The Black Sails Saga - Part II - Tenebris Harbor and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Jan 1, 2019.

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  1. Peg

    Peg Avatar

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    Peg rousted the crew from their quarters.
    This was not a difficult task since Koa had already awakened them with loud belches and other bodily noises from eating too many beans and rum drinking the previous night. Most of the crew had bailed out from below the deck to get some 'fresh air'.

    Once assembled on the main deck, Captain Trinity address them:
    "You are an elite band of sailors. I have hand-picked each of you. I have always paid you well and spared no expense providing all of your needs. You have served the Tempest well."

    "My allegiance has always been to myself, the Tempest and you. We have accomplish much toward our goal of ridding Novia of the Obsidians. But today I must ask you to do something I have never asked of the crew of the Tempest."

    At this point, I wondered if Captain Trinity was quitting and giving up the mission she had so ferociously pursued. Had she become soft after seeing CatherineRose and all she could have had if she had stayed on her father's estate as a duchess? Had she become afraid of dying or the thought of the Obsidians taking their fury out on her or her family? What is this all about?

    Captain Trinity continued: "EVERY mission the Tempest has begun and EVERY battle we have fought, WE HAVE BEEN AS ONE! I have fought side-by-side with each of you, I have never asked you to fight or do anything that I was not beside you the entire way."

    "Today I must ask you to prepare to do something that I have no joy in asking."
    "Today I ask you to REMAIN in Dragomir with the Tempest to protect this town while I go to a battle in New Heaven. No one can be sure of the outcome of this battle. I could be killed. But I must do this without you beside me."

    "I know I will survive and return to the Tempest, but if I can not continue as Captain of the Tempest, be assured you will be provided for. As in the past and present, my father pledged his full support to the Tempest and crew. If I can not return, you MUST protect Dragomir at ALL costs. The Obsidians MUST NOT prevail here."

    "I know each one of you would rather go with me but you MUST stay in Dragomir."
    "Peg, while I am away, you will take command of the Tempest."
    "The crew will follow your orders as if they are from me."

    "I must prepare to leave, I will bring victory back to the Tempest"
    "Never surrender, victory is yours as long as you keep fighting"

    Trinity stands at attention, draws her weapon and salutes the crew below and says:
    "I know you will make the Tempest proud. May the Sea Goddess be with you"

  2. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "All in Dragomir listen! "

    We now know that New Heaven is the next to be assaulted with an attack. We do not know how great a battle it will be.

    We have been building barracks for the crew of Xee's airships.
    We have built barracks for the army of Mac. Iron Fist and others from Arx Draconis traveled here to ofter help in our protection. Even others from Jade Valley and Kahli have made the dangerous trip here. All of you came when you heard the news about our three ship captains that were assassinated. We have not found many clues yet. We will not give up.

    Captain Mondragon found what may be a clue and went to Tenebris looking for more Black Medallions which may indeed be a clue. While there most of the towns residents were killed by a group of rouge Pirates. He escaped with his life but barely. Antrax found him after wounds and exhaustion over took him as he was escaping from Tenebris. After bandaging his wounds and resting he learned that an attack on New Heaven was about to occur which led him to notify us to go there and battle to help save New Heaven and her residents.

    Although we have not yet entered into battle in Dragomir we see the imminence of it .
    That is the reason I am here today to ask that those of you who are willing please go to New Heaven prepared to fight. Not everyone should go for we need many to stay behind and protect our city and in case there is an attack on Dragomir while we are in New Heaven.

    IronFirst, Mandalar, Brill and Drya I know you have much experience in fighting the Kobolds, Elves and even dragons as you cross the desert areas and other dangerous foe so please be prepared for any number of these if you stay that may enter our port as well as if you go to face even criminal Pirates along the way.

    Since a year ago here in Dragomir when the pirates fought the obsidians and killed many of these evil and dastardly ones we have had peace here and in much of Novia. Due to that battle and the murders of our captains we are suspicious that they are intending to come back with a vengeance.

    Therefore, If the Obsidians should show their faces here before we return my order is to kill all. Do not leave any survivors. Stake them in the sun so if others with murderous intentions even step a toe on this land they will think twice before continuing to enter.

    Each of you take watch over every entry point as well as every road.

    If you need to get a message to New Heaven before we return Snow will be here ready to fly.

    Captain Stu, Captain Monkeysmack, Captain Paulie Walnuts, Captain Trinity, Paladin Michael, Black Tortise, Amarous, Alpha Fishstick, Adam Crow, Rat2 and Arkah I am asking you to be prepared to each lead a group of fighters from Dragomir to New Heaven.

    "Captain Trinity Peg just informed me that your ship will be left in Dragomir as you travel to New Heaven prepared to fight as well."

    The ones of you who are planning to go, take the Transport, for that should provide the fastest travel. Take the transport from Etceter to Soltown and cross from Eastreach Gap over to New Heaven. There is also a Transport from Westend to Central Bittany Graveyard then cross the bridge then on to New Heaven.

    Do not get separated for we must be ready in case of an assault on each group as we take the dangerous trip to New Heaven.

    We will meet next to The Dragon and leave from Dragomir in 5 hours.

    Each of you take supplies, extra arrows, reagents and weapons and food as you travel. We do not know how long we will be before returning home.

    Snow take this message to Captain Boris.

    Captain Mondragon, as per your request to come to New heaven prepared for battle we are on our way now.

    Go. Travel quickly.

    May God of the universe protect you and bring you back safely.
  3. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris awoke listening to the sounds of people on the dock. He opened the window to see what was going on and saw several longboats arriving. There was also much activity and armed men and women preparing their weapons. The attack was imminent as he heard some of the armed warriors speaking out loud.

    "Prepare for battle, we have killed several obsidian scouts on the far eastern and western parts of the city just before dawn".

    Boris washed his face and took a couple of quick bites of the food left for him before he woke up. He was fully recovered and grabbed his longswords. These weapons would feed on the blood of obsidian scum soon. He was about to leave his room when he remembered the black medallions he had left behind and on top of the night table. He was about to hide them when he saw one glow blue and heard laughter coming from it. He remembered an old way to counteract magic so he put it in the bucket at the far end of the room and proceeded to urinate on it. "Laugh now, I will deal with you later"

    As he walked down to the pier a short distance from the Inn he was staying at familiar faces smiled back at him. He greeted Michael, Samael and Dupree.

    "Welcome to New Heaven which may become New Hell for the Obsidians who want to test this City's resolve and army". Come to the Inn and get some food and beverages. Time is of the essence due to the attacks from Obsidian scouts. Lord Anthrax will brief us later today and we must prepare to send that Obsidian scum back to the hole they crawled out of. Any news from Dragomir? I was concerned about its safety. the attack on New Heaven could be a ruse to simultaneously attack an unprepared Dragomir. I will tell you more about all but one of the medallions which is soaking at the moment"

    He grinned at the men as they headed for the inn to exchange information when he saw the redhead get off the other longboat.

    "Michael, what is Catherine's impetous guard doing here? Careful with that one she has the manners of a she wolf".

    Michael looked and recognized who it was then broke out in laughter.

    "Boris, that is not a guard nor a she wolf, that is Captain Trinity of the Tempest."

    Boris looked at the woman who approached them. Boris looked pale and distraught at the mistake he had made back in Dragomir. Michael asked him if he was ill and Boris just shook his head.

    "Michael, I think I put my foot in my mouth back in Dragomir with that woman. Lets see how she reacts this time".

    He closed his eyes briefly and saw a vision of a fleet of ships laying waste to a city then snapped back to reality.

  4. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    Trinity approaches Captain Mondragon and the others surrounding him.
    As she reaches the group, Trinity removes her hat and does an elegant bow to those around the Captain.

    "Good day gentlemen"
    "Before leaving Dragomir I used a spell to summon the spirit of the sea to reveal the future."
    "I saw the battle here in New Heaven"
    "After the battle of New Heaven, Dragomir was attacked."
    "I can not be certain of the date, the vision faded quickly, but I sense it will be soon."

    "I left the Tempest and her crew in Dragomir to protect the city until I return."
    "My immediate return to Dragomir after the battle of New Heaven is essential."

    Trinity directed her attention toward Captain Mondragon.

    "Captain Mondragon !"

    "For years I have heard the legend of The Elegant Pirate."
    "It is my honor to meet you, Sir"

    Trinity removes her hat and drops it to the ground.
    She forms a fist with her right hand and and places her open left palm on her right fist.
    Trinity bows 3 times before Captain Mondragon with the Tai Chi Wushu.
    (This is a respectful Tai Chi bow of great honor and respect.)


    "I regret soiling your image with my impetuous attack upon you on the Misti Sea."
    "Our ability to win this battle and defeat the enemy requires trust and respect of each other."
    "I again offer an apology for my attack upon you."

    Trinity extends her open hand to Captain Mondragon, and waits......
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  5. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    My Lady, it is time for us who are going to New Heaven to go. It is time for all who are staying to be just as strong and vigilant.

    Let's go the the Dragon now and meet with the others.

    I wish my father were here at this moment.
    He was truly a man of integrity unlike many pirates who sail the seas. Since I was little his tales of the open sea inspired me to strive to be fair just like he was fair with me. He could judge a dispute and by the questions he asked of those involved know the one telling the truth and the one not seeing the truth.
    This one ability of his has always stood before my eyes. It is the desire for truth and fairness that my husband also lived by in his life and founded this town upon: Dragomir Mori, remembering we will all die so live in peace as you go through all your days .

    My Lady, when Captain Boris came to our town, he was such close friends with my father whom he had known for many years, my father revered him as a pirate so naturally when he was murdered, he was one of the first who was asked to come to Dragomir. He not only loved my father but had had a great friendship with my husband before his death as well.

    Now. I think of what my father and husband would be doing this day as we are ready to go from Dragpmir to fight this battle in New Heaven.

    I can vision both these strong and courageous pirates facing the danger ahead repeating the oath they had each taken as their own years ago when setting out to rid all of Novia of fear, torture and death.

    I am sure the moto would be blazing before their eyes as they began this journey.

    "One Ship, One Path, One Truth!!!!"

    My Lady, please take care of of Spirit and Snow. Talk with them. They will tell you many things you will need to know.

    I may not see you again My Lady. If death carries me to my fathers new home please know as Dragomir continues that you have been a most gracious and trustworthy servant all these years. I thank you for your service.

    "One Ship, One Path, One Truth!!!!"
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  6. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meantime in Dragomir Mori ...
    After Lady Catherine made her announcement, Dupre told: "So, friends, NOW we can go!".
    Samael showed the palm of his right hand. "Of course, Dupre, just a moment, please."
    Dupre nodded.
    "I would recommend", Samael began, "a few of us should stay."
    "Why is that?", Fiona asked.
    "Look", Samael continued, "The assault here has somthing to do with what will happen in New Heaven, I assume!"
    "How can you be sure about that, Samel?", Ariel asked.
    "Well, they killed Lady Catherine's father and other Captains, right?"
    "Right. And... ?", our Warrior of Love confirmed.
    "Captains, Seamen... "
    "You mean", Fiona started and Ariel finished. "This is against special people?"
    "I am afraid so...", Samael finished.
    "So what would you recommend?"
    "Well, if you ask me"
    "We're asking you.", the warrior of Love said.
    Samael smiled. "I would recommend, Dupre, Michael and me should follow to New Heaven. Ariel, Fiona and you should stay to protect this town."
    "And me?", Kardan asked suddenly.
    "Kardan. Didn't forget you, friend.", Samael said. "I really would appreciate - and I would understand if you wouldn't do so, because it is very dangerous -"
    "Tell me, and I will!", Kardan replied immediately.
    "... if you would visit our old friend Zan. If there is knowledge about those medallions, HE should know about. Would you do this?"
    "Of course! I am pleased to see him again!"

    After that it was time to bid farewell. Me, Dupre and Samael followed a boat leaving soon to New Heaven. Kardan left us to visit Tenebri Harbor while Fiona, Ariel and our Warrior of Love would stay ...

    ... Later in Tenebris Harbor ...
    Someone was knocking on a door ... no response.
    Than he knocked in a softly manner a kind of ... song?
    Suddenly the door was opened very fast!
    An old man was looking grimly at the visitor, until that second he recognized the man infront of him. His mouth ended in a smile and he shouted out:
    "Kardan! Old friend! What are you doing here at those dangerous times! Come in and into my arms!"
    Both laughed and hugged.
    "I just made some tea! You're hungry?"
    "For sure! I had a long way!"
    "Why I am asking? When was it you ever wouldn't be hungry?" Zan laughed again in his special way. "Where are you coming from?"
    "Dragomir Mori!", Kardan answered.
    "Yes, my friend, a really looooong way ..." he said in a gentle voice. Turning around, shaking his head and laughing again.
    "You old storyteller! How I missed this! Come on, sit down. I want to listen to some of your good old storys!"
    Kardan sat down taking his hands around the mug of tea, which Zan poured with lovely smelling tea.
    "Well, what about some ...", Kardan cleared his throat, "... NEW storys?"
    "Of course! All you can explain, well, at the time you're not busy with eating!"
    "For sure, if you got something?", Kardan answered, "What's that over there? Apple pie? I love Apple pie, as you know!"
    "As I know? As I know - there is nothing - relating on food - you don't love!"
    Kardan laughes. "Good to be here with you. Okay, I will tell you some new storys, but before there is something very serious I have to ask about, my friend ..."

    Zan took a sip of his tea, listening Kardan's voice. A voice, how it sounded not very often. "Tell me, Kardan, what is this about?"
    Kardan took some apple pie. "Look, we found a special medallion at some dark people. They were together with a skullclipper ..."
    Zan's eyes opened wide. "Describe it.", he said monotonously.
    Kardan began to speak how that Madaillon looked they found with them in Aerie. Zan closed his eyes and nodded. After taking a deep breath he said:
    "I heard about the assasination of those good Captains. And as I got the note from Ariels dove I knew about Captain Mondragon. Unfortunately I wasn't here as he arrived! But after I came back I recognized his appearance over the last days while he was busy to eliminate alot of bad guys..." Too many, if you ask me to believe this would be uncovered! Fortunately I was arriving with good Anthrax Artek, Lord of New Heaven. I am in contact with him over the last weeks because of curious things happened around ..."
    "Yes, good Captain Mondragon. Good you came right in time!"
    "Yes, it was. Besides, facing the presence of those medallions is really a bad omen..."
    "What do you mean, Zan? What do you know about?"
    "As you know, I am very old, Kardan. I did things in my life I am not proud of, believe me! But over years I tried to be a better person."
    "I just know you as a good person, Zan! And we know each other for 40 years?"
    Zan smiled. "As I told you: I am very old ... However! Those medallions were a sign of a special - ", he stopped, got up, looked out of the windows, and again took a seat.
    His voice lowered. "Their was a special Group. Like those of the Order of Truth, where Ariel was with ... But there also was an Order of Necromants."
    "For what purpose?"
    "They tried to gain the power of the old Obsididans! They wanted to be dominator above life and death. And they used alot of chaos and death magic. Those Necromancer were seen most times with mighty demons! And believe me they did terrible things to people ..."
    "But where is the connection to those Captains?"
    "They had a secret base. Noone knew where! But somedays a fleet of Boats found them by accident!"
    "And what happened?"
    "Knowing about what they're doing, they killed them! It was told, not one of them escaped the massacre!"
    Kardan took some tea, before asking: "But what was your part?"
    "Me? Well... at this time I was a seaman, full of dreams and adventures in my mind! I was on board of a ship as canon balls were fired to destroy that place of evil!"
    "And those medallions?", Kardan asked excited.
    "After we destroyed all buildings, bloody cultist places, most of us landed. We found those medallions with each of them. We assumed it was a kind of badge ..."
    "Okay, but if all of them were dead - what have you done with that medallions?"
    "Well, we were instructed to dig them - all of them! And that day was the last time I saw them! And I hoped never ever to see them again ..."

    [to be continued]
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
  7. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris stood there shocked that Captain Trinity would show respect for him after the way he treated her back in Dragomir. Lord Anthrax welcomed the group as he opened the inn door.

    "Good morning to all, I am glad ye arrived here in the nick of time. We have preparations in progress and should expect heavy combat in the next coming days from what our scouts told us about Obsidian troop movement near our city. I will allow yourselves to get comfortable and expect you in the main hall for a battle preparation briefing within the hour."

    They all nodded to Lord Anthrax and Boris took Trinity's open hand. This woman had disarmed him with her actions of humility and respect. He felt an electricity surge within him from the touch of her hand and look in her eyes.

    "Captain Trinity, I do not know how to make up for my actions during our unfortunate meeting that day on the Misti Sea and afterwards on the dock. I lost my military bearing and all semblance of decorum and for that I do apologize. "

    He held on to her hand for far longer than he should have and she gracefully broke their grip as she was about to reach for her hat. He stopped her hand and reached for it himself. He held her hat in his hands for one second and bowed to her our of mutual respect.

    "Captain Trinity, here is your hat. I have not earned the respect from you yet and hope will do in the near future. We are equals here and will remain so from this moment.. "

    Boris had known Michael from many battles and looked over to see his friend smile, words were not needed as Boris had found a way to mend a severe error in judgment at least for now. He knew it was just a matter of time before Boris would find himself in a pickle again with a member of the opposite sex. As a matter of fact he knew Boris was about to commit another blunder with this woman by the way he looked at her as she placed her hat and straightened out her attire.

    She looked at him with a serious look on her face.

    "Captain Mondragon, is there anything else you would like to say as Lord Anthrax awaits us in the main hall". She looked at him impatiently knowing he was looking and admiring her statuesque figure.

    "Captain Trinity, those are a unique set of ……… Swords. Please lead on to the main hall so we can be briefed by Lord Anthrax".

  8. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    Trinity understood exactly what Captain Mondragon was saying.
    Little does he know how dangerous sexual innuendos toward her can be.
    The only 'Swords' he would be seeing from Trinity would be dripping with his blood.

    "Hmm, I'm not wearing swords today"
    "These are my mage wands."
    "Perhaps the blood rushed too quickly into your head when you bent to pick up my hat."
    "When we return to Dragomir I must introduce you to my quartermaster, Peg ."
    "I'm sure his life experiences about his name would be valuable for you having a 'LONG' life."

    The electric surge he felt and fire in her eyes was not passion.
    Woe to anyone encountering the electrifying hellfire inside of Trinity.

    Trinity smiled as she entered the main hall to meet Antrax.
    The electrifying thrill of being able to kill more Obsidians was almost more than she could bear.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  9. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    After receiving word back from CatherineRose that the rumors were in fact true, Adam quickly left his shop in Novia Market and traveled to Boreus Village in Kahli. Upon his arrival he waved at Sebastian, who was attentively watching the entrance to the village.

    "Hey Sebastian, good to see you. Do you know where Brady is?" asked Adam, with a concerned look on his face. He had just recently hired Brady Haynesworth as the captain of the guard for the village, and was a bit concerned he wasn't at his post watching the gate.

    "He's inside showing a new recruit around." answered Sebastian.

    "Ok, thanks!" said Adam, as he unlocked the front gate and entered the village. He could see Brady and another man standing by the guard tower so he approached them.

    Grady saw Adam walking over and yelled, "Hey there boss, was just showing our newest recruit around." As Adam walked up he saluted Grady and held out his hand to the newest member of the guard. "This is Ithurel Seldona, he's a very skilled fighter and will be a great addition to the crew!"

    Adam and Ithurel quickly exchanged pleasantries and then Adam explained the current situation to the two men. After they were up to speed, Adam motioned towards the wagon near the front gate and said, "I need you both to fill this wagon with as many supplies as you can. Weapons, armor, food, and whatever else we can spare. Once it's loaded up, travel to Dragomir Mori as fast as you can and report to CatherineRose. Tell her I sent you and that both of you are at her service. Follow whatever orders she gives and if you have any problems, you know how to contact me. I have other business to attend to first, and then I'll be heading to Dragomir Mori myself. "

    Both men nodded and got to work. Adam pulled a scroll from his pocket and seconds later disappeared.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  10. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Those words from Captain Trinity caught Boris off guard and hit him like a bucket of cold water. He just nodded as they headed towards their rooms which were all in the same floor of the Inn. Michael followed Boris.

    "Captain, I must speak to you of events in Dragomir that happened after your departure" Boris opened the door and pointed to the table for both of them to sit. He opened the bottle of rum and filled two shot glasses. He realized it was going to take a lot of drinks to tolerate the she wolf no matter how cordial he would try to be. Michael told him of the story about a man who tried to get too friendly with Captain Trinity and the result of his transgression.

    "SHE CUT OFF HIS WHAT?". Boris did not realize how loud his words were as his eyes opened wide. He cringed at the thought for a second then burst out in laughter.

    "Michael thank you for the information and warning, I think I will steer clear of the "She Wolf". I will meet you in the briefing room."

    Boris opened the door and walked down to the first floor briefing room. He opened the door to the briefing room noticing Anthrax was deep in thought while he looked at the maps he had laid out showing fortifications and possible points of entry into New Heaven. They discussed all options for defense and counterattack as the door opened.

  11. amarious

    amarious Avatar

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    One week ago

    He patted down the arrow-riddled bandit corpse that he made a few minutes ago and mumbled a few unintelligible things under his breath. Not expecting the corpse to give him much in useful or shiny loot his fingers brushed over what felt like paper, folded paper. The man then stands up and unfolds the paper. Grime and blood distort most of it but there are still parts that are legible. "Some sort of report," he thought to himself "possibly plucked off of a messenger's corpse" he then kicks the dead bandit once for good measure! "..and about a month old" he furrows his brow "this does not sound good, I wonder if I could be of any help, or perhaps there are still corpses to loot..hmm, to Dragomir Mori it is I thinks."

    Alistair Creagin folds up the newly looted report and puts it into his backpack. "A new adventure and maybe some coin to make, can't go wrong there." he thought.

    A Ferry to Aerie. A skip and a jump and he was at Dragomir Mori with no new events. There on the docks, he looked around at the ships "Incredible.." he said under his breath, not seeing such large ships all together before. It was to him quite the sight to see. He made quick work to get into the shadows where he was most comfortable, especially in these more populated areas. Stealthing from ship to ship and sometimes inside of the ships where one instance led him to meet a beautiful large eagle named Feathers, who nearly gave away his location. His ears perked all the while, he did manage to catch the same whispers and murmurs of another area...New Haven.

    He stalked further into Dragomir Mori and sat next to an ivy-covered fence. "Doesn't seem to be any corpses...perhaps not much going on...New Haven? It's a ways away...but probably will have what I'm looking for. We shall see I suppose...we shall see..."

    Just then a barking white Rottweiler breaks him from his thoughts "Yup, time to get out of here!"
  12. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Atop the dark obsidian tower overlooking all of Kahli, the black robed figure gazed upon the lands in deep thought. Footsteps upon stone and the creaks of wood from below become louder, then a messenger for the Obsidian Order appeared, kneeling before Lord Kala Sharee. The man, properly attired in the Order's uniform for the lowest of ranking soldiers, was completely out of breath from the many stairs and ladders required to reach his quarry. "M'lord... a dispatch. From command."

    Lord Kala Sharee took the rolled parchment from the winded footman, and began to read as the servant sighed deeply, now dreading all the ladders and stairs to be tackled once again.

    To himself, or perhaps to the oddly interested blood raven perched nearby, the undead figure spoke aloud as he eyed the words upon the message, "A battle... New Heaven? Where is this place, I wonder. No orders. Just a report. Hmmm."

    Some time after, the lord spoke with his newly appointed Commander Maluna. She informed him of New Heaven's distant location, at which point his interest waned considerably. "Very well. I shall send... another to observe. You may take leave to do so as well, if you wish." As Lord Kala Sharee departed, the sorcerer whispered delicate and chaotic words of magic which shifted oddly in tempo and pitch. The murmurs seemingly wove themselves in and out of time and space, echoing as if distant, then close. From this magic spawned a copy of himself. A clone. The undead being turned left as he departed, returning to his tower. The copy abruptly vanished, concealed by the magic of stealth, then turned right, departing Kahli in search of this New Heaven to observe what would transpire in the days ahead.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  13. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    New Heaven was a flurry of activity. The plans included defending the castle and its walls and two large groups were formed. Lord Anthrax and his army as well as others such as Mac, Devilcult, Captain Trinity, Alpha Fishstick, MIchael Berg. Many others also stood side by side against the invading horde.

    The tactical objectives had been laid out precisely and made crystal clear to all defenders. Boris used the cover of stealth to look for any possible breaches or weak points in the walls around the castle area and got close to the enemy. It was as he would expect as two opposing groups were testing their defenses. He recognized their badges and had seen some of them in prior battles. He overheard one of them brief their troops.

    "We have two targets on our path to greatness. Seize and hold the castle and the head of Boris Mondragon."

    Boris did not expect anything different. Many times he fell during the battle until he felt the two daggers enter his torso. It was the same as before on that day years ago in Dragomir Mori. This was a different poison and though he slit the throat of the
    assassin he knew this was a mortal wound. He held on to the wall for a few seconds and spat blood continuously. He felt arms carry him off the field and lay him down in a safe area free of battle.

    He looked down at his body from high above and heard Assana call to him.

    I think you have done enough for them, don't you?."

    He felt the sound of the sea as if it also called to him. Would they find a cure to the bleeding poison in time? He saw a man take a piece of wood brightly lit with fire and press it to the wounds in an attempt to catharize them and stop the bleeding yet the man looked to those behind him and shook his head as his initial prognosis.

    He felt his spirit drift far away from everything as if time stood still. The vision of the Sea Goddess smiled at him. He was at peace with himself.

  14. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    Trinity was exhausted from the battle and wanted to lay down in a safe area in New Heaven.
    But unsure where that would be.
    Remembering her words to her crew that she knew they would be anxious for her return.
    She took fast transport to Port Dragomir.

    After Peg assured her all was calm and he had things under control,
    she crashed in her quarters without even changing from her bloody armor.

    Upon awakening, she quickly bathed and rushed to the Misti Sea to check on CatherineRose.
    She was surprised to find she had not returned to Port Dragomir.

    She could 'feel' her spirit and knew she was alive but not her location.

    "I MUST find her."
    "I promised to protect Dragomir"
    "But without CatherineRose in Dragomir, it is just another city."
    . . .
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  15. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Alpha Fishstick thank you for agreeing to stay here in New Heaven and not returning just yet to Port Dragomir.

    You must be exhausted after the battle yesterday but I need your help. The rest of the crews and fighters are exhausted as well but started last night on the return trip to Dragomir. We should have as well but I can not locate Captain Boris. He does not answer me and I have been calling his name since we finished the battle. I have searched the castle as well. One of the fighters said that toward the end of the battle they saw Captain Boris near collapse down by the docks. The fighter could not stop to check on him for the battle was still raging and he was again being attacked as well.

    TRINITY! We are glad you have returned to New Heaven. I know you went back to Port Dragomir last night rather than resting here in New Heaven because you had told Peg that you would return as soon as the battle was over. However, please come with me to the docks and help us locate Captain Boris for we have been unable to locate him and fear the worse.

    Captain Stu and Captain Monkeysmack will be over here as well. They stayed behind to help check the fields for any of our wounded which may need medical assistance.

    Please help us search the water at the docks. Oh my goodness, this area is so large. We must find him! Captain Boris must be unable to respond so we must find him. We can not leave without him. Alpha Fishsticks and Trinity start searching at the East end of these docks and I will start at the West end. Search every inch even under the docks, all around the ships docked here and all of the water. He may be caught in some debris so check that as well. If you find him send a fire arrow in the air and we will come to you.

    Just then I see the fire arrow ascending into the near dawn sky.

    We found him!!!
  16. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Razulah, Come!
    Boris is in a comatose state due to a mortal wound from two poisoned daggers during the battle in New Heaven yesterday. Please come prepared to apply the permanent life returning potion given to you by the Sea Goddess.

    Alpha Fishstick, Trinity and I will administer the temporary potion and ritual needed to prevent his permanent death.

    You will find him near the dock coming from New Heaven where he was left for dead. We will stay with Boris until you arrive.
    Snow will lead you back here to Boris. There is no time to delay.

    Duchess CatherineRose, Governor of Dragomir Mori

    Snow, fly this message quickly back to Dragomir to Razulah.
  17. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    The loud thump on the drydocked "Dragon" top deck awoke Razulah. He knew by the sound that Marak was back from hunting and brought food to him. It had been a night of little sleep and numerous nightmares. He just had a bad feeling about Boris but could not quite know for sure. He stepped out of his quarters and onto the top deck. He ran to Marak as the large blue dragon had blood coming out of its mouth. He held his head for a second and heard what sounded like a whine. Marak had never done this before. He grabbed one of the potions he usually carried on his pack and opened the dragon's mouth. It was a smell of poison yet he did not see any injuries on Marak. The dragon lay unconscious but still alive. Then another sound caught his attention.

    It was Snow who had landed next to him. He noticed she carried a message tied to one of her legs. He set a plate with food and water for Snow as he carefully removed the message and read it to himself.

    "Razulah, come quickly to New Heaven", he kept reading about how they found Boris left for dead and poisoned.

    He did not have time to get to Boris but instead took a small thin vial of a mysterious substance and carefully put it in a small pouch. He carefully tied it to Snow's leg then wrote a note.

    "Lady Catherine. I cannot get to New Heaven in time to save Boris but you must have the 'She Wolf" , yourself and one other from the sea do a ritual to the Sea Goddess. You must then administer the contents of this vial to his injuries first and then have him drink the rest. With luck, the potion and the intercession of the Sea Goddess he may be brought back to life for a short time. This is the only vial I have and there is one reagent needed to duplicate this or make a stronger one for a permanent cure. Hurry as I have another secret you need to know once you bring him back alive."

    Razulah tied the small note to the other leg of Snow. He looked at the bird which must be still tired from the journey and spoke to it in a whisper.

    "Fly Snow, Boris life depends on your arrival with the vial?

    He watched as the bird took flight and went back to tending Marak who was making strange sounds on the top deck.

  18. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Holding out my left arm Snow quietly landed. She was very exhausted from making the round trip from New Heaven to Dragomir and back again to New Heaven. She brought the precious vile of healing power to atempt to temporarily bring Boris back to life from his fatal wounds. The permanent healing potion will be made and ready to administer upon our return to Dragomir.

    Stu, Antrax and Catweazle carefully laid Boris on the Dock in New Heaven. There were a group of on lookers wondering what happened to this man that looked dead. They did not know that he suffered poison dagger wounds yesterday in the fierce battle. After Boris was made as comfortable as possible Alpha Fishstick carefully removed the blood soaked shirt which was all that was left of his armor. Stu began the ritual of life ceremony by beginning the drone sounds of his drum. Dhanas, Trinity and I began to circle Boris as he lay so lifeless on the dock and the others joined in as we circled him three times.
    The wind began from the east to at first very gently in a light breeze and then from the West, the north and south. We continued circling his body until we could not hear for the sound of the wind preparing the body of Boris to accept the healing power of the antidote to be administered.

    In a loud voice I implored Captain Boris Mondragon to hear the words of the Sea Goddess. As the wind swills around you you will feel she is close to you. Hear her words. Open your ears for fidei sanitatem. Bring to your mind curatio and getin to receive this healing of life. Gratia curandi Non Vacant. Hear these words Captain Boris Mondragon words for the Sea Goddess.The wind and the sea togehter blow curatio into your body for life. It is for the sake of life that you were bred. Blow across your son Boris Mondragon Fidei Sanitatem Dei gratia.

    Trinity came forward with her special ability to heal. As the winds raged on she spoke the words Zeph-Motus Xen-Terra, Zeph-Hex Asen-Reno, Zeph-Reno Desen-Vatu. Apha lifted his head and helped him drink the rest of the powerful antidote to this death poison.



    Trinity stood with her head toward the heavens after which she looked down at Boris and
    breathed the breath of life onto the potion that had been poured onto Boris's wounds. With one loud sound a bright green fire flame from her mouth covered his whole torso which caused his whole body to raise upright as if he were standing and alive.


    We waited.The wind became calm and there was complete silence.

    Boris slowly opened his eyes as life returned to his body and he began breathing once again.

    Captain Boris, we must go at once back to Dragomir where Razulah is waiting to give you the permanent antidote.
  19. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris felt the rough landing as his eyes opened. It was the feeling of freefalling then suddenly landing yet he was glad to be alive. He slowly got up and put his hands on both Alpha and Anthrax's shoulders in order to get his balance. A few seconds he regained his balance and smiled at the small crowd that was gathered there. He noticed Stu, Catweazle, Dhanas, Catherine and Trinity. He looked at his attire with that peculiar feeling that maybe he had gone on a drinking binge, blacked out and ended up naked on a pier or street. He was relieved this was not the case.

    "What happened, last I remember we were in a furious battle and someone stabbed me from the shadows. The rest is a blur",

    "Come, lets get you some food and rest. They wait for us in Dragomir and we must hurry". Catherine's voice had a serious tone to it and the group walked over to the inn to have a meal and pick up their belongings.

    It was a hearty meal and some good ale as well. They made plans of sending a permanent ambassador here to New Heaven as well as having one of their army be an ambassador in Dragomir. A new alliance had been formed and this alliance would have to gain other cities and towns. This was just the first clash with the obsidian forces who had plans to attack other cities and towns in the future. The appearance of Obsidian scouts was a clear indication of their intent.

    Boris was about to grab his backpack when he heard the loud knock on the door. "Well sweetheart, are you ready yet, we have things to do and places to be" Trinity stood there at the door with that look on her face like she was ready to leave and her patience was running thin.

    Boris just smiled knowing it was not the time nor place to make another insinuation about pleasure. He still remembered the news of her last "trophy" and his words where brief. "I am ready to head back, thank you for bringing me back to this world.. Once we are back in Dragomir, I would like to thank you personally and in private" He noticed her hands go down to her wands briefly. This woman was all business and he would learn the hard way.

    Boris followed Trinity to the door of the Inn and as they stepped out the rest of the group was there. He thanked Anthrax and Dhanas once again as the sun rose over New Heaven. It was a long trek back to Dragomir and Catherine approached him.

    "Boris, we must hurry, I know the fastest way back and here drink this, it will give you the energy to keep up with our pace". He looked at her, she had that look of concern and worry of what could be happening back at home. They all gulped the potion of haste and headed out of New Heaven.

  20. Boris Mondragon

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    The next morning !!!

    Boris awoke from the sound of voices on the first floor of the inn then realized he was not alone in his bed. The two young ladies that he first met on his arrival in New Heaven were smiling at him.

    "Shall we continue where we left off two hours ago Captain? We do not want our meeting to end until nightfall".

    Downstairs in the Inn Lobby!!!!

    Lord Antrax and Alpha Fishstick were talking to an irate man looking for his daughters. Antrax and Alpha swore they had been there all night talking strategy and going over the status of the dead and wounded and hat not seen any young ladies come in. Both looked at each other and the irate man knowing Boris was in trouble somehow. Alpha excused himself and headed towards Boris' room quickly knocking on the door. "Boris I assume you are alone right?"

    "No he is not, go away and don't bother us until nightfall" giggles were heard from the room.

    Boris got up threw on a robe and answered the door, he felt something was going on and knew Alpha's voice. he opened the door quietly pointing to the downstairs area. "What is the problem brother I was having a good time and can share them with you if you wish" Boris grinned yet saw the look of concern from Alpha.

    Alpha spoke in a hushed tone. "Brother we have a problem. Their father is downstairs upset and asking questions to Lord Antrax. He is buying us time to get the "ladies" and ourselves out of this place but I only see one way out."

    Boris signaled the ladies to get dressed which they did quickly. "Your father is downstairs so we have to get you both out of here". He gathered his things and all four went down the hall opening the back exit of the Inn. Boris asked the ladies to go around to the front and tell their father they were there earlier looking for a traveling salesman who was bringing them perfumes. They laughed mischievously and agreed when Boris promised them to return as soon as he could to continue their "conversation".

    The ladies did as instructed and once inside the Inn the situation calmed down. Boris and Alpha went around the inn as well and walked in nonchalantly. they greeted Lord Antrax and the man next to him. They thanked Lord Antrax for the hospitality with a promise to return to New Heaven soon. The two sisters blushed furiously and winked at him as Boris faced their father. Sir, Captain Boris Mondragon and this fine gentleman next to me is Captain Alpha Fishstick. We are at your service if ever needed. Both men bowed courteously and headed out. Boris remembered the look on Lord Antrax's face knowing he was doing his best to keep from bursting out in laughter at this stunt pulled by Boris.

    They both headed out of town and Boris remembered a note left on his night table which he retrieved from his right pocket. He looked at the letter closely and there were instructions on the quickest path back from New Heaven to Dragomir. He showed Alpha the note and both men hurried their stride.

    Here are the directions to Dragomir Mori from New Heaven:

    Brittanys to Novia Market then continue on road S past Silverdale Market continue s to North Midmaer Way stay S and cross little stone bridge. Go straight vere to left...not toward Kiln continue S and pass South Midmaer WAy contiue s until you see the town Honor Hold. Go to your right. You will be going SW cross the stone bridge at Sawtooth Thicket. Running NW now to Etceter. take little boat behind Etceter to Xenos.
    Go E from Xenos and take boat to Aerie Twins Foothills( the boat is the one in the middle or 3 boats in the water in front of Sparrowfall. From Aerie run to Dragomir.

    Both men agreed they could make it to Honor Hold by night fall, rest and eat a meal. From there they would leave in the morning and arrive at Dragomir by nightfall. They felt the faint footsteps behind them and Boris motioned for Alpha to be ready to fight at any second. Hand signals both men knew out of necessity yet no attack came. Whomever followed them was a master in stealth and interested in their tracks and final destination only. At Honor Hold they went to the Inn getting two rooms, a meal and a few ales to recuperate. They took two hour watch shifts from the hallway that led to their rooms just in case someone was stupid enough to attack.

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
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