Feeback from a (former) loyal customer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Corv, Jul 24, 2018.

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  1. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Id love more uo content as well, however im liking what this game is becoming every month.
  2. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Hello everyone just a polite reminder to remain polite to each other. No need to attack one another. People are entitled to be unhappy with the state of the product. Really. It's OK for them to feel that way.
  3. Witcheypoo

    Witcheypoo Avatar

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    Darkstarr, you make me smile. This game is a growing and almost organic thing of it's own. You have truly endowed it with your chaos germ! I am a new player, somewhat, just a few months. In the few short months that I have played many new and fascinating things have been added and I am SERIOUSLY excited about EVERY new release. Every month I wait like a kid just before her birthday or Christmas. Very exciting. And episode 2? o wow... don't even get me started. I KNOW you work so very hard, all of the team does, but i do not think you get enough praise for what you have so far accomplished. Yes, the quests could use some work and egads curtains SHOULD be a thing, and my character's hair seriously sucks but the game is addictive in the extreme. Thank you!
  4. Derium

    Derium Avatar

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    Well, UO is the most popular version of Ultima and kinda blends them all together. Plus it's Ultima in an MMO form. So it would be super damn hard to be Ultima's spiritual successor and not also be UO's at the same time. Plus going back over 7 years ago, when he spoke of Shroud he spoke in depth of all the Ultimas, of course, but even more so about UO. So he even understood UO is a much better basis for another MMO then forgetting about it and only focusing on the single player Ultimas.

    you know, exactly how Garriott himself explained it;

    Even in this, he spends most of the time talking about UO. PLUS What is Starr mainly famous for? Oh yeah, working on UO.

    So yeah, it DOES include the Ultima series, but you know UO was at the crux of another Ultima MMO. Otherwise, why did they spend most of their time talking about UO when talking about SotA?
  5. Forseti

    Forseti Avatar

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    I feel like a bit of a reality check is needed here. As someone that still plays this game, you are the minority. Sure, out of the close to 70k people that bought the game, the majority of people that didn't like it simply never played again and forgot about it. The vocal critics are a minority of people who quit the game. Yet still, overall, the majority of players walked away. You are escaping the reason behind this fact. The OP is a huge one.

    We have the reality of the player base numbers, the mixed reviews on steam, the negative reception on gaming media sites, and developer's who have been the "how not to act" model of dealing with criticism and moderating forums. It's not a mystery.

    For years, good feedback has been ignored about the combat system, the barrier to housing, the story/questing. The game is designed around ways to maximize micro transaction spending. Designed to harbor RMT. This isn't a secret or conspiracy, portalarium has been trying to create this machine, partnering with never die coins and pushing a port casino agenda. This was in no way clear at the time of kickstarter. Backers gave their money on a promise, a vision of an engaging game akin to Ultima RPG's that could be played online with friends.

    To silence this voice, the direction of the game would have to change dramatically, not carrying on with episode 2 business as usual, leading with mounts and reserving a PoT slot on the new continent next to LORD BRITISH. It's the same song and dance. What did PoT's do for this game? I know what they did for portalarium, they gave them a lot of money. I'm here saying there is a grossly dishonest use of that money in the lack of good programming in this game. The majority of people did not like this game. Not because it was "too hard" or didn't "hold your hand".
  6. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    I'm sorry but this is a delusion. Those who I was referring to make up the minority and its still the same people, over and over again... you can look through years of the posts here and off site... sometimes they even use the same names. So please, don't try and twist this into something else. My point was made on those who keep stirring up trouble.

    As far as not listening... are you serious? Have you even really been looking at the forums on anything beyond negative statements? There are thousands of threads with thousands and thousands of ideas and suggestions... and that's the problem. People think they can address every single idea, complaint, and suggestion. It's never going to happen. Way too many of them for what they have to handle these things with. Give them another 5-10 years and sure, maybe most of that stuff will get tackled. Who knows, could turn into another E.V.E. Online-like success. Having said that... they HAVE BEEN implementing ideas and suggestions all along as well as addressing complaints. Just because you didn't get your complaint addressed DOES NOT mean they didn't or are not addressing the concerns of the community.

    This isn't some RMT conspiracy theory either.. not sure where you're going with it but it certainly looks like it's leaving the quadrant for "conspiracy theory-ville". As transparent as they've been, they've always needed revenue to keep the game progressing... not sure why that is even an issue considering the kind of indie game it is. You seem to be one of those that think all this is some sort of money scam. I'm starting to believe that, you as well, do not look, listen, or want to hear anything that has been done for this game or keeps happening every single month of this game. Do you think people make this game pro bono? Do you think those they hire services from do it pro bono? Do you think any shipping company is gonna get this stuff delivered pro bono? Are you asking the people who put their lives into this game to do it all pro bono? Are you going to work pro bono for this game? Since you seem to know where all their money is and is going, I'd like to see your suggestion to their revenue income to accommodate their needs and development. Anything?
  7. Onyx

    Onyx Avatar

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    I'm sorry you feel this way.

    This is the reality.
  8. Forseti

    Forseti Avatar

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    I guess my point is, yes they are a vocal minority, but they are speaking on behalf of a majority of people who played the game.

    I'll concede that there's a chance I'm wrong about the game's vision being microtransactions and RMT.

    There are a few hot button issues that people bring up time and again when improving the game. I realize they have to make money to improve these things, hence the PoT selling and mount stretch goals. I think enough money was made off of PoT's the first time that the game should be in a more polished state than it is in, and story lines should never have been written by community managers. So I don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, all we can both really say is time will tell. For me, the time that has passed has taken my trust with it. For you, you're enjoying the game and direction, so congratulations I guess. It would actually be really fantastic if I were wrong. I'll come back in a year, two years, or so and apologize :)
  9. Grizzly Adams

    Grizzly Adams Avatar

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    I have been playing since a week before the official launch and I am LOVING his game so much to enjoy and do.
    It is not perfect but having said that what game ever is?
    I feel that for MY outlay in $, I am getting excellent value for money against other games I have played, and that has been many over a 20 year time span.
    I liked this game enough to choose to spend my time here and not in other online worlds, and have elected to take part in the rewards program by paying a modest amount each month.

    I do watch the live stream and hear from @DarkStarr and others about what they have been doing, they are working very hard to make this game a success and I support them 100% by being part of the rewards program.

    This is my view and not every ones, but that is how life is some will love things that others hate.

    I for one appreciate the work that has been done and continues to be done by the developers, and I am sure I will not love it all but enough to keep me playing.
  10. Mykll

    Mykll Avatar

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    Davidian Bunker
    But is it ok if we post on these forums about being unhappy? Remember this you once believed in October 2013?


    Richard even said we should be able to speak up in January 2017. It's in the sig. But I better quote the entire paragraph so I don't cherry pick words.
    And because it is this week, I will say trying to state our displeasure seems to be like throwing chum in the water. Things get into a frenzy fast.

    And it seems like most have moved on. How do I know? Richard recently said less than 10,000 players (accounts? which means far less?) (how many less?) while Chaox said this.
    Less than 4%. But I am sure when throwing out player counts we need to use 255,000, but when we calculate that percentage that stayed we should use a smaller number that used to be displayed on the site? Was about 65,000 or so? Because 15% looks better.

    But I will thank you for one thing. Coming from someone that does not like the levels of moderation. You responded. Twice. And did not lock the thread. So yes, from me, to you, a big thank you for simply doing those two things.

    In before lock!
  11. the Lacedaemonian

    the Lacedaemonian Avatar

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    @DarkStarr Dude, many of us are with you. The impatient folks just can't be pleased.

    Having said that, we remaining supporters want combat to be balanced, and story to be compelling.

    I think it's wise for us who play still, to focus on the intrinsic value any game can provide. Fun. Let's get back to that message.
  12. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Greeting all, I was going to post a wall of text to support my feelings of the game but decided that I am tired of this. The same thing over and over with no real research of the past discussions and no real understanding that there are 1000s of players all wanting different things with a limited income and dev team. I know you were promised things in the Kickstart but go back and read the Kickstarter notes. It basically says Things may change over time. If you don't like the game don't play or wait for it to be what you want.
  13. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    And what is this post supposed to be doing? Seems like its just trying to stir up trouble... you even throw in "in before the lock" and question @DarkStarr on it like you're daring him. These posts kind of prove the point we've been making about "certain" individuals stirring up stuff and spreading negativity.

    You think that just because everyone who bought the game or pledged for the game isn't playing now... is because they don't like the game? Are you serious? You know how many games I've backed & paid for that I currently do not play right now... you think its because I don't like the game or I'm dissatisfied? Please...

    People like to try new things. Sometimes, people need a break from one thing to try another. Sometimes life comes along and side tracks you... sometimes people like to step away from one game to play another so they can come back to it later when more has been done with it. Hell, sometimes people just like playing games and one game just isn't good enough for them. But to take from all this... that the reason everyone who ever purchased/backed the game isn't playing right now in 2018 from buying the game previously... is because of "displeasure" with the game and moving on is a bit extreme, don't you think?

    I'm not playing 7 Days to Die atm... I must be displeased with it.
    I'm not playing Fallout 4 atm... I must be displeased with that too.
    I'm not playing Mechwarrior Online... guess I'm displeased with that too.
    I'm not playing Planetside 2... guess thats another displeasure of mine, right?
    I'm not playing XCOM 2, must be a displeasure thing.
    I'm not playing DDO, am I displeased with that too?
    I've played tons of mmos and single players over the years. Just because I'm not still playing them doesn't mean I am displeased with them and have *moved on* because of it. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that sentiment.
  14. Jens_T

    Jens_T Avatar

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    Let’s concentrate on one topic which has been brought up for years: Quests & Journal.
    I believe it was two telethons ago that you and Chris admitted, the whole quest-engine was never designed to work with monthly new releases and was very complicated to update.
    This sounds like the weakness of the design was known for a long time - but in the discussions never admitted or even acknowledged. Instead the communication was either silence & non-admittance or promised that polishing happens in the next releases. But no polish will fix a broken core design.

    Even if you believe the misinterpretation is on my (deliberately not saying “our”) side - how do you believe you will win additional paying customers/funders for Episode 2. There are plans & promises but no communication on learning from past errors or changing your process. The message I read is “sorry you misread us, we continue as we did because we believe we did good overall”.
    It would help to understand what your ideas are to change processes (or not) to make Ep2 happen.
    Regardless of my wishes for what SotA could have been - I don’t believe the current attitude is going to fly given the player base.
    Tiki Pirate, Xandra7, Pickley and 8 others like this.
  15. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    The support for this game will always be there and that is something you won't see in Reddit because as someone already pointed out, it's the same people spewing the same drivel that is old news, and who will personally attack anyone that dares to try to defend the game. The summer will be over soon and people will return so the numbers will go back up. If you really think this game should fold, then why are you still here complaining about the same thing? With a little over 10million this game has done something no other kick-starter has been able to do and it's still here and is still trying to benchmark a new and unique style of gaming. It is also still going strong despite the setbacks and despite what a lot of people say. This game will be around for a long time. I am a kick-starter backer and a supporter and always will be.
  16. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    I Can speak only for my self. I wait for big restrictions to skills that one character can have. Decay removal. Last quest polish. Less grind.
    Im active at forums, used to give some money at telethons, original backer with low level pledge.
    Not hating, waiting. Like waiting rosebud to finally open its leaves.

    I need more communication, honesty and transparency.
  17. SmokerKGB

    SmokerKGB Avatar

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    Pittsburg, CA
    Does this mean you're leaving? I can't tell, you niether gave any explanation, nor did you give any details of what you think has been held back or not fulfilled... All I got from it was: a promise is a promise, and you didn't fulfill your promise to me... OK that doesn't tell me much, so...

    It's just like the "liberals" threatening violence if the "conservatives" don't change their ways...
    Derium, Synergy Blaize and Brugas like this.
  18. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    Perhaps you should watch the monthly live streams, read the release notes, and keep tabs on the dev's blogs like @Chris 's for example. All the communication, honesty, and transparency is already there. How much more transparency can you possibly get? Would you like a Big Brother Cam following the staff around 24/7?
    Sean Silverfoot and Lord Stein like this.
  19. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    That is understandable and I respect you for that and agree to some extent, but there are some who are not waiting and instead are going on personal strikes as if the entire company is going to bow down to their demands. That is not how this works. Enjoy it now because it is here now. When you find a bug, you report it and move on to something else that you like to do. Write a book in game, build something, work on crafting, work on your skills, do other quests because there are a lot more now than a year ago, collect emotes, set personal goals such as being able to defeat something in a zone you were not able to do previously. It's your world to explore, don't get hung up on the things that need to be fixed because there is plenty to do that far outweigh those things. There is a lot to achieve besides just skills and grinding for xp, and pvp. It's an adventurous game and it's fun to stumble on the new things they add here and there while adventuring.
    Synergy Blaize and Brugas like this.
  20. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    And yet... the continue to work on it every single month. They've already said that they were going to be doing an overhaul of the quest/journal system. They've been doing stuff for the quest/story line all the time. Are you saying it's a lie? Are you saying that they are not doing it? That they are not going to do it? Even after you watch the live streams, see the discussions, see the notes... see the actual implementations into the game (assuming you're playing), every month... Are you insinuating that somehow they don't want this to happen?

    I think we all agree on at least one common ground point and that the quests/journal system definitely needs work and improvements (especially the journal system), but give them time. It's not like they've been doing nothing for months or years like some games then all of a sudden a spark of life appears and a patch/update out of nowhere appears. This game is one of the most active I've seen and the devs/staff actually do respond and talk with the player base. They actually do listen and incorporate their ideas. The problem is there are TEN THOUSAND ideas being bandied about and they can only focus down so many at a time.

    As far as the misreading and misinterpretations of some... yeah, well, quite a lot of the player base is actually rational to the point that they can understand, forgive, and/or even be reasonable with the state of the game, what the game was like on initial startup, how it has advanced so far, and what all you've gotten in this game so far compared to so many other games out there. You might not have all the things you want implemented yet, but give credit where it's due. They have done quite a lot and it's come quite a way since it's humble beginnings. I believe plenty of still supportive and loyal fans can understand that. I also know that most don't even use the forums so their voices will never be heard here to express that as well, but you can get it from talking within the game, for those that actually play.
    Sir Frank likes this.
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