The caveat being that only 5 people can open the cave together. Which is the reason that many people, even those longer playing might never have seen that cave. Edit: Oh, and as I use a different forum name, I´m Herbert Taraxacum (the little guy in front of the group). Not that I would have sought out a place to be seen in the front by myself, humble as I am, but I was informed that I could hardly be seen on the screenshot as long as I stood behind the others...
You want to know? Get 4 others and give it a go. ^^ If you don´t find 4 others who want to go, I can fill a place in case I´m online at the same time. To avoid too high expectations: The cave is old, lowlevel content. The whole reason so many people never went into it is the 5 men needed to open the lock. The "fight" inside is easily done by 1 avatar of level 100 (which is why people of level 100+ should take a step back and let the lower levels do the work and only give some support) and the "reward" will be disappointing to people who already did any tier 5+dungeons. To be a fair fight I would estimate that the 5 avatars only would need to be around Adventurer Level 30. Despite that it´s a beauty to see the first time, especially when going by without knowing for a decade...
@ConjurerDragon Do you just get five people and have each one stand in the "fairy ring" circles?
Essentially yes. However there are a lot more circles made from mushrooms, both large and small circles, than "fairy circles". The 5 Fairy Circles that are needed are ONLY the ones with a large outer and a small inner circle. The player has to stand in the inner circle and it lights up to show that it registers the presence.
The link below provides details (including pics) on how to open the cave: Solution to Eastmarch Cave Puzzle If interested, there is a list of almost all the puzzle solutions in-game, which can be found here.