Using your One Time Quest Reset option

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Jul 10, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This will be a quick guide going over the basics of what you can expect to happen when you use your one time quest reset option.

    Every Character on an Account has a one time Quest Reset option. You can select this option at any time. Once you have used the Quest Reset option for that specific Character, this option will no longer be available to that Character.

    What does a Quest Reset do?
    If you chose the Quest Reset option for one of your characters, every single QUEST ITEM (these are the yellow colored items on your Characters inventory) will be removed from the Character. And then every quest journal entry, tasks and any blue quest markers will all be removed. Also it states "This will also reset your virtues to a near neutral state with some residual karma from past deeds". This WILL also reset all the known locations you have visited. So all the areas you have previously visited will have to be visited again.

    If I use my Quest Reset option, all of the yellow items here will be removed from my character:

    In the image above, items like the Shroud and the Prophecy WILL be removed. You will however be able to get these items again.

    You will then start the game on the Overland Map, and have only one quest in your Journal and Task List Speak to Arabella. You character will now have no yellow quest items in their inventory. And if you use a Scroll to Zone scroll, you will not have any places yet to pick from (you will need to visit them). You can now proceed to do all the various Side Quests and the Chapter 1 Main Quest when ever you wish (or not).

    And that's it! Nothing else at all is removed or changed on your Character.

    Things to consider first before doing a Quest Reset
    There's several things you might want to consider before using your one time Quest Reset for a Character.

    Because this will remove ALL Quest Items from a specific Character, this will include quest items like Arcane Catalyst. Which are quest items that can be turned in daily for a reward. If you happen to have a Character that has several of these, you might want to hold off and wait till you have turned these all in. Or not. That choice is up to you.

    The Chapter 1 Main Quest provides a lot of Crafting and Adventure XP for finishing it. You may want to make sure your Character has completed the Chapter 1 Main Quest before using a Quest Reset on that Character. Or Not.

    As the various Quests in the game have changed and been updated, if you have an account that is very old, many of these quest journal entries, tasks and markers may still be stuck on you character. Using your one time Quest Reset on that Character will completely clear the Quests, Tasks and Markers for that character.

    Test a Quest Reset on the Player Test Environment (QA Server)
    If you are still very concerned about using a Quest Reset (as I was), you can at any time, install and test the Quest Reset option on the Player Test Environment (QA Server). This is a completely separate server that is not in any way related to the Live server at all. This server contains a copy of the Live server from various builds. You are free to try anything here without any concern of it effecting your Live server Account.

    The full instructions for installing the Player Test Environment (QA Server) can be found at the top of the page here:

    How to do a Quest Reset
    Log in to the game. Click Select Avatar and choose the Character you wish to use a Quest Reset on.

    At the Top Right of the characters name:

    You see a blue gear wheel icon. Click on that:

    Select Reset Quest State and that will then give you a giant WARNING message to confirm that you do want to proceed. Follow the instructions stated to proceed, if you wish to.

    After you have selected Reset Quest State and followed the warning instructions, the game will load and you will now find your character on the Overland Map, and all of your yellow Quest Items, Quests Tasks, Markers and Journal Entries will all be reset. And all previously visited areas will need to be discovered again. You will now only have one Journal Entry and Task Speak to Arabella.

    That's it! Now go forth and do all of the Chapter 1 Main Quest, the 3 Ourskirts Areas and all of the various other side quests that can be found in the game... or not. That choice is yours...

    I will also add this, even though this is NOT related to the subject of this guide (but people are going to ask this anyways) ;) The 2 free taxed non-tradable Player Owned Town Row and Village Lot Deeds each account can receive, you do NOT get another set of these. These are ONLY given 1 time PER ACCOUNT.

    You also will NOT lose these deeds from using a Quest Reset. These again, are NOT quest items.


    I can confirm that with my character doing a Reset Quest State (in Release 78), I have since finished the Chapter 1 Main Quest and completely finished all 3 Outskirts areas. I can confirm that for that character, and as of Release 79 Patch 1251, I have no stuck blue markers, stuck journal entries or any stuck tasks related to those quests. I am still going through the various other side quests in the game.

    Sannio has done a phenomenal job of clearing up all these very old stuck markers, quests tasks and journal entries that was honestly a gigantic mess, even when the game was released. But this is all cleaned up now. So if you do happen to have a very old character, you might consider using this option.

    If you have any other questions related to this, please do not hesitate to ask, or if I am just not explaining something very clearly, just let me know!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  2. Apollo31

    Apollo31 Avatar

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    Awesome write up!!!! One question I had is, I spent like 3 full days going to every town and city so they are available for teleport scrolls. Do those stay or do you lose all those connections too?
  3. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    you lose them all.
    Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  4. Apollo31

    Apollo31 Avatar

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    Ohhhhhh. That makes it a difficult choice :( Thank you very much for the info!!!
  5. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Added that information to the guide. Thanks!
    Elgarion likes this.
  6. devilronin

    devilronin Avatar

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    screwed up a quest with dumpledore or whatever that guy at aerie castles name is, thanks for pointing out the teeny tiny gear i never would have pressed or noticed
    Anpu likes this.
  7. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    OH, another thing to consider is it also resets your virtues.
    Violet Ronso likes this.
  8. Xithar

    Xithar Avatar

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    With release 100 everyone has received another quest reset.
    What keeps me from using it is to loose all the teleport locations, but I'll use it earlier or later
  9. simon1974

    simon1974 Bug Hunter

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    I have 591 teleport location so far and there is no way or reason for me to lose that. So no Quest reset for me.
  10. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    Just curious; if you hadn't used your reset yet (I did a longtime ago) do you now have two?
  11. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    no, the flag is on or off.
    Anpu likes this.
  12. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Yeah, I do get some people just don’t want to lose all those locations, but for me, I don’t see that as too bad. It’s easy enough to go visit those areas again. Bonus: you also get gold again for visiting all the scenes that have a town crier. (That’s one time per character, can do it again with a quest reset).
    Adam Crow and majoria70 like this.
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