New Contest Suggestion: SotA Mini-Games

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Belrindor, May 1, 2014.

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  1. Belrindor

    Belrindor Avatar

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    As I was sitting here tonight being bored out of my skull playing another game,and staring mindlessly at a crafting timer, a few ideas popped into my head.

    Yea, I could play a totally new MMO that I've never played before to relieve my boredom, at least for a while, but I don't want to 'get into' another non-SoTA themed game, and we only get Blade of the Avatar chapters... what... once a week? I've got thousands of books on my shelves and have read them all. Some multiple times. I need something to do that will engage my interest for more than an hour at a time.

    So then I thought... why not have a contest for player created SoTA themed flash mini games? Or browser-based, whatever. We've got all kinds of talented people in our community, some of which could whip up such things in a jiffy. Or even quicker than a jiffy.

    The games could run the gamut. The only requirement being that they have a SoTA theme.

    One could be a simple card game based on the virtues, with the virtue symbols on the card backs.

    One could be a little 8 bit exploration game exploring what we know of the Hidden Vale, based upon the map currently in the game.

    One could be a short little Ultima IV style adventure, but based on the Shroud Timeline.
    The possibilities are endless, limited only by the imagination and creativity of the creators.

    And just think...

    It would give the players something SotA-themed to do between Alpha-Releases, because let's face it, playing for a few days once a month is cool and all, but not nearly enough to sate my required SotA-fix. And I bet I'm not alone.

    I want something SotA-y to do in my spare time in the evenings. I don't want to have to resort to subbing to something I don't really want to play, like ESO, just to have something new to do.

    And... perhaps best of all, this would keep the community super-interested in, and focused on, all things SotA. Brand loyalty. Accept no substitutes. :)

    It would be easy enough to throw together some rewards for those who participated in the contest. Heck, I'd even pony up free in game kittens for the top 5 games, as voted on by the community.

    (That's right. Free kittens, out of my own pocket, for the top 5 games. Who doesn't love free kittens?!?)


    So devvy devs, whaddyathink? :)
  2. Eriador

    Eriador Avatar

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    You have that EA "Lorf of Ultima" flash game. I was kidding! :p Maybe they can make a contest to do this, or maybe the actual D&D contest is about this.
    Time Lord likes this.
  3. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    That's a very good thought Belrindor ;)
    Something like this one or similar to it aye? :rolleyes:

    I like the idea and we certainly do have such creative tech talent within our members to accomplish something like what you're proposing :)
    A competition would be a fine thing for such o_O

    Two Thumbs on that one Belrindor !;)!
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
  4. fedwook

    fedwook Avatar

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    Thinking of games to inspire community talking and trade and such not really programming ideas:
    A trading card of sorts.
    Arm wrestling / feats of strength / dexterity (don't know how)
    Fishing / hunting contests
    Archery / or dps etc
    Treasure hunts. ( get these x number of items)
    Parade of homes / boats
    Boxing / kung fu / whatever version
    Fashion contests
    Talent shows
    Duels for daily / weekly / monthly titles etc
    Cooking contests

    Just a few ideas off the top of my head
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