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[Responded] PvP Loot - do we still need to unstack everything before battle (?)

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Ben_Hroth, May 23, 2018.

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  1. Ben_Hroth

    Ben_Hroth Avatar

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    5/23/2018 9:10 AM
    Title: PvP Loot (?)
    Reproduction Rate: N/A
    Blocker? No
    Details: My understanding was that we no longer had to break down our stacked items like reagents before we go into PvP mode.

    Is that true? I just had a nice battle with Hannah Alpenglow and the greedy Oracle took my entire stack of mandrake (300 mandrake, that's an 1800 g value!) Is this a bug? Or is the design that we do indeed need to break out our stacks of 300 mandrake into single mandrake before each fight?

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Get killed by Hannah Alpenglow :) while carrying stacked reagents rather than unstacked reagents.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4) System RAM: 32711
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti GPU RAM: 6103
    Area: POT_island_metropolis_01_template/Diamond Fields
    Area Display Name: Diamond Fields
    Loc: (11.1, 89.0, 13.8)
    Debug: UE9UX2lzbGFuZF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxX3RlbXBsYXRlfERpYW1vbmQgRmllbGRzfCgxMS4xMTIsIDg5LjAwNCwgMTMuODI3KXwoMCwgLTAuMjUyLCAwLCAwLjk2OCl8MzMwLjk3Njd8MTB8MTEuMjI0NjI=
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    There may be some confusion on how this is supposed to work...
    The "you don't need to de-stack" from my understanding meant that de-stacking would be worthless to do, as per the Player Instructions.

    • Note that multiple stacks of one type of item are considered one item for the purposes of ransom checks. (Therefore, splitting stackable items into multiple item stacks will not affect the odds of which item types are randomly selected or a ransom.)

    Some items (such as artifacts) that can be taken via Price of the Oracle can be much higher than that in value. But, 1800g value is no laughing matter. I feel for you, I truly do.
  3. Ben_Hroth

    Ben_Hroth Avatar

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    Thank you so much, @Lexie. It sounds like we need to spend time unstacking to be economical at PvP.

    I know I'm perilously far away from a valid bug report, but I think this is beyond a quick question for a livestream Q&A.

    If it sounds too much like math, I apologize in advance!


    Jim owns six gear and six non-gear items:

    Rusty Dagger [0/20]
    Rusty Dagger [5/20]
    Rusty Dagger [19/20]
    Iron Dagger +4 (wielded) [15/22]
    Cloth Chest (worn) [100/150]
    Rusty Plate Chest [35/125]

    Mandrake (19)
    Mandrake (20)
    Mandrake (21)
    Nightshade (5)
    Garlic (100)


    Jim dies in PvP.

    As designed:
    a. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes a Rusty Dagger?
    b. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes an Iron Dagger?
    c. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes a Cloth Chest?
    d. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes a Rusty Plate Chest?
    e. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes Mandrake?
    e2. If Mandrake is included with the Price of the Oracle, is it just one of the three stacks of Mandrake? Or is it all 60 Mandrake?
    f. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes 5 Nightshade?
    g. What is the probability that the Price of the Oracle includes 100 Garlic?​

    Where could I get the Answer?

  4. Anvar

    Anvar Avatar

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    Im pretty sure in your example
    d)16 .66%

    Put simply it takes 1 item of equipment, either equiped or equipment in your pack, and also takes 1 piece of non equipment.
    So yes it will take any trash equipment and also will take any trash non equipment aslong as it has a value is my understanding.
    Atm it doesnt seem to look at value it appears to be entirely random, and the ransom value is fairly random too.... (I had a rusty chain chest and grey supply bag and it wanted 700g for em lol)
    Ben_Hroth likes this.
  5. Ben_Hroth

    Ben_Hroth Avatar

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    Thanks! I will experiment more!

    It does seem that the ransom value is about three times the NPC value.
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