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New Char - Problems Courage path

Discussion in 'Release 45 Bug Forum' started by Rentier, Sep 7, 2017.

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  1. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Dragomir Mori
    9/7/2017 3:47 PM
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Details: Contains Quest- and Scene-bug or -problems

    I made a new second account with ingame name : "Reniar Woodpicker" and tried to do the courage path
    • Isle of strom
    - at the location of the bugreport there is the quest to "take and read the book..."
    right clicking on the book states "steal item", so taking it already affects my truth-stat?

    - also the journal is cleared after talking to the oracle and changing the path manually (intended or bug)​

    • Battle of Highvale
    Area: novia_r6_hills02_highvalevillage/WithTutorial
    Area Display Name: Battle of Highvale

    - Gawain trys to stand up every time he speaks
    - clicking all available words and he stands up and stays up till you leave
    - falling down the stones to the graveyard and walking in the direction of the (for a new player unknown location of the training grounds) - I already looted the rusty shortsword at the corpses (which is btw better than the highval defender's Sword - longsword) a message pops up saying somthing like "go back to the training grounds to find a weapon" - my char was never there - so "go back" is the wrong description
    maybe state that one needs to find a weapon

    - at the trainings ground i got the "explore the training field"-Quest which doesn't clear up when taking the Highvale defenders sword... - what to do now to clear it? [start rant]already one of the first quests broken state after 30mins play.....[end rant]

    ..and yes I like to go other ways...and don't like to follow the "forced" paths

    - the corpses here had NO loot (all 3 of them....)
    9/7/2017 4:17 PM
    Loc: (93.8, 47.6, -135.8)
    Debug: bm92aWFfcjZfaGlsbHMwMl9oaWdodmFsZXZpbGxhZ2V8V2l0aFR1dG9yaWFsfCg5My43OTUsIDQ3LjU3OSwgLTEzNS44MDYpfCgwLCAwLjk3MywgMCwgMC4yMyl8MTM0LjY0OTN8NTQuNTYzODZ8MS4yNQ==​
    - the fire at this location: sound not bound to audio sliders... (other fire sounds seem ok...)
    9/7/2017 4:20 PM
    Loc: (79.2, 35.1, -101.2)
    Debug: bm92aWFfcjZfaGlsbHMwMl9oaWdodmFsZXZpbGxhZ2V8V2l0aFR1dG9yaWFsfCg3OS4yNDQsIDM1LjA1NiwgLTEwMS4xNzMpfCgwLCAwLjMyNywgMCwgLTAuOTQ1KXwzMjIuMjU4OXwyOC4wNjQ0M3wxLjI1

    at the same location talking to the wounded knight (Nena as i get to know later) there already pops up the give "A Note found at highvale" before I even talked to her (but i already found the letter the kids left)
    and writing this the conversation was ended ... speaking to her again no popup to give item..left conversation again.. talked again and then the give popup came again
    decided to get no broken quest state and not give it to her and then asked her all there is to ask

    in the letter there is talk of Holly - asking the knight about Holly before giving the note states "if you say so" - if she was charged to stand guard over Holly than she should know her name....

    asking in the same convoersation getting the quest "find word of Nena's charges" - I cant talk her to answer about charges, safe, teh found Note or Holly or combination thereof....

    only a new start of the conversation (again the give pop-up) lets the quest move on
    - at this loc the chest was empty (in my opinion in the starter area should be no lootable things with no loot....
    9/7/2017 4:49 PM
    Loc: (38.9, 40.2, -112.3)
    Debug: bm92aWFfcjZfaGlsbHMwMl9oaWdodmFsZXZpbGxhZ2V8V2l0aFR1dG9yaWFsfCgzOC45MjIsIDQwLjIwOCwgLTExMi4yOTYpfCgwLCAwLjE2OCwgMCwgMC45ODYpfDQzMS4yMDR8NTUuMzgwMTV8MS4yNQ==

    there are much more corpses which don't have any loot on them (outside gate under bridge etc)
    - Quest "Double click the gate" also broken - after using the key the gate opens but the quest stays..."tooltip: this will open the gate and allow you to leave" the journal entry says ..." I should leave for Resolute at once" - after leaving the gate it should update the text "to leave the area".... this is misleading....

    - at this loc i get the popup tip something like"...if i move on i will leave the area..." , but the exit is barred and i can't leave there
    9/7/2017 5:31 PM
    Loc: (-51.8, 38.3, -163.1)
    Debug: bm92aWFfcjZfaGlsbHMwMl9oaWdodmFsZXZpbGxhZ2V8V2l0aFR1dG9yaWFsfCgtNTEuNzU5LCAzOC4yNTEsIC0xNjMuMDU3KXwoMCwgLTAuMDQ2LCAwLCAtMC45OTkpfDM4OS4yMTI4fDE3LjIzNDQ1fDQuMzY5OTk4​
    and at the SE-Exit i got no info....well well...​
    • Resolute
    9/7/2017 5:55 PM
    Area: Novia_R6_City_Resolute
    Area Display Name: Resolute
    Loc: (-1.0, 77.4, -278.3)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0wLjk5NSwgNzcuMzg3LCAtMjc4LjI2KXwoMCwgMC40MTMsIDAsIDAuOTExKXwzNzYuODExNXw3LjI1MjI3NXw0LjM2OTk5OA==

    - Guards reaction
    - the first 2 guards at the outer gate were both facing the wall as i enterd the zone....
    - at the inner gate with the knight Janet Kallen ​
    the outer trigger for the gate should be player activateable after asking her the first time about gate / open

    you can go around that by clicking the inner gate switch.... from outside

    - None of the guards know Nena​

    - Looting NPC housings
    then i went to looting barrels, crates, chests cabinets etc. in NPC houses, all went well (some in plain sight of inhabitants) but at one location the justicar popped up (the guy in here was SLEEPING - so that i found a little embarrassing.. stealing container content (nothing on mouse over the items say anything about stealing inside the container menu!!) in plain sight - no justicar, but at the sleeping one a justicar was there to charge me 105 gold (for the content of a cabinet (some plates mugs etc))

    so what did a new player learn?
    - looted first >10 containers - nothing happens (some in plain sight of NPC - remember?) - no justicar
    - looted cabinet and the only NPC nearby was sleeping in a bed and the justicar shows up
    - looted barrels and crates get a reaction of the NPC's nearby saying something like - "I heard something" or "WHAT...?" but no justicar

    there is no "red line" in the reaction of the NPC and the showup of the justicar​

    - Oracle
    asking the oracle about courage gave back this:

    [9/9/2017 5:01:36 AM] Reniar Woodpicker: courage
    [9/9/2017 5:01:36 AM] The Oracle: Courage, without which we fall to our own devices of those who seek to take all that we value. The island of Norgard is struggling with the need for Courage in their darkest hour. How will you guide them? What example will you show?
    [9/9/2017 5:01:36 AM] The Oracle: I have witnessed your actions regarding your journey towards the nature of courage. You have not acted upon this virtue in any significant way recently. I have also witnessed the impact of a recent decision you have made: You decided your needs were more important than another's rest. How this will reflect on your exploration of this virtue is up to you.​

    but i never asked a NPC sleeping in his bed, ever!!!!

    Is it because of NPC waking up to my opening chests etc...??? or WHY??

    That's it for the first tutorial in 659

    hope this helps to polish it some more​

    Steps to Reproduce: walk to the destinations with a new char
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: IsleOfStorms/Begin
    Area Display Name: Isle of Storms
    Loc: (-18.4, 12.0, -37.6)
    Debug: SXNsZU9mU3Rvcm1zfEJlZ2lufCgtMTguMzcsIDEyLjA0NywgLTM3LjYxMSl8KDAsIDAuOTk1LCAwLCAtMC4xMDMpfDU1My4zMTR8MjQuODE5NTN8Mi44NTk1Mg==

    if this is not the right place to place it feel free to move it

    Edit: typos and looting and oracle
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    Spoon and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  2. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    9/10/2017 12:25 PM
    Title: Quest "Find news about Aldorn"
    Reproduction Rate: 4/4 100%
    Blocker? for the quest yes

    I got the quest and moved back to Highvale (now 4 times and 12h of gamplay later)

    Problem / bug 1:
    I got to Cyannis and start a conversation and he still states that he needs my help ... (i did bring his Report already back to Resolute and ended this quest...?!?!??)​
    Problem / bug? 2
    I asked about Aldorn and got the Info that he was slain and his body looted and elve patrols might have his amulet
    but no update to journal

    then i killed all roaming elves outside several times (the ones directly at the city wall, the ones at the catapult, the camp near map entry, the ons at the bridge to city gate, the one up to the hidden cave) and still no Aldorn amulet to find => after about 12h playtime on this map it gets really boring to not find it - not to say frustrating....​

    Steps to Reproduce: take a new char and do the get the quests, end quest for Cyannis and get the quest about Aldorn, go to Highvale, ask Cyannis about Aldorn, try to find Aldorns remains

    At every entry i was teamleader of a party with my alt char who followed me or mostly staid at the entrance or went fishing (to be my moveable stash for the loot...;) )

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: novia_r6_hills02_highvalevillage_after
    Area Display Name: Highvale
    Loc: (-43.6, 53.2, 174.5)
    Debug: bm92aWFfcjZfaGlsbHMwMl9oaWdodmFsZXZpbGxhZ2VfYWZ0ZXJ8fCgtNDMuNTY5LCA1My4yMTMsIDE3NC40ODQpfCgwLCAtMC41NDgsIDAsIC0wLjgzNil8NjYuNDc4ODV8MjMuMzc3M3wxLjI1


    the adventurer trainer Laura Parker walks off while asked about train and i checked my skills (so active training skills here)

    9/10/2017 1:18 PM
    Area: Novia_R6_City_Resolute
    Area Display Name: Resolute
    Loc: (-23.5, 77.6, -263.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0yMy41MzEsIDc3LjYyOSwgLTI2My43MTUpfCgwLCAwLjg2MywgMCwgMC41MDUpfDMxNi4wNzQyfDE3LjE1MDE3fDQuNjE5MzE=


    guards walk through this door closed without opening it first...

    Area: Resolute (Novia_R6_City_Resolute) Loc: (-25.5, 81.4, -253.8) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0yNS40ODQsIDgxLjQwMSwgLTI1My43NjMpfCgwLCAwLjA3NCwgMCwgMC45OTcpfC0zNTEuNTQyM3w1OC4wMDcxNnwxLjI1


    the candle on the wall near the exit at this loc is not lit at night and the Merchant or the combat trainer still in room

    9/10/2017 1:56 PM
    Area: Novia_R6_City_Resolute
    Area Display Name: Resolute
    Loc: (-33.3, 77.6, -256.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0zMy4yNiwgNzcuNTg1LCAtMjU2LjY3MSl8KDAsIC0wLjY5NCwgMCwgMC43Mil8LTY5LjM0NjYzfDM3LjI2ODN8MS4yNQ==

    these candles are also not lit, too - the merchant stays in the dark.,...

    Area: Resolute (Novia_R6_City_Resolute) Loc: (-25.1, 77.6, -248.3) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0yNS4wNzksIDc3LjU4NSwgLTI0OC4yODkpfCgwLCAwLjAxNiwgMCwgMSl8MTQuMDc4NjF8MTQuODY2MjZ8MS4yNQ==

    Area: Resolute (Novia_R6_City_Resolute) Loc: (-32.1, 77.6, -247.3) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0zMi4xMzEsIDc3LjU4NSwgLTI0Ny4zMyl8KDAsIC0wLjA0MywgMCwgMC45OTkpfC00LjkxNjk1M3wzNS42NzEwM3wxLjI1

    Area: Resolute (Novia_R6_City_Resolute) Loc: (-26.8, 77.6, -261.5) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0yNi44MzMsIDc3LjU4NiwgLTI2MS40NzkpfCgwLCAwLjI1OCwgMCwgMC45NjYpfDMwLjcyNDczfDEwLjY1Mzc4fDEuMjU=

    Area: Resolute (Novia_R6_City_Resolute) Loc: (-31.9, 77.6, -261.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC0zMS45MzEsIDc3LjU4NSwgLTI2MS4xNTcpfCgwLCAwLjA1NywgMCwgLTAuOTk4KXw2LjI0NTY3M3wyNC42MjYxMXwxLjI1

    Edits: typos, more AND's
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    Spoon and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  3. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    PS: I did ask the blacksmith in resolute, but he doesn't introduce my new char to crafting.... (like my first char in love path in March this year got a tailoring training in Soltown)

    either it's missing here or did you remove that from the questline to the new outskirts? (courage outskirt is missing atm...?)

    Edit typo's
    Spoon and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  4. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Whoa! This is great info but definitely a lot for me to process :D
    Awesome feedback. Love it.
    FYI, there is a bug open where quest flags can be skewed if you are in a party with someone who hasn't completed stuff yet, and you have...I think once that bug is fixed we will have a better understanding of some of what you saw here.
    I do know there is an NPC in the outskirts that will introduce you to it if you haven't talked to anyone else about it yet. I do think it was moved but I will need to research and make sure.
    Moiseyev Trueden and Rentier like this.
  5. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    then the bug with a party member having already done this Aldorn-quest has hit me here ... :(
    Is there a way around now or is this char stuck at this quest till the bug is cleared?
    Moiseyev Trueden likes this.
  6. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    It's a good question. I am not certain what the resolution will be yet since the bug is still open. I do hope it retroactively fixes it, but I am not entirely sure if that is possible at the moment.
    Rentier likes this.
  7. chrisjwhite

    chrisjwhite Avatar

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    Corning, NY
    9/14/2017 6:50 PM
    Title: Find Cyanis
    Reproduction Rate:
    Details: I still have the quest as well and just went to attempt to close it. I wasn't 100% sure if I ever have before, but apparently I had. I don't remember if I did it while in a party or not since that was 5 or 6 weeks ago. Below is the dialog of them thanking me.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core Processor (8) System RAM: 16300
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU RAM: 4014
    Area: Novia_R6_City_Resolute
    Area Display Name: Resolute
    Loc: (-7.7, 77.4, -226.0)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9SZXNvbHV0ZXx8KC03LjcxLCA3Ny4zODUsIC0yMjUuOTU2KXwoMCwgLTAuNzcsIDAsIDAuNjM4KXwyNTkuNDU2OHwxMy40NzE5fDguMjA5OTk2

    [9/14/2017 6:20:28 PM] Cyannis, Knight of Norgard: Please, outlander, I require your assistance!
    [9/14/2017 6:20:28 PM]
    [9/14/2017 6:20:36 PM] Christ Pallid: help
    [9/14/2017 6:20:37 PM] Cyannis, Knight of Norgard: Please, outlander, take mine report to the Lord Marshal swiftly! (I never receive another report, Maybe if I did have another one to give, then the quest would go away.)

    [9/14/2017 6:48:05 PM] Godbert: Good tidings to you, friend. Please let it be known if you would care to assist the Knights of Norgard.
    [9/14/2017 6:48:05 PM]
    [9/14/2017 6:48:10 PM] Christ Pallid: assist
    [9/14/2017 6:48:10 PM] Godbert: You have done all we can ask of you for the nonce. Your assistance to the Knights of Norgard is noted and duly appreciated.
    [9/14/2017 6:48:10 PM]
    [9/14/2017 6:48:26 PM] Christ Pallid: report
    [9/14/2017 6:48:27 PM] Godbert: Hmm.
    [9/14/2017 6:48:27 PM]
    [9/14/2017 6:48:29 PM] Christ Pallid: scout
    [9/14/2017 6:48:29 PM] Godbert: Thank you for your assistance in delivering Knight Cyannis' report.
  8. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    not sure the aldorn problem is a matter of having been partied. i've spent SEVeral hours with a new char that's alone here, never have partied, and not found one, and it's not showing as a drop for anyone in the past 24 hours through the api.
    Spoon and Rentier like this.
  9. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Can the API search reveal when the last aldorn Testimony amulet was found?
  10. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    I don't know enough about it but that should be within port's power
    Rentier likes this.
  11. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    ...and @Umuri rolled out his site. if i'm not doing something wrong, the last data for that item, anywhere in any capacity, is from may 8th.

  12. Umuri

    Umuri Avatar

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    Since you're not logged in, you only see the first 25 or so results, there always could be more.
    Logging in gets you up to i think 200?

    But you can specify time windows to show more recent ones.
    For example:
    This search looks for the past 2 days or so

    Also, plot items are usually hidden from the API in some capacity.
    In this case, we can see when the amulets are destroyed (Event types ItemDestroyed_Crafting and ItemDestroyed_User) which at least some are turn-ins.
    I am gonna assume that the itemdestroyed_crafting is the quest consumption event, thereofre it looks like 2 of those were turned in in the last 48 hours.
    We can't see creations though. :/
    Alley Oop likes this.
  13. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    ah, i was doing something wrong! ...but your link searches days in july. searching forward from the beginning of this month finds a couple of turn-ins on 9/3, one 9/6, one 9/7, one 9/10, one 9/11. i'm half-inclined to believe these are from places where they're not supposed to be dropping.
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