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Offering use of Commission Free Vendor for weekend in Diamond Fields 3-17,3-18

Discussion in 'Vendor Locations & Misc Services' started by Lace, Mar 15, 2017.

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  1. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    On March 18th Diamond Fields will be hosting its monthly GM Crafting event.

    It is often heard does anyone have any ore for sale here? and alas we have no dedicated miners living in the crossroads sized town (soon to be metropolis)

    As a fix for this for the weekend I will throw down a rowhouse in the semi circle surrounding the crafting pavilion and put up a CF Vendor. I will add folks as kindred so they can sell their raw materials, in particular we are looking for gold and silver ore that if the prices aren't jacked are likely to sell. Other ore resources and wood would be welcome too, but not sure demand.

    This test is akin to the proposal I made a year back for Nomadic Merchants Association, where traveling merchants for events would plop down weekend lots, but in that case it was up to the merchant to secure the lot and use their own vendor, and up to the POT owner to provide the vacant lots in a bazaar setting. (details and discussions if interested are here: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...chants-association-not-a-guild-an-idea.47674/

    Seeing if this works at least as a solution for our monthly event in DF now and maybe we can get the nomadic merchants going for other events in other towns hosted by other folks.

    For this iteration
    No cost to you, no deed or house required, only profit.

    Now since I gotta pay rent on the lot I will be taking it down on Sunday at some point and all your things not sold will be in YOUR bank in DF.

    Please no finished goods as we have our own crafters in town at this time. Raw resources for crafting only.

    Please sign up on the forums at this post:

    to keep it consolidated for the event.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
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