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Pet displayed health stats are inconsistent

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Syznow, May 2, 2018.

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  1. Syznow

    Syznow Avatar

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    5/2/2018 11:53 PM
    Title: see above
    Reproduction Rate: 100% ?
    Blocker? NO
    Details: Pet displayed health stats are inconsistent. The owner sees one set of health values and I as a party member see a different set of values for the pet. When hunting earlier tonight my friend was excited as his pet leveled up to 705 HP. I looked at it and instead of seeing 705/705 health, I saw 731/919 health. Both of those value were greater than the max health of the pet. We noticed this issue last release also, but waited to see if it was fixed before reporting it as a bug. FYI, my friend has a tamer specialization but had no pet buffs of any kind active when we verified this discrepancy in displayed health stats. We verified this was a problem while hunting in Ulfhiem in multiplayer.
    Steps to Reproduce: see Details above
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12) System RAM: 32688
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4043
    Area: BasementSceneMedievalRow_5Floor
    Area Display Name: Row Stone & Timber 5-Story Basement
    Loc: (31.7, 3.3, 110.4)
    Debug: QmFzZW1lbnRTY2VuZU1lZGlldmFsUm93XzVGbG9vcnx8KDMxLjY1NiwgMy4zLCAxMTAuNDA2KXwoMCwgLTAuMDE1LCAwLCAtMSl8MzYwLjI0OTV8MzMuMDcxOHwxLjQzMDEz
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