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Siege Mechanics

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Chrystoph Reis, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    1) Sieges last 48 hour hours unless broken
    2) Siege enemies scale to team power. Tier4 being the lowest, T20 the highest
    3) all prices in town increase by 10% until siege broken (POTS included) - Broken sieges don't return for a minimum of 4 days - or 96 hours.
    4) for person(s) who break sieges, they receive a 5 - 15% on all items for 4 days. (Tier item prices)
  2. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    #2 should be challenging no matter what the make up of the team.
    Time Lord and Elrich Skychosen like this.
  3. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    What about us solo players? Are we now officially thrown under the catapult?
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  4. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    T4, the base level of the suggestion, is what is currently live, so by my assumptions, a solo player would be hit with the T4 version.
    Time Lord and Aldo like this.
  5. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    Breaking a siege was the original design, I think. The Op is an interesting take on that. Just wondering why clearing the siege was never a thing that was implemented... Is it just another idea that was never completed, or was there a coding hurdle involved? I hope this idea gets some traction, as goal oriented playing needs to get started whether sieges like this or player on player sieges or faction wars or...well the list goes on. I would like to see a deco item of some type be the award for defined team member(s). Something along the lines of the fishing tourney awards that Elgarion handed out.
    Time Lord, majoria70 and FBohler like this.
  6. FBohler

    FBohler Avatar

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    Sieges in the current state are parasitic game design. Take the whole feature away from the game and we will only miss the Cabalists, if anything.

    I like the player on player siege idea, but the game strayed too far away from the player competition path that PvP became a niche thing.
    Aldo and Time Lord like this.
  7. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    I never really understood why this was 'fun' as designed?

    Has anyone gotten a feel that they are being virtuous by cleansing a town of its besiegers? Did it feel that it really mattered? (in other words, did you feel truly engaged by sieges as a mission?). Or is it just another opportunity to grind as in other scenes?

    I saw content like this come along as the incentive for group play, didn't really see the appeal (compared to other games with more robust reasons to group), and mostly hung up my spurs here. Sieges just did not feel engaging at all.

    Is that the challenge with SOTA's draw? That the virtues don't create a strong-enough rallying cry for group play, compared territorial control, etc. mechanics that we see in other games?
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    Aldo, FBohler and Time Lord like this.
  8. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    If the sieges actually cleared, already, it would feel somewhat rewarding. If on top of this some features in towns were disabled while under siege (vendors, devotionals, etc), this would give an incentive to clear them.

    What do virtues do? Apart from giving me stats on a few items, and a couple of cute lines in a book, Virtues have had no impact on my experience, at all, so why would "For the virtues" be a rallying cry?

    The actual content of sieges is fun for me, but like I said, them existing does nothing for my experience, clearing them doesn't actually clear them, and if it has an impact on my virtues, it's not as if it had an actual impact on my experience, so yeah, it's basically another random encounter, nothing more.
    Aldo, FBohler and Time Lord like this.
  9. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    United States
    Well for some game history for you guys:

    After player owned towns got implemented some of us asked for occasional spawns to invade our pots. You know like a call to arms that went on screen to give an extra dimension to the game. These were to be random and surprises. Like UO type of in town invasions.

    But alas due to some players being against the premise saying they don't want their time in town fighting off invasions sieges are what we got.

    So that was the familiar beginning of a started system added to the game and as with many it was not completed satisfactorily. So as always I say one at a time fix these things please.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    Aldo, Anpu, FBohler and 1 other person like this.
  10. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~

    "Cabalism should matter!"
    *Time Lord gets his cabalist rant on* :D

    Get rid of the bypass option!
    It's Risk Equals Reward! not Risk Equals Bypass!

    This is the one thing that our panets effect and it's currently so not nessesary to try and predict when they happen, because they are not a siege!
    I mean... we can so easily get around these things, but they happen to POTs because there are certain devotionals inside them. Less devotionals, less siege, no devotional, no siege.
    We're getting devotional buffs for free right now, which shouldn't be the case. This is one of our Pay to Win (P2W) things that shouldn't be there. Pay for a devotional, get a buff, that's P2W.

    Devotionals are so common now they are meaningless beyond a player having to visit them to get a buff. If that visit were so needed for some great fight or hunting trip, then the journey should have to be fought through to gain what is needed for the further tougher fight ahead which alures the seeker to take on that journey.

    Along this way of thinking, our sieges are easily run through with no fighting required at all, which would need to change if risk equals reward is used in furthering our siege's development.

    Think for a moment how actual siege, the shutting off of a POT would change the dynamics of what types of players would want to live in such POTs with devotionals and without devotionals and the power that would have bringing like minded play styles more together as community aimes. It would be a detriment devotionals would be to a crafting merchant community and what an apeal devotionals would be to hunting and warrior theamed community goals. Those seperations no matter how subtle a difference, would provide more continuity in our otherwise dull easy POT environments.

    I find it very unfortunate that our game caters to the convenience of getting to our higher content as fast as possible without any need to make that content a challenging journey to get to or more prepare for through taking such journey in tasks to overcome.

    For me, if you don't like the sieges if sieges are not able to be bypassed, then don't place the devotional/s which bring them.
    Making sieges matter, making Cabalism matter, is a very virtuous thing to be developed on, through risk or task equals our devotional's buff rewards.

    We get our devotional buffs for free right now and the planets in our sky are meaningless because bypassing sieges is convenient with their rewards for free!

    Thos are some things I think on when thinking on this disapointing subject. I'm actually hoping our current siege situation is like everything else, a place keeper for something better who's development has yet to come.
    ~Time Lord~

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
    Lained, Aldo and Violet Ronso like this.
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