Understanding the stuck blue markers in your compass (and how to fix them)

Discussion in 'Quests & Lore' started by Anpu, Jan 6, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    As you go around the game and receiving various quests, many of them will place a blue marker for the next step of the quest you are on, and where to go. As you complete these quests, these markers are then removed and they won't show up on your compass any more.

    However, there are still a few of these blue markers that may still be on your compass for quests you have already finished. This issue unfortunately can effect each person differently.

    Sannio has been doing a LOT of specific work in getting most all of these cleared and then removed from your compass. In fact, on my main character (as well as my other 3 characters on my account, have no stuck blue markers at all on them). But from time to time, one (or more of these) can still be showing on your compass.

    It's important to note, these blue indicators that might be stuck in your compass for quests you know for certain you have completed, are NOT STUCK QUESTS. I repeat, these are not stuck quests. These are just a marker that has failed to get cleared.

    You however may still have blue markers on your compass for quests you have not finished yet. And then, the blue markers are working correctly. You just need to finish those quests, and then the markers should be cleared once you finish the quest.

    What you can do to clear blue markers for quest you know you have for certain finished:

    1. On your compass at the top of the screen, go to the location of where the blue marker for a quest you know you have finished is telling you to go. This is usually an NPC (the marker, once you are in the town the NPC is in, will have a person icon and be blue). Approach the NPC (if the marker is telling you to go to a NPC) and speak to them. Look for the help keyword or manually type the word help and press enter in the dialogue window. The blue marker for this person then may (or may not clear). But this is ok. Next, leave the town the NPC is in and go to the overland map. Once on the overland map, the marker now should be gone.

    If you follow the above instructions, but the marker is still on your compass for that person you just spoke too, that then is a bug. Follow the instruction found here on how to report a bug to the bug forum: Reporting Bugs… QA 101 Document

    2. If however the blue marker is a blue hourglass icon (or other icon), just make a post here. This one is a bit trickier, and I'm still not clear on how to clear this. Again, do make a post and I can try to help you with this either in game or in this thread with suggestions to try.

    3. NOT RECOMMENDED. Every character has a ONE TIME option to reset all their quests on a specific character. This will remove any and all stuck blue markers, and will also remove every single QUEST item from your character (this ONLY removes quest items). I would recommend you use the two options posted above first. But every character does have the option to use this ONCE.

    Some other help that may help clear certain ones (thank you @Alley Oop !)

    I am NOT an employee of Catnip Games, and am just another regular player like you. But on this subject (stuck blue markers) this has been something that has been confusing players for years. I just wanted to step up and just start by explaining what this is and a way that will (hopefully) help you to remedy this issue. People constantly refer this to "stuck quests" but what they actually mean is a suck blue marker for a quest they already have completed. These are 2 entirely different things, and I wanted to clarify that.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, or if I can provide any other information (I only know what I, as a player have done to clear these that did effect me).

    My other guides:
    Anpu's Guides to Getting Started - The Outskirts and Beyond
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  2. Sulaene Moon

    Sulaene Moon Avatar

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    Thanks Anpu I wish I had this info much earlier. When I first joined I looked on the forums and web for info on how to clear those out, but nothing was found. Unfortunately some people left the game because of some of these nagging issues.

    My only question is, why can't the devs fix this? When I finish a quest the blue stars should go away. I shouldn't have to type help, then exit a scene and go back in hoping that they went away. Can't they just fix this so new people who have this issue won't have to search the forums for this workaround?
    Rinaldi likes this.
  3. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I can confirm, at least for my account, that with 4 characters this issue does not exist for NEW players (stuck blue markers on the compass map for quests that have been completed). All my other characters were created rather recently, and I have yet to come across any stuck markers on them. Although just today I found one while in Ardoris and actually it cleared, with Anpu.

    People with much older characters will usually have these stuck markers. But new players won't (that I have been able to check and confirm).
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2020
  4. Sentinel2

    Sentinel2 Avatar

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    I'll have to check it out. I have these darn things flashing everywhere!!
    Cordelayne and Anpu like this.
  5. Sulaene Moon

    Sulaene Moon Avatar

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    Thanks again Anpu. You're right, last week when I had reset my quests it wiped out these issues. I tired a quest last night and completed it, while I still had a blue sparkle when I went to town to craft, after I logged out and logged back in it was gone!!
    I have done a few other quests last night and no issues. Should be all good now! woohoo!
    Anpu and Cordelayne like this.
  6. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Best "Understanding the stuck blue markers in your compass (and how to fix them)" post I've ever read! ;)
    Paladin Michael, Anpu and Sentinel2 like this.
  7. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I have this marker on my compass:

    I went to Brookside and talked to Samael but it didn't clear. :(
  8. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    That one is known. I’m hoping Sannio can get that one fixed (happens to some people). Mine is cleared.
  9. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I also have a Highvale "Get report from Cyannis" task that won't clear.
  10. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Try speaking to Cyannis. Say help. Also speak to Declan Robinson and Godbert and say help. See if that might clear that.
  11. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    i've been able to clear a couple in the last few days by going a step farther back: getting another warrant from bearfield and serving phineas again; picking up the note from hyla's dad and giving it to her again; but this one i'd have to go talk to miles shepherd in the crypt of the avatar again and he's in a quest-only version.
    Paladin Michael and Anpu like this.
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