back by completing the main Truth story line.
  5. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    not sociable; not wanting the company of others.
    synonyms: unsociable, unfriendly, uncommunicative, reclusive, withdrawn, avoidant;
    informal, standoffish
    You wanted the definition of Antisocial. Figured I'd drop that down there. The majority of these are all highly visible in this game.
    I've done a lot of writing, I know the definition of the word. If you break it down, Anti means "not". So it means Not Social.

    It seems worth fixing to not default having combat spamming your chat window if it's going to prevent them from talking to other players.
    Not keen on the flashing, but if it lit up the bar I'd be all for that.
  6. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    Just direct you to the title: Current healing game mechanic is encouraging antisocial behavior.
    Did not "get to it". I simply had several users proving my point.

    I say that because it impairs interactivity. Which for an MMO should be encouraged (though not mandatory) because it's an online game. The game literally made modes for the people who want to play alone. They were built specifically because some people want to play alone. Those people are fine. It's that people in multiplayer mode who want to do so while not having to interact with anyone else at all. That's like saying "I want to be able to walk through the halls at school without anybody saying "Hi" to me but I still want to see them.
    A few players took it a step further and say "You shouldn't be allowed to say hi either because I don't want it" or "If you say hi I should be right to punch you in the face".
    These are basically what people were saying.

    It doesn't affect PvP. As a healer I can confirm that healing a PvP player will bring up a warning that healing is an act of aggression. If you approve, it flags you PvP until you scurry to the oracle. This is to prevent that very tactic from working. And anyone in PvP not in your party is marked as hostile so can not be healed.

    Powerleveling is a lot easier in a group, as it gives a bonus to your XP gains as a party. But overall it doubles your killing power.

    I could see people exploiting this though. Granted I don't really see any perks to being virtuous yet.

  7. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I just switch back and fourth between chat windows if I want to see combat and other things.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
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  8. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    Yes, I do this as well. I threw all my combat and misc logs into a secondary window so I could see chat. It feels like this would be beneficial as a default of sorts.
  9. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Aye and let them die painful death :)
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  10. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    Not grumpy people. People that prefer to not be interfered with. Why would you say grumpy people? What basis do you have for this?
  11. marsattacks

    marsattacks Avatar

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    In multiplayer mode you can say hello to people and stop to see what other might be doing. Your observation that people must be anti-social if they don't want healing is flawed thinking. If they didn't want to interact with anyone, how would you know,are you stalking them during their entire game time? Your thoughts are if you don't want my heals,go to Solo mode. Who are you to dictate what mode people must be in,that is their decision. And as far as that goes,anyone who pays for the game has a right to choose their mode of play,who they interact with or who they talk to.
    It is not my business and not your business what mode players are in and what they choose to do within that mode of play. It is not your right nor my right to call anyone anti-social given the fact you do not know what they do during their time online. They may talk to people ,do trades,answer questions but still not want your heals in the middle of a fight,you just have a hard time believing that or grasping that fact. Somehow you feel it should be your decision to heal them,it's not. And that does not give anyone the right to say someone is anti-social,because unless you personally know the player and what they do in game the entire time they are playing,no one has the right to tag someone with that description.
  12. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    @TheWanderingPoet You say the idea is to promote social play... a respectable goal, for sure... yet you claim that anyone who disagrees with you should play on a different game mode.

    So which is it?

    Because, in their minds, they can't perceive something they see as beneficial as anything but.
  13. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    Healing is a gift. It's not a gift you give without consent since (unlike RL) there are no *real* life or death emergencies in SOTA that override that condition.

    It's also a virtual lifestyle we shouldn't force on someone who doesn't want it and it doesn't matter why they *don't* want it - whether it's being unsociable , or pride or sheer orneriness - the reason is still valid.

    We don't kick out PvP players out of multiplayer and into friends-only mode because we don't agree with their gameplay choices and for that same reason we should *never* tell people to play in SPO/Friends only mode because they are "unsociable" or don't want to be healed.

    Healing is a gift and the giving should be weighed with regards to what the other person wants. And to know what the other person wants you have to know him or her at some level - you can't assume they want it because healing is a "good thing".
  14. Andartianna

    Andartianna Avatar

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    I think the point is not that people are one way or another, if accepting heals is social or not. The point is that healers don't have any option to heal people as they pass by where as attacker have the option to attack things engaged with other people. So lets just ignore the labeling side of this and hit right for a solution. Healers would like to heal people. If we have an option which allows consent that would work perfectly fine with both sides of this equation. Healers can heal people who accept the heal while people who don't want to be interacted with can decline. I can still attack what you are attacking without your consent but at least I would also have an option to toss a heal to someone as well.
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  15. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    Well... it's more the healer way. The American way is the snowflake way nowadays.

    I am not saying they should. Simply that these options were put into the game by the devs for exactly that. Playing alone or with your friends alone.

    Healing is a gift I am not allowed to consensually receive from other players. So I am not allowed to receive these "gifts". It gives a bias toward those that do not want them as I have no option to enable it. In order to get a friendly heal I have to give them my xp gains and potentially my loot.

    Force? Well currently the "you must be in a party to heal someone" lifestyle is currently forced upon me. What reason is there that I can not have that option if you are going to bring up playstyles being forced.

    I would be all for a toggle. This would fix that entire issue. Though it would be up to the devs if it is enabled by default or not.

    So basically a healer who can't heal you because you do not consent can still run up and kill all your monsters to help you instead. That's an interesting thought to this topic.
  16. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    I am saying that for those who say they don't want to interact with other players, there is a mode specifically for them. Otherwise there are ar more ways to interact with them than just healing. Some mentioned being: speaking to them and attacking their monsters. Healing is simply a third way to interact with a player. It's far less hostile than killing their monster because they're going to die, which I can do. I may or may not, but I can. So as far as I see it, healing is no different in terms of permission.

    I can see why it might bother a death mage, but overall a heal will not have any effect on a death mage who has been tapping who is likely running -100 or so attunment with major life spell penalties. Everyone else simply wants to prevent a realistic option of interaction.

    The healing is not the entire factor. But it is one of them.
    But if you want this game to flourish, it needs more interactivity options. In some cases it forces you not to interact. That is the issue. You are not allowed to interact in the instances provided.
    Buffing now has negative effects. Buffing in many cases is seen as a friendly gesture.
    You can't heal others but you can attack their enemies. Killing their enemies is allowed but a heal is not. Healing is in many cases also a friendly gesture.
    Can not try to rez a player. It already gives you the toggle to say no. I have never seen a player get upset by this. They can either click no or yes. They have that option even in a party. This is normal in most games.
    Inability to speak while dead. Imagine how newer players will feel when they discover this. Unable to speak, unable to interact with the outside world. They don't know where the ankh is, and some might not come back. A player who could speak to them (such as a healer) could guide them back and is a positive interaction. Unless you like being dead.
  17. Frederick Glasgow

    Frederick Glasgow Avatar

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    I am not a anti-social person by any means. You can ask people in the guild who know me. I will attest to the fact that although I am logged into TS3 AFK channel,usually I am not in actual voice chat like I used to be. My lungs have permanent scars and it makes it hard for me to breathe. If I do much talking,I can go into coughing fits that can last up to 20 minutes,so I have to be very careful about talking much. But anyone in the guild that knew me before my getting sick and almost dying or anyone who has conducted trades with me will tell you that I am not anti-social at all.

    I see over and over again the issue of "I can attack someone's mobs,but I can't heal the player". I have to admit I really don't know folks who take kindly to anyone just running up and attacking their mobs. I have run with some very skilled players. I remember one gentlemen who was in our guild that could solo Ferocious Red Spiders, multiple ones. He was very insistent about when it was OK for the rest of the party to attack,so he could keep as much agro as possible while kiting. Would anyone think it was OK to run up and interject themselves into his pull and kiting? No,everyone would consider that to be unreasonable. It doesn't matter if you "can" everyone knows they should not.
    But over and over the point keeps being made, I can do this so why can't I heal? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I know of a few healers in our guild who run in groups and heal and are great at what they do. So that begs the question,why are you not in a guild group if you really want to heal? That question doesn't seem reasonable does it? Almost as unreasonable as the over and over with,if you don't want to get a heal,you can be in Solo mode.
    Well those same "healers" also farm occasionally solo and believe it or not,they don't heal mobs to death. That's right,they have the ability to use weapons and actually attack things. I could hardly believe it myself,but I listened to them in TS3 and they can actually use skills to kill things. And they are healers,but can use other tress also. And I was shocked to learn that healers have multiple "decks" some for healing and some for dpsing. Healing is "NOT" the only thing that you can do and attacking other persons mobs is just, well it's bad form.
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  18. Grave Dragon

    Grave Dragon Avatar

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    One of the things I remembered from the many MMOs I have played in the past is when players had the ability to give another player in an adventuring scene a friendly hello by tossing a buff on them as they passed. You can always right click a buff and dismiss it if you don't want it and no one is going to follow you and "troll" you by throwing heals on you continuously, that's a ridiculous claim.

    I hate to break it to anyone reading but this is not the all for one community some would have onlookers to believe. This game is EXTREMELY clique oriented right now, players are in factions based on their home PoT or guild and there is a palpable animosity and jealousy between those cliques. There is so much negativity and so many judgemental rumor mongers, its insane. A little positivity is in dire need, so I support the OP.

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
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  19. TheWanderingPoet

    TheWanderingPoet Avatar

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    They don't typically take kindly to it. In fact attacking someone's mob is typically frowned upon in most MMOs. But healing a player which is not allowed is more often considered a friendly gesture. If you shouldn't be allowed to heal another player you also should not be able to attack their mobs. As "interjecting" is the issue brought up the most. But that would not be a very realistic game. Realism is one thing I hear about a lot when it comes to why a feature exists. So healing other players would be a realistic option.
    This is quite honestly the first time I have seen someone get aggressive about being healed in all my years of gaming.

    I see nearing the end you've taken to insulting. Obviously I have a damage deck, but as death causes you to lose XP, in some cases 100k+ it would seem to me like losing that xp is not favorable. So if you are at 20 hp, you'd rather just die than get a bit of extra life? If this becomes a feature I'll be sure to log the names of the people in this chat who never want healed so I don't heal any of you :)

    About the healing. I have a few times had someone tell me they were testing something, so I would refrain from healing them after that.

    I didn't know about the factions. This is part of why I do not have a guild with people in it though. When the game goes big, a drama gets made between guilds then guildwars will start to happen. And these I am told can flag you for open world PvP.
  20. Frederick Glasgow

    Frederick Glasgow Avatar

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    I don't find anything I said to be insulting,but sarcastic,yes. If it is insulting as you think it is,@Berek will take care of that. But I think calling people anti-social and a Snow Flake is insulting as I have been called in this thread. but because I am sarcastic doesn't mean I am insulting anyone. Only pointing out healers have other options. But if you do truly find it insulting,that was not my intent.
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