Weekly Role-Player Initiative Meetings

Discussion in 'Roleplayer's Corner' started by Larawyn Skjaldmaer, Jan 20, 2017.

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  1. Larawyn Skjaldmaer

    Larawyn Skjaldmaer Avatar

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    Springfield, MA

    1. This is the thread for the minutes of the meeting
    2. I have a planning and discussing thread here

    Baene and I met with Winfield at the Holiday Party and he has offered to help champion a role player initiative, in the same vein as the Hospitaller Initiative. We meet weekly using the following agenda. The meeting is in voice chat for one hour only, so please have your comments prepared and ready to go.
    1. The meeting/discussion is over voice chat in the RPota Discord Chat
    2. The meeting is grouped into 4 discussions of 15 mins each.
    3. Minutes of the meeting will be posted afterwards.

    Ingame RPing - A review of what role-play is happening in game

    Ingame Services - What classes, library, centers are available

    Out of Game Services - A discussion on what websites, radio, twitch, tutorials, videos, etc available

    Portalarium Mechanics - What tools, tags and features does the initiative feel are needed

    This meeting is open to everyone, we look forward to seeing you there. If you miss the meeting there will be minutes posted below.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
    Bowen Bloodgood likes this.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Weekly Role-Player Initiative Meeting Minutes

    20 January 2017, Friday 9PM Central

    RPOTA Discord Text Chat: https://discord.gg/EGcyb7e
    RPOTA Discord Voice Chat: https://discord.gg/sNwzE6j

    If any of these storylines or projects interest you, contact these role-players to join in the adventure!

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • Everyone! This is the first meeting ;)
    • In-Game SotA Role-Playing Experiences:
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer : Ironhall is RPing they have an excess of refugees and a lack of grain. Storylines with Serenite have caused the vikings to be suspicious ICly but are still open for investigation, while trade with Phoenix Republic is under way. There was an IC RP Hunt with Phoenix against the Obsidian Cultists (sieges). The “vikings” of Ironhall are trying to reconcile the King Grannus Knight storyline/documents as it relates to traditional Viking ethics. (There is a post on the boards ICly from Baene and Larawyn)
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer : trying to document the King Grannus knight storyline and how it relates to Viking ethics.
      • Biggest problem with RP sessions... attendance. Attendance varies greatly, from none to many, as much as 30 people. Small groups of 5-10 people seem common.
    • In-Game SotA Role-Playing Locations, Services, Concepts, Events:
      • @Bowen Bloodgood is creating a Library of Courage, located at Caer Dracwych
      • Sunday Afternoons, Join @Bowen Bloodgood for a SotA Astronomy Class, 330PM CST
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer : Sunday at 2pm there is a RPers meet and greet at the tavern in Bastion’s point, this has had good turn out so far. Wednesday 7 pm Viking Cultural Class with 3 attendees Friday 6 pm RP Class, cancelled due to no show The New Role-Player’s Center has not received any new submissions for RP guilds or towns. Weekends seems to be prime time, week nights a challenge.
    • Out-of-Game SotA Role-Playing Services, Concepts, Events:
      • @Elgarion -- sorry for link spam, but here's some great sites to help Role-Players in Shroud of the Avatar. Anything from events, to art, to comics, to the actual novel, to player created stories ;) Lots of lore out there!

        (Community, Events)
        SotAEvents.com features a wide array of events published in an Enjin calendar format. You'll find most of the events are posted on the Avatars Circle Event Calendar as well, but this interface allows members to post events as long as they meet a list of simple criteria; most importantly that the events are open to the entire community and pertain to Shroud of the Avatar!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Lore, Maps, Role-Playing)
        In the heaven beyond our skies, dwell stars whose numbers are beyond our reckoning. Within our heaven, circling our world, sweeps our bright sun. Nine other orbs trace tight paths around our world. The shattered moon Daedelus is desolate, its light only a reflection of the sun’s brilliance. The other eight orbs are thought by some to be planets like our own. According to the roles they play in our many legends, they have been named for the anti-virtues of the avatars. The closest is Deceit, followed further out by Despise, Destard, Wrong, Covetous, Shame, Hythloth and Pride.
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Official, Lore)
        Formerly known as Blade of the Avatar... The Sword of Midras is a novel by Tracy Hickman and Richard Garriott. This novel is the premier source for lore and story for the realms of New Britannia. Be sure to secure your copy today! It's an amazing read and if you wish to dive into the story of the game, having experienced the novel will make your gameplay experience far more immersive!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Lore)
        Tortoise & Hare Creations, creators of the Shroud of the Avatar: New Beginnings Comic Book, are amazing and creative artists with much to offer the SotA community! Be on the lookout for more issues! T&H also accepts art commissions for character portraits and faction insignias! And please, if we hope to see more of their fine work -- be sure to show some appreciation for their efforts by visiting their Patreon Page!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Information, Interviews, Libraries, Lore, Recordings & Podcasts, Role-Playing, SotA News, Story Writing, Theatre)
        One of the most popular of the Shroud of the Avatar community hubs, The Caverns.net is a digital storage center of links and information--for all things SOTA. More importantly though it is a blog, a blog for a gaming geek who even among gaming geek’s is considered a geek. Come one! Come all! Visit The Caverns to relish in the collaborative works of so many talented writers and artists, and upon every page and every missive lies the signature of the site's creator, Stile Teckel.
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Events, Lore, Recordings & Podcasts, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Theatre)
        New Britannia Theater Troupe... "Places! Places everyone!" Come to The Caverns and discover the works of the New Britannia Theater Troupe! If you want to see true and amazing talent with quality voice acting and effort placed meticulously to filmed story, then this is the site for you! Come to The Caverns and support some of the most talented role-players known in all of New Britannia!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Libraries, Lore, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Theatre, Videos)
        Welcome to the new SoTA Writing Round Table! You are a full member of this new venture. No titles, no hierarchy here! At the Round Table, you can post your works in progress here for constructive feedback from other authors and SotA backers and offer constructive feedback on anyone else's posted work. Explore the categories, post or review stories, plays, and even poems.
        Open this site in a new tab.
        (Guides, Information, Lore, Tutorials)
        It's hard to be a successful Avatar when thou art illiterate, but, worry not, for the school is in session. We teach the standard New Britannia Runic as well as the Ultima Runic as laid down by Lord British himself. Simply download the RUNIC GAME by Truthveyor and play, and thou shall be illiterate no more!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Events, Interviews, Libraries, Lore, Maps, Music, Player Owned Towns, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Videos)
        RPOTA is a role-playing environment featuring a robust database allowing SotA role-players a vehicle to connect with other like-minded individuals. We are a community which feeds your desire to be someone else... a crazed barbarian, a cunning scoundrel, maybe a quirky wizard or perhaps a mysterious assassin. There are no limits here as to what character you can explore since we allow for any role-player or role-playing guild to participate!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Guides, Role-Playing, Story Writing)
        Having trouble creating a background story or personality for your character to use with Role-Play or Story Writing? Perhaps you'd like to find ideas to enhance what you've already created? Then head on over to Ash's Guide to RPG Personality & Background -- plenty of fantastic tips to help you along!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Beastiaries, Crafting, Guilds, Housing, Information, Lore, Maps, Social)
        ODE Guild has made a concerted effort to provide excellent resources on their website to include a wonderful bestiary and crafting guides. Please take the time to visit their site and ensure you applaud them for their efforts!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Coat of Arms, Guilds, Libraries, Role-Playing)
        The College of Arms is an amazing resource for guilds and role-players for establishing a Coat of Arms for their organization or character lore. Head on over to their site and build yours today!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Coat of Arms)
        Having trouble making a coat of arms for your faction or city? Try out MakeYourCoatofArms.COM! It's a pretty handy resource for just that need!
        Open this site in a new tab.
    • New Mechanics Supporting SotA Role-Playing:
      • Might be a meeting on how do work our event planning, calendars are an issue currently.
      • Can @Jakub White allow players to flag their towns as Role-Playing towns on SotAMap.com?
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer will post a thread about how to tag your forum posts (new feature for our forums) for being tagged as role-play or roleplay
      • We now have a #roleplay chat room on the SotA Discord Server, thank you Berek! We now have a SotA Role-Player facebook thank you Berek, Lara and Kazyn, up to 43 members. The role-player corner on the forums is not getting enough exposure, we believe it needs to be moved to a top level board. Discussions on establishing more RP events, with or with out rotating locations and topics has stalled. We have plenty of people willing to host, but not enough event coordinators or those willing to lead events. Need ideas to move forward.
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer: Implement a SotA Role-Player tag/title so that the guild can be renamed. We feel that the guild will have only limited exposure, while a tag, like hospitaller will have a much broader reach.
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer: We propose that the text line limit be doubled so that role-players and classes can completely full sentences rather then breaking them up on multiple lines.
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer: An editable profile that could be added like in UO so that role-players could provide information regarding character details and affiliations.
      • @Winfield: wants a way to have a quest box where if someone places a particular item into a box, they can extract the reward that's stored by the player quest giver.
    Round the Room:
    • @Baene Thorrstad: meeting went well, thinks it was a very good start
    • @Bowen Bloodgood: Good start.. almost too short. Too much to cover in a short hour.
    • @Elgarion: don't forget the monthly RPOTA.com writing contest
    • @Lady Addy: yay meeting! Light RP'er, happy to be here
    • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer:
      • Lara's Talk with Richard Garriott at the Holiday Portalarium Party:
        • Delved into the Ultima Series
        • Richard was impressed by his initial tour through PaxLair and wondering what was real in-game content and what was fictional/fabricated/imaginary
        • Requested a /dice command to Richard, and thinks they can have it in by Release 39. So expect the possibility for a random number generator coming our way to assist in our adventures.
      • Has an idea about event coordinators, that it could be a job, paid with in-game gold, to run events for people: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/regular-court-times.76777/
      • Looking forward to seeing the new Rumors module coming to RPOTA.COM
    • @NirAntae: This felt a tad rushed/information overload, but that's to be expected for an initial meeting and getting all the basic stuff out there. Overall I think it went very well.
    • @Stryker Sparhawk: great meeting, for such a short timeframe
    • @Winfield: thanks for coming!
    • @Berek: (I'm just tagging you in case you'd like to chime in ;) )
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  3. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hey @Larawyn Skjaldmaer , just as a suggestion, can you make the main initial post in this thread a description of the meeting concept? Think it'd frame this thread in nicely. Meeting description, then a shplew of meeting minutes thereafter ;) Just a thought -- great meeting! Thanks for putting this together :)
    Winfield and Lady Adnor like this.
  4. Arjac

    Arjac Avatar

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    I'm open for such ideas. Do you have any tips for it? How it should look like? Any ideas?
    Winfield and Elgarion like this.
  5. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    How about emulate the way we can flag our towns for PvP? Here's some screenshots so folks know what I'm talking about. So perhaps make it so my Town, in the little pop-up window would look like POT / Metropolis / PvP / RP , then in the edit POI interface, it'd just be another dropdown menu to toggle RP on or off. Then, in your list view, a column to indicate which towns are RP? Just a thought. Seems it would fit in nicely with how you have your current interface implemented ;) Thanks for taking an interest Jakub! I'm sure I speak for everyone -- SotAMap rocks!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Winfield likes this.
  6. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    It's amazing what the English speaking community already does and has established.
    I am looking forward to Roleplaying for everybody in all languages and to find some links between
    RP communities unfortunately divided by language.

    Keep on the good work!!!
    Birko, Winfield and Elgarion like this.
  7. Larawyn Skjaldmaer

    Larawyn Skjaldmaer Avatar

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    Springfield, MA
    Is there an option to filter? To see just the PvP Towns? It would be nice to have a way to filter for the RP towns. So you could make some choices about which towns to visit quickly. Of course filters for hunting levels would also be fantastic. :)
    Elgarion likes this.
  8. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Weekly Role-Player Initiative Meeting Minutes

    3 February 2017, Friday 9PM Central

    RPOTA Discord Text Chat: https://discord.gg/EGcyb7e
    RPOTA Discord Voice Chat: https://discord.gg/sNwzE6j

    If any of these storylines or projects interest you, contact these role-players to join in the adventure!

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • @Sammegarian : first RP meeting, "I am thinking of being a roleplayer, I have yet to figure out much of what I intend to be roleplay-wise."

    • Goals of RP Initiative:
      • Winfield: To introduce people to role-playing
      • Larawyn: Introduce people to role-playing. What it is, how it works, why its fun.
      • Elgarion: my contribution will be to maintain rpota.com, a website for role-playing and story sharing, a place for people to archive their RP experiences.
      • Larawyn: Helping to establish storyline webs in hopes to keep us interconnected. Establishing story line webs between the RP groups and guilds.
      • Bowen Bloodgood: I would say one of my goals.. outside of my guild.. would be to act as a general DM.. help people and groups in that capacity and running on-going storylines.
      • Winfield: Increase/enhance game mechanics to support player created RPing storylines, quests, etc.
      • Sammegarian: I guess my goal is to become a roleplayer and get over my habit of only being roleplay-adjacent, where I only get near roleplayers, rather than be part of it.

    • In-Game SotA Role-Playing Experiences:
      • Elgarion: uses an RP "fishing" technique, to lure in RP'ers by RPing as he strolls around town with the environment and NPC's. RP'ers will see the role-play occurring and might join in.
      • Winfield: how does one find a role-player once they're in-game?

    • Out-of-Game SotA Role-Playing Services, Concepts, Events:
      • Elgarion reminded folks of the monthly contest at RPOTA.COM for creative writers, videographers and musicians.
      • Winfield brought up a great site, twinery.org, which helps folks make adventures in HTML -- great for any quest maker!
      • Bowen will be getting sotarp.org back up and running soon, "When my site gets back up a lot of the articles I write up are specific for RPing in SotA.. But I'm happy to link to others as well."
      • @Elgarion -- sorry for link spam, but here's some great sites to help Role-Players in Shroud of the Avatar. Anything from events, to art, to comics, to the actual novel, to player created stories ;) Lots of lore out there!
      • Winfield brought up that turning the upcoming 9March telethon, that perhaps there can be a deep dive into role-playing in Shroud of the Avatar.

        (Community, Events)
        SotAEvents.com features a wide array of events published in an Enjin calendar format. You'll find most of the events are posted on the Avatars Circle Event Calendar as well, but this interface allows members to post events as long as they meet a list of simple criteria; most importantly that the events are open to the entire community and pertain to Shroud of the Avatar!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Lore, Maps, Role-Playing)
        In the heaven beyond our skies, dwell stars whose numbers are beyond our reckoning. Within our heaven, circling our world, sweeps our bright sun. Nine other orbs trace tight paths around our world. The shattered moon Daedelus is desolate, its light only a reflection of the sun’s brilliance. The other eight orbs are thought by some to be planets like our own. According to the roles they play in our many legends, they have been named for the anti-virtues of the avatars. The closest is Deceit, followed further out by Despise, Destard, Wrong, Covetous, Shame, Hythloth and Pride.
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Official, Lore)
        Formerly known as Blade of the Avatar... The Sword of Midras is a novel by Tracy Hickman and Richard Garriott. This novel is the premier source for lore and story for the realms of New Britannia. Be sure to secure your copy today! It's an amazing read and if you wish to dive into the story of the game, having experienced the novel will make your gameplay experience far more immersive!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Lore)
        Tortoise & Hare Creations, creators of the Shroud of the Avatar: New Beginnings Comic Book, are amazing and creative artists with much to offer the SotA community! Be on the lookout for more issues! T&H also accepts art commissions for character portraits and faction insignias! And please, if we hope to see more of their fine work -- be sure to show some appreciation for their efforts by visiting their Patreon Page!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Information, Interviews, Libraries, Lore, Recordings & Podcasts, Role-Playing, SotA News, Story Writing, Theatre)
        One of the most popular of the Shroud of the Avatar community hubs, The Caverns.net is a digital storage center of links and information--for all things SOTA. More importantly though it is a blog, a blog for a gaming geek who even among gaming geek’s is considered a geek. Come one! Come all! Visit The Caverns to relish in the collaborative works of so many talented writers and artists, and upon every page and every missive lies the signature of the site's creator, Stile Teckel.
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Events, Lore, Recordings & Podcasts, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Theatre)
        New Britannia Theater Troupe... "Places! Places everyone!" Come to The Caverns and discover the works of the New Britannia Theater Troupe! If you want to see true and amazing talent with quality voice acting and effort placed meticulously to filmed story, then this is the site for you! Come to The Caverns and support some of the most talented role-players known in all of New Britannia!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Libraries, Lore, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Theatre, Videos)
        Welcome to the new SoTA Writing Round Table! You are a full member of this new venture. No titles, no hierarchy here! At the Round Table, you can post your works in progress here for constructive feedback from other authors and SotA backers and offer constructive feedback on anyone else's posted work. Explore the categories, post or review stories, plays, and even poems.
        Open this site in a new tab.
        (Guides, Information, Lore, Tutorials)
        It's hard to be a successful Avatar when thou art illiterate, but, worry not, for the school is in session. We teach the standard New Britannia Runic as well as the Ultima Runic as laid down by Lord British himself. Simply download the RUNIC GAME by Truthveyor and play, and thou shall be illiterate no more!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Events, Interviews, Libraries, Lore, Maps, Music, Player Owned Towns, Role-Playing, Story Writing, Videos) RPOTA is a role-playing environment featuring a robust database allowing SotA role-players a vehicle to connect with other like-minded individuals. We are a community which feeds your desire to be someone else... a crazed barbarian, a cunning scoundrel, maybe a quirky wizard or perhaps a mysterious assassin. There are no limits here as to what character you can explore since we allow for any role-player or role-playing guild to participate!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Guides, Role-Playing, Story Writing)
        Having trouble creating a background story or personality for your character to use with Role-Play or Story Writing? Perhaps you'd like to find ideas to enhance what you've already created? Then head on over to Ash's Guide to RPG Personality & Background -- plenty of fantastic tips to help you along!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Beastiaries, Crafting, Guilds, Housing, Information, Lore, Maps, Social)
        ODE Guild has made a concerted effort to provide excellent resources on their website to include a wonderful bestiary and crafting guides. Please take the time to visit their site and ensure you applaud them for their efforts!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Coat of Arms, Guilds, Libraries, Role-Playing)
        The College of Arms is an amazing resource for guilds and role-players for establishing a Coat of Arms for their organization or character lore. Head on over to their site and build yours today!
        Open this site in a new tab.

        (Art, Coat of Arms)
        Having trouble making a coat of arms for your faction or city? Try out MakeYourCoatofArms.COM! It's a pretty handy resource for just that need!
        Open this site in a new tab.

    • New Mechanics Supporting SotA Role-Playing:
      • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer: Implement a SotA Role-Player tag/title so that the guild can be renamed. We feel that the guild will have only limited exposure, while a tag, like hospitaller will have a much broader reach.
      • Bowen Bloodgood thought that loading screens might be able to advertise RP info in the hints. "Find RP commonly at these locations..."
    Round the Room:
    • @Bowen Bloodgood: Good 2nd meeting... But again too much to cover in a short time. Will be nice when we're ready to focus on specific things. I think one of our biggest challenges right now is getting the word out effectively in-game and should probably be one of the first things we tackle..
    • @Elgarion: don't forget the monthly RPOTA.com writing contest , and a great place to meet RP'ers from SO many different guilds is @Stryker Sparhawk 's happy hour!
    • @Larawyn Skjaldmaer: (dc'd before the meeting was over)
    • @Sammegarian : I liked the meeting, I didn't know what to expect but it seemed interesting. I feel inspired to roleplay.
    • @Winfield: think it went well -- got through some goals, getting info out about the meetings, and documentation for the minutes is going to be very helpful. Next meeting, we'll get an in-game portion to the meeting in the future so we can include a bit of actual RP each meeting.
    • @Berek: (I'm just tagging you in case you'd like to chime in ;) )
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017
    Winfield likes this.
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