PVP defaults and other questions answered ? (Dev) Replied

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Baron Elvish Dragon, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Ultima Aficionado

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    You cannot teach a machine to "think" the same way humans do. You cannot program intuition, the most sophisticated artificial intelligence such as "Watson" which has the ability to answer Jeopardy questions cannot think. Machines are logical and think completely rationally, human beings do not. This is a huge problem in programming. We may be able to overcome it and create machines that can think one day, but currently that is not the case. I guess you could create machine that is COMPLETELY random and follow instructions, but what would be the point of that?
    **A machine cannot attempt to deceive you the same way a human is able to.

    Human beings are more unpredictable and intuitive than a machine can ever be. We sometimes do things without really thinking about them, yet it turns out to have been the best option in the end. This is why a game with 2 maps is the most popular game on the planet; despite its lack of maps every match is unique due to the human element.

    This game will probably feature PvP in many of the areas, obviously there will be safe havens strewn throughout the world. There is also the variety of modes available to players including single player and friends only.


    Chess follows a predefined set of rules, computers are generally pretty good at following instructions. That is what they are designed to do, a computer is nothing without the instructions built into it by a human. We cannot program a computer to be intuitive and to "think" in the way humans do.

    I am looking forward to the single player mode because I am an avid fan of Ultima, but I am an even bigger fan of Ultima Online during the early days. The PvP in the game has been unparalleled and in my opinion drastically different than EVE's, which I only played for a short time because I was turned off by many aspects of that game. Earlier in this thread RG said to approach this game with the mindset that there will be PvP, that is what I am going to do.
  2. flashburn

    flashburn Avatar

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    @people who replied to my last post.

    You people have reading comprehension problems. There, someone had to say it.

    My post was like 2 and 1/2 clearly written lines and you munchkins had to reply without even comprehending what I took the time to express.
  3. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    @Acrylic 300, I would enjoy a system like this. I might suggest that instead of using a spell make it a potion. A spell can be used at a whim while a potion can be contraband. Carrying contraband can make you open to PvP. :)

    @Regi, It's been stated there will be PvP, it will not be open PvP. How do we get players like @rune_74 to step over to the PvP side. In this case, we are looking for the carrot and not the stick. If you hit rune_74 with the stick for not wanting to PvP, I am not wanting to speak for him but, I am going to say you will see him uninstalling the game.

    This is all the proof you will need that players will leave if there is an open PvP system. Now bring on your ideas on what that carrot should be.
    Time Lord likes this.
  4. Ultima Aficionado

    Ultima Aficionado Avatar

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    I have not seen it explicitly stated there will not be open PvP. Unless, by open PvP you mean PvP in all areas of the map. This will not be the case and new players will have an option to either take the incentivized, PvP route or take the safe route. This has been stated earlier in this very thread by Richard Garriott himself.

    There will be OPEN PvP in several areas of the game to my understanding. Whereas, players will have the option to go into these areas. Thus, PvP will be consensual in a sense but it will also be open within those areas.
  5. Owain

    Owain Avatar

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    There has been nothing definitely defined to my knowledge. There have been suggestions, and some from the devs about maybe guilds could elect to go PvP, or something akin to factions, but so far, nothing concrete.
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  6. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    Exactly, nothing has been said that we all had to go into pvp mode, other then the few paragraphs RG gave in this thread. Nothing has been said how that will affect SPO or FPO.

    @flashburn you seem to be a very nice guy, can't wait to play in game with you;)
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  7. Owain

    Owain Avatar

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    In the various dev chat's I've listened to, there have been a lot of ideas spitballed, things that they MIGHT do in order to satisfy the full PvP/full Loot audience without impacting the PvE audience, but nothing official. It's all mud thrown against a wall right now, trying to see what sticks.
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  8. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    That is exactly why we have to post our opinions and discuss options, it doesn't hurt anyone.
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  9. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    @Ultima Aficionado, your definition of open PvP seems pretty far off of those players that wish for a pre-Trammel open PvP game.

    If a player can move to and from events without every encountering a PvP player then that is not open PvP. The only question would be can they fully play the game without crossing over to the PvP areas.

    This is where the non PvP players will explode. If it is made so that all the great parts of the game have to be done as PvP it's over for non PvP players.
    Time Lord likes this.
  10. Acrylic 300

    Acrylic 300 Avatar

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    That sounds better, potions are less class specific.
  11. Ultima Aficionado

    Ultima Aficionado Avatar

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    I am not sure what you mean by my definition of PvP seems pretty far off of players who wish for a pre-Trammel open PvP game?

    I want that more than anything else, I just realize this game is probably going to be different. I wouldn't want anything more than pre-Trammel, open PvP back. However, I also realize there are many players that are opposed to that.

    There needs to be safe zones and there needs to be consequences for PK's, but there also needs to be some incentive for players to enter PvP areas.
    Hillel Slovak likes this.
  12. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    Open PvP, Open, not just PvP. Just as it was in UO pre-Trammel. With Trammel PvP became less open.
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  13. Owain

    Owain Avatar

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    @Ristra, I think that will be simulated in SotA in that people who flag for PvP full time (however that works) will only see other who also flag for full time PvP. There are too many people who don't want full time PvP, yet still want multiplayer to require Open PvP of everyone in OPO.
    Time Lord likes this.
  14. Ultima Aficionado

    Ultima Aficionado Avatar

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    Absolutely, I already expect that there will be safe havens for players. I am just not sure as to the proportions of the world that are going to be open PvP compared to closed PvP. But, I don't think that question has been answered yet.
  15. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    It hasn't, which is a good thing. The more systems we can come up with to get the non PvPer to cross over, willingly, the closer to open PvP we can get.
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  16. Ultima Aficionado

    Ultima Aficionado Avatar

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    If we can possibly create reasons for them to go into those areas. An idea could be to put some valuable item in that area. Ultima Online had daily rares, which were in certain locations and only spawned once a day. After the item was taken it would not spawn again until the next day. Perhaps we could put these rares in PvP only areas?

    The rares should be in a location that is difficult to get to (ie. deep within a dungeon), but the dungeon would be located in an area that is unprotected. This will create traffic to and from the dungeon with that item. The item has to be something that isn't game changing, so it could be a specially hued cloth. The items can be scattered throughout the world and can be anything really, as long as it isn't some type of ore with which you can create extremely powerful armor.
  17. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    Problem with that thing is a PVP guild will just farm it. Hardly enticing to run into a large group waiting to kill you.

    I think more enticing is having the ability to have pvp but having enough checks and balances to make it opt in enough. An innocent chopping wood in the forest shouldn't be the prime target for a person interested in PVP. And if it is a target of a PKer there should be enough to make him think before he just randomly yells, "You mad bro?".
    Time Lord and Beno Ledoux like this.
  18. Ultima Aficionado

    Ultima Aficionado Avatar

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    Agreed, I am ok with a player being considered a murderer after killing one innocent/blue person. In Ultima Online you needed to kill 5. The consequences associated with being a murderer will make a person stop and think of whether the miner or lumberjack is worth killing or not. Ultimately, however, I think the choice should be up to you. The game should not impose restrictions upon the players' actions, but obviously the nearby town will not be favorable towards someone who is a murderer.

    There will probably be large guilds there, but if it is deep within a dungeon with plenty of monsters around that will add a little bit of chaos. It will be difficult to get the item if you even show up with a few friends. If there is provocation you could entice the monsters to attack the members of the guild there waiting for it or cast AOE spells on them.
  19. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    The game absolutely should put restrictions the same way society puts restrictions on us. If you don't do that, then there is no incentive for these types to act in a responsible way, they can let their inner monster out and not even care. People make choices in life on what society will accept. The game needs to define what society is in effect.
    Time Lord and Beno Ledoux like this.
  20. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    Lets try to draw a picture: There is a powerful entity that wishes to move the world into a different dimension. This entity needs a rare resource that is not found on this planet. It only comes from space debris from a destroyed near by solar system (possibly destroyed by this entity) The entity is willing to pay your weight in gold.

    This resource is also highly desirable by many other aspects of the game.

    Alchemy: used to make polymorph potions (*nods* @Acrylic 300)
    Paladins: used as a reagent in the detect evil spell. What's a Paladin you ask? Someone hunting players that polymorph into a monster and attack players.
    Cooking: it makes a super tasty rock soup.

    While strolling along on the dual map you see the space debris fall and land near by. You zip on over to check it out.

    1.) SPO/FPO do you see this event due to the PvP nature? (Will there be PvP in SPO/FPO?)
    2.) Is this resource only useful in PvP situations?

    If you have a resource that is very desired by non PvP players with no other method of obtaining then you have your disconnect. Non PvPers will be a 2nd class player.

    If you can avoid the PvP by switching to SPO/FPO many will and now PvPer are the 2nd class player.
    Time Lord likes this.
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