The focus around so much new store content

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Doomballs, Nov 1, 2016.

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  1. Doomballs

    Doomballs Avatar

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    I have been here from the start on and off. literally day 1. The game is not even launched yet, and they are releasing item after item for you to buy, saying (One time ONLY! OMG! you will be the only one to ever ever have this item!) Rather than releasing a new Toilet... for us to buy, how about you stop trying to suck every penny out of the mmo community and work on finishing the game. Then you can go back to trying to make money. Your focus this entire time has been money money money, and it's ruined the game. My entire guild has left and I'm hanging on by a thread. You are gonna lose before you ever start.

  2. Satan Himself

    Satan Himself Avatar

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    Hard to take that seriously while I'm laughing so hard at your avatar ......

    Edit: woke up this morning and started literally LOL again.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
    Cordelayne, Adam Crow, Leelu and 18 others like this.
  3. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    Ok, but really, it's that coupled with the name that's the icing on the cake. :)
  4. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    Breaker's Landing
    @Doomballs stick around till January before making up your mind. Following deliverables are in the pipeline. If you need a place to stay until then just PM me.

    Source :

    RELEASE 36, November 17, 2016

    Story: Path of Love polish will continue but primary focus will begin shifting to the Path of Courage with special attention on Estgard. We also hope to have the new PVP area begin coming online with the town area first.
    Combat: We plan to refactor how Damage Types and Resistances work to better balance different weapon types, spell schools, and creature types against each other. This will also improve the variety of crafted items.
    Player Towns & Player Housing: Towns with player housing will now dynamically update their icon on the Overworld based on various data, including number of claimed lots and online population. Additionally we will continue to expand the Dynamic POT Tool set. Also Obsidian homes for the Obsidian bundles will come online. Finally, updates to Dynamic Player-Owned Towns that have locked submission forms will appear in the game.
    Crafting: Crafting will be refactored to include the new Damage Types and Resistances. We will also add more Enchantments and Masterwork modifiers, including some related to Celestial Mechanics.
    Character: We will begin work polishing the Kobolds and updating them to better reflect their lore (much of the technology in Novia can be attributed to them). We will also work on the Testing Incentives Program Wearables and Summer Telethon items.
    Social: Guilds will now be able to form alliances with each other and we will be introducing a new default guild for all new players called the Outlander Guild.

    RELEASE 37, December 15, 2016

    Story: The Path of Courage polish will continue with focus on Harvest and Resolute. We will also continue expansion of the new PVP area with the addition of the dungeons area. Finally, the NPC Conversation System will be getting a much needed refactoring and polish pass.
    Town Sieges: The first iteration of Town Sieges will come online where periodically you will have to fight through battle lines to get into and out of a town under siege by the 8 Obsidian Cabalists.
    Combat: The cover system will be introduced and will modify attack and defense values when you (or your target) are behind cover.
    Player Towns & Player Housing: The first iteration of Player Owned Town Blessings will go live where monuments placed in POTs will grant long term buffs whose power and/or duration will be based on the population of the town. Also, more Obsidian homes for the Obsidian bundles will appear. The ability to Rent Rooms in a player home will start to become available to homeowners. Additionally, work will begin on the first Static POTs. Finally, updates to Dynamic Player-Owned Towns that have locked submission forms will appear in the game.
    Crafting: Fishing will get an expansion and polish pass. We will also expand weapon recipes to include more visual variants (Elven, Norgard, Obsidian, Kobold).
    Character: Valhold will be the second city where we begin adding region specific clothing (Viking themed) for the residents, including unique armor for guards, clothing for citizens, garb for merchants, and regalia for royalty. We will also begin introducing the first of the Obsidian Cabalists.
    Cordelayne, Leelu, FrostII and 5 others like this.
  5. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    I like cake, but its not good for me. :(
  6. NZguzzi

    NZguzzi Avatar

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    Enough of the garden gnomes please.
    More stat and combat refinements, oh and the loot system please...more gold to pay that over priced city lot tax ( has anyone even claimed yet on these? ) :)
  7. NZguzzi

    NZguzzi Avatar

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    Stroke it = purrrrrrr ?
    Moiseyev Trueden and Budner like this.
  8. Gemini

    Gemini Avatar

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    Imba avatar pic and handle.

    I think they are using the money to make the game, so I am guessing no money, no game.

    A difficult paradox that they meet with the monthly developments as outlined by an earlier poster and the game store. There is visible progress.

    Has it all gone according to plan, no, but they acknowledge that, act on it and are visible on the forums and in-game to a level I have not seen elsewhere. If you have also backed other kickstarters, I am MUCH happier about the playable progress in SotA than say Star Citizen.

    Keep the faith, and don't take up enchanting, it will only add to your frustration and make you poor and make you cry, at the same time.
  9. Luca Xante

    Luca Xante Avatar

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  10. Doomballs

    Doomballs Avatar

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    The decision to develop Dark Age of Camelot was made in late 1999, with it originally being conceived of as a graphical MUD.[6]Mythic Entertainment president Mark Jacobs proposed the idea of using Arthurian legendsince it was on the public domain and thus the company would be free of any licensing issues. Total development costs excluding equipment leases was about $2.5 million and took 18 months with a team of 25 full-time developers.[6]3DS Max and Character Studio were used to create all models and animations within the game. If they are telling you they need more money this is for sure disheartening, DaoC was a much better game "in my opinion" and far more polished and in depth crafting system and class customization. They had enough money to build Daoc 4 TIMES. where did all that money go, I wonder ? Also, Wtf @The random responses that have nothing to do with the topic ? http://
    Morreion and Galamar like this.
  11. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    Another great from 1999... I still smile every time I see a red Swingline. :D
  12. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    All of the money (100%) goes towards funding the development of episode I. They're not making money, they're making the game.

    If they didn't do this, the game would be less robust, less sophisticated, and the development would have been over months (maybe years) ago.

    What you fail to either understand or consider is that most games don't do what we're doing because they don't have to. Most games have a publisher that calls the shots and there is literally zero fan input. By the time you see these games and can play them, they're done. They don't get updated or improved because that cuts into profits. Yes, we the fans see these games they're more polished and functional, but they're also often cookie cutter games that look, smell, feel, and play just like whatever game we stopped playing to try out this "new" published game.

    If we could go back in time, I believe the developers would probably start selling more stuff more frequently than they originally did, simply because they now realize that this was the only way they could fund such an ambitious project. Because of people complaining about it, we tried not selling "all the fluff" and it didn't work. It only put us back financially from our goals. To the developers great credit though, there's nothing in the add-on store that gives a significant advantage over anything that can be obtained or created in the game using skills or in-game gold.

    So what are your options? Well you could continue to be angry/disappointed that the game is still in development. Or you could realize that the only bad part about this is that you have to continue to wait for the game to be at a point in development that you enjoy. Which one seems more productive?

    Personally I love the game as it is right now, although I have a long laundry list of improvements that I'm very hopeful will make it in before official launch. Until then, I hope they continue to sell all kinds of cool rare stuff in the add-on store, because that's what pays the salary of the development team and allows them to continue to develop this fine game.
  13. Timmy Vortex

    Timmy Vortex Avatar

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    It's a conspiracy i tell you! A CONSPIRAAAAAAZY!!!
    Kabalyero and Cally like this.
  14. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    Breaker's Landing
    I researched the fascinating background story of DAOC and found this great link :

    DAOC used a publisher (Vivendi) and was eclipsed by WoW both in features and graphical quality.. A better comparison to SOTA would be Camelot Unchained (DaoC's successor) which was able to raise $5M ( $2M Kickstarter + $3M private funding) to get the game developed. Camelot Unchained is VERY focused on PvP - no PvE progression :

    "Camelot Unchained is ruthlessly designed for a niche, an MMO audience that enjoys a three-realm war (RVR) between players and only players - there is no PVE progression, no fighting monsters for experience or for equipment. Everything in the game is designed with this everlasting war in mind. It's experimental, and made by a small team that wants people playing it and testing ideas as soon as possible - by January, if all goes to plan. Best of all, Camelot Unchained makes no bones about not being for everyone, because by only costing $5 million - rather than 10-times or 50-times that - it doesn't need even hundreds of thousands of subscribers to make it a success."

    Considering the greater scope and complexity of SOTA the costs seem right on the dot. And having witnessed how frugal RG's team is I'm confident they have the reserves to get it done.
  15. Korim Rackham

    Korim Rackham Avatar

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    PIsmo Beach, CA
    Exactly why I quit playing.
    Lord Bankee, Fellwin and Vallo like this.
  16. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Oh sweet jesus a daoc pvp focused remake? .. . . . . . . thats the first thing that made an argument agianst sota thats made sense to me so far..

    Also.. if your not playing anymore.. yet still following the forums ( and posting ) im assuming your part of the group that is sittin back and waiting till they get further along? Or if youve no interest in the game anymore... why follow the forums?
    Ive said it before and ill say it agian.
    We out pace the speed in which they can release. While i agree about too much focuse on deco and that stuff, my understanding is just because other things take longer, doesnt mean the guys doing the artwork should stop.
    ( i imagine they can do 25 or 30 items and cosmetic things in the time of the first pass on a new zone )

    Lota people need to take breaks from sota till they consider it more done.
    Snazz, Leelu, NRaas and 3 others like this.
  17. Blitz101

    Blitz101 Avatar

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    @doomball The game is crown funded so you have to expect they are going to try and raise money to continue to expand the funds for the game. AAA titles can use up to 200 million from start to finish.
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  18. golruul

    golruul Avatar

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    I view this differently and see it as an efficient use of resources.

    If you have a graphic artist/content creator that's free, you can't just assign them programming change requests to tackle. Similarly, if you've committed to a bunch of new graphics content and your programmer frees up, you probably don't want to throw them at Photoshop (or whatever they're using). It's just not a good allocation of resources/skillsets.

    If the current state of your project requires a lot of code changes, you still want the other (non programmer) people to be doing something productive (hopefully related to their skillset).
    Leelu, moko, LoneStranger and 2 others like this.
  19. Doomballs

    Doomballs Avatar

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    Well here, with that mentality, Go ahead and buy my product too.

    Yep, I do own Summit Forge. I will give you something tangible, But I will also say x% of profits will go towards making you happy! (no they wont...) Hurry and buy it now before they are gone! Be the only one to get your hands on a Summit Forge blade! (no you wont...)
    Weins201 likes this.
  20. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    The difference between revenue and profit are important to understand.

    The money obtained from the add-on store and pledges go directly to making the game. It pays developers, it keeps the lights on, it pays for the servers, etc... None of that money goes into the pockets of "people" outside of paying them a salary to feed their families and pay their mortgage, etc...

    If you're not happy with the game, ok. I'm sorry to hear that. But there wouldn't be a game if it wasn't for the add-on store items and pledges. That's the reality.

    The example you just used "a knife on amazon" is not something you used money to create, or is it something that requires money to maintain. It's a "thing" that you would sell and potentially make a profit from. That's not what's going on here.
    Snazz, Elwyn, Leelu and 5 others like this.
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