Hospitallers -- Players Helping Players

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by Elgarion, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    It loads for me on all my devices and my PC (Firefox, Explorer and Safari). Still not loading for you? Has it ever loaded for you?

    Ensure your java is up-to-date, and your browser is up to date. I don't think I have any flash items anywhere on any page. Shouldn't be that.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
  2. Mykll

    Mykll Avatar

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    Davidian Bunker
    I get this:

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/a2pnexwpnas03_data01/29/3429729/html/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 1330

    And get it immediately, not 30 seconds later.
    Elgarion likes this.
  3. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hmmmm, can you try deleting your cache for the site then retrying. I just recently deleted many pages and renamed the others. You might be using cached info taking you to something that doesn't exist. Oddly, 404's will point you to the right page. That looks like a WordPress directory that I'm not using on the site. I'll try to follow that address to see where it takes me in all the disabled WordPress garbage.
    Mykll likes this.
  4. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Perhaps try now. I tried disabling many features on a new plug-in which utilizes the storing of error logs. Also, please provide OS and browser info. I might need to try to duplicate so I can troubleshoot -- thanks!
    Mykll likes this.
  5. Mykll

    Mykll Avatar

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    Davidian Bunker
    Site works now. I tried first before clearing my cache. Oops my browser isn't in my computer specs below. Well, running Firefox 50.0.1, although I see an available update to 50.0.2 now.
    Elgarion likes this.
  6. Wintermute of CoF

    Wintermute of CoF Avatar

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    London, United Kingdom
    Side note: Everyone using Firefox should update to 50.0.2 version ASAP, major security issue fixed.
    Elgarion and Mykll like this.
  7. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Excellent -- I'll just leave that plug-in error logging feature disabled in case it was the culprit. It was annoying anyway spamming me with emails. I probably need to update my Firefox as well -- it's probably a pretty old version :p
    Mykll likes this.
  8. Saladid

    Saladid Avatar

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    Hey on the site can we set like a weekly schedule as opposed to logging on each every day to see we have open time on THAT specific day?

  9. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    I did originally offer folks the ability to post schedules among MANY MANY other tools for coordinating helper efforts which went under utilized, and in almost all cases for the removed modules, never utilized. I will not be rebuilding those efforts and instead am trying to keep the site extremely simple in concept:

    "I'm online now" and lists of resources and FAQ's.

    You can always post your general availability in your welcome message, if you'd like, such as, "I'm generally available M-F 7-9 Eastern. Contact me if you need assistance!" Unfortunately, the schedules idea simply led to a batch of schedules that didn't reflect who was actually online since nobody kept them updated. Logging in a current session ensures that, in the least, the person was available recently but hopefully still is for the entire duration they've selected. I always have my browser up in the background with SotAHelp up to quickly adjust my availability status.

    Nice suggestion btw, it was a nice feature, but without everyone matching their true activities to the schedule, the inaccuracies made it all pointless unfortunately. :(
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  10. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes on PaxLair TS3 Server (ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!) 4 December 2016, Sunday 11 Central Time

    Main Topics:

    • New Player Experiences:
      • Justyn stated this week was really quiet
      • Lady Kate stated she hadn't found a new player in a few days to help in-game
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Discord Useage: Solazur and Temujin stated that Discord activity has increased, both in Hospitaller and General chat on the main Discord server for Shroud of the Avatar. In the #hospitallers channel, if you type !signon and !signoff it will turn you purple and flag you as a Hospitaller BUT be sure to !signoff or completely exit discord to ensure you're presence isn't lingering whilst afk.
      • Elgarion stated please check out the changes to SotAhelp, it's now for all players to utilize, not just Hospitallers (for logged in features). Advertise a wide variety of things you have to offer the community or what your needs are.
      • Video Chat for Players: There's a new way to use where players are meeting players in video chat. Up to 50 people can be in the video chat simultaneously.
      • Stryker mentioned there's a good PvP FAQ on the forums:
    • New Tech: carrier pigeon functionality for meetings is required! :p (jk)

    Round the Room:

    • Minerva: interested in Discord breakout session
    • Sean Silverfoot: Helped a few folks find housing, and recommended they look around at all areas for housing
    • Themo Lock: having network issues of late, been working a lot of projects revolving around the game -- not necessarily new player related.
    • Winfield: good meeting
    • Acaelus Fireharp: great meeting
    • Elgarion: AC event calendar will be posted on per Acaelus' recommendation, and a Discord move for this meeting will be a breakout session after the meeting. Will add functionality to SotAHelp to
    • Justyn: says slow times are related to the holidays, don't be discouraged but the holiday season will lead to some less busy times for Hospitallers as people spend more time with families
    • Lady Kate (Acred): enjoyed hearing all the plans for the coming month, and loves the new tech coming our way
    • Lazarus: hanging out around Britanny had noticed a lot of traffic too and fro, pleasantly surprising to see the activity.
    • Rada Torment: (copy and paste from chat) I also tested pickpocketing and is weird how you don't receive any notification about that action, so if you don't checkt the price of the oracle, you have no idea what happened. This is what I wanted to say earlier but I missed sorry: I have been answering questions in Discord like previous weeks and a bit busy helping three new guild mates who bought the game from the last black friday on Steam. I think was a great opportunity to bring new friends to the game for $18.
    • Selene: yay meeting!
    • Solazur: yay cool!
    • Stryker Sparhawk: yay coffee!
    • Temujin: active in discord
    • Womby: nothing to add, good meeting

    Break Out Session: Discord Meeting, Do We Move to Discord or Stay in TS3 / PaxLair

    • Pro's:
      • Moving to Discord might draw in new players into the meetings as people pass by us in Discord. Mentioned we can TRY it over there as an experiment.
      • Player base is primarily on Discord for the most part, folks can move on or stay in the meetings.
      • Discord is the supported chat channel by Portalarium, and thinks it should move to the officially sanctioned chat rooms.
      • Not moving promotes the "secret society" worries some have while we're in a private chat area on TS3, would make us more transparent
      • Discord is a more well known channel compared to the TS3 channel for Pax Lair
      • Chat channels in Discord have a history and can leave messages for folks and people can look up the history for previous conversations
    • Con's:
      • Some folks cannot connect to discord on their computers or even phones.
      • Tech considerations seem to be the primary concern, some people simply cannot connect to Discord.
    • General Ideas:
      • Separate meeting to look for folks who have problems with Discord
      • Streaming the audio from Discord to other VOIP's
      • Streaming the audio for the entire meeting to NBBN or Avatars Radio etc, Laz seems very happy with the idea. It would require people's willingness to be recorded.
        • Some worry about the dynamic changing, no filters or buffers for radio in case of inappropriate behavior
      • Minerva brought up a lot about changing between techs is hard some folks due to PC's or location etc, that perhaps there should be a lower tech Hospitaller group performing the same function.
      • Roper suggested having two groups as well
    • End result of meeting: all agreed (or were silent) that the tech challenges to ensure all can participate in meeting regardless of Discord functionality or not, PRIOR to making the move, which can be addressed in a future meeting. A meeting to discuss tech for streaming voice from Discord is coming.
      • Those participating in Tech Meeting to help broadcast Discord voice so it can be heard outside of Discord, names were taken (message any on forums if you'd like to chime in on this conversation, we'll invite you):
        • Winfield
        • Lazarus Long
        • Acaelus Fireharp
        • Elgarion
    Net and Rada Torment like this.
  11. Mykll

    Mykll Avatar

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    Davidian Bunker
    Yeah I know who am I to say anything. o_O I keep sleeping in or forgetting with NFL pre-game stuff. Also, my apologies this looks like it is going long and rambling.

    It's natural for people to be active on Discord, AND these forums. And less so everywhere else, for typing. VOIP? Ehh, all over, from first people using it to begin with, and second what platform to use, and third which server / channel on what platform. Having an advertised platform / server / channel to hold these meetings, good idea. More on that later.

    Now, I thought all along that these meetings were done pure VOIP. But I guess people are meeting somewhere in game and mixing up chat and VOIP? Because of this.
    Will there no longer be any in game meetings for chat if this was moved to Discord, voice and text? Otherwise, there will be 1 voice and 2 text channels. Things start to get complicated. Will you use existing #hospitallers text and voice channels or create new ones? I checked the time frame just for today on Discord, and sure nothing going on. So use existing channel, and start to talk over anyone wanting help, or people wanting help interrupting the flow of the meeting and messing up with the "historical log" of the meetings, or create 2 new channels that can only be turned on / enabled during the meeting hour?

    The people worrying about the "secret society", for THIS, really need to get over themselves. If anyone really cares about these meetings, and are reading your notes, you have the location of the voice chat in the title, each and every time. And inviting everyone to attend. It would be very hard for someone to argue that they care about this and have no idea how to participate. At most, a ping reminder in #hospitallers that meeting will start in an hour or something. Add something about the meeting at the bottom of the original post here seeing how this is the thread for the meeting notes (and I hope regardless, will continue to be). I do not see that anywhere there.

    I have not heard tech reasons why someone cannot connect to TS. I hear quite a bit about people (not just here, but other areas, other games and such) not being able to use Discord. And heck you don't even need a mic (really to use either). Just connect and listen to the "talk radio".

    Yes the Discord channels do keep a history, but it is a messy history. Not as easy (for me) to scroll through the history of something, like forums. But yes at least it is history. And that goes back to what channels will you use? Existing channels will get muddied up, or people will only read under half the meetings anyway because I am guessing most of it is voice. A week later I can come here and read up a short version of what happened. A week later in Discord, especially on a heavily used channel? Which is why I brought up the potential of creating a new chat and voice channel for this meeting (if you will go to Discord period) that will only be enabled for the meeting, and read only the rest of the time.

    Would be interesting to know how the streaming of the audio will work to other platforms. Is it a live re-broadcast? Can we pick it up on the in game radio? Will it be an archived re-broadcast? Never listened to a meeting, but I agree the concerns of language filtering, but then the tin foil hats will come out "What else are you censoring?" so I guess you just can't win. So do what you think is right.

    Is this more for the day to day helping, or for this meeting specifically? The two are separated in my mind. But it would be interesting to know if you do use some sort of non-Discord help, how busy that place gets. But then, that would STILL be a non-Discord solution, and how would you advertise that to not fall into that "secret society" trap?

    Anyway, my apologies, but there ya go. :oops:
  12. Net

    Net Avatar

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    I am just curious, why not have a nactual in game meeting? (okay, I know multiplayer issues of some people, wish that was fixed), but still, I think the in game meeting with local chat archived, would be very transparent and open solution with no need for additional software. Not really sure why VoIP is needed for this, but then I do not really want to participate, it is just easier for me to read transcripts from chat:)
    Elgarion likes this.
  13. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Glad to have your thoughts!

    It's been TS3 since we started the meetings, but when Port went to Discord, it brought up the topic again of moving to Discord. (We've discussed it way back in the day). We're hoping for greater exposure, people stopping in to participate as they use the SotA Discord. Also, this will promote where folks can get help - keep it all in the same spot.

    TS3 offers chat as well. Anyone listening but replying in chat, I simply paste their ideas from TS3 chat into the minutes. Discord's chat will serve the same purpose for those folks who are voice shy.

    We haven't gotten so far to discuss where in Discord it would likely be -- but if the devs created a Hospitaller voice and chat channel for us, and if we're having a Hospitaller meeting, I'm guessing we'd best use what they provided. Plus we can chime in to help anyone in need while working the meeting (the room would be full of folks capable of answering questions) so we get a double whammy effect :p

    I agree to a point, but initially this group did form in a private conversation on the forums (mind you it grew to include like 80ish people if I recall). Even though anyone could be and was invited to the thread that asked to join (and many were invited just by assumption they'd be interested), that private thread made some folks feel it was a private selective/exclusive type thing. But for the sake of transparency, minutes are now posted in the public forum. I'm glad it evolved that way. Kinda why we want to push it into Discord because the TS3 server we use is for PaxLair. The Discord server we plan to switch to is Portalarium's. What better location to be fully accessible and transparent.

    Yes! That is a great worry. We have folks thinking they have a tech solution to broadcast the meeting live into TS3 or another VOIP so we can defeat this issue. Seems very possible to fix this. Also, Laz has expressed interest in making the voice portion of the meeting live on NBNN so people could listen in that way.

    It'd have a history, which yes is messy and cannot be searched but at least folks could scroll back to see any chat messages or links missed. There is no plans to make this history replace the meeting minutes, since most of what is said is spoken and still needs transcribed. Not a big deal, I hit the submit button for the minutes usually a few seconds after the meeting ajourns. I just can't take advantage of multi-tasking like some, some are actually playing the game while we have the meeting or working on other projects while we talk.

    The way Laz described it is that it could be initially live then also be rebroadcast. I'd wait to see what those fancy streamer people come up with as a solution -- if you want in on their think-tank conversation, let me know I'll invite you to talk techie with them ;) As for censoring, just typical radio considerations about decency. Not my field, and I don't hit the mute button, that's the radio people. It does air in-game afterall, and kids listen to the radio or at least, can.

    Meeting specific. Everyone seems to take their own approach to helping. Trying to get maximum attendance in the meeting, and people strolling by the PaxLair TS3 room is not very high exposure nor is it as accessible as we'd like it to be.

    No worries Net -- why we do the minutes -- so folks can chime in on what was discussed even if they did not attend. No plan can make everyone happy or meet everyone's needs. If you think these meetings should be in-game chat only, feel free to present your ideas as to how it would be superior in reach, speed and/or efficiency etc., and I'll present it at the next meeting on your behalf.

    ALSO: both, thank you for your responses! Love getting feedback on the minutes lol. Sometimes I'm curious if they're even read :p
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
    Lord-Galiwyn, Net and Mykll like this.
  14. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    San Antonio, Texas
    Really good conversation about this. I help lead the weekly voice meetings. For me at least, 50% of the time I am not near a PC to play SotA during the 11 AM CT meetings. I use my phone with TeamSpeak / Discord voice.

    Also, the meeting is restricted to one hour maximum (as best we can) with side bars or breakouts afterwards. We enjoy rapid discussion on several topics each week. Text meetings might turn a 1 hour voice meeting into a 3 or 4 hour meeting with the same content. We support text discussions and people do queue up their statements and questions, for those who cannot use voice. And they text chat while others are talking, then someone alerts the group to read the text chat log. So mixed voice/chat works pretty well. There is also Text to Voice capabilities, I don't remember if on TS3 or Discord or both.

    We have also once upon a time talked about having some interpreters/translators present in the voice room for non-English speakers. I've done this a few times to test some meetings and works alright, but is not easy. I've tested where the interpreter is in two voice rooms on two servers able to quickly talk/listen in both rooms; we used two TS3 servers.

    As for recording/live broadcast to the world, there's a reluctance by probably the majority of people on that. Our discussions get pretty lively, people put feet down, speak their mind, etc. at times which is good. We all stay friends even when we disagree with passion.

    Overall, the weekly 11 AM CT meetings cover a lot of ground on ideas to help new players. Yet, we need more fresh faces/voices to bring more experiences and ideas into the discussion. We also need more people to become familiar with ideas and methods to help new players coming into the game. This is a great weekly opportunity for people to sync up and be involved or at least be quickly informed.

    Numa, Grimace2, Acred and 3 others like this.
  15. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes

    11 December 2016, Sunday 11 Central Time

    PaxLair TS3 Server:
    Discord Voice Chat:
    Discord Text Chat: for chat

    Main Topics:

    • New Player Experiences:
      • Galiwyn: still finding people to help -- people still flowing into the game requiring assistance, so stay vigilant Hospitallers.
      • Lazarus: noticed some additional places to find new players, not just starter scenes. Hanging out just outside of Britanny on the overworld map and one will find a lot of traffic.
      • Justyn: impromptu dance party drew in quite a few people.
      • Temujin: just had a great interaction with someone trapped in their starter scene for almost 3 days. The problem was the quest had changed. Fingers no longer provides the Bonesteel dagger (search for it nearby). Hospitallers still remembered the old version of the quest and initially, we were not able to assist properly. Justyn stated she has an alt she's willing to wipe and recreate to help with getting info about starter scenes.
      • Elgarion stated to take caution about remapping your keyboard too much as a Hospitaller, because you might lose sight of what the default keymap is to help new players.
      • Galiwyn brought up it might be helpful for Hospitallers to suggest custom keymaps to help those with certain physical difficulties.
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Elgarion: No change in activity at SotAHelp (low)
      • Galiwyn: Using and RPOTA.COM of late
      • Saladid: getting a chance to help folks during his stream:
    • New Tech:
      • Winfield is hoping for some sort of tech to help new players, while only in-game, can contact a Hospitaller.
      • Gumflap brought up again as a great resource for helping people (video chat system)
      • Justyn brought up a chat command in-game /copy which copies all the text in the current chat tab into your buffer for pasting elsewhere.
      • Acaelus brought up that perhaps the default key strokes could display on the keymap screen, so that Hospitallers can assist new players even if they've remapped their keys by being able to state the default setting.

    Round the Room:

    • Berek:
      • More improvements being made for performance, etc. Rolling into the holidays too at the Studio.
      • R37 coming out this week with Friday dance party and Community Live Stream on Friday with another Dev with new things.
      • Live Stream: Every Friday (of a non-hangout week) at 4PM CST, hosted by Berek (
      • Portalarium Holiday Party: Community created party to take place in Austin Texas January 11th, Wednesday 5-10PM at the Portalarium Studios. All community members welcome to attend. Great chance to meet the Devs! White Elephant Gifts! Donation instructions for the party coming soon!
    • Acaelus Fireharp: Good meeting, nothing to add. (Mastermind behind connecting TS3 and Discord for the meeting)
    • Ezekiel Cooper: Merry Christmas, leadership not back until January 8th for BMC
    • Galiwyn: went well, hit some good high points, DJ as well on Avatars Radio, will advertise these meetings on
    • Gumflap: good meeting
    • Justyn: yay meeting!
    • Lazarus Long: loves the new feature that bridges the gap between Discord and TS3 -- happy holidays! Cast comes off next Monday.
    • Elgarion: loved the new Discord/TS3 integration, as always, please contact Elgarion if you have and ideas for or RPOTA.COM
    • Lady Kate (Acred): Enjoyed the meeting, slight problem with not being in Discord you don't know who's speaking. Would go vice-versa, might be good for people to announce themselves before speaking.
    • Rada Torment: I have been a bit busy helping my new guild mates (managed to get 2 new players into the game). Today I'm gonna be at Grimace birthday party in Soltown giving away crafted tasty food to new players around the area. Great meeting like always!
    • Saladid: liked the meeting, first time attendee
    • Stryker Sparhawk: DJ times are Sunday mornings, 9-11 Central on Avatars Radio, meeting went well!
    • Temujin: meeting went well, likes the Discord integration, noticed we already have a few new people with the concept.
    • Winfield brought up the idea of doing a monthly event of chaos where its a grand pvp event vs the devs. Battle Royale ;) Message Winfield if you have any ideas for the PaxLair or holiday party in Austin.

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
    Berek, Winfield, Mykll and 5 others like this.
  16. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes

    18 December 2016, Sunday 11 Central Time

    PaxLair TS3 Server:
    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:

    • New Attendees:
      • Valor Bastagio -- coming to use for the first time, hard core PVE and friendly, happy to help people
      • Merle -- currently getting his ass kicked by liches, Solazur stated Merle is a great guide in the game, he loves helping out folks
      • Audacity -- is a healer, loves grouping with new people, Saladid says she's a great healer
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Minerva: glad to see new players still filtering in even at this point, encountered a new Italian player who was ready to quit until they started working with him to teach him the ropes
      • Valor noticed that new players are commonly frustrated, suggested a new tech item (below)
      • Lady Kate pointed out some folks don't even know how to reply to to new player helpers initially, noticed she wasn't getting replies from new player help attempts
      • Saladid, when typing whispers, forgets the comma commonly
      • Solazur met people hanging out in the siege area thinking it was the actual town
      • Elgarion noticed that when exiting a town under siege, it put him at the wrong end of the siege
      • Saladid wondered how New Players know about Hospitallers
      • Solazur wondered how New Players find Discord, there's an unfortunate concept where people are staying logged in as Hospitallers in Discord, prompted new tech question for moderators of SotA Discord
      • Stryker stated there are several scenes (such as Twin Foothills), the entrance points have shifted significantly, expect to tell folks to move around the zone entrance on the Overworld map in hopes to find the shifted entrance point
      • Laz submitted new tips for screenloads to talk about Hospitallers
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Elgarion stated that players can now advertise live events on SotAHelp as well as their availability for Role-Playing. Also, 5 links have been added to right below the Availability list to show 5 other sources for live SotA support.
      • Portalarium Holiday Party: Community created party to take place in Austin Texas January 11th, Wednesday 5-10PM at the Portalarium Studios. All community members welcome to attend. Great chance to meet the Devs! White Elephant Gifts! Donation instructions for the party coming soon!
    • New Tech:
      • Valor suggested a button new players can press to contact an in-game helper/Hospitaller
        • Saladid is thinking about Hospitaller chat button, worries that people will abuse it, should be based upon individual whispers and not a global chat system -- uses some sort of queuing tech to rack and stack whispers to the next Hospitaller available, once whispered, that Hospitaller drops to the bottom of the list.
      • Minerva suggested Hospitaller title shouldn't become available until a certain level
      • It was suggested to make a screen/loading tip to explain what Hospitallers are (Laz already submitted)
      • Can Discord Hospitaller chat automatically !signoff players who're AFK while flagging as a Hospitaller
      • Lady Kate stated that might be a way for people to conference into the Holiday Party, but wondered how it could be controlled to ensure those logging into the zoom feed are actually SotA people, Solazur will speak with Merc to see if the zoom feed can be moderated. Laz stated he can also boot folks if they're disruptive to the meeting/help session/holiday party. Elgarion mentioned each client can also likely mute anyone they find disruptive.
      • Solazur asked that SotAHelp expert description be changed to knowledge instead.
    Round the Room:
    • Berek:
      • Happy Holidays! Have a safe and wonderful time :) Berek will be MIA during much of the holidays (back in Wisconsin shoveling snow). Looking forward to what's to come for 2017 -- excitement abounds! Berek loved the PaxLair holiday party and found the decorations amazing. Really feels this is what the game is about -- community! If someone needs to reach a person at the company, best way is to forum pm Berek.
      • Post Mortem for R36 is on Tuesday! Submit questions ahead of the hangout, there's a link to instructions:
    • Audacity: happy to be here, event posted above in In-Game Events section
    • Acaelus Fireharp: great meeting, loved the Pax event
    • Lazarus Long: great time at PaxLair party, happy to be here
    • Elgarion: (see SotAHelp changes in Website section above
    • Lady Kate (Acred): enjoys seeing all the energy being put into SotA
    • Merle: happy to be here
    • Rada Torment: great meeting as always
    • Saladid: (moved to new tech)
    • Solazur: nothing to add, great meeting
    • Stryker Sparhawk: yay meeting, good meeting, keep the ideas coming
    • Temujin: dropped in to say hi
    • Valor Bastagio: glad to participate
    • Minerva: glad to attend, missed the party yesterday, Merry Christmas
    • Womby: got to the PaxLair party, had lots of fun, posted a video of the pet races

    Video from PaxLair Party

    The next Hospitaller meeting will be on the 8th of January, the next two are canceled due to the holidays. I hope you all have a wonderful time at your various holiday festivities!​
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
    Mykll and Winfield like this.
  17. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    San Antonio, Texas
    Announcements are made!

    For donations and getting an in-game rare event cloak,

    Here are the instructions:

    Grand Holiday Party will be held
    at the Portalarium Studios and in Shroud of the Avatar on:

    Wednesday, January 11, 2016
    5:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central Standard Time (US)
    (2300 UTC to 0400 UTC)

    Hosted, planned, and paid for by the Player Community

    Please RSVP! Want to come in person or virtually? Want to help out in some other way? Just want to watch and listen? Please fill out the following survey/RSVP with your interest:

    If you wish to donate, funds will be going directly to a setup account at Portalarium they can use to purchase supplies for the celebration:
    • Anyone donating to this event ($5 USD or higher), or attending in person, will receive an in-game Event Clasped-Gauntlets Cloak “Grand Holiday Party 2017” You must still RSVP above though!
      • Please send donations to Portalarium PayPal Account - Log into your own PayPal account and send to:
      • Add Comment like: “This is Winfield - donation for the Grand Holiday Party 2017” and any special instructions (such as, “buy ice cream for Berek”)
      • IMPORTANT: Type your registered Portalarium/SotA Account Email Address in the PayPal comments in order to receive a cloak. If you forget, consider making another donation with your email address.
    • This is NOT a fund-raising event for development
    • Funds go completely for food, drink, decorations, and any other event support needs
    • Excess funds will be reserved for future events throughout the year, e.g., more on-camera items for the telethons, future celebrations at the office, etc.

    All old, new, and want-to-be players and friends are welcome!
    Numa likes this.
  18. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I want to help only germanspeaking Avatars ingame if possible.

    If you are only germanspeaking and have troubles with the game, feel free to ask me for help.
    Elgarion, Gaelis and Winfield like this.
  19. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    Uhm ist it

    "only germanspeaking" or "germanspeaking only" ???

    Ehm, i want to help people who dont speak english well enough :-D

    Maybe i need some help to from time to time *rofl * XD
    Elgarion likes this.
  20. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Good idea, Stundorn -- the game will very much need Hospitallers of all languages, and it looks like you're geared up to help the German Speakers. Also, if you were to create an account at, you can flag yourself as a german speaker. You'll see that at the bottom of the main page, there is a chart of who speaks which language to assist other players. :)
    Lord-Galiwyn and Stundorn like this.
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