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Things to think about re: visibility

Discussion in 'Release 41 Dev+ Feedback Forum' started by redfish, Apr 23, 2017.

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  1. redfish

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    This is me on the ledge over the Nether Throne Hall in The Fall,

    As you can see in the screenshot, the view can be rotated to above, and you can see all the surrounding rooms even though they're physically blocked off. From a gameplay perspective, it would perhaps be better to black these out.

    Second, here in this screenshot I can see a Lich Sharpshooter just because of the nameplate, even though its body is hidden by both physical cover and darkness,

    First, I would say that darkness should count as cover for the purposes of stealth. Second, stealth cover -- ie either a high degree of physical cover or high degree of cover by darkness -- should remove the nameplate. This would also affect player stealth skills in some way, of course. But mobs should be included and their presence should never be given away to the player by their nameplate only.
    Time Lord likes this.
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