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If you don't speak to Charlotte and leave the scene, Abigail wants you to go back

Discussion in 'Release 32 Dev+' started by jiirc, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    Title: If you don't speak to Charlotte and leave the scene, Abigail wants you to go back
    Blocker: No
    Repro Rate: 100%
    Details: You can go through the Battle of Solace Bridge without talking to Charlotte. If you talk to Abigail, after getting to Soltown, she talks about her daughter as if Charlotte is still in Solace Bridge. She even asks that if youa re going back to Solace Bridge, she wants you to look out for Charlotte. This sounds like the old quest to rescue Charlotte. Going back to Solace bridge Charlotte isn't in the house or by the elf.
    - take the way of the bow as your choice in the Isle of Storms
    - don't enter the house where Charlotte is
    - instead head to the gate
    - get the key and stuff from Quincy
    - tlak to Edvard
    - fight your way across the bridge
    - talk to Edvard
    - leave the scene
    - When in Soltown talk to Abigail
    - she talks as if Charlotte is till in Solace Bridge and she wantsyou to find her and rescue her
    - go back to Solace Bridge
    - enter the keep where Charlotte is
    - you won't find Charlotte
    - head to the ruins where Charlotte and the elf where previous to the current starter quest changes
    - she's not ther either

    Build: 372
  2. Lum the Mad

    Lum the Mad Developer Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    As designed. Charlotte has passed on and Abigail does not know this. There should be no quest request logged in your journal.
  3. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    I understand. There isn't a request in the ournal, just an interpretation of the text that I still might be able to rescue Abigail. Maybe it's just an expectation built up because I know that Charlotte is there and I ignored her. Then when Abigail mentions her I thought I could or should be able to go back and rescue her.

    I wonder if it would be possible to clean up the text a bit then so that the player isn't primed to expect a quest that needs to be completed. Looking in the journal is fine, but not everyone will do that to see if I just got a quest or not. I know I rely more on the NPCs comments than the journal. Would it make sense to have the text emphasize the she went to see her father and the battle occurred. Neither her or her father has come back since then. Or maybe that you can't respond to Abigail that you hear a child asking for help but couldn't (or didn't want to) help her. The second way the quest can still be completed and Abigail doesn't have two states to worry about for her dialog responses.

    Either way works for me.
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