Player Basics - A Basic Combat Deck

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Jan 13, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This guide will go over some very basic information to create and manage a combat deck to help you understand these basic concepts.

    Most of this information is already found in the Player Guide which you can read at any time by clicking the Help icon at the top right of your screen while in game, and clicking on it. This will bring up the current Published Player Instructions (Player Guide) and has a wealth of various information. Please be sure to read this. It contains a lot of basic information.

    This guide will be a quick, easy guide just to discuss the basics of a single, but important topic, a combat deck. I just want to go over a few of the important aspects of this system, and explain them very clearly, so that any new player can understand this basic but very important system.

    Creating A Basic Training Deck

    First ensure you are not in combat mode. Press the Z key to go out or in into combat mode. You will need to not be in combat mode. Move your mouse to the top right of your screen. The icon on the very left is the Window Selector. Left click on this icon and a drop-down menu will display, and then move your mouse to the Combat Deck option and click that:


    A new window will appear named Combat Decks. You can also bring up this window at any time by pressing the y key on your keyboard.


    A box labeled New Deck is shown at the bottom of this window. Left click that box, and a new window will open:


    This screen is referred to as the Deck Editor. This window will allow you to edit your decks at any time. At the top right of this screen you will see the words Deck Name and a box next to it. Click in that box and type Training Deck in the box.

    Now press the I key to bring up your Inventory Window. Click the Equipment tab. Now press the C key to bring up your Character Sheet. Now equip any weapons and armor you will want to be using while using the new Training Deck. Do this by click and dragging the items you want from the Inventory Window to the specific slot on the Character Sheet. For this example, I have decided I want Heru to dual wield spears and have 2 spears equipped on his character sheet:


    Close the Inventory Window by clicking the red X in the top right of the window, or press the I key. Now close the Character Sheet by clicking the red X in the top right of the window, or press the C key. The Deck Editor window will now be shown still open**. Next on the left side of this window you will see small glyphs of your various skills that you have learned so far. Find the glyph named Healing Touch and then left click and then drag the glyph to far right of the boxes below:


    Under the Healing Touch glyph you just dragged to these boxes below, it shows a locked icon. All glyphs you add to your combat deck are always by default locked. At this time, we are not going to go over locking and unlocking glyphs in your Combat Bar. Using these locked glyphs in your Combat Bar will be just fine for you to use as you continue to explore the Outskirts.

    Now click on the Use Current Equipment button at the bottom. Above the Use Current Equipment button you will now see a Linked Equipment: and then icons to the right of that, that will show all of your equipment you currently have equipped. Now you have set the Training Deck to always use this exact set of equipment every time you equip it!


    Click the Done button at the bottom right. The Deck Editor window will go away and our Combat Deck Window now shows the new deck we just created:


    Now click the Equip button that is located in the new deck we created, Training Deck. You now have this specific deck equipped (Training Deck).

    Now we are going to add more glyphs to our combat bar. You can just open up the Deck Editor again and add them this way, or let's do it a very fun way. Press the Z key to go into Combat Mode. This is your Combat Bar:


    Underneath the Combat Bar, is your Hotkey Bar. At the center of this window is a Sword Icon. You can left click and then drag the Combat Bar bar around your screen. Of note, this combat bar cannot currently be locked in place. It is always available to be moved at any time, of which you will probably move this by accident while in combat. Just know you can then move it at any time back to where you wish it to be.

    Press the K key to bring up your Skill Window and click the Adventure tab. Click on the Fire Skill. Left click and drag the Flame Fist skill to your combat bar. Now click on the Earth Skill. Left click and drag the Stone Fist skill to your combat bar. You can place them however you wish:


    As you click and drag glyphs that can be used in combat to your Combat Bar, they will turn red for a few seconds, before you can use them. You just will need to wait a few moments before this skill will be available to you to use in combat. You can add glyphs that can be used in combat to your Combat Bar at any time. You can do this at any time while in combat mode, or out of combat mode.

    Clicking and dragging skills from the Skill Window to your Combat Bar will also update any deck you have currently equipped. Remember, we created the new Training Deck and just added the Healing Touch glyph to the far right of the Combat Bar? We then clicked and dragged skills from the Skills Window to our Combat Bar (Flame Fist and Stone Fist). Let's now look at the Training Deck and see what has happened.

    Press Z to go into combat mode, if you are not already. Press the y key to bring up the Combat Decks Window. You will now note, there are no options you can select to modify any of these decks, while combat mode is on:


    Now press z to go out of combat mode. You will now see that you can now interact with the Combat Decks Window. And now you can Modify any of your decks if you wish to. Click on the blue cog wheel icon that is to the right of the Training Deck.


    The Deck Editor will now open showing us the current Training Deck:


    The the Flame Fist skill, Stone Fist skill have now been added and updated for this deck, because we updated it by dragging glyphs to it. You can however if you wish, add more glyphs to your Combat Bar by while using the Deck Editor.

    You now know the 2 ways you can update your Combat Bar with skills you can use in combat by either using the Deck Editor, by modifying a deck. Or you can at any time, while in combat mode or out of combat mode, click and drag skills from the Skills Window to your Combat Bar. Use which ever option you want to do!

    Sometimes, while in combat, you might want a specific skill, just for the moment to help you wish a specific creature you are fighting. Like adding the Banish Undead skill to your Combat Bar while fighting Undead, if you happen to have that skill trained. And then when you are not fighting Undead anymore, replace that skill with another one, by just clicking and dragging the skill you want to use over the skill you want to replace it with in the Combat Bar. That's just very handy and fast way to adapt to any situation!

    Now continue on your adventures with this new knowledge!

    **If you closed the Deck Editor, just press the Y key to bring up the Combat Deck Window, and then find the Training Deck in the list of decks, and find a blue gear icon to the right of the Training Deck and left click on that and select the Modify Deck option to bring up the Deck Editor again for this deck.

    My other guides:
    Anpu's Guides to Getting Started - The Outskirts and Beyond
    None found or reported
    *Original Post post and information is based off of Release 73 patch 1101, Offline and Online.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    STILL hard at work -- bam! 1 like for you! ;)
  3. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Avatar

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    Washington, DC
    WOW! @Anpu this is simply...

    FrostII, Paladin Michael and Anpu like this.
  4. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Excellent !
    Big thx for taking the time to help others, @Anpu
    Anpu and Cordelayne like this.
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