Example Script. Title Based on Producer Level.

Discussion in 'Ink NPC Dialogue Composition' started by Leucian, Nov 9, 2021.

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  1. Leucian

    Leucian Avatar

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    Ok this is part of the script of my tutorial NPC.

    at the top you must declare variables.

    VAR playerName = "NONE"
    VAR producerLevel = 1
    VAR title = "NONE"

    Then i create a function
    ===function give_title(x) ===
    ~temp PL=producerLevel
    -PL<=10: ~title="Novice Craftsman"
    -PL<=30: ~title="Apprentice Craftsman"
    -PL<=70: ~title="Journeyman Craftsman"
    -PL<=100: ~title="Craftsman"
    -else: ~title="Grandmaster Craftsman"

    Then call the function inline and print the variable

    Greetings {playerName}, the {give_title(title)}{title}. What would you ask of me?

    The output is this

    Greetings Leucian DeMorte, the Grandmaster Craftsman. What would you ask of me?
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