[Poll] If there were substantial changes would you do it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Antrax Artek, Jun 24, 2019.


Would you do PVP if there were changes to make it meaningful, rewarding and less punitive for all?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. I already do it

  3. No

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  1. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Verified Poll result updated July 8 2019 07:40 AM CST
    (In order to be truthful, votes of users with less than 10 messages on forum are not counted in the verified result)

    Verified Voters: 170

    Yes: 82 Votes (48.23%)
    I already do it: 12 Votes (7.05%)
    No: 76 Votes (44.70%)

    If there were substantial changes to the pvp system, making it more accessible, balanced, rewarding, meaningful, fun and less punitive would you be interested in doing so?

    Expand your vote with a comment, explaining your motivations and giving suggestions on how the system can be improved and made more fun and appealing.

    PS: Please don't dwell on the details and adjectives used as suggestion (also because interpretations are very subjective), but instead feel free to expand your thoughts with a comment, the main question is "If there were substantial changes would you do it?".

    I beg you to refrain from any flaming and offtopic activities.

    A big thanks to @Oracle Watcher for keeping the thread clean and on topic.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
  2. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    I'd do it more if they made melees a bit more competitive. Magic shields, super speed, and super damage arty bows makes me bypass as not competitive going up against these types.
  3. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Added the adjective "balanced", feel free to cast your vote :)
  4. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Yea, I don't find PvP very meaningful... its just kind of pointless gameplay, and annoying to me. It has no bearing to anything in the game world and I don't see why I would want to do it. I also don't find it very balanced, unless I want to soup up my build and play in a way that I don't like. Whenever I'm in a PvP zone and a player finds me, I just run because I know I'm not going to be competitive.

    However, I don't find it very punitive as it is.... If you get looted, you pay the ransom. Its pretty simple and there are no real consequences, strictly speaking. I don't think making it less punitive than it is has a chance of making it more meaningful. So I find these two things separate issues, and am unsure how to vote in your poll.

    Note, that I have argued for a PvP option where you can request a non-fatal duel -- some type of sparring system where the duel stops before anyone gets killed and nothing is lost. Basically, because I believe it would encourage people to practice PvP with their friends and get their toes in the water. But I think with PvP with out in the wild, it makes sense that there's some type of risk vs. reward.
  5. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    I see what you mean and i agree, those in the main post are just suggestions but the core question is "If there were substantial changes would you do it?"
    The goal is to try to understand how much interest people have and whether it is worth dedicating to it.

    Edit @redfish : Moreover the punitive part is very subjective, for example for punitive i mean the fact that the risk vs rewards is not balanced at all, so attend the pvp areas is somehow punitive considering the subpar rates.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
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  6. Kardall

    Kardall Avatar

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    Well here's my position, and I am going to talk about it from Obsidian Trial stance, because I don't feel like losing the only gear I have in any other PvE state, as it would remove my ability to function in a PvE Environment.

    In Obsidian Trials, I can't survive. I get 1-3 Shot by anyone, even new players. I cannot heal myself enough to keep up with the incoming damage, and I can't do enough damage to the other person to survive. They will beat me through attrition of Focus.

    That being said, I enjoyed Obsidian Trials. I only wish there was a team based version of it. That way, I could go in with guild members and attempt to battle through a team fight, while healing and not doing damage.

    If I spent more time leveling combat skills I could probably do better, but I don't put in enough time leveling skills and getting experience as it is. That is why I stay away from PvP. Well, that and I can't win anything in the Seasonal Ladder LOLOL

    Anyway, as far as making it rewarding. The Obsidial Trial should have something more public than titles and emotes. Some kind of public status of who won. Maybe a hall of heroes.

    Perhaps, the statues that line the wall could be statue versions of the winners in the last hour. Something like that.
  7. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    I voted "yes", eventhough I could have also voted "I already do it", but since it's only sparring with friends or the occasional PvPer deeming our village of PvP noobs worth a visit, I think it doesn't really count.

    I would like to PvP more. In UO I enjoyed it greatly. Here, however, it is a frustrating experience more often than not. I do not mind losing, if I don't lose stuff that'll cost me countless hours of PvE and gathering (both activities I do not particularly enjoy) or real money to replace. What I do mind is being swatted like a fly. Fights that last mere seconds are not fun, and only rarely teach a valuable lesson. Losing a fight can give valuable insights and help you improve your skill choice, your decks, your gear, your approach... But only if the fight is not over before you even notice it started.

    So, what would make me PvP more is:
    • No loot or the ability to ensure items that one does not want to lose (No loot already partially available, yay)
    • More balance between different builds, and a less broad gap between skill and adventurer levels
    • Nice to have (no, actually, very nice to have from the point of view of a sandbox RPer): Game mechanics and tools for guild wars and PvP quests (set rules, set goals, be flagged only towards participants)
    eli, Boris Mondragon, Ancev and 2 others like this.
  8. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Not personally interested in pvp. I would probably actually go to the Obsidian Trials if there was a skill limit cap. I would actually have a chance to kill someone.
    eli, Mishikal and Cordelayne like this.
  9. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Yep, being one shotted basically makes PvP a non starter.

    Obsidian trials has a cap of 100, which discourages anyone under 100 in their skills. Who wants to play in a grossly mismatched fight? Or more than a couple times?

    And if the answer to that is "level in UT until you are competitive", well, you've just reduced the eventual competitors drastically. No one wants to have to be level 100 in any game before they can compete.

    Still, I might jump in if it were a quick button press to get queued. I'd play a few rounds until frustrated that I'm way outmatched, and probably not come back for a while. But I'll never approve from a game design perspective because "you don't get to play until you are lvl 100 in your skills" is pretty lame and bad for the game.

    Loot is annoying but there loot free towns, so if an RP event is there I'll come. I'll get frustrated by getting smoked and helping out zero, but I'll come.

    If a town governor could set all skills to a certain level, a lot of good stuff could happen.

    Then bigger parties and you'd have some serious battles.
    eli, Sentinel2, Jaesun and 4 others like this.
  10. Senash Kasigal

    Senash Kasigal Avatar

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    Yes and No.
    PvP allone in Open World: No.
    Tournaments: With some tweaks, maybe.
    GvG as part of a RP-Event: Yes, but not with the current system.

    My second PoT was a PvP PoT, but I changed it to PvE.
    Vladamir Begemot and Gorthyn like this.
  11. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    First thing we asked when obsidian trial came out was what again? Ah yeah, a way to tell other player that someone is in there waiting for opponents. Just that would have made it more attractive. Here a simple way to make this available: make the player says this in universe as he enter the trials "Hey! I'm in obsidian trial come join me!"

    Some pvp gear wouldnt hurt too, with a 50% resist to player so no one get instant kill. Or have it as an enchant or masterwork option with the new crafting skill.

    But yeah id do it if there was more incensive to pvp.
  12. amarious

    amarious Avatar

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    I already do it. I don't need a carrot on a stick, I've never liked factions, I just like the thrill of PvP, and being an opertunist..much better than any A.I. in any game.

    Edit: Actually..if there was some Capture the Flag kinda stuff in-game that would be rad..castle sieges...
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  13. Spungwa

    Spungwa Avatar

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    I would PvP if PvP was not just about kill count and was group PvP with goals and rewards for achieving those goals. With a game where single hit damage is so high compared to player HP I find solo PvP boring. At least in group you can die, wait your timer and rejoin your comrades. Also far greater builds become viable when you are theory crafting team builds than solo builds.

    You can win a war without winning every battle.
    You can win a war even if your losses are greater than you opponents.
    Get rewarded even if you are on the losing side. Can get more for winning, but reward players for there time, or in the end players that can't compete will stop and then players have no one to fight.

    I would be more likely to PvP in arena PvP (obsidian trails) if there was other modes than battle royale. If it had a queue system so you can do other things and just get teleported there when there is enough people. Archage had a great Arena PvP system.

    I used to PvP in Eve as there was meaning and strategy to terrorial war. Getting a staging area was usually costly. But even though the battle was lost kill wise, holding the field and getting that foothold for future battles made it a win. Not sure Shroud can ever have that type of PvP though.

    I also PvPed in archage. Mainly in the large scale multiple per day daily (timed for different time zones) NPC PvP event. Was a few, but main thing was your got rewarded for going. Not your fought that only 10 people turned up for your side and 80 people turned up for the other side.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  14. Gia2

    Gia2 Avatar

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    - Pvp points to be spent into PvP skills (passives or actives)
    - Sieges (with craftable siege machinery made by crafters and such)
    - Towers /Keeps claimable by guild with hourly bonuses % on money/craft success/ melee dmg/ magic dmg etc.
    - factions
    - inability to flee outside of maps if pvp tag is active
    - open, wide maps to play into
    - simpler CCs countdowns and cleance
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  15. Rixa Ultima

    Rixa Ultima Avatar

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    Sarà,melees are quite immune to magic in
    the meta pvp.this Just don't work,without hibrid decks.
  16. Gia2

    Gia2 Avatar

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    More than everything else: put a cap on the crit dmg in pvp.
    It's impossible to face (like many said before) dmg variances like now. You can get a 200 or a 1000 ( and get shotted). I'd put a cap like in daoc where crit dmg in pvp is :
    Dmg tot = Dmg base + Crit (1-99% of DMG base).
    So if you Crit you get dmg doubled. Not x3/x4..x5 and get shotted down.
    Imho ofc
  17. Gia2

    Gia2 Avatar

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    You guys have to understand pVP is a flywheel for the economy Even if you don't directly like it.. you should try to see how it could blend into the actual game.

    With craftable siege machinery/ repairable and upgradable walls and castles to protect your guild claim (and therefore the bonus you gettin by owning the castle) the demand of prime materials are always costant. Every play style feels connected to a major a bigger sense of faction/ guild/ Alliance. Try imagine this
  18. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    There are parts of the game that remind me of UO but the combat system isn't one of them.
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  19. Girlsname

    Girlsname Avatar

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    Factions would be cool;

    -Obsidian Order

    -Council of Might

    It could really tie into the whole siege warfare, and stimulate the economy, donations to fuel the war fronts, and maybe even have, “daily battles”

    — but in all seriousness, there needs to be a balance, and or skill cap.
  20. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    A balanced guild and faction PvP system is what is required. The current random, pointless and horribly unbalanced situation is never going to appeal beyond a narrow player base. It's another lost opportunity in this game due to weird design and policy decisions.
    Dhanas and Helvig Ingvildsdottir like this.
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