Hospitallers -- Players Helping Players

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by Elgarion, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    I would like to place this evolving possibility out here in Hospitaller territory...

    Today I met with a guild of Thai players named "Team 5" at a local internet café, where we discussed through an interpreter the possibility of them being given an account here and do some YouTube review comments while playing. I have used the same interpreter 2 times now at this same location who seems very good with his English skills. He too would be accompanying them with a free account. His name is "Jay" and is close friends with the café's owner.

    What I am proposing to this café, is to have loaded up SOTA on all their computers and offer free 3 hour playtime for all who wish to come along with Team 5. This sect of the Team 5 Guild is named "Game". I watched along with this band of happy MMO players and they seem quite bright in their keyboard mastery and depth of MMO activity.

    They will all be Guild'ed under "The Fellowship" tag. They may wish to branch off and form up as Team 5 the more deeply they enjoy their SOTA time here in New Britannia.

    Very separate from this above :rolleyes:
    :oops: There is another subject I'd like to ask the Hospitallers of their experienced opinion.

    How old do you all think, a player needs to be, to have a good time playing or trying out our SOTA?
    :rolleyes: I ask this, because I have 3 children who speak English as well as Thai, 2 of which enjoy doing YouTube videos, while the other is an avid gamer. Their parents have suggested that they would be willing for these of their children to do a Thai & English game review of our SOTA.

    What activities within a 2-3 hour time frame would be best and how best to accomplish this with your help?
    I'm thinking the initial may be just a new player hunt. But if they wish to return to do another YouTube review, it's those activities as well which would go far in displaying how SOTA is a great game for children, who's parents wish them to speak better English. (these three kids I'm looking at as a bridge for others to be allured by).

    Any and all comments from you would be greatly appreciated. I know this is a Hospitallers announcement thread, but it's the only place I would know where interested Hospitallers can be concentrated for comment.

    :rolleyes:~Time Lord~
    Acred, Lord Baldrith and Elgarion like this.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    That sounds fantastic Time Lord :) You could be planting a seed of interest in Thailand that could flourish into a strong player base. Are there any established Thai players that you know of besides yourself? Just curious. But I hope they love the game and see its potential. I'm always hesitant to recommend it to some of my friends in its unfinished state. I fear I'll spoil my one chance to get them to try it, so for some, I'm waiting until launch.

    We do tend to be an older crowd but I've met some late teens players, plenty of them in fact. I wasnt playing complex immersive game until I was about 10-12 yrs old myself. I have no kids however to judge by todays standards. Actually i think i heard kids these days are playing video games whilst still in the womb :p

    If they're going to be making review vids and perhaps hopefully tutorials in the Thai language, perhaps focusing upon major factors, one per vid might be prudent. Combat, quickbar/decks, PvP, Quests/NPC Conversations, Exploration (above and below ground), gathering, crafting etc. If any of them wish to do tutorials--let me know and I'll link their playlist on ;)
    Acred and Time Lord like this.
  3. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    @Morgoth redbeard 's wife is from a city close to where I live. They live in Europe now, but I'm thinking maybe I may get a chance to hook up with them if they ever take a trip back :)
    As far as other players, I do remember one I shared a few PMs with. I've had so many PMs it's difficult to find them, but I'm certain that Team 5 will grow or keep going in our SOTA. Internet time in these internet cafés is extremely cheap by western standards, so I'm thinking on hosting Team 5 get togethers and offer free internet time as prizes within their SOTA play, so they can play any games they want to with their prize time. I'm thinking I will offer those prizes of free internet time via the cafés owner (of which I would pay a bit more for that service as a bonus), so that he could possibly spread some good SOTA word around. I suspect he owns many, as his business seems packed with players.
    I think my own son was an Ultima III Exodus (1983) fetus :D
    My thoughts on the children lead me to believe that, if they become involved with our SOTA, that they will do as kids do, "grow up fast" and become savvy players to continue their YouTuber friend's interest. 2 of the girls have a German father and are quite bright and are twins. I know their father takes special interest to always keep the twins ranking at the top of their classes.
    I'm currently thinking that possibly my interpreter "Jay" could possibly keep an updated Thai version of our "Player Guide"
    If Jay enjoys his work as this possibly progresses, he may be motivated to shoot some "SOTA Thai how to's".
    These people aren't poor by any means, but it's an economics thing, where 1000 ThB (about $29 USD) has far more buying power here, yet is nothing to me. I am a very poor man with a low retirement check if I were living back home in Texas, yet here, that same poor retirement check makes my buying power X5, "so I'm rich here". I'm thinking once a month, that 1000 ThB should keep that updated and maybe some videos done. This internet café project is very entertaining for me and I would be spending that 1000 ThB on other forms of entertainment which take less time if I didn't head through with this project. So, it's a "win win" for everyone on all sides of this issue :)

    "It just seems like a really entertaining hobby for a retired guy like me" :D
    ~Time Lord~:cool: *but thank god it's an air conditioned café* :p
    Acred likes this.
  4. skeggy Media

    skeggy Media Avatar

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    as requested at the hospitaler meeting last Sunday I have created a video to introduce players to discord hope you find it helpful
  5. Grimace2

    Grimace2 Avatar

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    From a new player perspective, I want to see the current in game guild mechanics explained to players (guild chat, guild chapterhouses, etc) explained to new players.

    What are the pros/cons of joining/leaving a guild in relation to current game systems?
    How might this change with feature releases?

    As @Elgarion stated above, new players must be clearly informed of current guild (and possible alliance?) systems.

    How does guild warfare affect players?
    Can a guild at peace later declare war and subject a guild member to PVP?

    All of these points of clarification are from the perspective of a new player.

    Such a new player "OUTLANDER" may have never played a multiplayer computer game. How can we best teach them the fundamentals?
    Acred and Time Lord like this.
  6. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    Build the Guild <---<<< Thus far this link is the only video that comes up on YouTube and it's not very effective being long winded of how some of @Markee Dragon and friends got together and built their guild. The guild part begins around 21:13 within the vid.

    So, "Yes we need a how too and describing how guilds work". I'm not a YouTube game vid maker. Maybe someone of the Hospitalers know of someone who would be willing to do that, which could be specifically short and targeted to "How to".
    The only reason The Fellowship is taking on the (hopefully coming) New players from Thailand is because I will know them all personally in RL and be able to explain to them how they can get their "Team 5" up and running. I'm not going to offer them charity and buy or afford them a guild because pride causes people to want such things and to accomplish that initial goal for themselves I think is very important. This way "they created their guild" and are therefore not beholding to others for that accomplishment. The only thing I am buying the initial Thai players I'm inviting, is "a game account each and Ardoris Guard uniforms". I'm unsure as to what to do for their weapons and shields yet, but I'm not a blacksmith and will be looking for one that could choose something that fits the Ardoris style.

    I think this is an important subject you bring up here @Grimace2 and hope someone finds it's resolution.
    Thanks Grimace!
    ~Time Lord~
    Acred and Grimace2 like this.
  7. skeggy Media

    skeggy Media Avatar

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    hi Time Lord

    hope this video helps you it was put onto youtube on the 4 April
    Acred, Grimace2 and Time Lord like this.
  8. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Super! and Super Thanks @skeggy , I'll make sure and subscribe as well ;)!
    ~Time Lord~:)
    Acred likes this.
  9. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes

    9 Apr 2017, Sunday 11 Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:
    PaxLair TS3 Server:

    Main Topics:

    • New Attendees:

    • Top 5 Questions to be Presented During Berek's Weekly Livestream
      (More Listed So @Berek/@DarkStarr can pick 5):
      • New Player Questions:
        • Why is my XP pool keeps running out -- why is this? How do I properly maintain my xp?
        • I'm lost! How do I know where to go next? What kind of features are coming which will help me find my way? Where are the road signs?
        • I have so much stuff! How do I store all of this! What happens if I remake my character, will I lose my stuff?
        • What are the detriments and benefits to restarting a character as opposed to reallocating skills and xp?
        • Why am I pushed down the Love path as opposed to the other paths?
        • Is there a way to turn on or off my quest tracker or to turn off individual quests? If I cancel a quest, will I be able to pick up the quest later?
        • Can the tracker and other UI elements be moved?
      • Veteran Player Questions:
        • Will more UI customization features be coming our way, and if so, which ones? Can the UI eventually be mod'd by 3rd party mods? Are there any 3rd party mods yet?

    • New Player Experiences:
      • Temujin: has a second account, base level account, not in guild. Created a new character, and wrote down items that are of concern. Unlocking the deck from an adventurer trainer is not possible, it must be a Skill Trainer, Combat Trainer or Master Trainer. Has yet to submit them as feedback items on the forums. The second he landed in Soltown, got a guild invite from someone, didn't even see them. It was through a whisper. The necklace quest seems to confuse a lot of people; players complaining they cannot find the cemetery for the quest line, didn't know that it was required at night, and the grave robber is supposed to be attacked, even though there is no indication that this guy in the graveyard should simply be attacked to advance the quest (why do you attack someone in a graveyard at night without cause? Show him robbing a grave... make him say something to imply he's the grave robber, make him attack you perhaps). Noticed new players are typically vendoring all their loot rather than preserving items for crafting.
      • Winfield: also started a new character, Blood River starting point. Once he popped into the Overworld map, ended up by Norgard. Didn't try unlocking the deck system as of yet. Wonders if Portalarium could focus bug testing efforts in key areas for scrubbing areas for bugs periodically.
      • Rosemourne: new players are unsure of locking/unlocking/maintaining skills and how it relates to XP pool. This is a major area of confusion. Maybe when a player trains a new skill , perhaps it can start locked. Noticed also that the sieges, there's a wizard in there that can on-shot new players along the protected road. Perhaps that wizard can be moved out of range of the siege easy path. Perhaps less archers can be along the easy path. Shadows Rest has a skills training location that he's created, if any new players are interested -- contact him.
      • Elgarion: perhaps when the LOW XP POOL warning comes up, when you click it, it brings up a tutorial along with skills window to explain maintaining XP and pooled XP.

    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • (ran out of time)

    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • (ran out of time)

    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • Discussion of more integration of support content like the SotAMap integration took place. was an obvious concept.
      • Winfield: how could the community help with the content/programming for integration of outside sources.
      • Folks wan the bug reporting to be available within an in-game window, even if its like the SotAMap integration.
      • Arieus: what if there could be road signs on the Overworld map to point to major locations.

    Round the Room:

    • @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    • @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    • @Elgarion : new job might prohibit further attendance -- he'll likely be working Sundays from now on or very frequently. His schedule will no longer be a regular schedule for work, but its almost guaranteed that Sunday will be a work day since he's the new guy. Elgarion/Winfield are looking for a volunteer to be the third person to run the meetings and take the minutes -- message us if interested.
    • @Arieus : stepped in late, passed the torch ;)
    • @Brazen Spirituality : liked the meeting, enjoyed the brainstorming and flux of ideas being made available, likes the positive flow of ideas with little negativity
    • @Justyn04 :
    • @Ravalox : yay meeting
    • @LiquidBlaze :
    • @Merrik : yay meeting
    • @Grimace2 :
    • @Rada Torment : lurking! ;)
    • @Saladid :
    • @scroda :
    • @Rosemourne : 1am show time is hard for him, but enjoys the meetings when he can attend. Mentioned a training area in Shadow's Rest, to contact him if interested.
    • @skeggymedia : good meeting, has new videos about Sieges and the XP Pool
    • @Kron Caledon : just lurking ;)
    • @Saladid :
    • @Stryker Sparhawk :
    • @Lazarus Long : yay meeting! Happy Easter!
    • @Temujin2 : if you miss that caravan while leaving Highvale, its very difficult to get to Soltown via control points. Further discussion about the Moongates for new player travel took place. The periodic activation of Moongates can be confusing to new players. Ravalox, perhaps their could be quest/lore to explain why the moongates work for new players (residual energy from coming through the Rift for that player).
    • @Winfield: Loved the meeting, thanks!
    Berek, Grimace2 and Time Lord like this.
  10. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Thanks for the Top 5 again!
    Mykll, Elgarion and Time Lord like this.
  11. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Just a reminder to attendees of the meeting and @Winfield -- I'm terribly sorry, but my new job has me working almost all Sundays. I hope when Winfield is not present, another person will step up to facilitate the meeting and take minutes to post here. I look forward to reading them!
    Winfield and Time Lord like this.
  12. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Winfield and Elgarion like this.
  13. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    23 Apr 2017, Sunday 11 Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:
    PaxLair TS3 Server:​

    Main Topics:

    • New Attendees: @zeme – Started about 5 months ago, mined a ton of silver this week.

    • Top 5 Questions to be Presented During Berek's Weekly Livestream
      (More Listed So @Berek/@DarkStarr can pick 5):
      • New Player Questions:
        • How to obtain housing
        • How to build up money
        • How to unlock the deck is an ongoing question – there’s a general feeling that the players are not aware that they need to go to the trainers.
        • Players asking about what houses look like when considering bundles etc. ask what’s hometown? (also the organization of the grouping of the houses – expired vs currently available).
        • How to get to Soltown when they miss the caravan to Soltown from Highvale.
        • Confusion between Recipes and patterns in addition how do patterns work, do they get it back? Also are eternal patterns re-usable (impression is that Eternal patterns can be re-used forever)?
      • Veteran Player Questions:
        • Zeme – Stepped back to the game after a long break and Read through R38 instructions which say that there are 37 potions, but only 16 are listed. Cannot find info on the entire list of potions (even on the Wiki). Even the Discoverable items in the game should be documented someplace.
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Justyn – Suggestion to add the more popular New player questions (like the changes to the deck system that Veterans may not know about) to the Beginning of the Telethon and again/or during the community hour. (The new player experience has changed so much that it deservers its own segment during the Telethon – so event the veterans can hear what’s changed for the new players.)
      • Ravalox – Suggestion to add a scroll in new character inventory that allows a onetime recall to hometown. (See new player question). The scroll (when clicked) would display help text explaining what Hometown is and how the houses are organized on the island.
      • Saladid – New players coming into Discord to ask questions, many Hospitallers available, and sometimes finding that multiple of us are answering questions. The Meeting discussed and suggested asking the player asking the question(s) to move to a DM or another channel for a more focused conversation if multiple players are asking questions.
      • Justyn – Found a new player on Twitter who was looking for community interaction and showed them Discord.
      • Rada Torment – Noticed a surge in negativity in the forums in the last two weeks. Discussion ensued with suggestions to create a forum (section) for rants and such where those kinds of conversations could go on.
      • Brazen Spirituality - Observations that the new user experience needs more hand holding (should have more attention) and be less confusing; like the suggestion to change to the Love path (Bow) after answering the Oracle’s questions when creating a character and it’s not explained that a player can switch skills at any time.
      • Ravalox noted that the Quiver of arrows can be hard to find at solace Bridge since it has been placed on the Ballista on the left side of the bridge. (Thinks Edvard still gives the player a quiver as well though)
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • SotAbot: Added Streaming notifications in the player-streams channel. Software is being enhanced to add the ability to list registered streams, and subscribe to one or more streams allowing for a DM alert when your favorite channel goes online.
    Round the Room:

    · @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    · @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    · @Elgarion : (tagged for review)

    · @Brazen Spirituality : Looking forward to the next release.

    · @Justyn04 : Good Meeting lots worthwhile things discussed.

    · @Ravalox : First time hosting the meeting, hope I live up to half of @Elgarion’s abilities!

    · @Merrik : Great meeting as always Yay Tamers!

    · @Rada Torment : Great meeting like always. I have been bit busy this week helping with the localization (Spanish), translating some text and reading the forums. Nothing special to add about new players.

    · @Saladid: (attended)

    · @Rosemourne : Good meeting.

    · @skeggymedia : Good Meeting, has done a video on XP Pool:

    · @Saladid : Good Meeting.

    · @Lazarus Long : Happy to be here, Yay Meeting! Lots coming down the pipe

    · @Temujin2 : Good meeting like always, Wonders what a player cannot go the battle of solace Bridge if the player did not start there.

    · @Winfield: (tagged for review)

    · @EMPstrike: (attended)

    · @Kvow Triumvir: (attended)

    · @Schneider DragonFang: Great meeting, glad to be here.

    · @zeme: Telling people to go to the Soltown Catacombs because that’s where boys become men and everything will be better after!
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    Winfield, Berek, Acred and 3 others like this.
  14. Grimace2

    Grimace2 Avatar

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  15. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Minutes look fantastic @Ravalox Darkshire ! Thanks so much for stepping up -- wish I could be there :)
    Winfield, Time Lord, Acred and 2 others like this.
  16. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks! I'll do my best to make you guys proud!
    Winfield, Elgarion, Time Lord and 2 others like this.
  17. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Thanks for organizing the questions!
  18. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    I will try to make all the Sunday meetings. The past month has been hectic. The month of May should be better. I should be around this coming Sunday (Apr 30). Thanks Ravalox for the minutes! The show does indeed go on when we shape-shift into different roles/responsibilities over time. The goals of this Hospitaller meeting remains the same and supports the new players and Portalarium too. So let us continue and help each other out. Well done and thanks!
    Time Lord and Ravalox Darkshire like this.
  19. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    Consolidated New Player Questions - mentioned for Friday Portalarium streams
    These are consolidated here so we can see what was questioned before, and we can come up with new questions. Ideally, we also check off those questions asked in the Portalarium stream each week. Yet, some hot questions may be asked more than once in the weekly streams too, especially to benefit new viewers and players.

    9 April 2017
    • New Player Questions:
      • Justyn: How do I use the chat system? (/l /local is not common or intuitive)
      • Justyn, @Selene : How do I find and gather resources?
      • Many: Where do I hunt? Where is the best place to hunt?
      • Stryker: How often will there be free trials?
      • Stryker: Will quests be reset or is there an option to reset quests if I so choose?
      • Grimace: Now that we are persistent, is there anything that might still be rolled back? Do I risk leveling a skill to have it greatly changed later, making it less desirable for me?
      • Grimace: Is there incentive to stay within the same guild? Is there a penalty for guild hopping?
      • Temujin: How do the deck mechanics work? How do I unlock the deck?
      • Justyn: How do I manage/wisely choose my skills?
      • Brazen Spirituality: Why are new or young players forced to fight the xp pool (seems to always be in low/at zero) while playing in level appropriate areas? Can the XP Pool be better explained in-game? How to more efficiently kill creatures? When to upgrade the difficulty of the creatures? How can taking too many skills hinder my Pooled XP Growth?
      • @Bayard : How do I make money? How do I buy a house?
      • @Stella Moon: How does one play a musical instrument and where do I find sheet music?
      • @Winfield: How do I fish? Where do I go fishing? :p
    • Veteran Player Questions:
      • Stryker: I'm back after a long hiatus, what are the major changes? Are there any more wipes? What major changes are coming?
      • Elgarion: When are alliances coming our way? How will this mechanic be executed in regards to guild wars and chat?
    16 April 2017
    • New Player Questions:
      • Why is my XP pool keeps running out -- why is this? How do I properly maintain my xp?
      • I'm lost! How do I know where to go next? What kind of features are coming which will help me find my way? Where are the road signs?
      • I have so much stuff! How do I store all of this! What happens if I remake my character, will I lose my stuff?
      • What are the detriments and benefits to restarting a character as opposed to reallocating skills and xp?
      • Why am I pushed down the Love path as opposed to the other paths?
      • Is there a way to turn on or off my quest tracker or to turn off individual quests? If I cancel a quest, will I be able to pick up the quest later?
      • Can the tracker and other UI elements be moved?
    • Veteran Player Questions:
      • Will more UI customization features be coming our way, and if so, which ones? Can the UI eventually be mod'd by 3rd party mods? Are there any 3rd party mods yet?
    23 April 2017
    • New Player Questions:
      • How to obtain housing
      • How to build up money
      • How to unlock the deck is an ongoing question – there’s a general feeling that the players are not aware that they need to go to the trainers.
      • Players asking about what houses look like when considering bundles etc. ask what’s hometown? (also the organization of the grouping of the houses – expired vs currently available).
      • How to get to Soltown when they miss the caravan to Soltown from Highvale.
      • Confusion between Recipes and patterns in addition how do patterns work, do they get it back? Also are eternal patterns re-usable (impression is that Eternal patterns can be re-used forever)?
    • Veteran Player Questions:
      • Zeme – Stepped back to the game after a long break and Read through R38 instructions which say that there are 37 potions, but only 16 are listed. Cannot find info on the entire list of potions (even on the Wiki). Even the Discoverable items in the game should be documented someplace.
    30 April 2017
    • New Player Questions:
      • Where to train Utility and Free Attack mode continue to be a most asked question. Should all trainers be able to unlock these items for new players?
      • What is the easiest way new players can track the development of the game (like Friday live streams, Tuesday Tech Talks, Quarterly Update post, Player streams (such as NBNN))
      • Explain the differences between a house deed and property deed as well as Place anywhere and POT deed types.

    27 April 2017 - questions asked and answered during the live stream (thanks for researching Merrik Dragon!)
    1. is there a way to turn off the quest tracker or turn off a single quest -- not yet but that is something we will work on
    2. if i cancel a quest will i be able to pick it up later -- thats a good question... not yet but that is something we will work on later
    3. why does my xp pool keep running out, how do i maintain xp -- this is a complex question had to talk to Chris... (OMG this is to much to transcribe...)
    4. how do i unlock a deck -- (answer shortened to save my fingers) go to a skill trainer and get him to teach you how to unlock your deck you actualy have to do that for free attack and to unlock your utility bar as well
    5. can I view the house i want before buying the bundle (try before i buy) -- yes we have a place specificaly for that it's just off the coast of soltown and it's called HomeTown
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2017
  20. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    30 Apr 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:
    PaxLair TS3 Server:​

    Main Topics:

    • New Attendees:
      • No new attendees this meeting.

    • Top 5 Questions to be Presented During Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • Where to train Utility and Free Attack mode continue to be a most asked question. Should all trainers be able to unlock these items for new players?
        • What is the easiest way new players can track the development of the game (like Friday live streams, Tuesday Tech Talks, Quarterly Update post, Player streams (such as NBNN))
        • Winfield has listed the consolidated questions we have collected since we started
        • Explain the differences between a house deed and property deed as well as Place anywhere and POT deed types.

    • New Player Experiences:
      • Lately, most of the questions are being asked in Discord
      • Justyn - Suggestion of organizing tours of Hometown which would show off the housing and may promote add-on store purchases. :)

    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • Winfield - Text is difficult to read in some areas (such as the bold yellow in the recipe book)
      • Grimace - Can we create a “" or "patchnotes” URL that lists all of the patches with a historical list of links newest to oldest.
      • New players worry that when they speak to the Oracle the first time and are put on a path, that this is a permanent choice (or one that would be difficult to change); adding something in the Oracle verbiage to re-assure the player that they can change their style or focus in game easily would help in this. (Historically when making these choices in a Richard Gariott game, it has been a permanent class/role decision)
      • Include links to videos in the Player guide (google doc). **This will be extremely helpful when the question mark (help) prompt appears on the "Y" deck GUMP**.
      • @Jakub White - Would it be possible to add "sections" to Hometown's Sotamap to identify where the expired content is as opposed to current houses etc?
      • Ravalox - @DarkStarr - Consider adding the following:
        • A "guide" NPC standing at the entrance area near the Town Crier that will explain the layout of Hometown (current content vs expired, vs pledge etc) and give a mini quest (see next item)
        • Make Hometown into a one skull area by adding a Mini quest that brings the player to the far side of the island. (since Hometown is so close to Soltown this could be a quest with bonus XP) - See @Winfield or @Ravalox Darkshire for more info.

    Round the Room:
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
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