Organizing Thread for Worldwide Adopt a Newbie/Midrange Player

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lace, Jul 17, 2019.

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  1. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    Greetings Avatars

    The purpose of this post is to gauge interest in co-sponsoring an Adopt a Newbie/Midrange Player Event that would run across multiple Player Owned Towns.

    The Premise
    As crafters, many end up with low durability items that cannot be sold for prices anywhere near the cost to make. Crafters will sell these items to an NPC for a minuscule amount of gold, or scrap them for little value in nondescript materials. When the items are sold to an NPC, they have a chance to drop in loot tables. Because the system seems to only let these possibly high + items drop in higher zones, they don't really get to the new players that would actually find them useful. They end up getting re-sold or scrapped by the players that happen to find them, many who have out-leveled the items or find no use for them. This can lead to a possible "circle of junk" dropping to those that don't need.

    In an effort to clear out the junk loot in tables from NPC sold items, let us instead take it upon ourselves to forgo the 200+ gold we night get for an item that cost us several thousand to make and get these items to new players where they can find a good home albeit a possibly short lived home due to durability. It will also get your name out there as a crafter by donating your 2nds.

    The Plan
    Town owners will put out a public cache (near their main zone in-not buried in the POT, this is not to showcase your town, but to help out new folks) Crafters will take this time before/at specialization to clear out their vendors, trunks, banks etc and donate to help out other players rather than putting crap in the loot tables. ( I would suggest working with your town resident crafters to stagger placement so we don't get public cache abuse, and ban folks abusing system as necessary during the 'active periods')

    It would be nice if governors put a label on their POT marking where the public cache will be, signs and POT MOTD to aid in organization. If you don't know how I can point you to some videos I have done on this subject.

    We would get this announced starting on a friday and running through the weekend. I would be looking for a few volunteers to communicate to universe and who are willing to meet new players, hand out a few teleport to player scrolls and also have players in your POT's who can be friended and teleported to.

    So this would have a lot of moving parts from participating POT's getting the word out there on that, and having availability to give out scrolls and port to persons, as well as crafters willing to contribute to the various public caches over the course of the 2 Phase Event.

    Friday streams after a new release are seen on twitch the most so I think that first live weekend of R68 would be a candidate.

    As R68 progresses, I suspect many will be working on their specializations so hitting it again a few weeks into R68 or possibly that first weekend of R69 will be a great way for folks to get to know crafters, get some temporary high stat low durability/imperfect gear etc and also welcome new players as a community.

    We have been doing this in Diamond Fields for common recipes and gear for quite some time, but doing this as a community would have a much further reaching effect.

    Looking for Feedback and folks that want to help make this work! ... Please respond so we can get this off the ground and get an official event thread started.

    POT's Interested (will be updated)
    Diamond Fields
    Novia Market
    Crossroads Alleys

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  2. that_shawn_guy

    that_shawn_guy Bug Hunter

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    earth... mostly
    Rentier and Jaesun like this.
  3. Cirsee

    Cirsee Avatar

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    Just a suggestion Lace, there is the crafting seminar going on now.. this might make a nice venue to get this gear to new players. It would also showcase what can be made.

    Outside of that Sionann is sadly a just me and one renter town, but I would be happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to PM me.
  4. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    Its a good idea, I am just worried some arseface jerk will just come by and loot the whole chest. I just keep all my stuff, a little while ago I list a bunch of junk stuff on a vendor at super cheap prices, like 200 coin 500 coin so that it could get to the lower level players. As well, I often just help out a new person by giving them some gear.

    What I can do though ( and I thought thats what the thread was going to be about) is I can maybe take a new player with me and get them some exp, get them up to level 60 or so IF they want it.
    Rentier, Alley Oop and Jaesun like this.
  5. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    I added Crossroads and Crossroads Alleys to the POTs for this.
    that_shawn_guy likes this.
  6. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    Superb idea, and I appreciate this is player driven and very commendable. I also agree SOTA needs something like this hugely: Many people say the 'learning curve' is the biggest reason for new players leaving the game but in my view it was the Dev's original decision to make the game intentionally opaque and belligerently unhelpful when it was planned to be hardcore (which is what attracted me initially). Now this is a legacy and will gradually be removed, but it will take time.

    As you say, this has lots of moving parts, relies on POT owners, and in my experience players, in general, on their own, are often too lazy or selfish to support player sponsored help for newbies in enough numbers to make a difference unless they are incentivized. My suggestion is that the Devs add a simple mentoring mechanic as per other MMO's and as per SOTA's Group bonus that gives the mentor a boost to his Adventurer or Crafting exp gain if they become a mentor..
  7. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    I would love to have a 'teaching skill' and mentioned it before that those that mentor more get better at it and thus the students learn faster, but then they added those potions to the store.
  8. Sounder

    Sounder Avatar

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    have you asked the welcome center down bye soltown. they seem new player oriented.Oh yeah and try Silverdale too. I would be happy to help new players as well. You can have them contact me in game.

    Auden Bjornson
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