An honest opinion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord_Darkmoon, Sep 2, 2016.

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  1. Forseti

    Forseti Avatar

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    That is a valid point. It seems the single player story has huge obstacles to overcome, mostly programming I assume. As you say, it would be best that the team be open about your concerns. And, seeing as Richard did "predict" back then that most people would play a "default multi-online mode, you and others are led to believe the vision has shifted in such a way that creates huge road blocks for a good single player experience.

    Now, as a note on the path of discussion in these types of threads, I would like to say that even though it's a bumpy ride, we cannot discredit the conversation. Your OP was, though justifiable, marked with emotion. In turn, people reply with similar emotions, though they are directed at you instead of at an issue with the game. But this is forgivable, as you have struck a chord that many are apparently tired of hearing. But your intentions seem to be good, no doubt! After all, it was you led the push to change the overland map. Let the man push, I say.

    So what we have, sans all the emotion, is a clear talking point due to recent statements and a "supposed" completely polished storyline. Maybe it is that having a good single player experience will push release into late 2017 and they don't want that? Is the new goal to hopefully accumulate enough funds from episode 1, and then go full blast with the original vision for episode 2? Or is everything "going as planned?" Regardless, your issues warrant some feedback beyond all of our player speculation and discussion.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  2. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    In hindsight yes, I was too emotional and I should have waited with posting to have a more objective type of post. But this also shows that I am still emotionally engaged and that the game still means much to me ;)
  3. Forseti

    Forseti Avatar

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    Look, we're all human, and thus share a burden of "toxicity." I think it's a bit extreme to claim that no criticism of the game is welcome. There are just ways to present it objectively and we are to strive to do this. But we are human, and not perfect.

    Now, almost immediately after darkmoon's OP, he began to be attacked and dismissed, and this began a divide. And if you ask me, some apologies are probably in order if we are to love our brothers. So I can see why you would say criticism is not welcome. Yet, however many times you have seen this type of palaver occur, we should not make such a sweeping statement on all of our community. There are many of us here, all with faults, all with hopes for a good game. And this isn't to say the view on the official forums aren't naturally skewed to be more positive, as other forums are skewed negative as people can freely speak as harshly as they like about the game (reddit). It's to be expected. But I challenge everyone to make it their goal for this to be the forums where there can be a middle ground and a civilized clash of ideas.

    I hope that you see that your above post directly contributes to the toxicity, no matter if it contains bits of truth.
  4. DepGames

    DepGames Avatar

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    I've given up trying to avoid toxicity. I'll provide feedback however I choose and try not to violate the Port rules. The community is doing a good job of keeping their toxic behavior just under the radar of the mods. Works for them. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
  5. Leostorm

    Leostorm Avatar

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    Lets not Focus on the drama and lets focus on the logic/facts, a good way not to fuel the fire, unless that is what you want.

    There are many mechanics that can be imployed that dont require instanced scenes. One person mentioned a good way, and how its handled in ESO. The npcs are instanced instead of the actual scene.

    Take for example an escort quest, you must take a npc from one city to another, trying to avoid random encounters and such. Now you see the NPC as "Mr HappyFace", but if someone else were to see the NPC they would just be "A Pilgrim". This works well because, someone else might be doing the same quest and it would be silly/im. breaking to see 2 "Mr HappyFace", but are still able to see they are doing an escort quest.
    With that system multi people could do the same quest at the same time and not have dopplegangers.

    Same thing would go for if during a quest it lead to a NPC death, they could make them invisible or swap them out for another npc and give a little "Im the new guy.. they wont tell me what happened to the last guy../gulp"

    but again all of that isnt simply hitting the "on switch" it all has to be custom coded, which take time.

    Leinad Laurelwreath and Forseti like this.
  6. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Yeah but then there would be only half a reason for a rant. And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?
    So let's just ignore it.
  7. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    Which would be cool. And I would really love to know if this is the case. Maybe something like this is planned but not yet implemented. But it would be nice to hear about this.
  8. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Everyone's opinions are important!

    While we want feedback, there seems to be some confusion on what that means. The forums are not meant to be a place to be demeaning, attacking, etc. There is no place for those threads anywhere, including a negativity bin. Having such a place right off the bat shows you the community is toxic and has problems. Instead of dealing with those problems head on, we should just shuffle them under the rug and into a corner? I don't think so.

    For everyone, in the future when a thread like this comes along, if you don't have something constructive to say, just don't say it at all. The reason we're moderating threads is when they get out of hand, attacks happen, people mock each other, others derail the thread, etc. etc. That's NOT a discussion, and has no place here. If you don't know why we moderate the way we do, please review the Community Rules & Guidelines, or ask us questions.

    This thread has degraded into a variety of concerns and will only spiral down further, so I'm closing it. I would suggest we start over and post more specific topics so we can deal with them one-by-one.
    smack, Lord Bankee and Sir Frank like this.
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