Sir Frank's contest

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Sir Frank, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Abbotsford, BC Canada
    Sits at her desk tapping the eraser of her pencil against the center of her bottom lip as she ponders what adventures she would see Sir Frank i, "I have already written him a poem!"

    Realizing the poem would not work with this, she set herself for a story of a lifetime, one that no other could possibly be deserving of other then the man of flying monkeys. ".... a week is far more then enough time to finish this story."

    I am going to be submitting one. Been working on it for a couple days :) ~reserves her spot~ :)
  2. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    Kansas City
    It was for nights such as this that he could often be found perched atop his darkened fortress.
    A fragment of the moon had chosen this night to descend to the surface of the world, blazing its way through the night sky to the southwest.

    The messenger had seen it too, and launched himself into the sky on strong, steady wings.
    He would find where the shard had fallen, and guide Sir Frank to survey the site, and bring back what could be carried.

    There were five days until the writing contest was to end, and he was obligated to be back in order to judge the submissions and award prizes.

    But others had surely seen the shardfall, and the race was on.
  3. Anghelos

    Anghelos Avatar

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    From Italy, now in Italy
    An envelop with a scroll was carefully delivered.
    The sigil showed just two letters: E.B.
    Inside, a poem with the title:
    "The lucky coin"

    A long journey made my step exhausted and heavy
    Searching for rest in that lonely place near a levee
    In an old inn far from being cozy I spent the night,
    where folks reveled through songs, beers and fights.

    When I approached the innkeeper for more ale to buy
    a weird sparkling coin did catch my eye,
    I stared for a while with eyes that were squinted
    discovering the visage of a beautiful woman imprinted:

    Her smile was releasing a light that i could really feel
    the more I stared, the more it seemed real,
    dim but intruiguing at the same time were her eyes
    I bet it could conquer the heart of Lords and knights,
    the hair in colored ribbons was gently braided
    to enrapture the youngest and leave them fascinated.

    I thought...damn! it's just a coin with an image depicted!?
    And yet I couldn't look away from it, I felt addicted!
    All of a sudden a hooded figure came closer
    whispering "take it, life will be lucky if you'll be the owner"
    Not a single doubt crossed my mind:
    I took it and left, leaving everything behind.

    From that day and on, life started to give me only pleasure
    and nothing more could set me apart from that treasure.
    On some nights I still look at her closely and think...
    am i going crazy or did she really wink?

    edit and off-rp: I thank Themo Lock for polishing my poem, since English is not my native language and making rhymes in english is a bit tough :p
  4. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Abbotsford, BC Canada
    ((Whew! That was close. ))

    In the Life of.....

    Not so long ago on a dark, rainy day, I awoke to find myself locked within a grid along with twenty thousand other cellmates. Unable to move, I could sense that we were two hundred rows long by one hundred rows high. From the glistening above and below i would have guessed my location approximately the exact middle of the grid. Just as I was coming to relax into my surroundings, I felt the jolting of movements. We were moving slowly left, picking up speed as we went.

    The ride was frightening, I had nothing to hold on to and was worried I would fall. How good was the fastening that held me to this cell. As we moved further and further left I could hear a very distinct sound, was that a muffled cry? A scream? Followed by the distinct sound of: Tink, tink, and then silence.

    What was happening? It was impossible to know, I could not move on my own or even look around. I was, all parts of me, held firmly to this cell.

    As we continued moving left the sounds grew louder and louder. That was most definitely a muffled scream trailing downward before the tink sound echoed back up from below. Were these other cellmates... falling? Was I going to fall also? What would become of me if I fell? The distance from where I was to where the tink resonated from was, what I could only assume from sound, a great distance below. The thought was unbearable. I struggled against the restraints that held me bound to no avail. I was going to soon find out as we approached, and then stopped.

    We stopped? What was happening now? Why were we stopping? Was I being saved from whatever horror lay ahead? The answer flashed briefly before my eyes. It was no longer myself and the others that were moving toward something. No, now something was moving toward. Us!

    I could barely make out the square shape ahead of me as it closed the gap between myself and it, at an astronomical speed. I had only enough time before everything turned black to see a round shape in the middle of the square, something was in the middle of the round shape that I could not make out.

    All I could think was, “my time here was short. What was it I had done to deserve this? Why was I here? Why was I strapped to this cell only to be squashed by some device. Have the gods forsaken us all? All twenty thousand of us?”

    As if to answer my question without hesitation the device slammed full force into my body. I tried to scream but I was muffled, unable to make a single outward cry. As the device pressed into my gentle soft body, the cell around me began to release its hold on me and I fell into the deep dark that lay below. The blackness surrounded me and with it unconsciousness took me into its warm embrace.

    Such a short life. I was barely given a chance to live. ...blackness.

    I awoke inside a small soft enclosure that had a small opening above where i lay. This opening was letting cold air sweep through. I shivered and rolled onto my side, moving out of the way of the breeze.

    Suddenly, the ground shook furiously and my now round body was thrown into the side of the enclosure. I couldn’t stand being thrown from one side to the next any longer, as my memory brought back images of the large black square that had slammed itself into me. How long ago was that? I could not remember. I just knew I was not ready to go through that again and this time I was not being held in place. so when my chance came I pushed myself up and up through the small opening and into the air.

    While I was making my way upward, I saw what could only be described as a massive giant with limbs picking up the warm soft box I was just in and stuffing it roughly into a creamy white cylinder. Then I was falling again. The ground rushed up to meet me as my face hit the rough stone tiles, leaving huge scratches and deep cuts in my face and back. I woke later in the day hearing a language that I had never heard before.

    “Hey! Frank! Look at this!”

    I was whisked into the air.

    “What?”. ( that must have been the one called Frank)

    “Look at what luck I found in here!! It is one of those foreign coins from Canada!”

    “Can I have it?”

    “No way!”

    Suddenly the voices became louder as they began shouting at each other and grabbing at me. Finally, I was snatched away by the one called Frank and stuffed into a nearby hole barely big enough for me to fit into. I fell with a CLONK on the top of someone much smaller than myself.

    “ Hey! Watch where you’re going!” He yelled at me.

    “Sorry,” I responded ever so quietly and nervously.

    “All I ever wanted was to get out of here. Not to have some freaky moron dropped onto my face!!" He snapped.

    I ignored the rudeness, and in the darkness, tried to find comfort as I quietly drifted off to sleep.

    When I awoke I was not where I had fallen asleep any longer. I was surrounded by silver walls all around me and all I could smell was dirt and oil.

    “Wh-where am I?”. I asked sleepily.

    “Shhhhh!”. Came the whispers of many others that lay here with me.

    Moments later, a limbed giant dressed entirely in black opened the huge metal door keeping us in and stuffed us all into an old, cloth bag.

    “Where are we going?” I asked to anyone that would listen.

    “ Who cares? We’re getting out!” came the cry of a nearby voice.

    A few hours later, I jumped up in alarm as a sudden sound of sharp sirens pierced the air. BANG. All of a sudden we were dropped to the ground and the limbed giant in black went fleeing. Then the peering eyes of another giant wearing a blue hat with a shiny gold badge on it looked into the bag.

    “Aha!” He yelled.

    I looked to my left to see the fleeing giant being held by others in blue.

    “ I am very sorry for the disturbance of your items ma’am” Said the police officer to a young lady that had arrived on the scene.

    We were all put back into the container, except for me. The lady took me back to her home. When she got there, she tip-toed into her child’s room and placed me under her pillow.
    When the child awoke later the next day, she lifted her pillow carefully with hopeful eyes and became overjoyed when she saw me.

    “ Mmooom!” She called out excitedly.

    Her mother rushed into the room.

    “Look at what the tooth fairy got for me!” the girl squealed with delight and I knew I was finally home where I belonged as she held me, her new coin, close to her cheek.
  5. Tartness

    Tartness Avatar

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    I am a little bit behind... ~10hrs left depending on Frank's time zone!
  6. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    Kansas City
    I'm going to wait until Friday the 13th expires at the international date line.
    Moiseyev Trueden likes this.
  7. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    My submission...

    It was a dark night. I enter in the exotic place to eat. I sit down next to Sir Frank. Sir Frank hands me a black coin. I accept the coin and offer thanks.

    The end.
    Themo Lock and Sir Frank like this.
  8. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    I hate to do this out of character, but it is what it is.

    It's 7:40ish Friday morning here in my corner of the world.
    The international date line seems to be about 6 hours behind, so this contest will end when I get up Saturday morning.
    By that time, Friday the 13th should be well and truly over, everywhere in the world.

    So, technically, the deadline should be about 22 hours from now.
    I cannot math.
  9. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    This has the benefit of being a true story!
    Amber Raine and Duke Gréagóir like this.
  10. Ship One

    Ship One Avatar

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    Duchy of Dara Brae
    'Alms for the poor'

    Though the sun was just barely a hint of amber and crimson over the horizon the street still bustled with activity. On the corner, the lamp lighter reached up and swung open the glass to the street light as he has done every evening. Carefully he reached up with his sprig and a moment later a flame bloomed inside. As he closed the glass panel he smiled and tipped his large, black hat politely to a woman that stepped by him dressed in a light green cloak. Nearby, merchants that had not yet packed up their stalls for the night cried out their wares in hopes to make one last sale for the evening.

    The uneven stones in the cobbled street shown wetly in the dim light that still managed to find its way in between the shadows of the buildings and trees that loomed up above both sides of the street. Evidence that it had rained here recently though the sky was beginning to clear and feint glimmers of stars were already visible.

    “Hold…Stop! Thief! Thief! Stop that man!” A voice cried out above the din in a loud, commanding tone that was followed by the loud thump of feet upon the wooden bridge that spanned the river that ran through the village. Not a moment later many more feet banged hard upon the bridge as if to give chase to the first and indeed it was a chase. Several men in helms and chainmail coats brandishing swords stormed across the bridge in obvious pursuit. Ahead of them a man in a brown cloak with the hood up headed toward the crowd of people that paused to learn what the ruckus was about. Before he reached them however, one of the guardsmen had stopped and brought to bear his crossbow and had taken aim. With a loud, ‘thwack’ the crossbow wire loosed the bolt and the man stumbled forward into the crowd.

    Minutes earlier…

    The room was small but very dark as the gilded lantern near the door had been snuffed out and also the candles that usually sat lit upon the nearby table. Cloth covered paintings, rolled up tapestries and other things littered the area around where two men dug coins out of a large iron box that sat upon a large stone in front of them. A large hole where the stone had been sat just beyond the stone and the two men quickly dumped coins into pouches, pockets and anything that would hold them.

    “Just the gold I told you, are ye daft?” The man on the right whispered. “Aye, If I’en can carry em, I’ens taken ems.” The other man replied gruffly as he tossed coins into a small leather bag that had begun to bulge from all of the coins stuffed inside it. “You’ll not be so light on yer feet ya fool with all that in your bags. You’ll get pinched for sure!” The man on the right argued. “I’ll not get pinched, leave over will ya?” The other man answered just as the heavy wooden door behind them banged open to reveal a large portly man in a thick, woolen robe. He held a lit lantern in his left hand and what looked like a large cudgel in his right.

    “What’s this now!?” He demanded as he pointed the cudgel toward the two men before him. Startled by the sudden interruption, the two men rose from their knees quickly and in one smooth motion, the one on the right slid an arm through one of the straps of a heavily laden leather backpack. “Is a robbery this is. You be the mark, we be the robbers,” The other man said as he took a step forward and drew something out that glinted like steel from his belt. “Not jus any robbers, this be Sir Frank.” He said haughtily and gestured with the knife toward the man next to him.

    It had been a perfect heist Sir Frank thought right then. He hadn’t been to Kingsport for a very long time and no one besides himself and an old partner long since dead had ever known this chest had been buried here long before this house was built. Now, as if the gods themselves sought to ruin his ‘retirement’ his idiot of a partner had not only outta him but also linked him to this burglary. He steadied himself and drew himself up. “Be a good man and lower that stick and my friend here won’t harm you yes?” He said in a calm but firm voice.

    “Sir Frank!?” The portly man squeaked in fear then everything happened at once. As his partner lunged the portly man dropped his cudgel and the candle and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway behind him. As Sir Frank moved his partner did as well and they banged into one another as they tried together to get through the small doorway and give chase. “Robbers! Robbers!” The large man yelled as he dashed down the hall with a quickness that belied his girth. As Sir Frank cleared the doorframe he allowed his partner to run ahead of him. In minutes the watch would be on them and he had no intention of heading out the front door. In the middle of the hall he dashed into what looked like the kitchen and scrambled toward the back door. There was an alley back there he knew and then he’d take the bridge, then he’d go for the gates.

    Men, women and even children scrambled for the coins that spilled out all over the street. The watch were halted by the mad rush of bodies that dashed this way and that screaming the word “Gold!” Over and over that brought even more people who had since left the square. In the madness Sir Frank managed to rid himself of the ruined pack and crawl forward on his hands and knees. In the sudden rush he had been nearly trampled and even still there wasn’t a part of his body that hadn’t been stepped on. He knew nothing was broken but he was going to be sore for a long while. As he stood he tried to brush himself off but quickly abandoned his efforts seeing that his clothes were now in complete ruin. As he limped away from the mass of people and the watch that milled amongst the crowd he did not look back.

    At the gate there were several guardsmen but none of them seemed to recognize him or take any notice of him at all for that matter. The sooner he put this city behind him the better he thought but a voice from behind him stopped him cold in his tracks. “Aye, hold there,” he heard one of the guardsman say to him and he managed to subdue a wince as he turned to face them. “Alms for the poor,” he heard one of them say then almost by instinct he reached up quickly and caught something that glinted like silver in the moonlight. As he looked down he opened his hand and saw a silver coin in his palm. He stared at the coin a moment in disbelief then he began to laugh.
  11. Anoi86

    Anoi86 Avatar

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    The young boy and the silver coin

    It was late in the day, approaching noon when the Master of the Mint decided to take a break from his work.
    While he was attempting to sit on his chair to take a little nap and leave the rest of the work to his minions, a young man knocked at the door of the royal mint. Sir Frank snorted.
    "Lum, can you please open the door?" He said to the monkey while he was composing himself.
    Somewhat surprised, the master saw a boy that he recognized as Ynotris, the son of Amalia the alchemist that he visited time to time to buy herbs, roots and powders for some of his potions.
    "May....may I enter, Sir?" Ynotris said in a weak voice.
    "Yes, but I didn't order anything this month, my supplies are well stocked at the moment" replied Frank.
    "Well... I'm not here for this reason... Sir..." and he waited for a while embarassed before continuing his sentence "My mother sent me here after I told her about my problems.."
    Sir Frank was silent, and curiously staring at the youngster like he wanted him to continue, and he did:
    "I'm here because I am very weak, and I have no strength to do anything... people say that I am slow and very stupid.... how can I improve? What can I do to be... better? My mom suggested I talk to thee, because she said that you are a man with widsom, and could surely help.... and.. she also promised a discount for your next order..." said with a slight smile.
    The master of the mint remained silent for a moment, then he answered:
    "I am very sorry boy, but I cannot help you at the moment... I have first to solve an important issue. Maybe later."
    And after another pause, without giving the boy time to answer he continued:
    "Well... if you might help me to address my problem, maybe I could solve it faster, and then, I might have time to think about your problem, what about this?"
    "Err.. may I help you" stuttered Ynotris again feeling belittled.
    Sir Frank searched in his pocket and revealed a silver coin which he then gave to the boy and said:
    "I have a debt to pay, so I want you to go back to the village market and try to sell it for the highest possible price, but never accept less than one gold coin."
    "But how can I sell a silver coin for a gold one?" argued Ynotris.
    "Look carefully, this is not a common silver coin, did you ever see a coin like this, with such an image depicted? Go now, and try to sell it, you might find someone that wants this weird coin... do your best!" said Sir Frank.
    The boy took his horse and rode to the market, passing from stall to stall and asking to every single merchant to exchange that single silver coin for a gold one, but naturally, noone accepted.
    An old man offered another silver coin and a copper mug, claiming that was the best that he could get from that coin, neverthless the young man didn't accept the offer and had to sadly return to the master.
    Very disappointed with his failure, Ynotris told the story to Sir Frank and also of all his efforts to try to sell the silver coin but the master, instead of complaining, advised him to visit another man, that once worked for the royal mint, and had since retired.
    "Ask the man about the coin, about his evaluation, but refuse any offer he may make: don't sell it."
    Once again the youngster took to his horse and rode to the hut of the man that the master had described. When he knocked on the door, a bald old man with a long white beard welcomed him in.
    "It's rare that someone pays a visit to me....what brings you here, young man?"
    "I'm here to show you this coin, my master told me that you may know its value... he wanted to sell it to pay a debt..." Said Ynotris taking out the silver coin from his pouch and showing it to the old man.
    "I usually need examine coins...but this, I can recognize it even without them.... your master must be a very important person, because this kind of silver coin is awarded only to Lords or very important people that served Lord British; in fact he himself wanted those coins to be created, for exactly this purpose.... if your master wants to sell it, I can offer you 65 gold coins, if it's urgent....but if he would wait a couple of months I could offer 90"
    Ynotris was surprised and astonished by the words of the old man, but he gently refused the offer as his master commanded, and went back to him as fast as the wind, to give him the good news.
    Sir Frank, as soon as he heard the story told by Ynotris:
    "You see.... you are like this silver coin: a unique and precious joy. You can be evaluated only by a specialist, someone that knows your true value." And said that, put back the silver coin in his pocket.

    End. ^_^
    Gaelis, Sir Frank and Themo Lock like this.
  12. Tartness

    Tartness Avatar

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    On the very edge of the known world shrouded in wonder and mystery lies the Outpost. Far beyond the claimed territories of Governments, Empires, and Lords, it is a destination for many. Misfits, travelers, diplomats, and traders who seek opportunities usually outside their own means often find their way to the Outpost for the promise of a new chance in life.

    Sir Frank’s intentions however were to make his visit to the Outpost as short as possible, he is quite happy with the life he already has and the Outpost is simply the last stop in the next great chapter of it. With dusk finally coming to an end he rose to his feet, sticking the last piece of a fine dried meat selection he had prepared to replenish his body before the long night ahead of him into his mouth. He was acutely aware of his surroundings including the anxious scratching of claws in a tree’s branches above him. He clamped down on the meat with his teeth and tore a piece off, then with a sharp whistle he tossed it up in the air and with all the grace of a drunken fool his uniquely abled companion swooped from the branches to catch it.

    “I’ll give that one a six Furt, keep trying through!” said Sir Frank.

    Completely unfazed by the comment Furt happily ate his prize, his broad wings keeping him in the air as he did so. Sir Frank put out a small concealed fire which was built into the side of some rock outcroppings to keep it from prying eyes, and when he heard the chewing stop he reached into his pocket for a coin.

    He flipped it up into the air for Furt with a simple suggestion and gesture with his left hand towards the Outpost, “You know what to do Furt.”

    Furt let out a quick bark of acknowledgment and wasted no time, he flew off in the direction of the Outpost. Sir Frank collected his things, drew his cloak and started off himself to cover the short distance between his position and the Outpost. He doesn’t have long on the short walk but uses that time to think about troubling things and about the information in which he has come by, about the danger which now surrounds the world. Information privy to only those who know how to firstly intercept it, and then decipher it. Sir Frank was unsure as to exactly when in the near months or years these dark times would come to pass, but he is sure of one thing and that is that the world will look very different in the not so distant future. Everything will change and many will not live to see it, Sir Frank had come to one conclusion. He is going to make it through the troubling times ahead, no matter the cost.

    Soon enough Sir Frank came to one of the entrance gates to the Outpost which is already open, he walked through to be met by a group of guards most of whom were busy talking with various incoming travelers like himself. One of the guards finished and started to walk towards him with a general look of disapproval.

    “Name?” the guard asked with a stiff upper lip.

    “Frank.” he replied, knowing there wasn’t a good chance anyone here would recognize the Master of Coin and he wanted to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Though that won’t last long, Sir Frank has already spotted two men looking his way with his keen eyes.

    “What is your business here in the Outpost?” the guard asked again.

    “I’m on my way through, I’m just here for the night.” he said as he brought his finger to his ear, with a twist he adjusted something that none other than him knew was there. Turning his ear towards the two men, Sir Frank listened.

    “I wonder what the Master of Coin is doing all the way out here,” one of the men asked the other. “there is nothing for him here.” Sir Frank observed their puzzled expressions as he eavesdropped in on their conversation. He recognized the clothing worn by the two men and had made a guess on their identities based on information he had read over in the past. He turned his attention back to the guard who handed him a piece of paper.

    “Don’t lose this,” the guard said pointing. “the Shady Cat isn’t far, just around that corner and a ten minute walk, they’ll have a room.”

    Sir Frank nodded as he collected the note the guard handed him and set off, walking right by the two men who had been speaking about him very nonchalantly, again catching part of their conversation as he walked by, “Very odd indeed.”

    Sir Frank made his way towards the Shady Cat taking in, or rather being bombarded by, his surroundings. A hodgepodge of style and décor from many different cultures, and still to his surprise it all flowed together more like a live performance of the arts, lacking the disorder of the abstract.

    The walk was quick, he came upon the sight of the Shady Cat in no time at all. Nothing unremarkable at first glance, just the typical smells and sounds which might accompany any such establishment. A waft of savoury foods, large quantities of ale, and of course the music of Bards. Sir Frank made his way past your average porch dwellers and straight into the Shady Cat.

    The Bards had just started a new song, a pleasant introduction to the piece was being played by skilled lutenist, and chatter was not loud and at an even murmur. Sir Frank slowed his walk to the vendor as he took a mental note of the Shady Cat’s layout. A large man to his left slammed his metal jug onto the wooden table as he released it of all liquid, two exits in the back and one in the front, stairs up to his right, seating and stage to his left. Chatter died as a vocalist began to sing, your average song about regret and hindsight, but decent skill for the location.

    The vendor looked up from behind the counter as Sir Frank approached, before the vendor could offer Sir Frank stated his intent.

    “Just a room for the night.” he indicated to the vendor.

    “Right. That’ll be eleven and a quarter. Just make’r half.”

    Sir Frank grinned, he put down eleven and then asked “So why then eleven and a half?”

    “We round up round here, ain’t nobody got a quarter piece any more.” he said taking what Sir Frank had already laid down.

    “I’ve always got exact change.” Sir Frank jibed as he flipped the rare quarter piece up into the air landing into one of the cups the vendor had picked up to polish.

    “I’ll be a son of, ya know this is worth more than the eleven don’t you?” he asked surprised.

    “Keep it, it wasn’t my only one,” he said as he held out his hand, the vendor handed him a key. “thanks.”

    “Your loss friend. Up one, all the way down, seventeen.” said the vendor out his big smile as he pocketed the quarter piece.

    Sir Frank nodded then climbed the stairs to the first floor and walked the unusually long hallway of unusually small rooms, the original rooms were probably cut in halves he thought, unlocked his room and walked in. Not exactly what he was accustom to, but he didn’t think he would be there long enough to notice. After having a quick look around the room he laid down on the bed and put his feet up.

    With the music and comfort of a bed for a change, he thought he could just slip into his first decent sleep in a long while. What he didn’t do however, is forget who he is and what he has to do, his eyes opened, he heard several footsteps. Sir Frank sat up hung his feet over the end of the bed onto a large circular rug, his staff made a hollow thud as he lowered it to the floor.

    The greeting party seemed well organized, they didn’t talk as they arrived and arranged themselves outside the door. Then Sir Frank heard a few words, foul words, magic words, the door unlocked as if the key was presented and then burst open after a kick. Two men with short polearms hurried in flanking two others, one with a staff, and another well-dressed individual with his weapon not drawn. There was an unusual silence for a while as the men all faced each other in stare.

    “I assume one of you is going to tell me what all of this is about.” Sir Frank calmly stated.

    “Sir Frank, Master of Coin?” the man in the clothes asked.

    “Got me in one.” he responded.

    “I am Magistrate Telar, I had to see this one for myself.

    “Well Magistrate,” Sir Frank commented while standing up, “the show is actually down stairs, I know this because I can hear it from up here.”

    Magistrate Telar let out a crooked smile but his men had no such appreciation of Sir Frank’s humour, the men with polearms were visibly agitated because he stood up. The man with the staff Sir Frank quite appropriately assumed was the magic user, held out his hand towards the ground.

    “Going somewhere?” the quite thin and pale man asked Sir Frank.

    “Well yes, now that you mention it my sickly friend, I am leaving, far past this place in fact. You won’t really have to worry abo—“ he was cut off as the magic user slammed his staff down onto the wooden floor. A few words came out of his vile mouth again as his staff glowed a subtle red hue.

    “You aren’t going anywhere Frank,” said the magic user, “you’ll be coming with us now.” he finished quite pleased with himself.

    “Why is that?” Sir Frank asked as he lifted his rod off the carpet. Sir Frank stepped off the carpet to the side at great disbelief by the men in the room. He kicked the carpet aside revealing a magical design of some kind which was painted on the floor. “Because of this here magic trick? Have to admit, the staff glowing red was kind of neat. I’m surprised you had enough time to design this circle too, don’t you have some reagents somewhere that need sniffing?”

    The guard types stepped back and the magic man was about to speak again but Magistrate Telar cut him off. “Now, now, everyone I think we can resolve this without any further escalation. Please leave me with Sir Frank for a moment.”

    Without question all three vacated the room, Magistrate Telar closed the door behind them then unclasped his scabbard and sword. He leaned it against the wall then walked over to a small table to sit in one of the chairs, motioning for Sir Frank to join him.

    “Sir Frank,” Telar started as Sir Frank took his seat, “It seems that a man of your prominence isn’t able to remain entirely invisible while travelling abroad. I was actually alerted to your arrival about a day ago by an, interested party.

    “Some party.” Sir Frank shot out.

    “Quite. I am sure you are well aware of the Outpost’s status on intergovernmental affair, we don’t choose sides. We’re a place where everyone can come to do business, make the deals you just can’t make back south.” Telar asserted.

    “Wild guess here,” Sir Frank started, “there are exceptions.”

    Telar continued. “I like to think of these little occurrences as compromises. When I became aware of who you are and learned that you were travelling to some yet to be known destination, it raised my interest also. There might be more people than you think who are interested in where you are going, what you are up to Sir Frank.”

    “That is of course my business Magistrate, none of theirs, none of yours.” He responded.

    “And I agree with that Sir Frank. I’ve been paid quite a large sum in order to interrogate you before letting you leave the Outpost. But here is what I am going to do instead. The Outpost has to remain neutral territory to survive, there can be no doubt about our position here on that matter. You will come with me and I will deliver you to the lockup for all to see, in the early morning when it is quiet you will be released. I will inform the interested party that you gave us the slip, and collect my money based on whatever you decide to tell me.”

    “How can I say no to such a,” Sir Frank added a spin to his next word, “compromise. I’ve heard about the Monolith building.” Sir Frank stood and motioned towards the door. “Shall we?” he asked.

    “Ah, you know a good deal about the Outpost Sir Frank. Yes, come, let’s get this show on the road.”

    Sir Frank knew everything about the Outpost exactly because of the Monolith building. Hundreds of years ago the Monolith vanished, leaving no trace of itself. Before that the Monolith was enshrined in a structure, it was one of the oldest structures in the world now and has today been relegated to serving as a jail. Sir Frank had no quarrels with spending the night in that jail, it was exactly where he needed to be.

    -to be continued :)
  13. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    Wonderful stories so far. I look forward to hopefully reading all of these in game. Unfortunately I couldn't quite get mine to work right so I'll have to finish it up at a later date and shoot it your way for just random amusement (hopefully) at some point in the future... especially as one of the flying monkeys is in fact named Lum.
    Themo Lock and Sir Frank like this.
  14. Anoi86

    Anoi86 Avatar

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    oh! i didn't know that! I need to change my story! Since I couldn't find a name.....i put "Bubbles" for name of the monkey!
  15. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    Not to worry. I have never named the monkeys. Only thought about naming them after friends.

    Change the name if you wish!
    Themo Lock and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  16. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    Yeah I was asking him about names in a PM and he jokingly said that. So I'm thrilled that another shall make the Lum name canon! Which also means I'll have to make sure my Lum behaves similarly to your Lum so there is not doubt that it is the true Lum (boy I hope he doesn't check these forums... he'll slap me upside the head).
    Anoi86 and Themo Lock like this.
  17. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    I think it is time we consider the deadline passed, and it is time to judge.

    All of the entries have pleased me, and I thank all of you for your efforts.

    I'll try to have winners chosen by the end of the day.

    Thank you!
  18. Sir Frank

    Sir Frank Master of the Mint

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    It was difficult to choose just three winners. I wish my budget allowed me to make everyone a winner.

    I have chosen AvatarAcid, Rabbit, and bwtdozer as my three winners, and have sent them messages to arrange for prize delivery.

    I appreciated all of the entries.
    My thanks to all of the authors.

  19. bwtdozer

    bwtdozer Avatar

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    Thank You @Sir Frank for choosing my humble fable on the subject of Greed as one of the winners. All the entries were excellent. I was very surprised to have been named a winner since I have very little creative writing experience and have shared even less of that writing with others. I am now inspired to try writing some other things. Maybe start to flesh out a character background story for the concepts that I've had brewing in my head these past couple weeks.

    Three cheers for Sir Frank for running a great contest to help get some of the creative juices flowing in the community.
  20. Rabbit

    Rabbit Avatar

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    Finally online and I see that I won. Yay!
    Thanks to Sir Frank for the excellent contest!
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