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Suggestion about 2xp instead of just going to it "all the time"

Discussion in 'Release 53 Feedback Forum' started by Elwyn, May 11, 2018.

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  1. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    In case you missed it, Darkstarr mentioned that there was some consideration of making 2xp the normal XP. Instead, I have an in-between suggestion that would be a win for the more casual player. Here is my idea:

    - if you log in more than 40 hours after your previous log out, 2xp mode is activated
    - it would appear as a buff icon (not unlike I remember from the pre-persistence days)
    - it would last for 24 hours
    (the numbers are not meant to be specific, but to give a general idea)

    The reason behind 40 hours is to target 48 hours, without the schedule creep that happens when things are set on exact 24 hour timers. (You might be a few minutes late one day, then a few more minutes the next, then eventually it happens after your bedtime. Lost Vale does NOT have this problem, because it's on a fixed game timer, not on when the player was able to play.) Schedule creep is even more of an issue when it's between logoff and logon times.

    What this would do is if you didn't play for 2 days, you would get one day of 2xp. Then the people who can't play as often would be able to "catch up" better. I suppose it would not be unreasonable at 88 hours to award a 48 hour 2xp period. This would be good for people who can only play on weekends. It will probably also be easier to implement than a "skills go up while you are logged off" thing like Eve has.

    Note that logging on at all, even to collect the Oracle's daily reward, would reset this timer. How important it would be to replace this in terms of the intent to supply an amount equivalent to row lot tax would have to be decided. Perhaps the Oracle could detect your 2xp buff, and offer a 3x reward for one or two days. Edge cases such as logging on an hour before midnight UTC would need to be considered.

    Also, this 2xp buff should stack with any game-wide 2xp buff. It is specifically rewarding infrequent players.

    So is there a significant part of the player base that is unable to play for two or more days at a time?
    Cordelayne and Olthadir like this.
  2. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    is the XP system even working at all ? Currently everyone just gets to that infinite curve where it no longer makes sense. Then what ? What about in the future ?

    I certainly see now why WOW level-gated areas.
  3. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Good for people with multiple accounts. Simply play a different account every other day.

    Not so good for roleplayers who don't hunt much but spend a lot of time ingame. Personally I would prefer not having to plan a 40 hours abstinence from the game every time I want to efficiently grind some XP.
    Quenton, Olthadir, Elrond and 4 others like this.
  4. Kpopgurl

    Kpopgurl Avatar

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    I appreciate this soft wipe, maybe also add more tiers to crafting so the old materials people horded lose value now.
    Helvig Ingvildsdottir likes this.
  5. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    I like the idea of the increased xp rate alot. In the double xp time periods it's still much grinding required but it's a much more rewarding process and you feel less obliged to devote as much of what can be quite a limited in game time for those of us with jobs, families etc to attend to for grinding.

    It would be a very good way to broaden the games appeal imho.
  6. Kpopgurl

    Kpopgurl Avatar

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    Well definetly would make people level up faster... but what are they going to do then? Pressure is on to develop endgame content, numbers been a little on the decline again - which was to be expected.
    Overall I think once they have their plans for endgame sorted out, they should keep the 2x XP for adv levels.
    Lord Trady of Blix likes this.
  7. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Why on earth should Avatars who play less often be rewarded more than those of us who've been here going on 5 years and play every day ?:confused:

    So, sorry, but I disagree.........

    The reason double xp's is so damn popular, is because it let's people make up xp's lost due to this asinine death decay system.

    Get rid of this horrendously counterproductive death penalty and everything will be fine. People won't focus so damn much on xp's lost or gained, and just play the game for fun.

    Like myself and my guild used to do before it was implemented.

    Now it's, oh - I don't want to do that because I might die and have to grind those xp's all over again.

    Dump the death xp decay and everyone will move on and have fun in this game, instead of worrying about dying all the freaking time.

    Just my 2 damn cents...........
    Last edited: May 12, 2018
    Witcheypoo, Apollo31 and Chatele like this.
  8. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    I like the double XP because it allowed me to log in for the 30 minutes to an hour and feel accomplished without feeling like I have to grind.
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  9. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    Having double XP for the game indefinitely is a bad idea in my opinion. For this type of game you constantly have to think about the longevity of the game. Doubling the rate of progression in the game essentially halves the playability of the game. What happens once players have nothing more that they can achieve in the game? If my character is maxed out in all aspects of the game I'm left with nothing to strive for, and will quickly become bored and not want to play. This isn't the type of game that you play for a couple of weeks or a month, and then move on to something else. There are plenty of games like that out there. I know people love instant gratification and want to have better avatars, but, at a point, you have to ask yourself if it's good for the game.
    Hazard, Elwyn, Verit and 1 other person like this.
  10. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    Speeds things up some but at higher levels not twice as fast. When I would play 8 hours at double xp I'd get 8 million xp which is the same amount I'd get on my own without double xp. The difference is I could be in bigger parties and take my time more.

    End game comes faster for some than others. One player might scoff at taking a skill to 110 for 2m XP and quit whereas my current goal is to get blades up another 10 levels and I need a lot of XP to do it.
    Diab Blackbow likes this.
  11. Kpopgurl

    Kpopgurl Avatar

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    Longevity should come from adding late game mechanics like city building and high level crafting that requires groups to gain and maintain resources for PVE, and resource/territory control for PVP. Afaik they are all in development and guilds will be able to control CP like scenes with special resources/quest or sth like that. If the endgame is good, there is no problem with having ppl level quickly.

    People managed it to be relevant in PVP in less than 2 month... the double XP should make that process faster also for the ultra casual.
  12. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    I am not looking for instant gratification but the game needs to feel less chore like and more, well, like a game that's played for enjoyment rather than a second job.
  13. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    The progression rate isn't doubled due to XP cap.
  14. Kpopgurl

    Kpopgurl Avatar

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    Well but lets be honest, some people only reach the cap because of dbl xp :D
  15. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    Yes. I can now reach the cap while playing with friends without checkpoints or monkeys.
    Sara Dreygon likes this.
  16. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    10x XP's for one hour, randomly determined and never advertised or noted. "Roll" at the top of every hour. Use the SotA RNG, so even setting it at a 99% chance of happening will mean it will happen one time in a million in practice.
    Quenton likes this.
  17. Ben_Hroth

    Ben_Hroth Avatar

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    I don't think it's so much to reward casual play (although as a casual player I appreciate it) as much as it is to highlight the skill caps.

    That is, it would make it much easier and less grindy to get to a school with mostly 80 to be relevant in PvE and PvP.
  18. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    It's not doubled for players who are already capping, it's doubling for lower level players, which may be a way of closing the gap between high/low level players. Regardless, you have players who will, after a shorter amount time, have nowhere left to progress to. As far as rewarding casual play, permanent 2x XP is just a way to ensure that every player is as skilled as every other player. It's, essentially, boosting the progression rate of lower level players, while at the same time inhibiting high-level players progression.

    There are other ways to make PvP more competetive, without trying to make every player the same power level. If they want to ruin the game by making everyone the same, just cap everyone/everything out. That's what making 2x XP permanent, in conjunction with using a debuffs for those who can make more than 1mil XP/Hour, will do. It's just a roundabout way of doing it. Six of one, Half a dozen the other.
  19. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    I have skills in excess of 110 and yes, very expensive XP wise, especially for my INT Innate, but the way this is turning out to be, it's speeding up the gap between players. Yeah, I can take my time and not hit the 1mil debuff, but the problem is that it is pushing players to progress at an equal rate, thus, making every player the same as everyone else. As you get to the higher levels, the difference between 100 and 110, in most skills, are negligible. It seems to me that developers are trying to close the gap between long-time players and new players. They might as well just bump them all up to 100 and be done with it. As I said before, this isn't the type of game that a person is done with in a month. Accelerating the progression like they are doing will ruin lots of aspects of the game. Think of all the crafters who sell gear, potions,reagents, etc., to lower level players. All that gear/potions/reagents will, essentially, be worthless in a short span of time, all because of the doubling of XP.
  20. Oyjord Hansen

    Oyjord Hansen Avatar

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    Couldn't agree more. The durability hit upon death is enough of a penalty.
    Witcheypoo, zyxe and FrostII like this.
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