Feeback from a (former) loyal customer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Corv, Jul 24, 2018.

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  1. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    @SmokerKGB I would really appreciate it if people would leave out the politics. There is enough disagreement in these forums already without that.
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  2. Feeyo

    Feeyo Avatar

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    Aelasar’s Forest
    PS: The peformance on that gamelay video is pretty awesome :D
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  3. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    To not let people express their opinion and let them explain their critics, but instead voice them down, insulting them and rate them, judge them is what makes this community very suspicious to me.

    It's all about emotions and "fighting" each others opinion.
    And with these hardened fronts it's nearly impossible to get to compromises and solutions.

    The defenders of SotA without any critic to the game should try to find other ways to respond to criticers and people who express their opinion and feeling.
    And Moderation should cover and protected them instead closing threads and ban people.

    Only player i can remember who answers polite and with interest to understand someone who complains and criticises and tries to make constructive suggestions is @majoria70
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  4. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Oh but when I and 2 others came on in 2013 it was a UO type of game we were wishing for. So different people had their own ideas and dreams. I was actually a huge UO fan and less of an Ultima fan. My single player favorites were not ULtimas but Gothic, dark savant, and even might and magic series.

    I know we all have our reasons for being here and asking for things that matter to us individually which has ended up with what we have today. This dev team has had a huge amount to deal with making a game of this magnitude under so many circumstances. So we got Shroud of the Avatar instead. @DarkStarr thanks for your comments. I appreciated it very much. I know this young game has so much more to show us as we venture fourth to Victory.

    I ask as always for no more bare bones systems and that we focus on episode 1 to get these completed or in a complete state before moving on. Such as fishing, cooking, and agriculture. Especially fishing with many types of fish having weight and lengths for fishing contests and fish higher tier fish recipes and bait types and of course more coolness by I'll stop there.
  5. Jens_T

    Jens_T Avatar

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    Please stop putting words in my mouth.

    I am saying that with regards to the journal and quest engine the communication from the beginning was “we work on it and it will be fixed”
    Now, after them letting go ~50% of their staff, multiple unfavorable reviews, several long time supporters and big-time Spenders not being active in the board anymore, they publicly admit the journal and quest engine are not designed/fit for this game.
    If you go through the pre-release notes and plan the overhaul was scheduled for the time before Ep2.

    Quest fixing indeed is part of almost every release - but that doesn’t change the core issue which is a tricky design.

    I am asking not for more - I am pointing out that a “we’re sorry if you misunderstood our communication “ is not enough to instill trust in development.

    This is not related to them not working hard (they do) or rolling out fixes/polishes (they do). It’s related to admitting a core system was inadequate for years while in board statements everything was business as usual. How do I know that I can trust their promises to fix core systems now?

    We all agree that they’re probably short on funding and need constant inflows. I am deeply convinced that a “continue business as in he past five years - and we’re sorry if you misread us” is not going to fly anymore. There were 24k KS backers, numerous early supporters, seed investors for 600k and now we’re at an undisclosed player base of <10k
    Do you really believe this is going to fly without change?
    MrBlight, Xandra7, Pickley and 6 others like this.
  6. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    I have to strongly disagree with your statement.
    How is it possible for any one person to speak on behalf of a majority of people who played the game?

    People have different reasons for wanting to play this game.
    People have different reasons for leaving this game.
    People had/have different reasons to invest R/L money into this game. They also had a choice of whether to do so or not.

    People have different "wants" they would like from this game...
    • I don't "want" PVP.
    • I don't "want" fishing.
    I "want" social interaction/group challenges & better Quest Mechanics & more immersive Quest content.
    I don't "want" to be uber and play a 'Solo Game', avoiding Group challenges.

    These are MY "wants" (Things that would make me happy) but I certainly cannot say that I speak on behalf of the majority who played/play the game.
    No one person can!

    Just as the "Real World" is, creating New Britannia is a constantly changing & fluid evolution, which encompasses many hopes & dreams but also much uncertainty & unexpected events/realities.
    Some people have a "5 Year Plan" for their lives, but I have lived enough decades to know that what I would like it to be in 5 Years time & the reality of what is possible in that time are generally 2 different things.

    I have always respected @Lord British & his unbridled enthusiasm, imagination and his "vision/dream" for creating online Worlds....
    but in a lot of ways, LB is a dreamer, looking to create his own "wants"... an Online Utopia of "his vision/dream".

    Unfortunately, the realities of creating this "vision/dream" has not been viable in the once given time-frame.
    Such is Life!

    I have come to have a massive amount of respect for @DarkStarr.
    Although he no doubt shares the same "vision/dream" for this game, he projects a measured approach in dealing with the realities, of what is humanly possible to be achieved.
  7. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    Sugar and spice :>

    We are fighting to defend against those who wish to continuously slam the game when they are not contributing nor trying to seek out the answers in a more constructive way OTHER than posting in the forums with their heated and spiteful arguments.
  8. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    Next double xp, I have already decided to give it a go. I like smashing stuff, would love to group up ( but because I need every skill to 60-80 to even get damage and sustain up, its bit hard to be meaningful part of a group ), would also like pvp.

    About transparency, yes I like to read @Chris blog, its pretty quiet now thou, other devs and creators should start one also. One concrete example, the Mount stretch goal. Instead of just asking for 250k, would be great to get a break down on estimates. I don't have a house, nor I will get one because that means I have to grind even more, I would like to support the game thou, to get the mount, but I feel that particular strech goal and its pricing is pulled from the hat. I would like to have threads open, UNLESS there is personal attacks and clearly no use for that thread anymore. Even typing this, I feel like I have to triple proof read everything, to not get me a warning or something..
    Big brother cam would be great :)
    Sol Stormlin and Brugas like this.
  9. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    That wasn't putting words in your mouth. That was a question... a serious question.

    And this is not a trust issue. If you believe they really are working hard and constantly implementing changes, fixes, new content, then why is there a trust issue? Seems more like you don't like the response than a trust issue. It's true, plenty of people not only misinterpreted things but also viewed material from 3rd party sites as "facts" and wanted to use it for their beliefs and misinterpretations, or cherry-pick interviews as well. What's the trust factor here? As stated repeatedly, they are pretty transparent about what they're working and even said they're working on something you said needed to be working on.

    Again the post seems more like it's just focused on this and not liking the response than anything else of substance.

    ^^ Again... seems more like you're focused on his response and not liking it to your satisfaction.

    Also... just because everyone that backed it in 2013 isnt playing it in 2018 doesn't mean they've all run away or they hate the game or were chased off... I know it doesn't fit the "Negative Agenda League's" motto, but people actually like to play games, other games... no less. Sometimes they like to come back to games later after more stuff is implemented... like SotA for example. Plenty of games I still play off and on. Im sure others do as well. Doesn't mean we are dissatisfied, hate, and/or don't enjoy the games we aren't currently playing. Try thinking about it from another perspective.
  10. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    So, I'm guessing you want that $250K price tag to be broken down into exactly what all it is used for? What if it's a general idea of the costs it would take to create, design, test & troubleshoot, as well as pay the staff's salary for that time. What if you don't know exactly how long it will take. What if it only took $220K? Do you think they just pocket the extra $30K? What if it actually takes more than $250k to implement the way they want it? I can understand ballpark generalizations on their end because if they make any definite remarks there are those in the community that will use that to "lawyer" them and push their negativity threads.
  11. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    Heya @Stundorn , do you read any of the reddit/raw threads on this game? If so, you'd understand why and you'd understand that this is one of those kinds of people that always try and stir up trouble.
    main: https://www.reddit.com/r/shroudoftheavatar_raw/
    And those are pretty tame... read further back and check out other articles. But one thing you will notice is the same group of people, just like here. Have fun reading :D
    Duke Gréagóir likes this.
  12. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    Katu if you need a group to hang out with please get in touch with me in game (Sol Stormlin or Bella Bones). We also have a fight club where people learn about pvp at all levels.
  13. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    I know I can work for that money for about 2-3, maybe 4 years. With all the employer fees. So, considering average wage to 100k a year ( in my dreams) and fees of 100k on top of that(just for fun) You get 1 man year of development time, shared with designers, devs, project manager,with these hugely overly estimated numbers, for very primitive mounting system. No fighting just riding. Thats a lot. And it still leaves 50k for cakes and coffee. But, its derailing. This is another topic.. sorry
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  14. Derium

    Derium Avatar

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    bahaha, I thought the same thing while watching it
  15. Derium

    Derium Avatar

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    Side note; I'm impressed by two things here. One that Starr was awesome enough to allow this thread to continue. And two, that so far, it's 4 pages deep and has been pretty tame, considering it's two sides discussing with each other something each side is passionate about.

    So yeah, +1 to Starr and people on this thread.
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  16. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    I was going to make a long post, but then scrapped it.

    If you don't like the game, sell up and move on. Seriously. I'm not saying the naysayers are wrong, I'm just pointing out what is healthy. Obsessing over a failed relationship with a game developer is even worse than obsessing over a failed romantic relationship. You feel you have been wronged, and in some cases you are probably right. It is natural to express your feelings but at some point, for your own peace of mind, you have to stop and move on. If you hang around and keep saying damaging things about your ex that just makes you a ****. There are other fish in the sea. Sell up. Move on.
    Alley Oop, Vermine, Sir Frank and 8 others like this.
  17. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    So should we listen to your complaint about complaints? Unfortunately, those who think they fight tyrrany often just create new forms of it. Be careful my friend. I understand what you are trying to say, but usually people have good reasons for what they do and if we take the time to listen and understand we often end up in a better place.
  18. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    Well, if your lover is leaving with your money after breaking every important promises he made, I can understand the hard feeling... :D To some extent, in my country at least, it is even a law violation (and sometimes a legal offense) when the person simulates a relationship just in order to obtain financial favors. But there, we are going off topic. I just wanted to show that your comparison isn't necessary the best fit even if you may be right.

    That said, we are the ones to blame for our own disillusions, I guess. What were we expecting here ? A good selective multiplayer game with deep story driven quests ? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
  19. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Then i'm allways misunderstood, i do my arguments based on what i hear from friends and workmates who have played , but dont like anymore or say if this and that would be done, i try .
    I allways thought my concerns were constructive. Maybe i wasnt allways correct or 100%, but i'm just a human beeing also involved with emotions and i made the completely turn.
    I was a long time a pro SotA Poster and didnt understand critics or defended the game until some things opened my eyes.
    Until i was moderated and banned just because i wrote about caps and pvp balance and someone felt attacked and reported me. And then it began to turn around. Now as someone who is still willing to see the good, but also still adresses the bad IMHO i am called a troll, some one who only complains and want the game to shut down or whatever.
    Not true. A friend who brought me here, a KS Backer called me a SotA Fanboy for telling him, they softened the grind somehow with UT and the Obsidian potions of Guidance.
    You know. To those who are really , really disappointed it isnt balanced like UO i'm a Fanboy :)
    And in this Forum i'm a troll.
    Regarding the Grey Path i once walked, i'm really in the middle of things :D
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  20. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    I dont read this, i dont partake in this, i even haven't a reddit account.
    I'm to buy to read more Forums. I only partake in this Forum.
    Everything has causes. I already mentioned it's all about emotions, Investments and such.
    Dont feed Trolls. Ignoring , but easier said than sone, also to me, is the best thing you can do.
    Ignore and dont fight. There is no right or wrong in the world.
    You will allways have blue and red people and all colors in between. The one says go and do social work forget about money, just do the "right" thing to your neigbours , the Animals, Nature... And the Hedgefondmanager will state all he's doing is just right and the best for everybody ;)
    Who is wrong, who is right. There is no such thing.
    You cannot teach people or convince them in such matters.
    If i say or again come up with my points these arent adressed to other players or to ask for their opposite opinion , it's to Portalarium to reconsider, because they arent in the way successfull they want to be, they need to be and they expected to be.
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