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Shandy Chapman Conversation Issues

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Browncoat Jayson, Oct 9, 2018.

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  1. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    10/09/2018 23:41
    Title: Shandy Chapman Conversation Issues
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Speaking to Shandy Chapman, many of the conversation keywords need to be said several times before he would respond to them.
    Steps to Reproduce: Find Shandy Chapman (which isn't always easy), talk to him
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 16291
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: RandomEncounter_Plains01_Road/ShandyChapman
    Area Display Name: Plains Road Encounter
    Loc: (-4.1, 27.5, 8.8)
    Debug: UmFuZG9tRW5jb3VudGVyX1BsYWluczAxX1JvYWR8U2hhbmR5Q2hhcG1hbnwoLTQuMTIsIDI3LjQ5NSwgOC44MjIpfCgwLCAwLjQ1MywgMCwgMC44OTEpfDQwOS42NDA2fDI0LjUyNTk4fDEuNzM3Njkx

    Also some feedback:
    As a sendup to Sanford & Son, I think this character could use a bit of work. He says he lives "with his lover", but this makes the conversation really strange. I'd like to see him say "with his love Elizabeth", and have her name be the trigger instead. It'd be nice if Shandy's son was around (Lamont?) maybe taking care of the horse, who gives you the idea of tricking his old man (and earning you the Heart Attack emote). And Shandy is just a clone of Edvard... while we may not have a model worth of Redd Foxx, could we at least have him as a black character?
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report! Issue #62278
    Browncoat Jayson likes this.
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