Well, Hello 2022

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by Scarly, Feb 18, 2022.

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  1. Scarly

    Scarly Avatar

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    Hello I am Scarly; that is short for Scarlett. I would go more into why I am here, if I felt like anyone was here; or anyone would listen. I will spare my boring story and just say Hello and ask....

    how many people are active on this "game" ... (the big 3 dots)

    keywords with me... {I can} help (re-teachable recipes) ... yeah pretty much you can help me.... I have already spent so much gold on things I now learned I did not have to....

    My new goal; IF this game actually survives... is to help dumbasses like me to at least have a clue as to how to survive in a dead world....

    From what I have seen and looked up.... not a lot has changed.... prolly not a good thing.... but t is...... I will be happy to go into more.... but I feel like I am wasting my time and should go back to Valheim.
  2. Null By Design

    Null By Design Avatar

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    It does seem fairly dead sadly..... ..... and yet... Steam is now saying I have a scheduled 6.5 gb download for Shroud on the way... so.... I really don't know what to think.

    But odds seem good that Viking land is going to be the more robust / surviving game in the end.
  3. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Hey to both of you, first of all, it's very virtuous of you, Scarly, to plan on helping new guys around with recipes and what not, it's clearly a service many would appreciate, I'm so bad with recipes I doubt I have more than 50% of them learned even though I've been playing since before the world became persistent.

    As for your question/comment about nothing changing much, the game changes monthly! Every single month, on the last Thursday of the month (so in this case today), is release day, with new content, bug fixes, everything! Today is release 99, so for the past 99 months we've had monthly releases without fail!

    The game is supposed to be dead since it's launch, yet month after month content gets added, and from time to time we see new team members join the devs, with the newest one, Winston I think, who just joined the team a month or two ago! So if this game is dead like they say, we'll, you can call the game a cockroach because it just keeps on going for some reason, people love the game, and I see new players every day!

    I'll try to find the link, but Anpu created a list of all the notable changes for new and returning players, you'll see there is quite more than what you'd expect.
  4. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Athens, Georgia, USA
    Greetings Scarly
    The link Violet Ronso was mentioning is Here. It list all the official and player created resources that will help you have a better time in the land. I hope you explore the lands (5 different ones) and try all of the skill sets to see which you like best. The main object of the Game for me is to have fun.

    On a separate note each of the starter areas have a town were new Avatars go after the starter towns. Here you and others will find other Avatars willing to help with answers to questions, and starter armor and weapons. I am always available to teach recipes and emotes to anyone that wants them and I appreciate your willingness to do the same. My in-game name is Warrior B'Patrick, you are welcome to friend me.
  5. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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  6. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Well, it has survived for like 9 years, so it's probably safe to say that it will be around for a bit more.
  7. Scarly

    Scarly Avatar

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    Thanks for the replies everyone. I been off and on for a little bit, RL sometimes interrupts my game life. Thanks for the link, I don't think I have run across that one, odd enough... I am always looking things up. I seem to have a love/hate relationship with this game so far. I love it mostly, but its just been a big learning curve for me, and RL seems to pull me away a bit, then I forget what I learned, and have to re-learn/remember... Anyway thanks y'all :)
  8. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    If it's learning you need help with, first off, these forums are an amazing source, we are a very helpful bunch and will help you any way we can!

    For combat here is a YouTube Playlist that goes over many details, tips and tricks to help you understand the complexity of this games combat system
    Time Lord, Scarly and Kelly O'Shay like this.
  9. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I am here and I do play the game regularly. I don't think it's a dying game. People come and go and then come back again because we do continue to get updates. It's difficult to tell how many are playing at any given time unless you have a pretty big friends list. We are doing our own thing mostly. Try a roll call in universe chat. If you are looking for help. I'm Majoria in game. I can always be friended and if I'm not in game send a mail message. I do accept all friends requests.

    Not sure what your objective here is. Are you looking for fellow players to play the game with? If so try a alt F in the game to set up a hunting party or join one, you could join a guild (there are active guilds I've seen a few), or chat on Universe chat ( it is now free to anyone).
    Lily Byrd, Time Lord, Scarly and 2 others like this.
  10. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Please always feel free to ask any specific questions you may have. We have the single most helpful and friendly community in any MMO on Earth. Many of the people here area always happy to help.
    Lily Byrd, Time Lord and Scarly like this.
  11. Scarly

    Scarly Avatar

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    Thanks again y'all :) @Violet Ronso that was helpful. While deck building seems easy enough for even me to understand most of it, actually using the decks seem to require 4 RL skills I don't seem to have; concentration, quick thinking, multi-tasking and memory... lol. I did pick up a few good tips though. Lately I have just been grinding for mats to work on crafting, that was always a favorite thing of mine. Even crafting here blows my mind.

    Anyway thank you all, and yes the people here do seem to be very nice and helpful. I just don't have a lot of time to sit down and play for long at a time to get into much. And I am very shy, and hate asking for help. I can't think of anything specific I want to ask about atm, oh, other than the gems/jewels.... but I am not ready for all that yet; still learning basics. I have a few links saved for that too if I could ever get around to reading them. For now, when I do have a minute to sit down and take a load off I, want to play, not read.
  12. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I'll give you the basics of gems and jewels

    Gems go in weapons and shields and armor, jewels go in rings and necklaces.

    Imbued gems and jewels which are upgraded versions, or salvageable from artifacts, can only be socketed in crafted gear.

    Magic related gems and jewels add new magic related enchantments, ex. Fire attunement or fire damage on a wand. This means if you are not looking for a magic related enchant, socket your gem or jewel after enchanting, otherwise do it before.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
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  13. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    And armor chest pieces.
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  14. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I literally told myself "Type armor right away or you'll forget", typed shield, and forgot... lol, thanks for correcting me!
  15. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Hello again, @Scarly. Yeah I understand just doing your own thing and finding your way can be very important and treasured time when playing a new game. I like to do that too. So now you can drop a note or questions here as you wish. Also in-game mail messages are easy. If you aren't questing in the outskirts you'll miss the free ingame lot deeds. The row lot deed takes a very short bit of questing to acquire. Just look for An NPC by the name of Kinsey and you get the quest and receive the row deed. It requires taxes for upkeep and the house is included by default on row deeds.

    To easily pay the taxes make sure you go in an Oracle building and click on test then answer yes or no to the question. For more details to answer in a town called Wizards Rest I keep a book on a stand in the Oracle building to explain more about answering or just guess. Questing and things you do in game can shift the answer as your virtue score changes. Anyway it is free gold and xp doing this daily.

    Placing the deed and where to place is next as it requires a player owned town which for some could seem strange but it doesn't have to be intimidating if you can just place in a town you choose freely. I really try to have that be the case in Wizards Rest. It is my goal. All vacant lots in Wizards Rest are set to claimable by anyone with no interaction or pressures. Just click claim and live freely deco-ing as you wish.

    Having a home in Shrouds gives a multitude of advantages such as a bind spot, unlimited storage, planting crops, ability to have a basement and your very own dungeon placed on the lot and in general it's just an in-game home feeling. Anyone is Welcome. I am the Manager of Wizards Rest and I definitely respect privacy for all. Also I can be easily reached if wished by sending an in-game mail message or here by PM.

    To send in game an ingame message click on blue letters at a mailbox that say "send mail" the addressee would be Majoria and subject line can be a short note. Also you can add a book you wrote or note written on blank books or blank paper by dragging to your message. Mailboxes located at banks or placed around most player towns for convenience.

    Another great thing in Shrouds imo is That we have a music system in this game that gives a ability to sync songs in group or solo play. It's a lot of fun imo. Any questions regarding this and I'm happy to help. I can train in syncing songs well teach as no training of skills is necessary.

    OK well just some info for you. Also Wizards Rest is located in Hidden Vale and can be reached taking the boat by Brittany on the map. It is a snowy Biome. Just look for the Volcano and the town of Owlshead. We are right behind it. Anyway just some Fyi's for you.

    I'm not necessarily advertising Wizards Rest as there are so many great towns in game that probably provide interaction free housing but just for an FYI that it's available. I do send a welcome note tho always. ;) . Well that's a bit long winded but if it helps I'm glad. Take care and enjoy yourself.

    Edited typos
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
    Scarly, Lily Byrd, Time Lord and 2 others like this.
  16. Scarly

    Scarly Avatar

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    Thank you @majoria70 I will check it out. I do have a house in Outlander Welcome Center for now, but I planned on moving out after I gain a little more skills and able to make more gold, to free up another row spot for other newbies. But for now, while I am still grinding for skills and gold, I like the fact the banker is so close to the crafting stations, and well everything a newbie char needs to be close together. Much less "barely able to move" when I am loaded down with mats to get to crafting stations.

    Here's a question... how do I not die when more than 1 skeleton is on me, those things kick my butt. Takes me forever to kill one, let alone more than one, especially when I have to chase after the mages and/or archers. I am a typical 2 handed swords person (which is so unlike me, it just ended up going that way this time), and I seem to suck against them.

    Think that's about it for now, off to get in some grinding...
  17. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Skeletons are actually hard, they are a bit tougher than most mobs of the same tier. 1st off, against any group of mobs that include archers and mages, I like to immediately equip a shield. Next is using cover, place any type of obstacle in between you and the ranged attackers, and their attacks damage will be mitigated by cover (goes both ways, if you ever decide to use some ranged attacks, so bear that in mind).

    Once you're actually fighting the skeleton, I like to make sure I apply some sort of CC. the Trip skill in the subterfuge tree is a great tool if you are wearing light armor, but if you are using a shield or heavy armor, consider using Body Slam or Charge, those 2 will not only stun, but also help close the gap between you and the mob you want to engage.

    Those are the tricks that you can use for most builds, now blades specifically, if you were using it, stop using Rend, it's useless against skeletons, Use Thrust, and try to charge it as high as possible (or stack it if you're playing dynamically) as that will both reduce the focus cost and increase the damage of the skill. So body slam, thrust, double slash and you should be able to take them down that way!
  18. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Skeletons equipped with swords will use a particularly nasty debuff on you, Rend. This will continue to damage you until removed or the effect expires.

    Train and use the skill Knights Grace to remove it.
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  19. Scarly

    Scarly Avatar

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    @Violet Ronso that is about what I do, Body slam, double slash, and thrust as charged as much as I can get it. Maybe I should make a new deck just for dealing with them, and switch to 1 handed sword and shield? I did go thru Spectral Mines the other day, I lasted a whole 10 mins, just slowly creeping through there. Then they all popped up and gave me a pounding, when I got lost.

    @Anpu Yes, knights grace is something I just picked up and working on now.

    Oh and one more question for now... where is a good place lower lever tier to find iron ore? I seem to have more copper and tin than anything, but iron seems harder to find. I have looked it up, probably forgot, and now can't find it again. I have about 50 pages bookmarked now with various info, so it may be there... I just may be overlooking it.

    So much stuff to remember, it makes my brain hurt. I just found out what the shrines are, I been running past them for a month, just thought it was deco, until I stepped in one and saw a new buff.... duhhh @me. I didn't even know I had to jump in the devotionals for a week after finding them all for that one quest, to get a buff.... This game makes me feel like an idiot at times.

    Thanks again for all the help, I don't want to be a bother, but this game seems to blow my mind with all you can do. I am still stuck on the deck building, I have the videos saved and will re-watch them as I get better in skills. But right now, it don't make a whole lot of sense to me, it just looks like something I will never be able to do.

    Next up will be building, that is something I used to love to do (still do, in games that don't have complicated building techniques that require good eyesight and a steady hand.. basically snap to pieces)

    Happy Gamming
    Violet Ronso likes this.
  20. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    For a lower level, have a look around Spectral Mines, entrance can be found in Spectral Foothills. Full of iron nodes and skeletons.

    Also check out the Blessings page on the wiki. It has all the various blessing you can have on your character that will help.
    fbreels and Scarly like this.
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