Deathmage God Mode

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bioxide, Apr 10, 2017.

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  1. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    People take it peronally when thier bread and butter is challanged, im sure chirs has the numbers and will do whats right for the game. Or we can all roll death mage, might be easier to ballance if thetr was only 1 build. ;)

    For the record im fine if they leave it just raise the rest up to be compeditive.

    Arrow with life leech- yum
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  2. E n v y

    E n v y Avatar

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    Quite agree, gone way off the OP. Should probably be locked because its doubtful there is anything to be added.
  3. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I think Chris is doing a good job balancing gameplay. While I don't like some of his changes, I understand why they're needed, so I don't complain too loudly.
    Stahlknecht, valor and Brass Knuckles like this.
  4. Evilgamer

    Evilgamer Avatar

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    That sounds like sound design. I can respect making changes for the better of the game or to make things fair, I don't have to agree with it.

    (and I will show my personal bias) what I I DONT like is when things are nerfed because of some "vision" issue like how a skill works in PVP when the change just flat ruins it in PVE or because at a certain skill/character level it lets people solo group content or because of envy from other players.
  5. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    The way I tackle this future nerf issue is to train on everything up to 60, then keep an eye on what's the most bang for bucks and very least chance to get nerf, then go with that path.
  6. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    First off, attunement difference between the attacker and target affects damage. If a death mage attacks another death mage they'll do less damage than of they attack someone with no attunement on death magic. If your healing attunement is high you'll get healed by more from others. Check out Chris' breakdown of this in the tech talks he does with Violation.

    I consider myself one of the top melee players in the game. I run quite often with who I believe is the best current healer in the game. 2 on 1 against anyone except a death mage is about how you would expect the fight to go... against a death mage... *sigh* even 2 on 1 it's tough as these aren't even the top death mages. One on one against them... good luck. Probably the top 30 death mages could kill me more than half the time. The top death mages I probably couldn't even kill 10% of the time. I can keep doing damage but they keep doing damage and death-healing. They should either balance death magic some or buff me and I'm powerful enough already... so...
    MrBlight, nonaware, Womby and 5 others like this.
  7. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I am not the top archer but im up there. I am shocked and baffled at the dps ive seen a cpl well known deathmages toss out.

    Adl 99 mostly in bows and deep in the tree. 3x gm carp so u know im not shooting a junk bow gamblers ring shooting sash 120 dex.

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  8. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    Sounds like long term those artifacts will be salvageable and some of the power of those artifacts might be rolled back into the crafting system? That would create more demand for the artifacts too. There is a counter to death mages in PvP btw I just haven't trained the correct skills yet.

    Also I was going to reply to @Stundorn 's post earlier regarding dazzling rays and moon beams. DR does target more mobs but has a limited range.. point blank AoE vs moon beams which is a targeted AoE. Not sure what moon beam's skill looks like at high levels.. and I've wondered if really high moon attunement allows you to get beyond the 3 target limit? according to moon beam's at lvl 40 with 25 attunement, the radius stays at 3 and the target range stays at 20 but not sure if the tooltip is accurate.

    Also there's sap which is much more difficult to use but I guess it's advantage would be no attunement associated with the skill so there's less of a chance it will be resisted? haven't seen what sap looks like at high levels but the success chance to seems to start out pretty low.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  9. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Im that death mage that fought you 1v2 at dragon in grundvald barrens, i guess this is what you refer to. You didnt have celestial blessing half the time on, thus why you died. You might be a top melee PVE. But maybe consider doing better in PvP before saying death is op. I repeat, i cannot kill that dragon as death, yet you can. If you played all defensive spell correctly maybe you would be able to 1v1 death mage. Im not even talking about magic resistance potion or flute of defiance magic resistance. And im not saying you are bad, i play bad at my times too and forget all the possibilities there is to defend. But that is most people problem.

    You also killed me once in 1v1 there when i was climbing and the death was pretty fast for me. That time that was me playing bad.

    I hope you dont consider my post as a personal attack like certain people did. It is not. Just trying to show people that its not as op as people think it would be. I saw people do 220 crit on each hit of rapid fire. 800+ damage a shot, i dont think anyone would have survived that single attack. (For sure they could... just use defense!) ;)
    Hornpipe likes this.
  10. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Never happened 120 in rapid fire, bow built for rapid fire shooters sash and a whole bunch of other stuff if I ever saw a 70 id freek out 60 pt crits make me weep like a little girl.

    116 is aimed shot and 320 is a pretty serious crit and only seen rarley with stacking and elevation..
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
    MrBlight and Hornpipe like this.
  11. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    If they nerf death im unlearning all magic and put it all in bow. Then y'all gonna cry that bow is too op. Magic in general got nerfed enough that we cant kill any boss solo, yet any physical could easily without gming skills. Nerf more magic? I dont think its a good solution, everyone will turn physical. Right now i see people playing every kind of build. There is a reason for this, balance. You have gold, materials, and time to get that "strong" death build everyone talking about? go for it! The time spent on skills and gettin the good gear will be very disapointing when you start doing PVE. Half map is undead, and cant kill a boss. But you will be strong in PvP.... until someone (which already been done) find a way to kill you.
  12. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Play the bow I dare ya wont think that long. ;)

    How about instead of nerfing anything they just ballance stuff better?
    Lord Baldrith likes this.
  13. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Oh for sure i will. I'm aiming to get all combats and magic for every situation. And i saw many, many people play with bows already. That would actually be my first choice right now if i didnt lost my time raising magics which got nerfed in every way. Cause with a bow, you can solo everything. You can also pvp with a bow efficiently. I decided to try melee to be different and i like it. Not as strong as people i saw with bow, but still viable, more smooth play and i can pve about anything (my skill are at 80s) imagine at 100-120, that will be dope.
    Lord Baldrith likes this.
  14. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    The main problem is people try to be that death knight fire caster healer. Focus on your build. A warrior is a warrior, not a mage. A mage is a mage, not a archer... (i think we get it!)
    In the end, you will be as strong as anyone else.
  15. Satan Himself

    Satan Himself Avatar

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    Now that we're 3 years and running, shouldn't we be done with this continuous nerfing/un-nerfing of skills? Of course there must to be balancing in the game, I'm just surprised we haven't moved past the balancing stage at this point. Very frustrating for those of us who went live last summer, after mucho tweaking. :(
    Preachyr, Lord Baldrith, mass and 2 others like this.
  16. Yakamo LLTS

    Yakamo LLTS Avatar

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    Just finished full suit of Obsidian plate with 2/2 enchants and death resist gems. This will be good for testing what is and what isnt. Just need to find a death mage
  17. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    The problem with SotA is the lack of a concept. Just like for guild war, we have a combat system... but there is no concept behind it. Combos are missing...
    They even just changed the draw mechanics a release ago.

    It makes no sense after all.
    At least death comes with disadvantages. Before it wad earth without any drawback. Nerfing corpse explosion is necessary though as using corpses multiple times should not be possible... but thats things were you can see how basic the design still is.

    The way it is designed right now and with early access you have to make a new build every release anyhow. Else you will just suck. You have to play what works currently, not what you want your char to be.

    The skill and combat system is totally messed up. Slows overwrite each other, sometimes they also do that with dots. Single spells cancel each other out. Wand enchantments bonuses are not consistent..why?

    The problem lies in the game system itself.. not in a single magic tree.
  18. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    Make other schools better.
    The problem with SotA is the lack of a concept. Just like for guild war, we have a combat system... but there is no concept behind it. Combos are missing...
    They even just changed the draw mechanics a release ago.

    It makes no sense after all.
    At least death comes with disadvantages. Before it wad earth without any drawback. Nerfing corpse explosion is necessary though as using corpses multiple times should not be possible... but thats things were you can see how basic the design still is.

    The way it is designed right now and with early access you have to make a new build every release anyhow. Else you will just suck. You have to play what works currently, not what you want your char to be.

    The skill and combat system is totally messed up. Slows overwrite each other, sometimes they also do that with dots. Single spells cancel each other out. Wand enchantments bonuses are not consistent..why?

    The problem lies in the game system itself.. not in a single magic tree.
  19. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    I read all these same arguments about air magic god mode 6 months ago. Air magic has now been nerfed to the point where its barely usable and just keeps on getting nerfed. I fully expect death magic to be next. Don't think death is overpowred, people just need to learn to defend against it? Well, I didn't think air was overpowered with the same reasoning. Still got nerfed, made ridiculously expensive compared to every other school to play, focus cost increased, damage got reduced, stun chance got reduced, etc. etc. I fully believe that instead of completely diminishing a powerful skill, additional ways to defend against it should be added, perhaps expanding other schools in the process. That would be a much more palatable solution for all involved.
  20. mass

    mass Avatar

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    Fixed that for you. :D
    Budner likes this.
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