Community Talk about PVP - Opinions, Ideas and Suggestions (Poll inside)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Antrax Artek, Sep 17, 2018.


What i think about PVP? (3 Choices - Votes displayed publicly)

  1. I love it, i'm a full time pvp player and I think it needs love and incentives

  2. I don't like PVP but i think pvpers need space and incentives for their playstyle

  3. I like PVP and PVE, i do both and i think PVP needs some good incentives

  4. I love it, i'm a full time pvp player and i'm happy with the current state of PVP

  5. I like PVP and PVE, I would like to see collaboration between the two playstyles

  6. I like PVP and PVE, i do both and i'm happy with the current state of PVP

    0 vote(s)
  7. I don't like PVP and pvpers, i don't want others are rewarded for that

  8. As roleplayer i feel lack of emotions and immersion with the current PVP Protection system

  9. As roleplayer i'm happy to be protected all the time during my activities and rp sessions

  10. I would like the pvp to be removed from the game

  11. I would like the protection of the oracle to be removed from the game adding a Justice system

  12. I love it, i'm a full time pvper and i'm really disappointed for the low incentives of my playstyle

  13. I would like to see a Factions system that enables pvp among those who have chosen to join one

  14. I'd love to PVP but the cost for entry into PVP is too high

  15. I'd like to see PVP only releated gear and loots as reward for PVP

  16. I wish ransoms and the protection of the oracle to be removed from the game

  17. I would like the ransoms to be removed from the game

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Greetings SotA's Community

    Welcome to the "PVP Community Talk" Thread, the purpose of this discussion is to give a meeting point for the various ideas and opinions in favor and against the pvp playstyle understanding and explaining reasons and points of view.

    I often see some contrasts between the different playstyles, do not forget that the common goal should be to have a fun game in which to spend our time for all kinds of players, whatever their goals are.

    The proposed survey gives the possibility to choose up to 3 answers and votes are displayed publicly.
    Please feel free to expand your answers with a message in this thread.

    TOP Choices (Updated Daily):

    43.8% - I would like to see a Factions system that enables pvp among those who have chosen to join one
    33.3% - I like PVP and PVE, i do both and i think PVP needs some good incentives
    25.0% - I like PVP and PVE, I would like to see collaboration between the two playstyles

    Totale votes: 224

    Useful information:

    Looking at public stats, more than 200 different players (with active public stats) competed in a pvp fight in the last month.

    In Obsidian Trials players cannot lose any ransom or be robbed.

    Players are always able to pay a certain amount of gold and get their item back.

    Addons Store items are non-lootable in PVP.

    You can enter in PVP state talking to the Oracle or joining a PVP Party (30 seconds stun)

    Players with enabled protection cannot lose any items or be robbed by a PVP player.

    PVPer doesn't mean Player Killer, they just prefer competing against humans instead of AI enemies.

    @Chris , @DarkStarr , @Lord British I hope you have the pleasure to read and participate to our thread ;)
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2018
    Aeryk, Gaelis, smack and 6 others like this.
  2. Fruck

    Fruck Avatar

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    there is a redundant last item in the poll
    Obsidian Tempest and Flesh2 like this.
  3. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Yes thanks, problem solved :)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  4. Mugly Wumple

    Mugly Wumple Avatar

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    Space Coast
    I don't PvP because I suck, and no, practice won't make it better - it's a dexterity thing. That being said, I'll gladly offer myself for cannon fodder if the RP warrants it, so bring on the warring guilds.
    Boris Mondragon, Aeryk, Verit and 4 others like this.
  5. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    No option presented that matches my opinions...

    "I don't like PVP but i think pvpers need space and incentives for their playstyle" is the closest except I don't see why PvP players should be incentivised to play the game the way they want to.

    Sure, have PvP orientated rewards for PvP - stuff like XP for PvP kills, items / buffs that help in PvP as rewards etc but these should not have any impact on PvE or crafting gameplay. There should be nothing in the game that "forces" (or induces) people to PvP if they don't want to.

    Thus I think the PvE XP bonus should be removed from flagging and the story quests should NOT pass through PvP zones (yes I know there's a hard to find alternative - I used it myself but that's missing the point).

    Ultimately I think there is plenty room in the game for both playstyles and I would like PvPers to have a good game to play too - let's just keep it separate.
  6. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Some kind of team vs team castle defense thing would be very nice, the 1 on 1 stuff is what's holding pvp back for pvp casuals.
  7. Fruck

    Fruck Avatar

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    you added the faction option late hehe
    Bow Vale, 3devious and Flesh2 like this.
  8. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Of course, someone reminded me ;)
    Boris Mondragon likes this.
  9. Asbury Baker

    Asbury Baker Avatar

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    This poll misses the critical show stopper to PVP: "The cost for entry into PVP is too high."

    Unless you are one of ~10 great PVPers in the game, running around in PVP mode with decent gear will cost you 20K to 50K gold per hour. The Obsidian Trials was lip service to this issue, but does not fix the problem - too little, to hidden, no participation. Until a player "gets good," that player is out a ton of gold. PVP is a massive gold drain on all but the most skilled and highest level players. The retort to this? "Get Good!" The retort to that? "No, I'll keep that half million gold, thanks." This is the #1 reason why PVP is fundamentally underutilized, and is missed by the poll. It's probably too late to add it now, given how many have/will vote.
  10. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I've been saying this ever since I started being interested in this game Officially, for me, PvP zones should get level gating, PvP specific Balancing on skills, and PvP ressources. People who will say this promotes a "Forced PvP" feeling can just do their thing, but for me, the fact that some items can be gathered by a "Specialist" is something that everyone demands, but no one is ready to accept. The one way I've always found to sound the fairest would be to add a toekn/currency drop to mobs & ressources in PvP zones, which could then be traded for X & Y at a vendor only accepting this kind of currency. This Currency would be lost on death (maybe 50%) and if you would die from another player, that player would aquire said "Lost Currencies". This could be a way to make farming in PvP zones more interesting, and make PvP fights meaningful. ANYTHING aquired in this manner, be it the currency or the items traded would be tradeable, thus non-pvpers could purchase these items from the specialists, aka.PvPers.

    That is how ESO worked when I played it (Imperial City Expansion/Pack) and it was my favorite PvP : I would set out to PvE, with a PvP prepared deck, ready to fight back at any given time. If you reduce every single HP affecting skill by 30% or more, this could become a wonderful environnement for Casual and Hardcore PVPers, especially if zones are level gated.
  11. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Hoping that the votes are still many and taking into account that votes can be changed i added your suggestion.
    Thanks for your feedback ;)
  12. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    I don't care for arena pvp.

    Give me purpose that coincides with the story line somehow.

    There needs to be a pvp battle that can be won by groups or even a single rogue type that uses tactics and planning well.

    There needs to be that prize that controls something. That prize must have power associated with it that stirs the greed and desire within a person to want to gain it. It must be that thing that creates drama within a crowd so they will try to gain it when ever they can.

    A throne, machine, items of power. They can be looted from another player or stolen. They cannot be placed in a bank but a chest that can have its locks picked so it can be taken.

    If I get involved in PvP it must have purpose. The item gained should put the person gaining it in the history books (storyline) of Novia. In this way even RolePlayers might want to get in on the PvP action.

    It must have purpose!
  13. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    I don't like pvp. I'm not against others pvping as long as it doesn't interfere with my normal gameplay.
    My main point is that pvp should be rewarding but it should also never give you rewards for pve content. These should be completely separate.
    By all means have artifact drops in pvp zones that give you xxx against other players.
    What I don't like is feeling that I have to be pvp flagged to gain a benefit in my normal pve activity.
    If there was a pvp artifact / buff / item that increased yields when mining for example it would give an unfair advantage. People would feel forced to pvp even though they don't enjoy it just to be able to get the same things as everyone else.

    There should be a clear separation between the two and I think the obsidian trials is a huge step in the right direction. It rewards people who want to pvp with pvp related things.
    Widsith [MGT], eagell and Scanphor like this.
  14. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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    Aeryk, Greyfox, Widsith [MGT] and 2 others like this.
  15. Asbury Baker

    Asbury Baker Avatar

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    25 people already voted. We shall see. How about, "I do or would PVP, but the cost of entry is too high." If I can pick nits.
  16. Fruck

    Fruck Avatar

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    I feel the options are too many and somewhat overlapping and confusing, much like the PvP zones in this game hehe

    edit: and every time I refresh there is a new option... this poll is not very valid at this point really..
  17. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Too late, can't directly edit answers after a vote :(

    Added "I'd like to see PVP only releated gear and loots as reward for PVP".

    For this you can vote up to 3 answers, i tried to be clearly as possible adding suggested answers.
    Having more choices helps users to express themselves better.
    Boris Mondragon likes this.
  18. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    I'm not against player vs. player as defined above, but I am 100% against 'non-consensual" pvp - of any kind. If PvP is truly "players who prefer to compete against other players and not AI" as stipulated, than trying to bring in parties who are not interested who will simply serve as fodder shouldn't even be desirable. Again and again and again I see these suggestions from a very small % of PVP-inclined folks who want - simply put - to disrupt other people's play, and want to get special rewards/incentives for doing so.

    If you want to PvP, and this person over here wants to PvP - have at it, to your hearts content, may you enjoy your challenge and preferred playstyle. There is no reason whatsoever to force a player who is not interested to participate.
    If you want PvP-related rewards that can be earned from your endeavors - again, no problem whatsoever.

    Its when you start asking to have extra bonuses in PvE because you like PvP, that this breaks down for me. We already have an XP penalty for choosing not to flag, a fact which many PvErs tolerate through gritted teeth. We already have over a dozen scenes in the game that FORCE players into PvP - and the most direct path through the main storyline sends you straight to the wolves. (Yes, I know, much longer underground passages that most people at that point don't even know about). There's a whole adventure/pvp scene - with housing - for pvp play, a dungeon with your very own copies of farmable bosses for pvp play, the list goes on. All of these areas can be PvPed in by PvPers who wish to PvP all day long to their hearts content if their objective truly is "competing against other players rather than AI." I think for some PvPer that might even be true. For many, its about ruining someone's day, and I don't think that behavior should be encouraged or rewarded.

    I think the PvP system in this game is more than adequate if all you want is to "compete against other players." We have that, in every scene of the game, for anyone who chooses to participate in it. We even have scenes where you can try to get unwitting victims trying to do quest content that most people avoid because of griefing behavior, which is rampant despite the claim that PvPers want "challenge" and "fair fights."

    That being said, as mentioned, unless you are in the top % of PvPers, there is a high cost for entry that discourages anyone else from even dabbling. The proposed 'castle siege' content sounds promising, objective based PvP is sorely needed, as at the moment, the whole system feels a bit aimless and without purpose.

    The nature of our skill system makes this very challenging.

    I have no issues with players receiving rewards for engaging in objective based PvP. I'd be inclined to participate in such activities. I do object to players being rewarded for being jerks. Surely the gratification is reward enough. Otherwise why continue to do it?

    Many games address this by adding pvp areas with quests or daily objectives the sum result of which is some sort of PvP-related bonus, title, outfit, rank, pvp progression, etc. Yes, you'll go in and get killed a bit when you're starting out, until you learn a bit better and get to know the area or learn to hide. But you go in there willingly. At the moment, choosing to PvP, knowing you aren't necessarily levelled, geared, or have a good deck for it, almost inevitably just results in losing a whole bunch of cash for nothing gained. I will likely never PvP anywhere that ransom exists, because its just a waste of time/money. I've heard it said on these forums in the game of cat and mouse, it needs to be fun for the mouse as well as the cat. And nothing about our existing system is fun for the mouse. I'd be much more likely to give it a go, get killed a lot, if I was at least achieving something - or at the very least, not losing anything just for stepping foot in there.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  19. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    The goal is to cover the various opinions about PVP, the thread and the poll have not imminent expiration and users are allowed to change their vote.
    It would be less valid if some important choices were not in the poll ;)
    Gaelis and kaeshiva like this.
  20. Brian4

    Brian4 Avatar

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    It is personally hard for me to say anything. I have only participated in pvp in balanced/capped situations. I love everything about games. I like to overcome obstacles. Obsidian Trials have seemed to be a step in the right direction. We just lack the players. I really enjoy team pvp. Some of the most fun PVP battles I had were in Vanilla WOW. Anarchy Online in the earlier days was a lot of fun too. Nothing like 60-70 people on the clan side. and 60-70 on the omni side all fighting to get to the dragon for the rare drop of a backpack and rare I mean very rare like 2-3 a year maybe and I'm only guessing I have no hard facts. When some more incentives to participate in PVP i will most likely join in but for now I'm lurking in the background watching learning and plotting
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