Done with SOTA for now

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Korim Rackham, Aug 30, 2016.

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  1. Korim Rackham

    Korim Rackham Avatar

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    had a lot of hope for sota, but I'm just not enjoying it anymore. I was hoping post final wipe would be different even with broken mechanics and skill balancing issues.

    To me it's essentially a grind, on top of that a never ending grind for nothing. I'm not sure it's going amount to anything now so don't want to sink anymore time in it. I hope that I am wrong and will frequent the forums perhaps log in every few releases but as of now I'm pretty much moved on.

    Good luck, and I hope the best to everyone! I've been wrong before I truly hope this is one of those times.
  2. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    Quitting an MMO is always a failure. But I have done that as well many times ^^ Good luck for the next groundhog day.
  3. Ice Queen

    Ice Queen Avatar

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    :( I understand, it's very frustrating atm and very little fun to be found. I hope it gets better and you return soon. You will be missed.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  4. danjacobsmith

    danjacobsmith Avatar

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    I join MMO games because they are multi player, and I enjoy joining groups with others. Unfortunately there's no systems or communication channels in the game to form up groups. I like the game, but I can only solo grind so much. I am in a large guild, but there's not a ton of group content, and it makes the pool of players you can group with feel pretty small.

    I'll have to expand my search for more people who like to form groups or I might end up getting frustrated with the game myself. I don't understand why there's no LFG system in the game at all? I mean how hard would it be to make a system where you can turn LFG on, and see a list of all the other players with it on? Years into development and something so fundamental is missing.
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  5. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    That interesting that you miss LFG. I was in WoW for years without LFG when everyone would spam the chat channels. Back then guilds really had a purpose. When Blizzard implemented LFG, it completely and utterly destroyed the guilds, the social fiber of the game. Sure, it is wonderful for solo players, but it forever harmed the game. Then they tried to fix what they did with a guild perks system which of course just resulted in mindless guilds used for the perks only.

    Before this game considers anything like that, I hope they think long and hard about the consequences.
  6. danjacobsmith

    danjacobsmith Avatar

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    Oh I'm not suggesting an LFG system like WOW. That was an absolute abomination. I'm just talking about a way for people who are looking for others to party up with to have a means to let others know. Not some automatic group making, world killing system like in WOW.

    Just a system where people can look and see who else might be interested in grouping up. Then you message them and make arrangements like you normally would.

    With no world or region communication channels and no bulletin boards or ways to contact others, the world is extremely isolating compared to pretty well every MMO made in the last 20 years.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs, StevieD, Modu and 6 others like this.
  7. Ordovicia

    Ordovicia Avatar

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    Considering the game isn't completed and we are supposed to be testing and helping improve it, I think this is premature. However, good luck in your future endeavors.
  8. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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    @Korim Rackham Yeah I don't blame you. I have been here for about two years and R33 has made the game all but unplayable for me. I hate to actually admit this, but if things don't drastically change in the next month I will seriously begin to think about selling my pledge. The game is just NOT fun, it is a grind to make gold to pay taxes. I do that in RL, I don't want to do that in a video game. Moreover, it just feels like the current economy has been shifted to "encourage" players to buy COTO's in the online store. Sure, you can buy things and pay taxes with in game gold but it's not easy. Not as easy as buying a couple of COTO's in the online store.

    That's not to say I want gold to be just handed to me, but I should be able to make at least $2.5K in an hour just from running around killing mobs (IMHO). I make MAYBE $1K, doing that now. Which is then all spent on! I cannot imagine how discouraging the game must be for a new player. If it weren't for our awesome community and all the friends i've made here it would be untenable. Those of you who know me, know I RARELY complain and always try to be positive, but right now I really am at my end. The Port team does listen to us (usually) and I hold out hope that things will change for the better. :(
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  9. jammaplaya

    jammaplaya Avatar

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    Simply too early to judge, ladies n lads. From my understanding, this is only chapter 1 out of 7 chapters, and who knows what that will bring. I'm picturing mounts and naval combat at the very least, maybe even future airship races, who knows?

    Considering how long it will all take, can you imagine how many rare items will be around by the end??

    Right now it's a grind for 'nothing' but when the rares start poppin out man, there'll be plenty of reasons to be grinding then!

    I for one am not willing to miss a single second of it all :D
    psteg, majoria70, x_Selene_x and 5 others like this.
  10. Hazard

    Hazard Avatar

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    Best wishes and yes I'd recommend checking back in around the games release date to give it another test spin at that time when the completed plot-lines (and hopefully other proactive changes) are in place.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  11. Gemini

    Gemini Avatar

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    Sorry you feel the need to quit, though it mirrors my experience and I am sure yesterday I rage quit at least three times I keep reminding myself that this is a work in progress and is still missing a lot of content, the Devs are clearly listening and will keep tweaking the game for balance.

    Right now it is too far against xp/ gold - I personally right now have no idea how I can progress in any way that is fun, but I am sure it will change, in the meantime I am taking mini breaks playing games with large explosions, it helps!
    Jocularis, Cordelayne, agra and 2 others like this.
  12. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    Virtual Worlds are always for the long haul... I totally disagree with the way a lot of things are handled here, but I guess going into early access without wipes was necessary. Else player pop and interest might have declined even more. Just hope it keeps enough momentum to become the great game everyone has envisioned here. Its kinda 50/50...
    Ahuaeynjgkxs and agra like this.
  13. agra

    agra Avatar

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    You're probably wiser than I am Korim. The wall-o-grind around AL60 is truly disheartening. I hoped they would adjust the levelling curves for adventure levels, innates, and glyphs during R10-R32, but alas, the stick comes first.

    Maybe when they add some carrot, you'll be back. Until then, check out Pantheon ( if you haven't already! :)
  14. Mekong

    Mekong Avatar

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    Keep checking back in. It will get better.
    majoria70, zyxe, NRaas and 1 other person like this.
  15. Thadeus Crook

    Thadeus Crook Avatar

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    I hope to see you soon!
    Tahru likes this.
  16. Lord Blackthorne

    Lord Blackthorne Avatar

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    Keep up on the patch notes every now and again. I'm also ready to take a break and just log in every X amount of days to ensure my house stays up.

    I want the economy to be fixed more than anything. And resource gathering to be less... agonizing.

    Want a chair? Chop 100 trees! Doesn't make sense.
  17. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    Well last year was a very rough year for me. I feel the need to explain why I quit when I did and I sold off all my large pledges. First and foremost was because of personal issues with my family. My brother committed suicide last year and we buried him on my birthday a year ago July. Being that I had 20k into the game I felt really guilty and eventually a couple months later I sold my accounts. The reason I needed the money is because my brother left 3 girls behind and a wife. I cannot tell you that I was happy to sell my accounts but I am glad I did because I got the money to my family that needed it. During those months I was on a huge roller coaster with emotions. I do really want to apologize to people because I truly was not myself, and am still not the same really. I guess my point is that we all have things affecting our lives that others may not know of. I know a couple people knew about what happened to me but the larger part of the forums did not. I know there are many people on the forums that have had similar life impacting things like this or even worse happen to them, and we should probably take a grain of salt with people that you do not understand or you disagree with, simply because there might be underlying issues. I was in a very deep state of depression for many months myself. So that being said I did not mean to hijack this post, but want to recommend maybe just take a break and do not sell anything just yet, unless you have real life obligations such as the ones I had. I do understand that the game feels bad right now and it is just a grind-fest, but thats because they are trying to please to many people at once. I felt this last year and I have to admit on top of needing the money it was one of the reasons I sold my pledges. That and being in the cone of silence being the devs will not acknowledge anything I say. I am happier now just with my little row lot and do not let the 20k that I used to have in this game weigh me down with concern. I feel more free and happy, and can actually not feel to bad about giving constructive criticism without getting a large account banned for something stupid.
  18. Stahlknecht

    Stahlknecht Avatar

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    Fare well my friend! I hope to see you again.
  19. One Zero

    One Zero Avatar

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    This is some good honest feedback. I hope the developers read this and see how going to extremes to find balance can have serious consequences to the point of driving away dedicated players. Dear devs - please stop going to extremes when trying to find balance. It pisses off your players even the really dedicated ones who love the game. Yes, we know it's early access and under construction. But we are also "playing" the game to enjoy our time in it while also "testing" it. Ok, ok you've tested this version of the economy. It isn't fun and making people want to leave. R33 economy test should be scrapped immediately before more dedicated players threaten to abandon the game.
  20. DepGames

    DepGames Avatar

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    At what point does this tired, old phrase change from a statement of fact to an excuse?

    You don't want to work all day long to pay the bills so you can log in to your entertainment and work all night to pay the bills? :rolleyes:
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