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R121 Patch2: Completion of the 10th Anniversary Chicken Room Event

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ravalox, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    ...and so, ten earth years have passed and that lone chicken trapped in the chicken room learned the way of magery, expanded the room and created portals into the realm of New Britannia to seek vengeance.

    The Outlanders rallied, forcing the self appointed Queen of Chickens into submission. Knowing that the battle was lost, her majesty destroyed the link to this world vowing to return again with more power and more chickens.

    We hope you enjoyed the resurrections of the Chicken Room this year. It is suspected that it will take some time for her to recover and return in force!

    We also hosted a "pop-up" event at Castle Atos as the Winter Solstice came to pass. Waves of creatures appeared and were defeated by the community members who heeded Allium's call!

    Our end of year sales and events continue... I am planning for a Reprise Livestream on December 26th at 4pm CT. There will be prizes, Q/A, and a bunch of rambling. :p

    R121 Patch notes can be found here: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/?page_id=32989