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EULA and ToS

Discussion in 'Release 2 Feedback' started by Myth2, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. Myth2

    Myth2 Avatar

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    Post any feedback or errors you find in the EULA or ToS here. If you agreed to surrender your rights, grant indemnity, accept that Portalarium is not responsible for meeting any of their own deadlines, and accept that they are not responsible for keeping the game servers up, then shame on you for not reading the EULA (jk, nobody reads EULAs). Below is a list of typographic errors.
    1. In the EULA, long HTML links (like this: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?forums/release-2-feedback-forum.72/create-thread) are used to refer readers to another ToS. However, because players cannot highlight, copy, or paste the text, following this link means writing it out manually, which is tedious and time consuming. A link would be much more useful.
    2. In sections VI. VI. a. and VII. of the EULA, ampersands ("&") are used, however they are inserted via the HTML code "&" which doesn't translate in the EULA. Here is an example: "This & this are two separate things."
    3. In section IX. a., "You agree that this EULA are not..." "Are" should be replaced with "is" being that an End-User License Agreement is a singular noun.
    4. "In the unlikely event that port is not able to deliver the game, port agrees to post an cost accounting on its website to fully explain..." "An" should be replaced with "a."
    Kuno Brauer likes this.
  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    It would be great if the full EULA and license agreements were available on a web page, and there was an option to open them in your browser instead. Reading in the provided window is difficult (small text, not easy to scroll).

    I did notice the button names in the EULA to accept or not accept do not match the UI. Not sure that it is a big deal.
    Kuno Brauer and Mordecai like this.
  3. Myth2

    Myth2 Avatar

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    I agree Jayson. The EULA and ToS in the game should include links to website versions of them.
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