The Black Sails Saga - Part II - Tenebris Harbor and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Jan 1, 2019.

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  1. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Snow, take this message to Captain Boris in Honor Hold."

    Boris, I must meet with you before you leave Honor Hold. This could be a very dangerous meeting so take all percaution. When Stu got back to Dragomir after the Healing Ritual he told me that you had left the Inn in New Heaven where you rested for the night and were on your way back to Dragomir following the note I had left for you at the Inn. He said that Alpha Fishsticks was with you and that you were stopping to rest for the night in Honor Hold. Please do not leave until I get there.

    Boris, Thank you for staying a little longer this morning.

    As you know I did not allow any one to change my fathers quarters on the Misti Sea. I wanted to keep that job for myself. Last evening after the antidote was given to you I decided that I would go through his belongings. The Misti Sea needed to be ready to sail into battle but as long as my fathers quarters were still as they were left when he was murdered I knew it would be so difficult to take a chance that she would not return from any battle.

    I sorted through all his belongings and placed them in my castle until I decided where they should be.
    As I was doing this I saw a piece of paper under the sofa at the foot of his bed. I leaned down to retrieve it and was shocked to see it was a note scribbled in blood.

    My father's blood!

    Boris, it was a note from my father as he lay dying. My father left a note that could be a clue to all three captains death! He used his own blood.. Oh, my goodness. He used his blood to say his last words!

    I have no time left to say this my daughter. I love you. Go to the special room on the Misti Sea. You will find a locked chest for which the necklace I gave you many years ago will open.

    "Boris, I know you are exhausted and must go to Razulah as soon as you can. Thank you for meeting with me before you see Razulah.
    My father told me years ago to keep this necklace always. He said my husband had given it to him before he died and that he was to give it to me. When he gave it to me I remember asking him what it was and why I should keep it. He told me that it was special and that someday I would know what it is and why it was special. "

    "I took the necklace from the box where it was kept to look at it again after these years of keeping it safe. It has always been such a facination because it is in the shape of a Dragon. All these years I thought he gave it to me because of our town we named Dragomir. "

    "I think this chest is a clue as to who murdered my father and the other captains. You can see and hear faint and strange sounds coming from within the chest. If you look at the floor behind the chest there also seems to be a reddish glow coming from inside the chest. "

    "Looking at this chest and this necklace this is what I think: the assassins were looking for the contents of this chest and for many years were unable to locate exactly where it was until a few weeks ago. They were not able to take the chest from the Misti Sea at that time. I think they plan on coming back for it. We must continue our preparations for another battle which seems to be coming here to Dragomir. It is your plan, I know, to go to Kahli as soon as you are well enough to go since you had found many Black Medallions when you had gone to Tenebris Harbor You took with you the Black Medallion you had found here after the captains's murder. It seems to be pointing to the Obsidians attempting to gather them all together in one place again. I believe this chest also is part of the Obsidian plan to gather back into their posesession. Why else would they have murdered in their attempt to locate this chest?"

    "Maybe Marak could fly the chest to Kahli and give it to Elgarion to hide until you can get there to open it. The chest is ready and well camafloged for however it is to be taken."

    "There is one more thing you need to know now.
    The sentinal spy has returned to Dragomir with the information that the obsidians are so angered by the battle in New Heaven that they will exact revenge on Dragomir within weeks."

    "Our Pirate Cove captains and the crews, Mac's army , Antrax's army and all other warriars that fought in the battle in New Heaven are making repairs and recoverring from wounds they recieved. Those solders who did not go to New Heaven are ready for the battle. Xee's airships are still surrounding the city in protection against the coming battle."

    "Snow, please take this message back to Razulah at once. "

    Razulah we are returning before nightfall and will go straight to the Dragon to receive the permanent Life Healing potion.
  2. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris saw the outline of Catherine appear at the entrance to Honor Hold. He had received the note from Catherine 4 hours before during his watch and let Alpha rest while he waited for her. At a short distance he noticed Catherine's companion stay near the gate and assumed the companion was keeping an eye on her.

    He greeted her and thanked her for the ceremony that kept him alive and the potion Razulah gave her. He listened to Catherine speak of the chest she found, the necklace with the dragon symbol and the sounds the chest emitted. It was a lot of information to process yet he know one thing for sure, it was time to get back to Dragomir, prepare the town for an impending obsidian attack and get to the bottom of this hidden chest and its contents.

    "Catherine, we must be careful on the way back to Dragomir. Both Alpha and I sensed someone following us here and I assume you felt the same on your trip here as well. Let me awaken Alpha so we can depart at sunrise and arrive at Dragomir before dusk."

    Boris watched her wait seated by the fireplace where they had spoken as he hurried up the stairs to Alpha's room and knocked on the door.

    "Brother, wake up, we must prepare to leave at sunrise, Catherine is downstairs waiting for us."

    He hurried downstairs and sat nest to Catherine. "Alpha will be downstairs momentarily and we have one hour before sunrise. Call your companion so we can eat before we depart".

    He noticed Catherine get up, open the door and wave to her companion to come in and join them. They must keep their eyes open.

  3. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Thank you for waiting for me here. This Inn will give us cover as I tell you all that has taken place just since last night.


    Boris, I whispered, we must take precaution as we speak .

    It is getting much cooler outside so lets go over by the fireplace to talk.


    Stu and I had a terrible feeling, a sense of forboding all the way here so he is waiting outside in case there is trouble that followed us.

    I brought with me the note my father wrote with his own blood.

    I also,brought the necklace my father had given to me. I always wondered why the dragon tail opened to reveal a knife. As I know now , however, the knife is really a key which will open the chest.


    We may want to open the chest and put the contents in another place. If we did that if anyone follows us or suspects we know something we will not have the contents in the chest where ever it is hidden. Also, if anyone does follow as the chest leaves Dragomir they get far enough away chasing after the chest that we could have more weeks time preparing and recuperating for the battle to come.

    We left the unopened chest in Dragomir.
    IronFist, Xee,Drya,Paulie Walnuts,Grefox,Monkeysmack, Violet Gree, Black Tortoise and Trinity as well as many others are standing guard over our ships with two extra guards at each ship.

    We must hurry for we must get the chest and contents to safety.

    Trinity assured me when she was asked to use her knowledge to make and administer of Life Healing magic that we needed to make sure that the amount given to you would last for no less than two weeks so that Razulah would have time to make the permanent potion.

    Razulah still needs to make the permanent one. He ran out of the reagents for more permanent potion when Marak needed it a few days ago. She assured me that the potion would last at least that long and that we would be able to return to Dragomir before the potion wore off.
    "Alpha will be downstairs momentarily and we have one hour before sunrise. Call your companion so we can eat before we depart".
    Boris said as he hurried back down the stairs"

    Stu, come in we will eat now and travel back to Dragomir Mori.
  4. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    They had a quick breakfast and headed out the Honor Hold gate as the sun rose. Boris asked Stu to lead the way so in single line they travelled, Stu, Catherine, Alpha and Boris at the back. Boris sensed eyes following the group yet knew the chance of an ambush during daylight was minimal. Only once did they feel threatened and it happened as they passed White Rock near Etceter. Onwards they pushed and the next stop was Etceter. Boris was very familiar with this city and they stopped at the inn next to the water for a quick rest and lunch. They were on time and he knew the rest of the road to Dragomir like the back of his hand. This area of Novia was the one he knew as home, it offered good trade, discreet and low key taverns where anything said or done was out of public view.

    They departed Etceter and followed the path through Xenos and onwards watching the sun lower as they boarded the ferry that would take them from the Twin Foothill area to Aerie. Boris felt nostalgic for the days where he lived both in Port Phoenix and Diamond Fields. It felt so bittersweet to see places where you left part of your life's dreams as if you were saying a final goodbye. He looked at the sea as the ferry neared Aerie and felt the voice from the Sea Goddess speak to him once more.

    "Son, enjoy and cherish every minute and every person life places near you for you know everything has a beginning and an end."

    He did not know how long this potion and ceremony would delay death. He would know more once he talked to Razulah back in Dragomir. There was an uneasiness about talking to Razulah. He knew something was wrong yet could not quite place what that something was. It was a sense of urgency to leave his affairs in order with all and especially with one that helped save him and whom he had acted much as an adolescent in his words and actions. Much had to be done and quickly from preparing Dragomir for a battle to settling affairs to with those he felt in debt with.

    Catherine tapped his shoulder as she felt him aloof while on the ferry. He had walked to the back of the ferry and for that hour had been oblivious to everything except for his conversation with the sea. From her he came and to her he would return one day.

    "Boris, what is wrong? I have been talking to you for a while and you seem lost as if in another world?"

    He turned quickly and smiled at her. This woman had given so much and gone through so many ordeals that he could not help but admire her.

    "My lady Catherine. I am fine. I apologize but was deep in conversation with the Sea Goddess. Lets prepare to dock and rush to see this mysterious chest and its content. I must also seek Razulah before the end of this night which soon approaches".

    He looked up at the moon and the rest of his group with a smile as the lights of Dragomir shone brilliantly ahead. Those lights lifted his spirits and renewed his endeavor to fight on. He looked at the sea as they entered Dragomir blowing a kiss to her while uttering the phrase he did every morning in the old lands and old language. "Maferefun Yemaya".

  5. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... on our way back from New Heaven to Dragomir Mori ...

    As it was foreseeable that the battle was won, Samael asked us to leave very quickly.
    "Why is that, Samael?", Dupre asked, "I won't leave the battle field, until I know all enemies are defeated."
    "I see. I just got a sense of ... can't explain it for now. We have to meet Kardan as soon as possible! There is something going on - something very bad ...", Samael answered.

    So we left immediately, while the last enemies were defeated ...

    I was tired and walked behind Samael and Dupre. The screams of the battle were ringing in my ears, I still smelled the blood that covered the streets and I wished for new clothes ... So many senseless murders.
    Suddenly I remembered Samael's words he said minutes before to Dupre. What did he mean? "Samael, what's about Kardan?"
    Samael turned to me briefly as he said, "I hope nothing, my friend, but something is on the move ... something sinister."
    "Do you think Kardan is in danger?", Dupre asked.
    "As long as he sits with our friend Zan and just exchanges stories with him, surely not ...", Samael smiled.
    He probably noticed my depression. "Michael, look over there." I raised my lowered head, which had been staring at my feet all the time, which had moved automatically.
    Before us, the first rays of sun rose through the trees. The colors and the warmth of the rays gave a beautiful, idyllic atmosphere. We stopped briefly to enjoy this moment.
    The beauty of the dawning day that taught us that all evil could not harm him because it was transient. A slight smile spread across my face. I nodded and took a deep breath.
    "It's beautiful, every day ..."
    "You should share this view with me next time in Resolute! The view in our mountains is fantastic," Dupre told us. We started moving again.
    My mood was getting better. "Do we want to go to Dragomir Mori first to see the others?"
    "I want to get to Tenebris Harbor as soon as possible," Samael said.
    Dupre and I looked at each other.
    "I'll accompany you, Samael," said Dupre.
    "And I will meet our friends in Dragomir Mori." So it happened that we separated after the arrival in Aerie ...

    ... Meanwhile in Dragomir Mori ...
    The sun was rising while Ariel, Fiona and Jude were sitting on the shore. "What's better than a rising sun?" Ariel asked.
    Fiona smiled. "Was not there a lot of men who said that no sunrise would ever exceed your beauty?"
    Ariel laughed loudly. "That was a long time ago, Fiona, I got older ..."
    "That's the sun too.", Jude replied and smiled at Ariel.
    "I think we all got older," Fiona said.
    "Only our bodies, in spirit we are as young as this sunrise ...", said Jude.
    "You old romantic with a young heart!", smiled Ariel.

    "What do you think, how are the others?", Fiona asked more seriously as the sunbeams gently embraced her.
    "Kardan will probably dig up the oldest stories of Novia with Zad.", Ariel laughed.
    "I meant ...", Fiona started. Ariel nodded. "I know, well, how are they going to be: they will have to clean the streets of New Heaven from a lot of stray body parts ..."
    Jude shook his head. "Your humor still enjoys the naked truth, Ariel, but unfortunately you'll be right, let's hope they'll be back in good health soon before the attack continues here ..."
    Everyone nodded and remained silent for the next few minutes while remembering their friends ...

    ... Meanwhile in Tenebris Harbor ...
    Kardan was excited. He got interesting informatiom from his friend!
    Zan told him about a man who could provide more information about all those black medallions and those Ebon Dawn Necromancer and Cabbalists.
    There was rumor about rising dark energy in a far town in the hidden Vale. Kardan wanted to take the next boat from Brittany. So he left Tenebris Harbor before the sun was rising ...

    [to be continued]
  6. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur

    We were approaching Dragomir Mori just as the sun began to set. The pink and orange color of the sky is brilliant and electrifying.

    The closer we get the stronger the feeling the sense of foreboding gets. We had been discussing how to go about hiding the chest so that we could safely open it but as we became closer to the city we stopped our discussion in order to carefully listen to all the surrounding area.

    We continued in silence.

    Stu. Alpha and I stopped in our tracks because in front of us a distance away was a large shadow figure.

    Boris exclaimed DOWN!.
  7. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Shhhh! Boris warned. Do not make a move, do not say a word!"
    We remained so quiet that we almost forgot to breathe even.

    The shadow moved away into the cover of the trees a distance from Dragomir.

    We stood up and began to run as if we were a gazelle running after a prey. Not one word was spoken as we ran toward Dragomir.

    We soon entered and felt a great relief. We know for sure now that time is growing short before there is an attack on Dragomir Mori.

    Stu and Alpha go directly to contact Monkeysmack, IronFist and Greyfox to go to the Dragon and make sure it is secure. Boris and I will be there shortly with our treasure. Stu and Alpha come back to the Misti Sea to guard us as we go to the hiding place of the chest which holds the objects for which my father had been murdered.

    With a slight hesitation we reached the door. Boris opened it and there on the floor behind the door was a locked chest.

    Here Boris, take this key and unlock the chest. My hands are trembling so much that I will not be able to open it.
    Boris and I entered the room. He unlocked the chest as we knelt down to view the contents.
    Tears flowed from my eyes as I looked at the objects for which my father had died.


    Boris, I can see a Black Medallion but what is the other object?
    Boris, what do you think this could be? This other one is really strange looking. What could it be?

    He looked up at me and said "quickly, close the chest. We must take this chest with the contents from here and hide it on the Dragon right now. Go ask Stu and Alpha to come and go with us as we take this to the Dragon. We will look at the objects when the chest is secure. Lets leave another chest that looks like this one here just in case there are spies watching us."

    I ran to the deck where Stu and Alpha were waiting. "Stu and Alpha, we must take this chest to the Dragon at once."
    I am so glad there are so few people out at this time of evening. Most of Dragomir residents are inside preparing for their evening meal. We will be able to get the chest in a safe place and see if we can figure out what the objects are.

    We left the objects safely hidden and concentrated on another pressing matter. Boris needed the permanent dose of the Healing Potion for it would not be too many days before the temporary dose would wear off.

    "I will go see if Razulah has been able to find the black garlic yet needed to make the permanent Healing Potion. Rest here for I know your body is so very tired after these long days."
  8. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Later that day !!!!!!

    Catherine was right and Boris was exhausted. The ritual and anti-venom potion had neutralized the poison yet there was still enough in his bloodstream to make him feel sluggish and tire easily. He had to find a permanent cure from it as the danger from future obsidian attack still hung in the air. As he entered the Pirate's Cove area he ran into @Arkah EMPstrike who greeted him warmly and offered an ale.

    "Brother, tis good to see you made it out alive from that battle though I heard you were poisoned. Everything seems fine here with preparations but Razulah is a bit of a pain pushing everyone to their limits. You may want to have a talk with him"

    Boris smiled at Arkah. "Brother, tis good to see you alive as well. I will have a talk with Razulah and as a matter of fact will do that now. I have much to discuss with him".

    Razulah was standing in the middle of the ship and overheard the conversation. He met him and laughed briefly. Both men clasped hands, there was much to talk about yet Boris almost lost his step as both men climbed to the top deck of the "Dragon". Marak laid there and grunted as he saw Boris. Boris looked at Razulah with a surprised look and he approached Marak and rubbed his head".

    "What is wrong with him Razulah. he does not seem himself".

    "Captain, he has been in a stupor the last few days since we heard the news about you being poisoned. I cannot see nor feel anything physically wrong with him yet there is something you must know. When we arrived back in the old lands I had s brief moment to speak to your mother and she gave me this note. She said to give it to you if you were ever close to death so I must do it now."

    Boris looked at the notes and motioned for Razulah to follow him into his office. He read aloud so that Razulah would also know the contents.

    "My dear son Boris. I am sure you must wonder why Marak follows you everywhere he can, there is a reason for this and it goes back to your birth. That night as I gave birth to you we were attacked by Obsidians, as I promised the Sea Goddess I would defend our small settlement and changed from human to dragonform. The battle ended quickly in our favor as the Obsidians withdrew yet I was not aware I was carrying more than one child and as I landed I gave birth again while in dragonform. That blue dragon who follows you is your brother who could not be born a human due to the circumstances. When you left the old lands on that small ship and it broke apart in the vortex it was your brother Marak who picked you up and took you to that Pax Lair shore. Had it not been for him you would have perished in the vortex. Take good care of him as he will of you for your futures are tied together in blood. When you are in imminent danger he will know it and reach out to you. He cannot harm others of your kind yet will try to aid you in any way possible. I will always love you and hope to see you again in the old lands when the planets align properly and the Vortex appears. Alana."

    Boris was pale after reading that note and rushed to see Marak again. He spoke to him as he held his head in his arms then looked at Razulah.

    "Is he poisoned or in peril?"

    Razulah nodded to him.

    "If he is poisoned it is of the spiritual kind, There is enough for one more potion left and this you must know. That anti venom is good for 14 says in the old lands which is much longer here but I only have one black garlic left and have not seen any in this world. Let me save that one for you."

    'Razulah, you give Marak the anti venom and one remaining garlic. Let him fly and see if he can find more. I am sure he will lead you to it. I will take my chances with the dose you gave me and hope for the best. And Razulah that is an order and I want to see you administer it to him now. Let him fly and see if he can find more. I am sure he will lead you to it."

    Boris and Razulah heard the drums sound as the crew gathered downstairs to welcome their Captain back. This brought a smile to his face as the words echoed yet again.

    "One Ship, One Path, One Truth"

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
  9. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    That night Boris spent time with his crew and felt the need to be with them as if they were out at sea. How he yearned to feel the waves crash against his ship yet reality set in, it would be quite some time before the "Dragon" would be seaworthy. This frustration had brought out a dark side that he wanted to keep deep within and in check. He had lost his military bearing and acted like a walking shipwreck instead of a ship captain with a need to set an example. All night he sat on the top deck of the drydocked ship searching for the way to correct his ways.

    He walked to the shore to seek council from the Sea Goddess and as the fog cleared towards dawn he heard her whisper. "Your impulses have kept you alive and caused many to follow you to the depths of hell yet there is much to learn. I trust in your judgment and hope this experience has taught you a valuable lesson without loss of life". He looked at the sea again and noticed the translucent figure fade into the fog.

    He walked towards the dock in the direction of the town crier for news and saw her standing there. It was time to make amends and he approached her.

    "Captain Trinity may I have a word with you here."

    The woman turned to face him wondering what he would say and Boris put his hands out in a signal of peace. He then used the same symbolism she used with him placing one hand over a closed fist as a signal of respect. He then followed by placing his hat at her feet.

    "First of all I want to thank you for your help in keeping me alive back in New Heaven. I also want to assure you there will be no more unwelcome advances towards you. It was unprofessional and unnecessary. Ye has earned my respect as a fellow sea captain regardless of your gender. I hope ye accepts my apology and good will in the future".

    Boris extended his hand as the sun rose over the horizon.

  10. Lily Byrd

    Lily Byrd Avatar

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    Friday March 13th 558 PC Winter Jade Valley Elysium

    The wind was rising as sunny streaks crept across Moon Mountain to the east and then slid over the smooth polished wood on the deck of Violet's ship, The SeaByrd. Violet frowned then looked around at the home she had made on this ship and sighed contentedly. She sipped her tea with a sigh. Learning the last Captain's name had taken a great deal of time but in the end there was a sailor in a port...

    ... and after a good chat-up in the local pub that sailor finally got to talking about the ship Violet was now sailing. The ship now dedicated The SeaByrd had had a long past and thought the sailor wouldn't talk about any of it, he remembered the last captain. Captain Scallywag. NOT a kind person but fair, he said nodding so vigorously that he was in danger of landing on the floor. The sailor thought the Captain might be up in Tortuga. Violet thought it worth the effort to go see that captain. Maybe they would know why there was a black medallion firmly attached to the floor of her ship. There was always trade along the way, too, of course.

    It took months. Several times the weather took the SeaByrd for a ride but eventually Violet's crew made it up to Tortuga from Jade Valley. After scouring the town, in the end Violet found the Captain as she knew she would. Captain Scallywag had a hat shop on the beach. Violet found her sitting outside the front door on a bench enjoying the afternoon sun. The captains nodded to each other and began an interesting conversation about the ship Violet was captain of now.

    Scallywag was surprised to hear the ship had a new name but she approved. Said "she needs a new start that old girl. A new captain and a new name ought to clean the old out". When Violet told Scallywag that she had married Neil Green and Neil had bought the ship as a wedding gift for Violet she smiled and nodded but then she got real quiet as Violet told of the loss of her husband and crew at sea. After that Violet could not draw her out again for several hours. They fished in silence and drank the rum that Violet had produced when Scallywag went quiet. This was not a new game to Captain Green. Scallywag was exceptionally talkative when in her cups and Violet did learn a thing or two.

    It turned out that ol Scallywag was an Obsidian sympathizer. Though when Violet asked about the black medallion on her ship then Scallywag paled and would not talk at all anymore. Eventually she passed out on the bench in front of the shop sitting just as Violet had found her early in the day. Violet made her unsteady way back to the pier and rowed out to her ship.

    After a heavy sleep-in and a groggy waking in the morning, Violet dragged her butt out of her warm bed. Too much rum always did that to Violet, She got up and headed back to Scallywag's shop to see what else she could learn from the old captain. But to her shock the captain was gone and so was the shop. Seemingly, overnight Captain Scallywag had packed up and left Tortuga. No one in the town seemed to even remember her being there. Violet was sure Scallywag knew something and she vanished because of it. Violet guessed it wasn't something pleasant, either. The kind of magic that can vanish an entire shop was definitely Obsidian. Definitely. Violet knew she had to get back to help Catherine Rose. Something was coming, and it wasn't going to be a picnic...

    ...and the story was starting to fill in for Violet who was now back here in Jade Valley restocking before sailing to Dragonmir Mori to tell Catherine Rose in person. She was now sure an Obsidian magic black medallion was lying quietly near the hatch to the lower decks near the cannons on the SeaByrd. And she was CERTAIN that was not a good thing. Her mail had caught up with Violet again here in Jade Valley and she read the scroll with Catherine Rose's request to attend the council of war, or whatever she was calling it, only a few weeks in the future. Violet was going to have to get her ship loaded and ready to go within a few days in order to arrive in time with her question:

    does anyone yet know what the medallions do?

    Until then Violet's crew was keeping a guard near the medallion to keep watch. Occasionally it glowed runes with even a darker shade of black but no one on ship could read them and nothing else had been reported.

    Violet put down her empty tea cup and climbed down to the main deck, "alright crew what are we waiting for? We have a tide to catch and a cargo to load and strap down. Hop to it"
  11. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    Wodnesdai Apru 11, Sprengh 558 PC Sunrise:

    Trinity bent down, picked up the Captain's hat and held it in front of her.

    "Captain Boris, my initial actions toward you on The Misti Sea were not an ideal introduction"
    "I apologize for my rash actions."

    "The Tai Chi Wushu (Tai Chi bow in New Heaven) was not given to you lightly."
    "I consider you my Commander, you have my unquestioned respect and loyalty."

    Trinity handed Captain Boris his hat and bowed respectfully to Boris.

    "As the sun rises, today is the first day of a new beginning for each of us."
    "One Ship, One Path, One Truth"​
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
  12. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    One week later:

    Wodnesdai Apru 18, Sprengh 558 PC Early Morning:

    The night is calm, the wind is still there is a light rain falling.
    The moon is in the third quarter.
    Trinity has retired to her stateroom and is asleep.

    A strange ghostlike form nears the sleeping captain and speaks softly.

    “Sis, wake up”
    Then louder…
    “SIS, WAKE UP!, You are in danger!"
    "WAKE UP!”

    Fully awake, Trinity springs to the floor and in one move grabs a wand in one hand and her sword in the other. As she stands there in attack mode, she realizes the voice was the spirit voice of her murdered brother Zane. Many times in the past, Zane had spoken to her in this form to warn her of danger or give alerts of important information.

    As the ghostly form faded, Trinity heard a ruckus on the deck.

    She sprang to the door and out on to the deck where she saw Koa in a fierce sword fight with a figure in a dark robe. She ran toward the conflict shouting the words. “IGNIS-ASEN and a fire arrow from the wand stunned the attacker then the sword in her other hand ended the conflict as the attacker lay dismembered on the deck.

    “Koa, are there any other attackers onboard?”

    Koa assured her this was the only one. While on his watch, Koa saw three people in a long boat rowing toward the Central Bridge in Dragomir. Two of them stayed near their boat but this one came on board The Tempest and when I stopped him he drew his weapon and attacked.
    After you singed his ass with the fire arrow, those two started rowing quickly out of the harbor and are nearly out of sight now.

    Trinity shouts for the quartermaster, Peg.

    “Peg, assemble the crew. We must set sail immediately.”

    Trinity climbed to the crow’s nest and used her spyglass to watch the long boat as it continued out into the sea. Peg and the crew were ready to sail and The Tempest began slowly moving from the cove into the open sea. Trinity was yelling course directions from the crow’s nest toward the long boat and toward the stern of the obsidian ship in the distance. The obsidian ship was weighing anchor and setting sails to quickly leave.

    “Peg, ready the cannons and prepare to fire!”

    The Tempest is a ship designed to allow for maximum speed.
    Few ships stand a chance to out run her in open sea.
    What The Tempest lacks in cannons and manpower is made up with speed, crew discipline and maneuverability.

    As The Tempest gains on the obsidian ship, Trinity climbs from the crow’s nest to take the helm and order’s Peg to go below and man the cannons.

    “The wretched low-life on that ship will soon be in Davy's Locker.”

    Trinity swings The Tempest broadside and yells:

    “FIRE ! . . . FIRE ! . . . FIRE ! . . .”

    With that command, Peg and crew fire four cannon volleys three times in 5 minutes.
    The obsidian ship lurched from the explosion of cannon hits.
    The obsidian ship was dead in the water.

    “Peg, prepare to board the enemy ship."
    "Give quarter to only two"
    "Dead men tell no tales.”

    “Spare only one crewman and the Obsidian Captain!”

    Trinity brought The Tempest alongside the obsidian ship. A grappling hooks and ropes were thrown into the obsidian rigging and the ship brought closer. The Tempest crew boarded the obsidian ship and quickly introduced the obsidians crew to their deity. Only the obsidian captain and one crew member was left alive.

    “Peg come aboard The Tempest and take the helm”

    Trinity boarded the obsidian ship and approached the two remaining obsidians bound and kneeing on the deck.

    “Release the ropes from the captain.”

    Koa, cut the ropes from the captain’s wrists and stood the captain to his feet.
    Trinity spoke directly to the obsidian crew member.

    “I want you to remember this day”
    “I am going to set you adrift in a long boat and I want you to return to your leaders with this message”

    “We know your plans.”
    “Dragomir is ready for your return.”
    ”We will annihilate your soldiers.”
    “Go back and tell your leaders they will suffer the same fate as this captain”

    Trinity turns to the obsidian captain.

    “Years ago, an obsidian attacked and murdered my brother, Zane”
    “He and I were no threat to Obsidians but he was murdered and his head was cut off.”
    “From that day forward, I have trained to avenge my brother’s death”

    “Today is the day that you, SIR CAPTAIN become part of my quest”

    With one swift lunge and spinning swing, the captain’s head fell to the ground.
    His body collapsed to the deck and blood continued to pump from the gaping wound.
    The remaining obsidian crew member turned pale from what he just witnessed.

    Trinity turned back to the obsidian and said:
    "My name is Trinity"
    "Tell your leaders I want their heads."
    "Come and get me"

    "Lock the captains head to the chains around the waist of this obsidian scum and set him adrift.”
    “The captain’s remains will go down with his ship when we scuttle it”

    Back on The Tempest, the crew released the ropes from the obsidian ship and pushed it away.
    Peg prepares the cannons.
    Trinity shouts.



    Cannon holes at the water line of the obsidian ship caused it to quickly begin to sink.


    “Not a victory"
    "The shroud of the Dark Side is only wounded."
    "Begun, the Port Dragomir War has.”
  13. Peg

    Peg Avatar

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    Me given name is Jean-Pierre Avery.

    I am the quartermaster of the Tempest under Captain Trinity.
    After the encounter with the obsidian ship, I need a drink.
    The tavern at the Dragon was calling me name. While there me had way too much rum. There were a few others in the tavern this evening and someone asked how me got my nickname. Me tongue was loose from all the rum and the results are below:

    Everyone calls me Peg, a nickname earned from and encounter with Trinity that went wrong. Today, I have the highest respect of Captain Trinity she has bigger balls than any pirate I have encountered.

    Trinity gave me the name Peg.

    Captain Trinity's favorite drink, is Bumbo.
    (Bumbo is a mixture of dark rum, water, sugar and cinnamon.)

    The only place in Jamaica with Bumbo was The Black Dogg Tavern in Port Royal, Jamaica. When in Port Royal, Captain Trinity would often go there for Bumbo.
    She always sat at her private table in the back corner of the tavern.

    This night I was in The Black Dogg Tavern, .
    As usual, I love rum and had a wee bit too much rum.
    The rum made me a little amorous.

    The rum was much in control of my actions and decisions.

    Tonight was the night I was introduced to the red haired she devil called Trinity.

    Captain Trinity loves to wear fancy dresses while out for the evening.
    This evening she wore a beautiful aether blue dress with all that lace all around the edges. Her voluptuous breasts were barely contained beneath the neckline of her blue gown. She was a provocative morsel just waiting for a hungry sailor to devour.

    A sailor, not fully in-control of his restraints was the perfect storm blowing into the Black Dogg.

    That sailor be me, Jean-Pierre Avery.

    As luck would have it, I notice the beautiful red-head wench in the corner of the tavern.
    The spirits in my belly controlled by judgement and I approached the beautiful wench.
    With my most charming yellow-tooth smile I said:

    "Aye, what a fine wench me has the fortune to meet."
    “Me wants to introduce you to MobyDick and the Twins”
    “MobyDick would like to get into those panties ye are wearin”

    Trinity replied, “I’m not wearing panties, but I have everything I need under this dress”

    "If MobyDick is wise he go away before he gets introduced to what I have under my dress"
    "Please, I do not wish any ill will to you just let me enjoy my drink in peace"

    I said: "Me will give ye something to enjoy alright" and I reached for Moby in me trousers.
    In my drunken state, I pulled Moby out for an introduction to the wench.
    Before I even knew I was bleeding, she drew her sword from under her dress and MobyDick lay on the floor at my feet.

    She said:
    "Hello, MobyDick, I am Captain Trinity, you will fit nicely into a jar at the foot of my bed”
    Then she looked up at me and said:
    "Looks like MobyDick just picked a new name for you."
    "It is a pleasure to meet you Peg."

    With her sword still drawn she tapped me on both shoulders and said
    "I dub thee Peg"
    She giggled and looked at my bleeding trousers and said:
    "You should put something on that before you bleed to death"

    She picked up MobyDick, dropped him into her rum tankard and left the tavern.
    As she promised, she put him into the jar and still keeps it at the foot of her bed.

    You may be wondering if that happened, how did I become the quartermaster of Captain Trinity's ship the Tempest. After that event, I sobered up rather quickly and I got things sewed up. (so to speak)
    Wanting revenge for the damage done, I found the Tempest and was planning to kill that red-haired wench in her sleep.

    Things didn’t work as planned and the next night I found myself face down on the deck of the Tempest with Captain Trinity's sword about to remove my head from my shoulders.

    I begged for mercy.
    “Please don’t kill me, I was drunk and stupid. Please have mercy on Peg, your servant”.
    To my surprise, she allowed me to live.
    Captain Trinity told me to get up and invited me to talk over a keg of rum.
    During the next 4 hours we drank and talked and she told me of her mission and her adventures on the Tempest.
    I told her of my life and failures as a sailor and a person.
    I also told her for sparing my life I was her servant for ever.

    Captain Trinity said:
    “Nonsense, your manhood was never in your trousers.”
    “You will never again beg for your life."
    " I will teach you to live with a mission and die like a man”

    I reluctantly agreed but it became the best decision of my life. Captain Trinity trained me to use a sword as a skilled fighter. She became my mentor and still teaches me every day. I was offered the position of quartermaster which I accepted. Now I am a leader of men with a mission and part of the Tempest. I and the crew are highly skilled and efficient. The attack on the obsidian ship shows the skill of the crew and captain of the Tempest.

    Today, I am more of a man than ever in my life.

    Now that I have sobered enough to walk, I must return to the Tempest.
    I think Captain Trinity may not be happy that I shared my story but...

    I AM Peg!
    (and not embarrassed by it)

    Maybe my blabbering did not side-track the sage too much.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  14. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meanwhile in Tenebris Harbor ...

    Samael and Dupre knocked on the same door Kardan had slipped out of a while ago.

    After a while, a familiar voice called, "Who's there?"
    Samael answered with a smile, "It's me, old friend, Samael from Brookside!"
    "Samael?" came the questioning voice as the door opened as quickly as possible.
    "And Dupre from Resolute," added Samael, while Dupre gave the Courage Salute.
    "Samael, Dupre, come in!", Zan replied and quickly closed the door behind them.

    He led them - as previously Kardan - in the comforting room and prepared a tea immediately.
    "Please take a seat, the tea is ready soon."
    "Where's Kardan?", Dupre asked abruptly.
    Zan turned around as he scratched his head and put two tea cups on the table.
    "Well, friends, I suppose I don't know - exactly...", Zan said, shaking his head, taking a cup for himself and sitting down opposite them.

    Samael looked questioningly. "Was not he with you? He would have to be long".
    "Yes, yes!", Zan interrupted quickly with his hands raised to calm Samael.
    "But?" Dupre asked, taking a sip of tea.
    "Well, we ate, drank, talked, talked a lot, you know Kardan, he asked about these Medallions ..."
    "Could you say something about, Zan?" Dupre asked.
    Zan nodded slowly and recounted the story of the time, when he was still an adventurous sailor and saw the day slaughtering the Obsidians and putting an end to their horrible activities.

    "That's very interesting, Zan. It explains the attack, especially to captains involved in it ...", Samuel stated.
    "But it does not explain why Kardan disappeared so abruptly - and, most importantly, where?" Dupre added.
    Zan took a deep breath. "I suspect bad, friends!"
    "Say it please, Zan!" Samael demanded and Dupre sat bolt upright.

    Zan nodded, explaining his thoughts.
    "I told him that if anyone knows what's happening right now, only one from Kingsport is eligible!"
    "Kingsport?", Dupre asked in surprise.
    "Yes, one of the most important trading venues in Hidden Vale and," Zan began.
    "Place for dark business of even darker figures, formerly the Red Sash bandits ...", Samael continued.
    "Or so ..." Zan said, grimacing.
    "So Kardan just left to reach Kingsport?", Dupre asked.
    "I suppose, because when I wanted to drink some water an hour ago, he was not here anymore, he left."
    With the last words Zan took a note from his pocket.

    "Dear friend, it was a pleasure to talk to you, we'll have to repeat that as soon as I'm back.
    It's good to travel again for a reason, so please send Ariel a message to Dragomir Mori that I'm on the way for more answers ...
    We'll find out who's behind these murders!"

    "Well, he didn't tell, what way he'll go...", Samael said, "He could go to Jaanaford, through the Nightshade Pass, and from there to Brittany."
    "Wouldn't it be much easier to take the South Broken Road to the north and then the Lunar Rift in Highvale?", Dupre replied.
    "Of course, Dupre! You're right!", Samael said, "Let's go on to Highvale!"
    "Thank you, Zan for your help! And please send Ariel a note!", Dupre said.
    "Not this fast, friends! I have to provide you a very important thing, before you leave, beside the package with some food."
    "What is it?", Samael asked.
    Zan smiled. "The same, what I told Kardan. The name of the man he shall ask in Kingsport about rumors, telling him my name, of course ..."
    "Who is it?", Dupre asked.
    "His name is Harry. You should find him at the docks, always there to bargain with Outlanders - well - special stuff ..."

    So it came, at dawn, Samael and Dupre marched north ...

    ... Meanwhile in Dragomir Mori ...

    The sun was just rising when I entered Dragomir Mori. Tired and exhausted, I strolled along the shore, where so many ships anchored, ready to defy further attacks ...
    A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Well, if that's not our Paladin!"
    I startled, turned my head and saw Ariel, Fiona and the warrior of love sitting there.
    Seeing their friendly faces conjured a smile on my face. I joined them while Fiona asked, "Where are Dupre and Samael?"
    "Do not worry, everything's fine, they're alive and kicking...", I answered quickly as I took off my boots and stockings and hung my feets in the water.

    Ariel asked carefully, "What can you tell us?"
    "The attack was repelled, there were many deaths, but in the end New Heaven could be defended."
    The warrior of love said "Then the others will return soon?"
    I nodded. "Yes, I think so. As soon as we knew we were going to win, Samael warned to leave, and he urgently wanted to meet Kardan at Tenebris Harbor ... Dupre decided to go with him while I wanted to tell you what happened ..."
    Ariel smiled. "It certainly was not a pretty sight, so good to know you back healthy."
    I nodded as I looked into the water where my feets were cooled and at the same time the first rays of sunshine gave light and warmth.
    "What do you think Samael will do?" Fiona asked.
    "I hope he will get answers that will bring us closer to our goal - the originator of the assassinations and these attacks ...", I said, yawning.
    "I think you should rest now, Michael, let's talk about later ...", Ariel said. I nodded, took my boots and shuffled to our accommodation, where I lay down quickly and quickly fell asleep ...

    [to be continued]
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  15. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meanwhile in Dragomir Mori ...

    While the ship with Lady Catherine, Boris Mondragon and other Avatars arrived at the docks in the far distance, a white pigeon landed beside Ariel and caught her attention ...
    Ariel carefully took a note from the bird's foot.

    "From Zan!", she said excited, loudly reading the letter, which was telling about the Medallions, what happened in the past, about his visitors Kardan, Samael and Dupre and their next journey to Kingsport ...

    "Should we follow them?", Jude asked concerned, while Fiona nodded.

    "Let's wait until Lady Catherine and Boris Mondragon are back! We have to tell them these news. After that we may decide to follow them ..."

    [to be continued]
  16. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Welcome all ye armies, Captains of ships, and other warriors,
    Thank you for coming together today.

    As you know many of you came several months ago to Dragomir when you heard about the assassination of three of our ships captains of which my father was one. We have been looking for clues as to why this took place and to who did it. Captain Boris found a Black Medallion and made the dangerous trip to Tenebris Harbor in search of more of these Black Medallions and to try to find out why they seem to be significant. On his way from Tenebris after a terrible fight with some bad rouges he was injured. Antrax found him in need of medical assistance and took him to New Heaven where Dhanas and Antrax gave him nourishment and bandaged his wounds. However, someone followed him from Tenebris along with obsidian spies. Due to that a battle ensued which many of you left your work of searching for clues and getting ready for a battle here in Dragomir to fight in a battle in New Heaven.

    Captain Boris was mortally wounded in that battle. Due to Marak, Captain's blue dragon, being injured as well, there was not enough reagents to make the permanent potion Captain Boris needed. Captain Trinity, while on her travels seeking to kill Obsidians across the seas had learned much magic from the Sea Goddess. She had the ingredients for the temporary poison antidote and knew the ritual in order to administer the antidote.. Alpha, Captain Stu,, Catweazle, Captain Trinity and I went back to New Heaven where Antrax and Dhanas had found the body of Captain Boris near the water at the docks. We joined Captain Trinity during the ritual she performed to temporarily remove the poison.

    We all returned right away to Port Dragomir to insure more protection for Dragomir. Alpha stayed with Captain Boris due to his weekend body as they traveled back to Dragomir stopping for the night in Honor Hold.
    I decided since I wanted to ready the Misti Sea for battle that I should go through my father's room on the Misti Sea. It had been left just they way he left if after he was murdered for I could not bare the thought of anything being touched or moved. I realized that it was time. While putting away his things I found a note that was under the sofa next his bed. When I picked it up and read it I realized this was a primary clue for it had been written by him using his own blood.
    "Take the necklace I gave you many years ago to the secret room.. Unlock the chest"
    I sent Snow with a message to Honor Hold asking Captain Boris to not leave but to wait until I arrived with this news. He was given the news and we hurried back to Dragomir, found the secret room and unlocked the chest. There was a strange sense of foreboding as we came back and at one point saw a large dark figure in the shadows of the trees. We moved the contents of the chest to a safe location yet left the original chest in the secret room.
    Snow, landed just in front of me with a message tied to her leg.
    Excuse me let me read the message Snow has brought. "Duchess CatherineRose please ask Captain Boris to come immediately to the field next to your castle. Razulah"
    Captain Boris stood up to go. "Continue with the meeting."
    We know that there will be a battle soon for the Obsidians will try to retrieve the contents of the chest. This is the reason we have been asked to gather here today. We have been preparing for a battle. Now we know it is only a matter of how long we have left for these preparations. We need to decide our battle plans. We need to decide how we can communicate during the battle. We need to form groups and decide who the leaders will be of each group.

    Mac and Antrax ( two of the group leaders) will now give their report as to what their recommendations are as we form our battle strategy.

    "Captain Trinity, Peg and Captain Stu please stay after the meeting today and help me compile the information we learned today and the questions that are being asked. We will use this information to organize the structure for our next meeting in a few days from now. Wait here after the meeting and when Captain Boris returns from talking with Razulah you, Peg and Stu please come with Boris to me. I will be in the center of town where we will begin to study Dragomir for vulnerability to attack.

    Please ask any question you want now and offer suggestions at this time as well. We will discuss any questions asked at our next meeting.

    We also will have information as to the search for an ingredient for the permanent anti-poison potion that Captain Boris is in need of before the temporary antidote wears off.

    Have a good evening . Thank you all for coming today.
  17. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    The night before !!!!!!!

    Boris needed a drink and walked into the tavern where he found a dimly lit table towards the back. He had set things right with Captain Trinity and needed a bit of rum and a quiet place to think. He heard a man being to talk aloud about Captain Trinity so his ears perked up and he listened intently. Tis was quite a tale the man spoke about and when he spoke about Captain Trinity's lack of undergarments Boris groaned and almost spat out his rum. He looked out of the window towards the sea thanking the Sea Goddess for her inspiration to leave the woman alone. But there was more to the story and when the man spoke of the mutilation and its cause. he was relieved he did not end up in the same situation. Then the man spoke of his name and fate with Captain Trinity. He would remember the name Peg, Captain Trinity had asked him to seek Peg out a few days ago and ask how he got his name. Fortunately he found out without putting the man through the embarrassment of telling his story.

    Boris finished his drink and stepped out of the Inn. He walked to the edge of the pier close to the drydocked "Dragon", took off his shirt and shoes, laid his hat next to them and dove into the cool refreshing water. He needed to cool off after the story he just heard. He then stepped back on shore, picked up his clothes and walked to the "Dragon" to eat dinner, bathe and rest. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

    The Next Morning !!!!!!!!!!!

    Boris awoke to the sound of men working on the "Dragon" as usual and dressed quickly. It was time to meet with Lady Catherine and the others. He ran into Trinity on the way and though his thoughts lingered briefly on Peg's story he kept his bearing. He saluted her and they both approached Lady Catherine. It was time for strategic planning and several objectives were discussed including range of spells and arrows on the selected targets more likely to be attacked. The session went well and after the meeting Boris went back to the Dragon to speak to Razulah and seek out news on the missing ingredient for the permanent poison cure.

    Their meeting did not last long as a messenger came over and asked Boris to meet the others again for more information. This day was far from over and he wanted to stay busy and not think too much. He knew unless the black garlic for the antidote was found his days were numbered.

  18. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    The horse pulling the wagon let out a loud neigh and looked a bit unsettled. Brady and Ithurel nearly fell out of their seats as the horse stopped in its tracks. Brady held the reigns and yelled to the horse, "What's wrong old boy? There's nothing in the road!"

    As the words left his mouth, he realized he was mistaken as a figure materialized in the path and walked towards them. Adam Crow waved at them and he hopped into the back of the wagon. "I almost beat you guys here, did you get lost?"

    The two men looked at each other and pointed at the chest in the wagon. "We ran into some bandits on the way and felt the need to relieve them of their goods!"

    Adam opened the chest examined the contents and nodded, "Nice work, looks like you guys will be eating well for the foreseeable future."

    Brady snapped the reigns and the wagon rolled on down the path. Dragomir Mori was just coming into view, and Adam felt a bit uneasy as they approached. He could sense trouble was brewing, and hoped their arrival wasn't too late.
  19. Violet Green

    Violet Green Avatar

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    Dragomir Mori. Just docked. July 21, 558.

    Violet spat into the sea off the pier. "We missed it"
    Her disgust was plain. There was no way of knowing if their message had been received but it was obvious the ships were docked far enough apart and that nothing they were worried about had occurred. Looking over at Lily who was gazing intently at the map trying to find her bearings, Violet was still not certain that her theory was correct but she wasn't willing to risk keeping quiet.
    There were others with far more knowledge that would know how to find out what the black discs did but Violet could not help mutter under her breath "Foul black spots", and spitting again.
    Looking up, Lily smiled and pointed the direction to the dry-docked ship. It was as good of place as any to start finding out answers.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
  20. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The Tempest
    Saternesdai Julius 21, Somur 558 PC Late Night

    Trinity took her usual walk around the docks of Port Dragomir.
    It seems this routine has gotten her in trouble with the locals more than once.

    She sees a stranger jumping from the Misti Sea.
    Remembering the encounter with Captain Boris, she hesitates to approach the stranger and chooses to follow him in stealth mode.

    The stranger senses someone is near and begins to run toward the long boat at the end of the docks.

    At the end of the dock is a long boat tied and waiting.
    The tall thin stranger tosses what appears to be maps or scrolls into the long boat begins to untie the boat.
    Trinity releases a fire arrow across the bow of the long boat and shouts

    "The next shot will be between your legs if you move again"

    The man instantly freezes and raises his hands high into the air.
    Trinity shoots another fire arrow into the sky toward The Tempest to alert Peg to come to the docks.

    As soon as Peg and Koa arrive, the stranger is securely bound and Peg and Koa row toward The Tempest with Trinity's sword armed to deliver a killing blow if the captive attempts to move.

    At The Tempest, Trinity shouts orders to Peg and Koa.
    "Take him on board, strip him and secure him in the usual manner."
    "Wait for my return."
    "Please put the scrolls on the table in my cabin"
    "I must return to the dock to wake CatherineRose and Captain Boris"
    "I will return to interrogate (aka as torture) this stranger to see why he was on the Misti Sea"

    Koa and Peg take the stranger on board The Tempest and secure him as Captain Trinity ordered.
    Trinity rows back to the main dock to meet with CatherineRose and Captain Boris...

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