Issues since latest update

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Belladonna Rose, Jul 6, 2016.

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  1. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Not sure if its me or what but i no longer have my skill/exp bars on the bottom of the screen. Also having to constantly turn on the nameplate thing everytime i log in is annoying. Hate fighting critters and not see their stat bars. Heck i was being eaten by a spider and didnt even know it was attacking me. Also the auto attack function isnt working like it used to. Before i could just go into combat mode and would auto attack all the time. Now i have to toggle it every time. I tried changing some settings but things went all wacky on me. Lost my mouse control completely for a few minutes.....and Hey..that aint good
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  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Exp bars no longer appear on the screen; thats part of the R31 changes. You can see the bars in your Exp window if you need to.

    Nameplates only show for the targeted creature. It would be nice to auto-target a creature that hits you when you don't have one, but just use the hotkey to select closest target.

    I know auto-attack was changed at some point so you had to hit a key to toggle it on; I don't use auto-attack, but it sounds like that is still the case.

    Sounds like you just ran afoul of some changes. Make sure you look at the latest release notes and instructions, otherwise you might be out of date. Lots of changes in early development.
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