R32 Land Rush status

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smack, Jul 28, 2016.

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  1. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    I'm not opening the can of worms again. I shouldn't have really responded before on this topic....
    If you had been here from the start then there was no thought or anything with regard best locations, by anybody really. People pledged and the high backers were thought generally to have the best lots. It was only later really when the mechanics were settled and the locations of the higher pledgers were thought to not be in ideal locations for trade, things changed.

    I did say i would boycott it yes! BUT...only because you had put the house ( Viking home) i wanted to see inside one it...and locked the door!!!! :) & i was jesting..i have had a mooch at your bargains...tip...its very hard to actually click on your trader through those railings...having no access rights it seems hampers you ability to make a profit...open those doors and make more money...and let me see inside that house!

    Edit: To prove it...i have just bought a nice Red Dress from your vendor :)
    Edit over...

    For people that have bought in since all the new fangled system is in place with the intentions you state. I wish the best for and hope that your dreams are fruitful...
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
  2. MagiK

    MagiK Avatar

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    So much hate on the capitalism, even though that system is what allows them to have PCs to play the game :)
  3. MagiK

    MagiK Avatar

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    Theres so much polish still to go in the game mechanics but I see a really good gameing experience under all the contstrction dust.
    mbomber, Sentinel2 and Bow Vale like this.
  4. smack

    smack Avatar

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    ...and that's really unfortunate. As someone who has run through nearly every town multiple times during R29 and R32 for these land rush stats, I can't tell you how mind numbingly boring and depressing it was. I do hope the window dressing is enough, but I remain unconvinced since they have to retain the same structure and placement of lots. In an ideal world, they would be allowed to make every town completely unique over time. But this self-imposed cut off to unclone towns was their decision, so let's see what they can pull off in the months (and likely years) to come.

    Thanks! I won't be able to do another big update until later tonight or tomorrow, so thanks to all those that are helping out. Also try it in SPO, as I thought I saw a dev post in another thread that if an NPC is bugged then switch to SPO and try.

    Good luck @Leelu and everyone else in the lower tiers. Based on what I'm seeing, there is a definite domino effect going on and I think that will be amplified as this progresses. I suspect by the time Citizens or Ancestors get to place, only PRTs will be available, but we'll see.
    Leelu likes this.
  5. Julz

    Julz Avatar

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    I may be mistaken but my assumption has been that towns like Brittany Alleys with the most houses in them will generate the most foot traffic and so be the most valuable from a vendor perspective? There is no central bank in sota like there was in UO so people recalling to their houses and going to the nearest shops and trainers will generate the most foot traffic as far as I can tell?
    Jatvardur likes this.
  6. Jatvardur

    Jatvardur Avatar

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    Yeah, that's what many of us wonder. I opted for Fields over Alleys partly because: I thought the player-base in Fields would be richer, that Alleys might lag too much, and that I wanted (and got) the lot by the bank / entrance.

    Alleys has something like 225 Houses?
    Fields has 167?

    The former was more row houses while the latter tended to be village and up.

    I want to guess that both will be successful though. Especially, given that Brit is a huge population centre and lot of people have been placing there already.

    Brit Central I think will be popular too. It is certainly iconic and essentially the 'capital' imo.

    I have wondered that too. Same with keep lots. Just feared they were too out of the way, or too much of a hassle to enter. I don't feel entirely confident guessing, and I do think some might work.
    mbomber likes this.
  7. Astor Cerberus

    Astor Cerberus Avatar

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    Hmmm. much confuse ;) First I misunderstood your comments about lot selection (I agree with you much more now), and then I misunderstood your boycott reasons (however, see below)

    I think it may not be my lot at central britanny you're visiting/previously-boycotting because 1) it's not locked... go look around, there is a crafting area open to all; and 2) I didn't have a red dress on the vendor. :)

    Jatvardur and Bow Vale like this.
  8. Lord Blackthorne

    Lord Blackthorne Avatar

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    I think it's reasonable to be somewhat upset that those who have huge castles go and claim a tiny village lot in the absolute center of all novian commerce rather than taking their large plot of land first. I did make an argument that lot limitations in choice areas would spread out points of commerce so that Brittany and Owl's Head weren't the two "capitols"... however I think we all know the largest city will remain the most alluring marketplace (Brittany). The most established will as well (Owl's Head).

    I don't fault anyone for taking prime locations - they are what we all want. I just sympathize/empathize with those who are frustrated that their biggest lot choice is a town or village and those who have LoTM or castle/city sized lots are using smaller lots and effectively displacing the smaller guys from using their max lot size in a prime location. There are big lots in Brittany.

    That's my opinion. It is what it is. I hope the marketplace spreads out, but I seriously doubt it with boat access to continent change being just outside Brittany, and with everyone having "grown up" in Owl's Head. Unlikely.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
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  9. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    It will, because the developers are going to make the most elaborate regional economy there has ever been.

    Owl's Head and Brittany may very well stay the center of commerce in Novia and the Hidden Vale, respectfully. But I doubt that means what you think it means. Even now there are small signs of that happening with gold, silver, and gems. A year from now we'll have a better idea of what the best spots really are. Trying to random village or row lot in Brittany or Owl's Head is not going to be a big deal. People really have a lot of great spots to pick from.
    mbomber, Tiki Pirate and StevieD like this.
  10. Lord Blackthorne

    Lord Blackthorne Avatar

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    I very much cheer this response on and hope you are right! May it be just as you have said.
  11. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Avatar

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    You guys on the "Grrr, Im entitled to whatever I want, regardless of my contribution!" side of the fence keep using the same language over and over again. It isnt your plot, and they arent not-taking their lot. They are taking a lot available to anyone who has contributed as much or more as they have. Its a completely fair system, and they have done a lot of extra work to maximize availability of lots. That lot that you think is theirs? Thats actually your lot, waiting for you to adventure in game to the point of purchasing such a mighty homestead.

    It makes no sense whatsoever to let the lower tier pledges go first.

    It is by no means whatsoever a "pay to win" situation. The argument is done to death, you arent going to gain skill any faster or experience any less game content than someone with a row house or someone with a castle.

    Entitlement is a poison that has crept into the younger generation with surprising depth and redundancy. Be grateful for what you have.

    For the record, Im of a tier that will be leaving me very astonished if I get the lot(s) I like best. And that is completely fair and I am smiling about the whole situation. Ive been contributing for three years, and my total amount is relatively humble, and I choose to accept whatever snug little nook and/or crannie I get to wedge a house into. Im really excited to decorate, regardless of the home that I start my life in Novia with. Its totally fair that people get to take lots ahead of me that made greater contributions to this game's success than I did. Eventually, Ill have my pie in the sky, not sure when that will be or what I must do to get it, but eventually, Ill have the digital home(s) that suits me best.
    mbomber, Valdor, Acred and 4 others like this.
  12. Baalice

    Baalice Avatar

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    Sadly, I was under the impression that you had to use your main (largest) deed first and then place your secondary in group 91 to allow others at a lower tier to get a shot at their largest deed as well. I'm a Baron 2 and am in the first group tomorrow at 8:00pm EST. I really thought I would be the first to get a crack at city lots. I really wanted to be in Brittany Central, near the main castle but all of the city lots are gone already. I have to disagree that it makes no sense for lower tier pledges to go first. You're a LotM or Duke? Take the lot your money got you. Please don't use the entitlement argument on me. I'm definitely not in a younger generation considering I've been playing Richard's games since Ultima I. I do think it was unfair to allow higher pledges to use their lower deeds while their large deed lot is protected. It may not be 'my' lot but I should've been able to be in the city or close by to what I was after since I was in the first group of my tier. It is what it is now. Definitely disappointed. I am entitled to my opinion on this at least. I fully planned to use my city deed first and still will.

    I haven't been playing since I wanted to wait for the final wipe. I love all the advancements that have been made. Hopefully I can get around the world with a new character without getting killed to find my lot in another city. Thanks for the spreadsheet. That helps a lot. It lets me see more or less real time what the LotMs and Dukes deigned to leave us city lot holders and below.

    Please don't bother replying with why my reasoning is 'wrong'. It's how I feel and that's not going to change.

    Finally, I apologize to everyone for this. I'm not one to vent like this at all but I really needed to have my feelings known considering how much I backed this game with. I'm not directing this at anyone. I hope to see you all in game soon.

  13. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    There are only a few control points where you can die trying to get through. It isn't the end of the world if you do as there's resurrect spots there, and you will manage to get though even if you die. If one is to difficult or confusing for you to get through, then whisper me in game and i will get you through. Best of luck finding your home.
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  14. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    Now i am confused as well!!!! I did wonder how you could have misconstrued my ramblings over the house for wanting your spot. The house i was on about is in owls head.
    Hmm...i wonder if that vendor takes returns :( I will be sticking that Red dress i bought on my vendor for resale now i think :) If it doesn't sell, you owe me 500gp!
    If you are in central Brittany as you state ( ill def have a look some time)then that is a fabulous spot to be in, part of the fabric of the game and i wish you many happy and profitable years there :)
    Astor Cerberus likes this.
  15. AvatarGG

    AvatarGG Avatar

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    Sadly, I think almost everyone (including me) were under that impression.
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  16. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    I think it is very understandable for people to be upset, and I sympathize with players who look on while the best village and row lots in NPC towns are taken before it's their turn to choose. Personally, I don't feel that way and this is why:

    In my mind castle and keep lots (and to a lesser extent city lots) are completely worthless for anything except for roleplaying purposes or purposes of hosting large community events. They are usually so out-of-the-way that they will not receive foot traffic unless the owner makes a huge effort to turn it into an attractive marketplace. They are really expensive, and I don't mean the cost of the initial pledge but the plethora of add-on-store decorations which are commonly purchased to make them look nice. Most castles and keeps are simply vanity/role-playing items that cause their owners a lot of work, cost a lot of money in upkeep (new deco items) and bring in little or no gold. Some create a nice backdrop on the horizon, which I appreciate, but I won't be doing my shopping there.

    I feel that the people who contributed the most to make the game even possible are entitled to acquire a preferred spot for their smaller lot deeds, since their large lots won't be "great" in a commercial sense.

    There is another class of player that I don't feel any empathy with, the "lot squatters" who use their buying power solely for price-gouging purposes. That is capitalism, but in my opinion it is the negative side of capitalism.
  17. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    The lot selection is designed to give those who pledge more to be able to select the lot they want.

    On the parallel, the lot deed system allows people to claim as land lot that is the same with the deed or smaller.

    In the other words, the higher Pledge level you are would be the more likely you will get lot you want, but still not guaranteed. People are pledging extra for that, not necessarily because they want to live in a castle or keep in nowhere land.

    Also even if the lot selection were to restrict to the same lot size. For those with row and village (per spreadsheet, there are more than 2000 each by combing the total count), the chance that you will get the prime lot is still less than 1% assuming everyone who has a lot deed of those sizes want the same spot.
  18. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    I imagine it something like that:
    Alleys → wharfs = Fields → estates and Central.
    That being said this will only happen if the alleys don't turn into a lag nightmare.
    If that happens my guess is the list the other way round ^^
    mbomber and Jatvardur like this.
  19. MagiK

    MagiK Avatar

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    How many LotM are there? How Many Barons? even if everyone from Baron up take a second lot of town or village size, theres still going to be loads and loads of good spots if my tour around the eastern half of the continent is anything to judge from... Ill be putting one of my lots in a PoT and the other .. the big one in a City somewherre with a mountainous view.
  20. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    You should be able to get that total pledge number distribution from the lot selection thread on the announcement forum.

    Yes, there will be still plenty of unclaimed lots out there after the last group. It's just that Owl's Head, Brittany areas, and Soltown will most likely gonna be packed.
  21. Lord Blackthorne

    Lord Blackthorne Avatar

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    I'm looking forward to my lot placement date, and I appreciate this community and the discussion we are able to have on this issue. Unfortunately, lot placement is under way already, so our talking is merely that.

    Best of luck to everyone on getting a lot they really enjoy :)
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